154-2001 LTC CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.fl.us L.T.C. No,/S'I-doO I LETTER TO COMMISSION July 12, 2001 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members ofthe City Commission FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez City Manager ~~ SUBJECT: STATUS REPORT ON POLO PARK The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide the Mayor and City Commission a brief reminder of the Project history and information on the current status of the corrections and improvements to Polo Park. On January 20, 1994 the City of Miami Beach entered into three agreements with the Miami-Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) related to the Nautilus Middle School/Polo Park project: a Land- Exchange Agreement, a Joint-Use Agreement, and a Construction Agreement. Under the terms of these agreements MDCPS and the City agreed to exchange the existing Polo Park property for the existing Nautilus Middle School property provided that MDCPS construct recreational facilities on the existing Nautilus Middle School property. The agreement stipulated that all portions of the project were to be completed within thirty-six (36) months from the date construction of the new school commenced. Construction of Nautilus Middle School commenced in 1994 and was completed in the spring of 1997, but Polo Park is still incomplete, The City has been given a series of completion dates for this project by MDCPS staff. Each of these dates has elapsed and the completion of Polo Park is still pending. MDCPS has yet to provide a new completion date, The remaining issues related to the Land Exchange Agreement such as disposition of easements, sidewalk dedication, scribner's errors, etc., have been resolved in principle between MDCPS staff and City staff and will be finalized and submitted to both the School Board and City Commission for action. Supplemental agreements related to the Joint-Use Agreement still await resolution. These supplemental Agreements relate to City usage of the parking lot during non-school hours and to a maintenance Agreement which is now required because ofthe intensive use of the park by students at Nautilus Middle School. An agreement has been reached regarding the parking lot; but City staff has not been able to reach a satisfactory agreement regarding the maintenance of the facility, Several issues related to the construction issues are still umesolved and have been itemized and forwarded to MDCPS. City staff met with MDCPS staff on several occasions to resolve the major outstanding construction issues. During the course of these meetings MDCPS agreed to hire a structural engineer to investigate the cracks on the tennis courts surface. The engineer was to prepare a report and provide a recommendation on resolving the issue. However, MDCPS would not commit to replacing the tennis courts surface if the structural engineer recommended it. In addition, MDCPS efforts to rehabilitate the multi-use play field have yielded little results. The field is still overrun with weeds, MDCPS has been unable to provide City staff with a course of action to alleviate the problem. Disagreements between the City and MDCPS on how to proceed have created an impasse. In an effort to help resolve these issues, Dr. Michael Krop, Vice,Chair of the Miami-Dade County School Board, has intervened on occasion to mediate between the parties. By means of an internal memorandum, Dr. Krop requested assistance from Mr. Roger Cuevas, Superintendent of Schools (see Attachment No.1) in order to achieve resolution of the pending issues. At one point during the Project, MDCPS fenced off the park and refused to allow public access until all construction issues were resolved, After correspondence and negotiations between the City and MDCPS, (see Attachment No.2) the City secured an agreement with MDCPS to allow the park to be re-opened for the use of the general public. After the last on-site meeting with Dr. Krop, the City prepared an itemized cost estimate of what it would take to bring that park up to a level where it can be accepted by the City (see Attachment No.3). The City is awaiting a response from MDCPS on their disposition of the estimate, as well as the submission of a Project timeline and a