049-1993 DM CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673-7782 49-1993 DEPARTHENT MEHORANDUM NO.: October 1, 1993 TO: All Department Directors SUBJECT: ADVERTISING OF CITY MEETINGS This memorandum shall supersede Department Memorandum No. 32-1986 dated July 17, 1986. Effective immediately the City will be placing advertising of all board and committee meeting notices in the Sunday Neighbors edition of the Miami Herald. Please keep in mind that the City Manager's Office is required to submit (via fax), a list of all meetings scheduled for the upcoming week. The Beach Neighbors has a cut-off deadline which is early Wednesday mornings. (This deadline is now being strictly enforced). All meeting notices scheduled for the coming week must be received in writing to the Public Information Office located in the City Manager's Office, no later than that Tuesday which precedes the week of your meeting. Thank you for your continued cooperation. RMC:pp cc: Mayor and Members of the City Commission City Manager's Executive Staff All City Boards and Committees