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044-1993 DM
".- r- r DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. _44-199~ DATE: September 23, 1993 TO: All Department Directors FROM: Roger M. Carl city Manager SUBJECT: 1993 EMERGENCY DIRECTORY UPDATE Enclosed please find updated pages to be inserted into your 1993 Emergency Directory. Please keep your copy in a confidential location for your use. If additional copies are required, or updated information is available, contact my secretary Amy pinder. Thank you. RMC:ap Attachments c:\wp51 \telephone\emergency.upd ,- FIRB CHIBF Braniard Dorris (Spouse: Gail) ASSISTANT FIRB CHIBFS John Reed (Spouse: Roxanne) Tom Sullivan (spouse: Barbara) COMBAT CHIEFS: William Miller (A shift) Ron Houck (B shift) r- Roy Albritton (C shift) FIRE RESCUE DIVISION CHIEF Luis Garcia, Jr. FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Tom Wray FIRE DEPARTMENT HOME ADDRESS 10050 Kendale Blvd. Miami, FL 33176 2151 S.W. 114 Ave. Davie, FL 33325 13228 N.E. 3rd ct. Miami, FL 33161 3540 Mahogany Way Coral Springs, FL 33065 11120 S.W. 124 st. Miami, FL 33176 12295 N.E. 8th Ave. Miami, FL 33161 12871 S.W. 22 st. Miami, FL 33175 CHIEF 25701 S.W. Miami, FL 212 Ave. 33031 COMMUNICATIONS LIEUTENANT Tom Columbano FIRE TRAINING DIVISION CHIEF Thomas Thompson r .JEPTEMBER 1993 12401 S.W. 33 st. #212 Miramar, FL 33027 910 Tropical Lane Key Largo, FL 33037 PHONE NUMBERS 673-7881 (fax) 673-7120 (office) 595-5835 (home) 673-7800 x0003 (beep) 841-0232 (beeper) 673-7120 (office) 1-370-1174 (home) 841-0233 (beeper) 673-7120 (office) 893-3817 (home) 841-0235 (beeper) 673-7118 (office) 1-345-4715 (home) 839-0085 (beeper) 673-7118 (office) 251-8855 (home) 841-0312 (beeper) 673-7118 (office) 895-5935 (home) 841-0237 (beeper) 673-7130 (office) 551-4237 (home) 841-0238 (beeper) 673-7123 245-4640 839-0606 (office) (home) (beeper) 673-7120 (office) 1-432-7118 (home) 952-6058 (beeper) 673-7140 (office) 227-0248 (home) 841-2286 (beeper) , r- CODE COMPLIANCE CODE COMPLIANCE SUPERINTENDENT Joe Damien 11163 N.W. 7 st. #104 Miami, FL 33172 ,,-- r dEPTEMBER 1993 673-7555 (office) 225-6543 (home) 276-9401 (beeper) , - GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT HOME ADDRESS ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT TO DEPARTMENT HEAD Fernando Rodriguez 2625 Collins Ave. #1401 Miami Beach, FL 33140 SANITATION , CENTRAL SERVICES DIVISION ASSISTANT DIVISION DIRECTOR Robert Thomas (Spouse: Emma) PHONE NUMBERS 532-4168 (home) 732-9791 (beeper) 10504 NW 7th Street 673-7480 (office) Pembroke pines, FL 33026 696-2546 (home) 437-0475 (Broward) 673-7074 (fax) COMPUTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION MIS DIRECTOR _Cheryl L. Gorchik 7601 E. Treasure Dr. #2404 N. Bay Village, FL 33141 COMPUTER OPERATIONS MANAGER Linda Michols 12009 Landing Way Cooper city, FL 33026 TECHNICAL SUPPORT MANAGER John Visser 147 SW 154 Terr. Miami, FL 33187 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR Joe London 10511 Paris st. Cooper city, FL 33026 TELECOMMUNICATIONS ANALYST Gonzalo Gonzalez 12071 S.W. 10 st. Miami, FL 33184 r dEPTEMBER 1993 673-7040 (office) 865-4910 (home) 673-7800 x0011 (b) 673-7043 (office) 1-432-8110 (home) 673-7585 (office) 238-7246 (home) 673-7586 (office) 1-437-5703 (home) 841-0622 (beeper) 673-7185 (office) 226-1100 (home) 841-0598 (beeper) - PARKING DEPARTMENT HOME ADDRESS DIRECTOR Raymond Schaeffer 1416 Algeria Ave. Coral Gables, FL 33134 ,,-- r dEPTEMBER 1993 PHONE NUMBERS 673-7828 (office) 447-4531 (home)