schedule of completion, to properly complete Polo Park. The Administration will continue to update the Mayor and City Commission on Project events as information becomes available. I have directed my staffto re-establish contact with the school administration and to find a solution to this problem. The condition of Polo Park must be addressed and improved for the benefit of our citizens Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or require additional information on this matter. C: Robert C. Mi augh, Assistant City Manager Timothy Hemstreet, Special Assistant to the City Manager Kevin Smith, Parks and Recreation Director \\CH2\VOL I\WORK\SALL\REDDICK\Polo Park. NlllJtilu~ Middle School\Letters\L TCLdoc _-..;;oil-"";....;a.:.....;............. .~ ;, "...../ ~ MEMORANDUM May 24, 2001 TO: Mr, Roger C. Cuevas, Superintendent of Schools FROM: Dr. Michael M. Krop, Vice Chair Miami,Dade County School Board SUBJECT: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH POLO PARK I'm forwarding to you a letter from the Assistant City Manager of Miami Beach, containing her assessment of the condition of Polo Park and the cost we would incur in order for the City to accept both the park and the responsibility for its operation. This park is situated near my office and I happen to be very familiar with this project. There are many questions I have concerning what appears to be shoddy workmanship which was accepted by our staff, especially the tennis courts. This situation needs to be resolved, or we will incur additional costs and continued responsibility for vandalism and maintenance. This has been a frustrating experience and demonstrates a lack of attention to detail on our part, along with our willingness to accept work poorly done. I suggest you personally involve yourself in this matter to bring it to a long-overdue conclusion. ~~@ MMK MMKlajb Attachment j~~ ~ _~ .-:\ C 5 I :~ ~ld 8 I rmr 10 ATTACHMENT NO.1 ft: , tIP .~..!.f.... .' ." 'ti. '\ol-TY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 m - -== PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7080 FAX: (305) 673-7028 December 15, 1998 Mr. Alberto Benitez Supervisor II Office of Facilities Operations Dade County Public Schools 2925 NW. 41 Street Miami, Florida 33142 Re: Nautilus Middle SchoollPolo Park Dear Mr. Benitez: Please find below a punchlist of items required by the City of Miami Beach at this phase of the project I , Provide as,builts that the base material for basketball courts is 4" thick limerock and accompanying documentation that it's construction complies with Section 200 of FOOTs Standards for Road and Bridge Construction. 199 I edition. 2. Provide documentation that the minimum slope of the base material is I" in I 0' on a flat plane and that it varies no more than 1/8" when measured in any direction with a I O' straight edge. 3, Provide documentation the base surface was free of roller marks. ridges. and repair voids prior to application of the prime coat. 4. Provide documentation of 5t2bilization of subgrade material per FOOTs Stimdards for Road and Bridge Construction. 1991 edition. 5. Provide copies of the delivery tickets of the base material. 6. Provide documentation of application of prime/tack coat per Section 300 of FOOTs Standards of Road and Bridge ConS"uuction. I 99 I edition. 7, Provide documentation of thickness of asphaltic concrete (I') and the design mix. (Type II) per FOOTs Standards for Road and Bridge Construction. 1991 edition. 8. Provide copies of the asphalt delivery tickets. 9, Provide copies' of the lime rock delivery tickets. 10. Provide certified copies of the asphalt temperature at the time of it's placement (temperature must be between 110 to 175 degrees Celsius). I I. Provide documentation that the asphalt was allowed to cure for 14 days. 12, Repair edges of adjacent pavement to the court. 13. Provide certified copies of the limerock density test every 3.500 S.F. or fraction thereof. 14. Provide certified copies of the subgrade density test every 3.500 S.F. or fraction thereof. 15. Provide certified copies of the asphalt density test every 3.500 S.F. or fraction thereof. 16. Provide certified copies of the proctor test for the limerock base material. 17. Provide certified copies of the proctor test for the subgrade material. 