053-1993 DM CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 140 MAC ARTHUR CAUSEWAY MIAM~ MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7643 DIRECTOR'SOFFICE DEP.J~R. fI/L~N~ MEHORAI'iDUMNO, 53-1993 October 14, 1993 TC): All Department Heads and Directors FROM: Mayra Buttacavoli Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: VEHICLE EMISSION TESTING Enclosed find a list of vehicles that are assigned to your departments and which require a State of Florida Emission Test. It is requested that you assign someone to coordinate the testing process for the vehicles in your department. This person should be responsible for insuring that all vehicles assigned to your department are tested on the dates and time indicated on the enclosed vehicle list. Please identify the person you will assign for this task and, as soon as possible, notify L.H. (Bob) Wells, Mechanical Maintenance Superintendent, via written memo. Mechanical Maintenance has arranged for a mobil inspection facility to be located at the Police Department, 11~ Washington Avenue, starting at 8:45 A.M. on Thursday November 4, 1993. There are over 4~$ C.M.B. vehicles which require this State mandatory testing. Each department must insure that all vehicles assigned to them are tested before January 1, 1994. Any vehicle not tested by November 8, 1993 (at the time indicated on the attached vehicle list), must be taken to a State authorized test site. It will be the responsibility of the person assigned as the Department Coordinator to have these vehicles tested, and to send the pass or fail report to M~chanical Maintenance. The cost of the test is $1~.$~ per vehicle which will be paid by Mechanical Maintenance. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. MDB:LHW:lt Attachments