David R . Custin/World Waste Servicesi~,~~~'^~ ~~~ ~~ ,r`~ , } ~ ~ ~ ~~`„~ ~. ;~~, ~~„ ~" 2Q08 MTV 25. PM 12~ 36 City cif Miami Beach Office of the Ctyl~ler1~~~'```~' ()~ i•"ICE. 17D{~ Cclnventi+an Center i:}riue, Miami Beach, FL 33139 LaBSYIST R~Ei~s~r~a~rlot~ ~oR~w Lobbykst means all persons empbyad or rata#ned; whether paid or not. by a pnnttipal who seeks to ent~rage the passage, defeat or mod#8cat~n of ~y andinancer, resfliution, t~ron or desCiiYiott of any commissioner: any aetion, decision, recommeruiation of the Clly Manager ur ary sty board or trommlktee; or sn~y actior+, decls#cxa or r~erapmmendatiDn of airy city personnel during the time per#od of the entire decision-making process on such achan. decision ar recommendation that toreseeaGly will be I+earc# or reviev++ad Dy the sty cxmmisaion, or a city beard or cammittr3e. Tix term aiddutles the pr#napal as well ar>< sny employee engapad in iattby#ng arsivits. Ttwe lv~rm "Lobby#sLS" irss specfHc txel~aions. Piaa~a re/ilrta drdiranaa 231D4.34y5. _Custin David R. NAME t7F LC78BYl5T': (East} {First). {M.l} David R. Custin and Associates, Inc. 6401 SW 113 Pl, Miami, FL 33173-1083 BUSWESS NAME ANLt Ai]aRESS {Nurnbt3r and Street} {city} 4State) {Zip Code} .305-412-3772 305-412-3773 custindre~davidreustin.com 'TILEFHC)NE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: EMAiL: #. LQB8Yl8T' RETAINED BY: World Waste Services NAME ©F PRINCIPALICUENT: NW 35 Ave. Miami FL 33142 au~tnw: 1+1+AMt Alvu RuvKfM~s tlvuml~sc ana Street} {L`ityj t~te~el tc~ wcxrat 305-636-44.3..4. 30.5-633-8226 edamasoQworldwasteservice.com is a Ctarporation, Pa-tnarahlp or • NAME ©F CFII.F ©l"FICER, PARTNER, QR 9ENlrE'ICEARY: Michael Adams IOEN'f1FY ALL. PEi25ANS FiQIDtNG, C?1FtECTLY QR lfdDll~ECTLY, A S$6 t}R MARE t~WNERSHIP INTEREST IN aUCH CORPpRAT1pIV, Pi4RTNERSHIi~ pR 3-}~l,}E"~'; Michael Adams, Martha Saroza, Robert Saroza ~I.SP~C11=1C LE3BY ISSUE;. RFQ 49-07-08 Issue #o be lobbied {L3escrlbe in detail}: Ill. I~iTY AGENCIESIliN1~-IVlDUAtS 7t3 BE LOE3E311~L1. {Pun~uant to city Code 5ectlon xs~~{g~ lnciudr a ssbbmsnt of the extent of any business, financlad, illal, professional or other tlelationshlp, glring raise to >nfn appearatlce of an imp~opi~iety, with any City Personr-el sougtrt to be tobbted, further, pursuant to clty .Cads Section 2- 48;1fax4) Include a statenleM of any eoractual ralatiansshiP {Paid: crr etnPaidj from 12 months prtnreding the cot»»mi~sesnlent of servids of City per~pnnet to be labbled.} none ~TE f~ ~7Ni. Aj L48BXtSTF315CLOSi.112E`#~~ $20,000.00 retainer. B~ PRINGlRAt.'S L3iSCLE}SUfiE {O~ LC~BI'iST flMPENSAI'IQA!): , $20, 000.00 retainer f~w~)• Ttae fc~tto~ng irt#omrtasiiesn muef tae at>~vvered. 9) Rursuani to Miami teach City Co+c~ Section 2-+r~8 Entitled ~ribited Campaign Contributions By tabbyrsts 4n Procuresment issues": ~ Yss ^ No• Are vtau ~bbvjnES on a oresen# or >7endinn bid for aoQds eauitsrrent or services or on a ~t ar ~~#to a~nrard 14~r goods. e+a~r~ng„~ service's Z} Purss~lnt ~ Miami l~ Cgy Cade ~-45KK?