18. Provide certified copies of the project acceptance by the engineer of record. 19. Provide an up,to-date COnstruction schedule of all activity for this project. , A; .'...;...":'... ';becember 15~ 998 . Mr. Alberto Benitez Page 2 20. Provide verification of the specified height of the basketball hoop and backboard. 21 . Provide proper attachment of the basketball hoop to the backboard. 22. Provide a certified boundary survey of the School Board's and City's property, 23. Provide sod specifications. 24. Provide details of the proposed irrigation tie-in to City facilities and it's routing, If you have any questions concerning this matter. please call me. Sincerely, C~ Walter Reddick Construction Manager WR/tz c: Kevin Smith, Director of Recreation, Culture and Parks Department Jorge E. Chartrand, Capital Projects Coordinator, Public Works Depar-unent Sugar Firtel. Assistant Director of Recreation, Culture and Parks Department jorge Rodriguez, DCPS .. ....- ~"j '- .y ~~ -= ,'- BEACH OF MIAM ~ 1700 CONVENTION CENTER ORIVE MIAMI BEACH. FLORIOA 33139 iaml-beach.fl.us COMMISSION MDtORA:'IDUM No,059 - 9'1 ( \) TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of th:a5City mmission Sergio Rodrigu City Man~ger D ATE: Septem ber 1!. 1999 FROM: SUBJECT: STATUS REPORT ON THE NAl:TILUS MIDDLE SCHOOLIPOLO PARK PROJECT Please find attached an executed copy of the Lener Agreement between the City of Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County School Board regarding the public's use of the recreational facilities on the Polo ParklNautilus Middle School property. SRlCMClmrar T.\ACENOA.\I999\SEP:'Z99\REGlJLAR\POLOPARK "OR -- ATTACHMENT NO.2 Agenda Item H - \ 'Date 9 -'22- -99 ,.' .....4 ~- A ~ (.-.. r CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTi:R DR IV" MIAMI aE~C" FLORIDA 33' 39 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER September 11. 1999 TELEPHONE: (::05) 6iJ-7010 FAX; (305) 6iJ-77a:2 Dr Paul J. Philips Chief Facilities 'Officer 1450 NE 1"' Avenue. Ninth Floor Miami. FL 33131 RE: POLO PARK/C'iACTILUS MIDDLE SCHOOL PROJECT Dear Mr, Philips: The purpose of this letter is to clarify the City's interpretatIOn and intent relative to paragraph 1 of the Letter Agreement between the City of Miami Beach (City) and Miami-Dade County PubliC Schools (School Board). dated September 16. 1999. Paragraph 1 states that "the City hereby agrees that access to the Improvements is conditioned upon the City mamtaining the Improvements upon use by the general public," As a point of clarification. it has been the City's ongoing understandmg that thIS commIts the City to maintain and/or restore any damage/vandalism that results due to the use by the general public of the facilities included in the current boundary of Polo Park dunng non-school hours, It remains the City's understanding that the School Board is currently and will continue to be responsible for the ongoing dally maintenance of areas including. but not limited to the landscaping (the mowing. fertilization. weedmg. etc.). litter control and the other routine services. untl! final acceptance and transfer of the proJect. This clarification will be incorporated in the Letter of Agreement being presented to the City of Miami Beach Commission at today's meeting, Sincerelv. ~<t!; ~/{d c;!i!'1I 1((1 C Ser~io 'dri~uez . - '\ ,- , Ity Man:>ger ",!'~y I R. I have read tltis A.mendment to tire Letter Agreement and, fully understanding same. agree Co bt! bound by che terms and conditions contained herein. Miami-Dade County School Board Dr Paul 1. Philips Chief Facilities Officer CMCIKS/r:>r F \C~CR\SALL..CHR1STr.-.-,POLO"GR PHI c: Murray H. Dubbin. City Attorney Christina M, Cuervo. Assistant City Manager ATTACHMENT NO.2 ! ~ U,n. r;MJ.\..L.~r~ J ~- ~ ,- , CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORlIh... 33139 OFFICE OF n4( CITY MA"AOER -- TELEPHONE' t-l &7:1-7010 ~AX: {J05} '7J~na2. ',-,,' ',~ September 16, 1999 Dr, Paul J. Phillips ChiefFaei\ities Offieer 1450 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Ninth Floar Miami.FL33132 Re: Polo Park r Nautilus Middle School Proiect " Dear Or. Phillips: This Letter Agreement shall confirm the agreement between the City uf Miami Beach, Florida (City) and Miami-Dade County ?