048-1993 DM . / CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA33139 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673-7782 DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 48-1993 TO: All Department Directors DATE: October4, 1993 FROM: Roger M. C City Manager SUBJECT: PETITION FOR RECOGNITION FROM COMMUNICATION WORKERS OF AMERICA/NOTICE FOR POSTING Attached is a copy of Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC) Form 5 which, Under PERC Rules, is being used to notice City employees that the Communications Workers or America are proposing to take over the bargaining unit heretofore represented by the Miami Beach Employees' Benevolent Association. The PERC FORM 5 NOTICE and Its ATTACHMENTS must be Immediately POSTED on all the bulletin boards within vour departments and divisions. Please make photocopies of the notice and its attachments for distribution to your various divisions for posting. This PERC FORM 5 NOTICE Is to be POSTED In a conspicuous location, and Is to remain POSTED until further notice from this office that the condition for recognition has been resolved. Please take reasonable steps to ensure that the notices are not altered, defaced, or covered by any other materials. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. RMC:lg Attachments dJEPT MEMo.ur::JM CWA..psrC.P11i cc: Eddie Cox, Senior Assistant City Manager Dean R. Mielke, Assistant City Manager r Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager . ~~}1i~_~!1~~ NOTICE TO 8EMPLOYEES FROM THE , STATE OF FLORIDA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RELA TIONSCOMMISSION The attached petition has been filed seeking an election to determine whether certain employees desire to be represented by an employee organization for the purpose of collective bargaining. If an election is held, a Notice of Election will be posted giving complete details for voting. r YOU HAVE THE RIGHT UNDER FLORIDA LAW: . To self-organization . To form, join or assist employee organizations . To bargain collectively through a chosen representative . To act together for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection . To refrain from any or all such activities . PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RELA liONS COMMISSION Koger Executive Center, Turner Building Suite 100, 2586 Seagate Drive Tallahassee. Florida 32399-2171 904/488-8641 - THIS IS AN OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT NOTICE AND MUST NOT BE DEFACED. PERC Form 5 (Rev. 3(90) ~2 73 I , . jr- I'- i I ,-- F_Jlic Employee Reporter (FlorIda , .1ltion) RE'"'''' '-l"'l -t..;c.!\f::~.) STATE OF FLORIDA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RELATIONS COMMISSION Koger Executive Center. Turner Bldg. SuilO 100. 2586 Soogato Drive T II FI '0 32399-2171 'Oq~ r:rp I 7 INv "" m 9: 44 .-....... . r f/::;,;~,;l:..r!~ '... ~:~~G~~ . . " ,,-r;,;>r a ahassee. on a 7"::'1 ,_.:"':"~:4; DONol ,'i{ \8. . .'Thla Boll (904) 486-664' :~uQn~ _ o6c? REPRESENT A TION-CERTIFICA nON PETITION (Fla. Admin. Code Rulos 380-17.007. 380-17.008). DATE FIl.ED q3 q n .INSTRUCTIONS: Submit an original and one <') copy 01 this petition to \he Public Employees Relations ComnEsion along with prool 01 simultaneous service upon the other panies as required by Fla. Admin. Coda Rule 3&0-13.004. It more space is required tor any item. anach additional sheets numbering items accordingly. Petitioner requeslS the Public Employees Relations Commission to process this petition under ilS proper authority. 1. NAME OF PETITIONER: COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA Palmetto Building, Suite 200; 1040 Woodcock Road Address: Orlando. FL 32803 Zip Code 2. PETITIONER REPRESENTATIVE: PAUL A. DONNELLY. ESO. Tille: Attorney for CWA P. O. Box 628 Address: Phone NoJ 904) 462-4005 Alachua. FL 32615 Zip Cooe 3. PERC REGISTRATION NUMBER OF PETITIONER: OR- 10/23/93 86-003 Expiration of current registration: 4. NAME OF EMPLOYER: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 Convention Center Drive Address: Mi~mi 'R,:)~~"'.FT. ~~'~Q Zip Code 5. EMPLOYER REPRESENTATIVE: RoGer M. Carlton Tllie: C'ity M"n"l1pr 1700 Convention Center Crive PhOne No. Address: M;~m; ~Q~~n ~T ~~,~a Zip Code PERC Form.. IR.", 3/001 1 'J I Pagt 1 QI 2 7/16/92 1-31~ ~~ ...- 1 Public Employee Reporter (Florida EalLlon) r' 6. DESCRIPTION OF UNIT proposed 10 ba appropriate for the purpose of collec:livebar9aining. (U51individually all job classifica, C tions proposed for inclusion.) INCLUDED: All regular, full-time classification: Please Classifications (Note: representated by Miami Association) employees in the following job see attached list of Job This unit is currently Beach Employee's Benevolent EXCLUDED: All managerial, supervi sory, c'onfident.ial, temporary and casual employees, and employees represented in other certified bargaining units. 7. APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES in the unn claimed 10 be appraprial8: 300 B. Is this petition accompanied by a showing of interest consisting of signed and daled SlalemenlS from 30% or rno,e of the employees in the proposed unit indicating that they desire to be represemell lor purposes of collective bargaining by the petitioning employee organization? X YES NO r 9. NAME OF CURRENTLY CERTIFIED BARGAINING AGENT for any 01 the e",,*,,"s in the proposed unit (If none. so state) MIAMI BEACH EMPLOYEE'S BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, INC. NAME: Address: 605 Lincoln Road, Room 214 Miami Beach, FL 33239 Zip Code 10. Is there an existing collective bargaining contracl? IF YES. date of expiration YES 19_ x NO I have raad the above petlllon end elf arbochmenta. The alat.menta contained_rain .... IN. 10 the b..t 01 my knowledgl and balfel. A copy 01 thle lully ..ecuted lorm hae been mailed or deU.._ to the other partie. lI.tad In Itam. 5 and 9 11. DATE OF EXECUTION September. 16 , 1993 ~.~~ Signldure 0/ Petilioner Represantaf PAUL A. DONNELLY, ES . r FALSE STATEMENTS MAY RESULT IN FINE AND IMPRISONMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 837.06. FLORIDA STATUTES PERC Form . P-.o-20(2 "'2 1_ ":11 A 7/16/92 n.) r ATTACID<lEi\'l: LIST OF JOB CLASSIFICATIONS PROPOSED FOR INCLUSION Account Clerk, I, II, & III Administrative Aide I & II Administrative Assistant I Administrative Secretary. Air Conditioning Helper Air Conditioning Mechanic Building Inspector Buyer Carpenter Civil Engineer I & II Clerk Clerk Typist Code Compliance Field Supervisor Code Compliance Officer I & II ,-- Coin Room Money Handler Commission Reporter I & II Communications operator Communications Technician I Community Services Specialist Complaint Operator II Data Entry Clerk Dispatcher Dispatcher Trainee Duplicating Equipment Operator I.D. Technician I & II CWA/MIAMI BEACH PETITION - Electrical Helper Electrical Inspector Electrician Elevator Inspector Engineering Assistant I, II & III Engineering Inspector Lifeguard I & II Lifeguard Lieutenant Mason Masonry Helper Mechanical Inspector Museum Assistant Painter Parking Enforcement Specialist I & II Parking Meter Technician I & II Permit Clerk Photographer Planner Planning Technician plumber Plumber Helper Plumber Inspector Pool Guard I & II . Secretary Public Safety Specialist I & II