~ Er~##I+sd "Prat~b~ed C,~ri~l Contributions By lobbyists CM l~eai Estate C1e,relopmerrt Dues"; y . o r a i f r r nin 3) Pursuant, Ito ~Aiai Beadl City Gc>~de 2-484 (h~ Arty person (t~ those exert #ram uses definition of `lobbyist" as set #orth in Section 2-489 atarnre} who onty appears as a representative of a not-#or-profit cxarpora gar en#ity without speaa! compensate or reimbursement fi~ the app+a~ranc;s. whether direct, or irx#tred:, to eacpress support o~ or oppositzan trs any item, shaft register eaitte talc d+srk as required by this section but, shalt riot be required to pay any registration #eses. V. $tGNA'fttRE tJNt~R OATH: S~aturea of lobbyist: Sigrtaturet of Prin~ipaNClient; ,,~ vt. loBSVIST rtal=i~i~r~rc~~rt€ ~Rracit',e-t. trsEt~zt~tcA~noty. Cl Produced ID t=own of !tlentifss~tion ~ Pan'sonalty icrrown (lobbyist} vwwww tint. st~HA~ruRrw aH ~~,,r' ~~~~ozA ~~// MY COMbIISSION # DD831733 State Eif Ftorida« Count O# ~~ xPIRES: otxatc 16, 2012 y q y~ fl. Nd~ry Di~aunt Auoc. Co. NOr'rl t0 er~l subscritrl Tt 2~5 ff~ay p# November. ~(~yg Signatures or~utri~ ttiiotary ~_ State of Fbrida N~trizaltio~r>t of ~Yi~$t'S 8~ture Alsnusi Registration leey(~Yes ~ ~ Ansount lit Raf>~hRtrstit~-al t~orm rsceive0 and verii`ied by: P'.1CkBR\'HATl.lPormd ,s~~bbY`- u~~ ;c: ~< •.; ~ z•m.ssr Produced r© Faun a# Idertti8catitx's ~ Parszxsalry known (Prir~ipar~ ,p°'""`~ ROBERT SAROZA MY COA9~9SSION # DD831733 StatES of F`Its'ida. County t3f ~ EXPIRES: otxobc 16, 2012 SWX3rrt Sttt~S(~'tt3£3d 141.-NIOT~RV Fl. Natu~'DieoosotAaoc.Co. This 25 day of November , ignature of Public Notary -State of Florida ~iotarizatiorl ofi Princttstt's signature Paid Rasvtaed 03/21l20tf8 t do st>~rrrsrrty swear ~t of the rue and corl'ed and that I have read ar am #~tailiar with the provisions contanert in n 2 0# ia~t B~~~Sie and a rrting requirements. ~_. cifi~+ ~ 1Niami 6~, 17f30 Canvanfion ~an~er prlv~, AAirami Baach, Florida 33139, ww,+r.mi~mbec~chfl.gwr C17Y C1ERK U~ice CilyCletkl~tartsib~chN.gov Tel: 3{15.l,~3.?411 ,1"ox: 3US.bT3 T25~t .~Qi~~ ~,l~M~. David R. Custin 1 understood that no later t3~on ~~ i st e~ each. Yea1', 1 must ftl~ ~ #c~llowing farms, pursuant tQ Secticsn 2-d$~ of the !U-iami Bach City Code, with the City +Cletrfc's (~~ice for all-active labby'ing issues.. 1) lobbyist xperaditure Form 2} Disclosure. Farm Failure to file these farms. on a timely basis will result in my Home being transmitted to the AAiomi-Dade ~~al~nty C~rmission ~ar~ ethics ~ant~ for cads violati+;an evol+uotion. In ~cldti~n, once an issue 1 hcavve registered fi© lobby ®n has heart resolv~,1 om squired to imm~liotely .notify the City Clerk's C~fic~ of lobbyist wthdr©wal ir, writing. 11/25/08 Signature. Dote=