-..blie Schools (Schad! Board) with regard to the public's use of lho~e certain tcwus and other recreational facilities (lheiImprovements) constructed and/or being constructed by the School Board on the Polo ParkiNa~tilus Middle School propc:ty (the Property) pursuant to that certain Construction Agreement betl,.,een the parties, dated January 20, \994 (Construction Ag~=ent). ' The City :u:l.d the School Board recognize that it is imperative that the gene~1 public have use of the Improvemenls, prior lO unal aceeptallce of same by 'the City, pursuant to Article XV of the Consl~et;on Agreement. Accordingly, the Cicy and the S~hool Board agree lIS follows: l. The School 'Board age""" lu gr-arlt the: Cicy accesS: to the Improvements for use by the general public, subject to the School BoaTd'~, right to promulgate and enforce reasonable rules and regulations governing the use of said Improvements by the public during school hours on regular school djiys. Notwithstanding the previous sentences. the School BOOlrd hcrcin agrees. and warrants and represents to the City. that the City's and/or the general public's u;e of the Improvements. prior to completion of same. shall in no way be lb:mdl to constitute, eith<:r an express or implied. (i) acceptance of the Improvements by the City; (ii) final lIl'llroval of the completed Improvements by the City; Glld!or (iii) accepta.'1ce of possession of said lmprov.;me:nts by the: City, as same are cOl1Telllplated Ul the Constl'\:ctIon Ag..-eement. Furthermore, use of the Improvements by the City and/or the general public is in no way deemed a waiver hy the Cily of its rights ~o any and all claims regarding the continued timely constr'U.ction and. complc:ion of the Im-provcmcnts, ~ ~:t. ~ . '- -1 OR, PHILLIPS j I ! r "-" ''-."./ 305 995 4678; Sep-21--' 3:36PM; : r', Page 314 ,- Dr. Paul J. Phillips Lettcr ^<;fcement biw City of Miami Beaeh and Miami,Oade County School Board Re: Polo Park Sc:ptc::nber 16. 1999 P~g. 2 .. i 2, In consideration of the School Board's consent td the City's use ofllie Improvemc::lts for use by the gener.ll public prior to acceptanbe, the City haeby agrees thnt the genen1 public's use of the Improvements shall bd subject to the School Board's need for possession of the premises in oroer to bntinue timely construction and completion of the Improvements. Further. the City hereby agrees that access to the lmprovc:mcnts is conditioned upon the City mairitaining the Improvements upon use 15y the geDeral'piib1ic: :. - , ." ' , i In consideration of the School Board's consent td the City's use of the Improvements prior to acceptance, final approval and accept~ of possession of same by the City, the City agrees to indemnify, defend, and 1101& hBmlless tbe School Board to the extent of the limitations included within Florida StatUtes, Section 768.28, subject to the provisions in this Act whereby the City shall hot be held Iiahle to pay 3. personal injury or property d:unage claim or judgment b~ my one penon which exceeds the sum of SlOO,OOOJ)() or any claim or judgment [Or portion(s) th=of, which, when totalled with all other claims or joogm<:nts paidiby the City arising out of the same incident or occurrence, exceeds the sum of S20~,OOO.OO. from any and all personal injury or propeny damage claims, liability, losSes and causes of action which =y arise solely as a result of the City's negligence ih its use of the Improvements, Upon your review of this Letter Ag."CCment, and finJmg that the terms and conditions rn.emcriali:Led herein reflect the Ilnderstanding between the CicY and the School Board with regard to the above-rcft::'=u:.:d matter, please execute sanle on behaJif of the School Board in the 'pace provided below, Upon c:x=tion. ple:1Se fOlV{ard one original to my attenti-m. In the interim, thank YOll in adv;mce for your anticipated cooperation and your continued prare:zi.;:naJ courtesy. 3, , - - Ve:ry trU' yours,: ~: ! , I , 0 Rodrigu~ City Manager OR, PI:m~tIPS j - ,:";I:. iIf" 30::J ~~~ "'O/el, ~r;;.~."". ,-~ r' I Or. Paull. Phin'P8 Lellet Agreement hi.... City of MillIlli BClIcb lInd Miami-Dade CoUnty School Board Re: Polo Park: September 16. 