Affidavit .-. . lD ~.. CITY Of MIAMI BEACH OFfICE Of THE CITY CLERK 1700 ConYenUon CenIIer DrM! Miami Beach, R. 33139 clI:vclerldilld.miaml-belIch.fl.us .~! AFFIDAVIT LOBBYIST MEANS ALL PERSONS EMPLOYED OR RETAINED, WHETHER PAID OR NOT, BY A PRINCIPAL WHO SEEKS TO ENOOURAGE THE PASSAGE, DEFEAT OR MODlACATION OF ANY ORDINANCE, RESOLUTION, ACTION OR DECISION OF ANY COMMISSIONER; Atrf ACTION, DECISION, RECOMMENDATION OF ANY CITY BOARD OR COMMmEE; OR ANY ACTION, DECISION OR RECOMMENDATION OF ANY PERSONNEL DEANED IN Atrf MANNER IN THIS SECTION, DURING THE TIME PERIOD OF THE ENTIRE DEClSION+tAKING PROCESS ON SUCH ACTION, DECISION OR RECOMMENDATION THAT FORESEEABL Y WILL BE HEARD OR REVIEWED BY THE CITY COMMISSION, OR A CITY BOARD OR COMMmEE. THE TERM SPECIACALLY INCLUDES THE PRINCIPAL AS WELL AS ANY AGENT, ATTORNEY, OFACER OR EMPLOYEE OF A PRINCIPAl, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH LOBBYING ACTIVITIES FALL WITHIN THE NORMAL SCOPE OF EMPlOYMENT OF SUCH AGENT, ATTORNEY, OffiCER OR EMPLOYEE. EACH PERSON WHO WITHDRAWS AS A LOBBYIST IS REQUIRED TO FILE A "eERTlACATE OF WITHDRAWAL' Lobbyist Name: e:DlJC.he R ':)TeVe f) last Name Rrst Name 1) J Middle Initial BusIness Phone ~JJ~- 3CA3 Message Phone L.) Business Name and Address: \3ouchu \'SlO S. rv'll ~ t' t3eAC I, 2.6Cj:t I tl t '30-+"1 CT f)lJe/TTUR r't- q:L No. Street Suite Oty 9;atE EmaIlAddress: 1313vBm5v ~ 00 I . C.OM 2) Principal Retained by: I<nx-: tV C~roo:; tV1'~I. /SeA<; h L... L. c:. 5$/80 Zip Code LL.L.. If different: from above Street Suite c~ Sare Zip Code (a) If a COIpOriltion, partnership, or trust:, identify and provide the address for the chlef~, partner, beneftciary or i~ ~~ _ "3", O\lc'Jel' ZQC1:r1 (IE. 30 (Oll(< \ AveI)TVRt:), F\ :S31~O 3) Subject Matter (Desc..-ibe in Detail): (~R (.)...{ '^ ( r.Al)C t"55\'oV\ R F.r. ,"; 4. J.cIentI'!~ Individual (Commissioners, Board, Committee, Authorfty mem~or CIty staf'l) to be lobbied, ~()R Ctfl ~ CI'-'-\ Cofl,jfl\ c.+~\ M\'II i o'{c e. 5. lhe subject matter In number three (3) abolle is to be considerecl at the meeting d (Identify each entity or Individual): a lhe City CommIssion on. 2001 (J City CommIssion SubcomrT1Ittee on. 2001 (J City Staff on . 2001 (J City Board or Committee on. 2001 (J Personnel on . 2001 (J Identify Others on. ,2001 6. state the extent d any business, financial, familial, prttessional or other relationship which exIsI:s with any individual identified in number (4) above: ON OCTOBER 1 Sf Of EACH YEAR, EAOI LOBBYlST SHALL SUBMrrTOTHE CITY a.ERKA SIGNED STATEMENT UNDER OATH, LISllNG LOBBYING EXPENDI1URES IN THE CITY Of MIAMI BEACH FOR THE PRECEDING CALENDAR YEAR. I do solemnly &Wear that an d the foregoing fads are true and correct and that I have read or am farrillar with the provisions contained in Section 2-482 d the Miami Beach City Code as amended, and all reporting requirements. Signature d l..oIlbVist: ~I~P L~ Lb()-7q ~- ~~-~j+~() Identify (J Did take an oath, or a Did not take an oath state d FlorIda, County d Miami-Dade ~~2001. rw~Oot If Naary, print, stamp or type as conrnIssloned fOR CLERK'S USE OlIILY Registration: [] ACCEPTED [] REJECTED DATE: If rejected, stale reason: Registration fee paid: [ ] Yes [ ] No [] Not-fur-Profit OlganIZllUon [ ] Qlsh [ ] Oleck MeR # DATA ENTRY DATE: . 2001 ENTERED 81': "~~~"'-,__.~.c