1999 Page 3 or " I 1 hav~ nJUi tltis L-.n A.grummt lIIId, fully ullde~tlUldi1lg'sl1~e, agree to be bound by tll e tel7fls and CDltdtrlolls CDlItaiJleJt . ! , ....... lC~'T'!M2'\I'OI.OJAU.Ln. cc: Murray H. Dubbin, City Attorney Mayra Diaz ButUCavoli. Assistllllt City Manager Christina M. CUCIVO, Assistant Ciry Manager '-.../ '--' Sent By ,- ~~ , OR. PHILLI?S'r~ J JOS 9Sl5 4678; Sep.7.99 J: 11?Mi Page tit - ,Walk tL 5CHC{)I. MI~I-DAD[ COUNTY PUBLIC SCnOOLS 80ARO ADMINISTRATION b'\JllDING , HSO N()I~rHEAST SECOND AVrNUE . MIAMI. FLOi~lfJA 331.12 Railer C. Cuevas Superintendent of School, September 7. 199':' Miami,Dadc Councy Schaol Baard Dr, SOIOlllOJl C. 5",,-,on. Chair Dr, ."lid''''.' M. Krop. Vic:>-~ Mr, G. Holmes 3r.oddo<k loots. Pc:::1:t Tab..,.....:; 11= Pr, R::lbc:l'l8. W~oI:l\ Ms, BetSy H. K"pl3%! Mro. MaJlty Sabaris Mone Mr. D=trio PCr.::>. Jr.. M. $, 0,-, Marta Pe:.z The Honorable Neisen Kasdin, .",;oyer City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 3 313 9 Re: Polo p;jrk Dear Mayor Kasdin: The contents and concerns in your letter dJte<l September 1, 1999, rcgatding Polo Park, have been shared with me by vice-Chair Dr. Michael M. Krep; and, I am ,espondillg 10 your concerns. I am in agreement with your conclusion that the district should be able to find a way to make Polo Park available to the public. I have chocked with our School Board's Atlorney. Mr, Johnny Brown, and he is ill agre=enrwith your pOillts A and B; with sugg~ied minor changes in B. Our suggested re-wording for section g is indicated as follows; 'The City agrees to indemnity, defend and hold ttle School Board ofMiami"Oade Counry, Florida. harmless from any claim for injuries due ro the use of the Park by th", Liry of Miami Beach, its residents and invitees," Upon review, you may decide to incorporate this Ian guage in an agreement or have ttle City'S Attorn ey contact Mr. Brown, so they may mutually originate a document agreeable to bottlthe Ciry of Miami Beach and rhp School Board, w~ ,hall rnove with all speed to present the document before the Beard i(J{ approval. Again, thank YOU for your efforts. If I can furnish you with any furrh.... inml1nation, plE'ase call me at (305) 995.1429. Sincerely, 7~c~/ Superintendent 01 Schools RCC:ae L-59S9 cC; Dr. Michael M. Krop Me. Johnny Brown ATTACHMENT NO.2 '." -' ~-~":7 ..-. .' .ft tIP r- OF'FICE OF' T~~ MAYOR f: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 CONVe;N'l'ION CENTER OArve: MIAMI BE:ACH, F'LOR10.4. 33139 NrtlSEN o. KASCIN MAYOR September I, 1999 Dr. Michael Krop Dade County School Board 1450 N.E. 2nd Avenue #700 Miami FL 33132 VIA FAX: (305) 864-5432 RE: POLO PARK Dear Dr.y4I"'.'r!:7 It is inexcusable that Polo Park has not been available for use by the public over the last few months as a result of what appears to be a bureaucratic impasse. The City refuses to accept the Park in its current condition, and the School Board refuses to permit usage of the Park until the City accepts the work performed. A simple way to resolve this problem would be for the School Board to immediately permit use of the Park by the public in exchange for an acknowledgment from the City that; A) Neither party waives their rights to any claims regarding the construction of the Park improvements and; B) The City appears to indemnify and hold the School Board harmless from any claim for injuries due to defects asserted by the City of Miami Beach. If this is agreeable, please let me know immediately so that the appropriate documents can be exchanged and make the Park immediately available for public use. Sincerely, 71111 Neisen Kasdin Mayor C: Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager Murray Dubbin, City Attorney Raul Aguila, First Assistant City Attorney ATTACHMENT NO.2 -;--,~';~...;jR, PHILLIPS; ...~ . . I>>' , i; "'/::99 16: 26 38S6T3771a2.. { 30$ 995 4678; Sep-27.99 7:03AM; CITY ~ CFFi'CE I ' City of Miami Beach Page 2/2 PAliE a 1 - 1700 COHVCrrlioll Cent"" Dr"'. Miami B.",,"- FL JJ1J9 (J01) 67],7010 Faz.: ('OS) 673,7753 fAX 11V.NSMlSS10N COVER S:H:Elrr Date: September 24, 1999 'h: Dr. Paul Phillips ChicfFacilities Officer Fax: (305) 995-4678 , Be: POLO PARK. NAUTILUS MIDDLE SCHOOl. PROJECf SOIIkr: Christina M, Cuervo Assistant City Manager YOU SHOULD RECEIVE 1 PAGE(Sj, INCLUDING THIS t:;OVER SHEET. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PA.GES, PLEASE CAll (3(]5) 673-7010, , I Pursuant to our COlIVer.lation yesterday. please be advised that the! openitlg of Polo Park VI ill be SC lely far general public use. The City will not be programming or op cbting llIIY progr:omme.d. activiti,:s at tJ the site until final acceptance and l:l'an3fet of the project. I >f:1 /.; , ! 1Y Accordingly, based upon our conversation, this memorandum!will confirm. that the Hiami-Dade 1/1.':1 County Public Schools (MDCPS) will maintain the pn:mises (li1ler control, lawn IIIlIiut( n=, :tc.) r I until the final transf1::r of the project. : Additiolllll1y, it is our ~ that MDCPS will removeJ" fence at the site no laler than ::nid- & w.:ck, next week. Please confirm if this will not be the case. ! ~,. t/'" tf If you have any questions or comments please call me at (305) 673-7010. TblII1It you~:ain for your cooperation in this matter. r:! o"-;i) CMO~ .} fY ,lQIIQlN.A:.,l,.Ioaus..tUf\POl.O..Il,:....x I i V I - c: I(athryn Wilbur, MDCPS (305) 995-7295 Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager Murray Dubbin, City Attorney Janet QaVarretl:, Assistant City Manager Matthew Schwartl:, Assistlmt City ManAge: " Ma:l; Sklar, Staff ..It.ssistant 10 the Mayor and COmn:Us$ion . .. - .. -....---- ..._..1 '0..-1,... n;........"nP i , ., . . CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 Center Drive. Miami Beach, Florida 33139 httc:\\ci.miami.beach. ft. us City Manager's Office Telephone 305 673-7010 Facsimile 305--673~n82 May 16,2001 Dr. Michael Krop Miami.Dade County Public School Board 1450 NE 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33142 Re: Nautilus Middle SchooVPolo Park Dear Dr. Krop: Thank you for meeting with City staff at Polo Park. Below is the summary of the estimate for the repairs to Polo Park as you requested. Be advised that cost estimates followed by an asterisk (*) were supplied by Miami,Dade County Public Schools staff. All other quotes were derived from individual contractors and are further explained on the attached pages. This document does not contain cost estimates for all items in question. There are issues regarding the baseball field including, but not limited to surface grading, improper drainage and severe weed infestation that, must still be addressed. COST $990 LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS Replace Augustine sod. $240 Replace one (1) Black Olive tree south of hardball courts that is damaged beyond recovery to qualify as Florida No.1, as defmed in the "Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants", second edition, published by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Match existing size ( 12/14') and specified quality (Florida No.1). $2080 Replace six (6) Green Buttonwood trees at north off,site that are damaged beyond recovery to qualify as Florida No.1, as defined in the "Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants", second edition, published by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, or are of incorrect nomenclature per the Landscape Section of the Construction Drawings. Match existing height ( 18/20') and specified quality (Florida No.1). $945 Replace three (3) trees east of tennis courts that are either in a condition not congruent to Florida No.1 grade, or are of incorrect nomenclature per the Landscape Section of the Construction Drawings. Match existing size (10/12') and specified quality (Florida No.1). ATTACHMENT NO.3 $70 $1,505 $735 $115 $140 $90 $145 $14,950 Estimate Pending $300 ...-.'!; ;JY Infill with seven (7) Cocoplum shrubs at North sector of site, along eastern segment of the fence line. Match existing size (30/36") and quality (full, heavily branched). Mulched areas are not acceptable in their current conditions, as they do not comply with method of installation/materials as specified in the Landscape Section of the original Construction Drawings, An acceptable solution would be to create a minimum 2" deep lip in the surrounding turf at all bed and tree ring edges, treating with herbicide such as roundup brand or equal, and applying a pre,emergent herbicide, typical in the profession and per original Contract Documents, Infill two (2) planting beds at Southeast sector of site, west of the baseball field. Although the Sabal palms are doing well, the understory is in need of Infill due to dead material that was removed but not replaced. The estimates are as follows: . Fifty (50) Cocoplums to infill at the West planting bed . Fifty (50) Fakahatchee ornamental grasses at the East planting bed Selective re-sodding of areas around basketball courts. Estimated need of 300 square feet. Fertilizer application needed for all Pigeon Plum trees along south side of tennis courts. Straighten one (1) Satin Leaf tree at Southwest comer of tennis courts. Infill with twenty (20) Silver Buttonwoods at hedge along Michigan Ave, Match existing size (30/36") and quality (full, heavily branched). RECREATIONAL ELEMENTS Basketball Courts Resurface four (4) basketball courts due to substandard materials/installation. Baseball/Softball field The City recommended in August 2000, to immediately implement a comprehensive weed control program for all Bermuda turf if any portion was to be considered acceptable and not recommended for replacement. The City reserves the right to request the cost(s) necessary to replace the field turf in its entirety if, after the aforementioned program begins, the turf fails to fully recover from weed infestation. Remove and replant Bermuda sod (due to weed infestation beyond recovery) in various areas around swing set and baseball field. This will .' $2,500 $32,000 Pending Analysis Pending Analysis $155,000 $211,805 ~- ~-, '" :1/ require removing infested sod in random areas, regrading existing topsoil, and replanting new sod for the areas in question. New sodded areas shall be of a uniform grade throughout, including the edges where new sod meets existing turf. Estimated quantity is 500 square feet. Comprehensive weed control program for possible recovery of all Bermuda turf. It should be noted this process may require several applications and still not accomplish the objectives as intended. In that case the City reserves the right to require the field be completed resodded as stated below. Field preparation and resodding of sports field as per the attached provided by Parker Sod would require approximately 128,000-sq. ft. of Bahia installed for at a cost of $23,040. In preparation for the resodding of this field additional work would be required including two (2) applications of herbicide and pre-emergent herbicide to the entire field to ensure complete kill of existing sod, weedeating of grass and removal of all dead materials, infill low areas with top dressing, inspection and adjustment of all irrigation system (heads, value covers) at a cost of $8,960 (attachment). The Outfield surface contains several low elevation areas, and may require rolling andlor regrading. Drainage from the pitcher's mound to the outfield is unacceptable. The "skinned area" should be replaced or amended to produce proper drainage as specified in the Grading and Topography section of the original Construction Drawings. Tennis Courts The City remains extremely concerned with the poor conditions of the tennis courts. The entire court area is displaying evidence of improper soil density compaction or improper concrete density/reinforcement as specified in the original Contract Documents. Based on these current conditions, a warranty would not be acceptable. The City was informed by DCA that a stress test was performed on the concrete 7/11/2000. Although we have requested the results of this test, we have received no information as of this date. The City has since acquired an assessment of the court's condition and obtained recommended solution from a structural consultant. ESTIMATED TOTAL . , I J1' The City forwarded the above information to NIDCPS on October 24, 2000 in an effort to assist MDCPS. To date the above items remain wrresolved. The City is urging NIDCPS to properly complete the project by August. This will allow the City to proceed with implementing a recreational program at the facility in September 200 I. The Parks and Recreation Department will forward to NIDCPS a detailed maintenance agreement with that will address issues such as litter control, excessive wear on some equipment by primary user groups, etc, in addition to the previous items. If you have any additional questions regarding this matter, please call me. Again, thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, ~ Mayra Buttacavoli Assistant City Manager F:\WOIl.X\J;ALl.WWDICK\Polo'IIt. N_luI MiddLe SchooN.l:a2n~O.lioc NIDB/wr c: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager Murray Dubbin, City Attorney Robert Middaugh, Assistant City Manager Raul Aguila, First Assistant City Attorney Kevin Smith, Director of Parks and Recreation Department Walter Reddick, Capital Projects Coordinator . J ft; flY CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER TELEPHONE: (JOS) 67J-7010 FAX: (JOS) 613-7762 October 24. 2000 Dr, Paul J. Phillips Chief Facil ities Officer Facilities. Planning and Construction Miami,Dade Countv Public Schools 1450 NE 2n. Avenu~ Miami, Florida 33 142 Re: Nautilus Middle School/Polo Park Dear Dr, Phillips: The City of Miami Beach may be willing to accept the multi,use playfield at Polo Park provided that Miami-Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) agrees to reimburse the cost of rehabilitating the playfield to the City (Attachment No.1). Please let us know when the City can proceed with the work on the playfield, During an inspection of the tennis courts this week, City staff not only obsef\led new cracking in the tennis court slab. but also cracks in the areas repaired by MDCPS. In previous correspondence, City staff requested that MDCPS provide certified copies of subgrade density test for the tennis court and the basketball court to verify that there was sufficient compaction under these structures (Attachment No,2), This information has not been received. Because of this, the City of Miami Beach will not accept the basketball and tennis courts at Polo Park. The City is requesting that MDCPS rebuild both the tennis and basketball court with proper foundations and slabs by the end of the year, {fyou have any questions concerning this maner, please call me. Sincerely, Attachments MS/wr c: Jorge M, Gonzalez, City Manager Mayra Oiaz,Bunacavoli, Assistant City Manager Kevin Smith, Parks and Recreation Department, Director CITY ,r, 4Y o F' lQ M I A M I BEACH Department of Parks and Recreation Interoffice Memorandum To: Date: October 9, 2000 From: Walter Reddick, Capital Proje Public Works L~e Department of Parks and Recreation Re: Polo Park Comprehensive Cost Estimates Be advised that cost estimates followed by an asterisk . were supplied by Miami-Dade County Public Schools staff. All other quotes were derived from individual contractors and are further explained on the anached pages. Be further advised that this document does not contain cost estimates for all items in question. There are issues regarding the baseball field including, but not limited to surface grading, improper drainage, and severe weed infestation that must still be addressed. COST $500.00' $500.00' $50.00' $350.00' Estimate Pending $940.00 . Page 1 HARDSCAPEELEMENTS Repair chipped edges and peeling paint on concrete park sign Replace water fountain East of Tot Lot due to missing mouthpiece Inner hard plastic liner in trash receptacle behind the baseball backstop is melted. Repaint trash receptacles so all receptacles have a uniform color. LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS Reset "grasscrete" blocks at elevation recommended by product manufacturer (where necessary). ' In the following areas, replace damaged or dead St. Augustine sod (see photos next page): '. e5/ll'iZ/2IlI!I1 LiPn ",,::J'tIIl" .._ ~"NIa: ""'Jf: "1 3I1!5!!i~3213f> It. ...po-s" ., 2, 2001 Ta~ Cftr ell MJ.mI "'ch. rwtq DepL ftclllert "aflllo, hrt.. S...rtntenCl.-t a.wr.. Vl.,.,..t_ ALlin: ~ ,.. Its: l~'382 .... I .I. 1_e.II;1t1on We r.er.Ily abnIt ~ClIllo<1a ~nd ..tima\e$ lOt the foi1cwing landicaplll woli<. to be dene at . iWd.4- ft MIami 8ew:h. . 0eI1eIV lII'ld nallBtil:lr\ gf si>dy (60) FiCUll busne. (3 gall . OoifMwy end inalaktior1 gf four (4) MUlberry tre.. (5 ;al.\ . ~ in law _s wllh sand (1 .....1C~103dl wtlere 1I\ICk au clalnagad sad . ~ and halation 01 me (1) pellet of sod 5:345.00 $:2<<l.00 se3l.00 , "80.00 w. henoby II' ~ 10 furnish ..leba. and material.. - CO:.,P_ n accorclenc8 wlth U'le .co... .~_.::IIICIIlklrw. tor.... ..., aI; en. !,; - J14lh... ~ ~ty n". dO'*" ($' ,~.()Q), lD be P8lCI ~n <;omploolion of W\IOIl<. ~R:ed.~: Rfl... K~...~ d#_ . "lV~~: 0.18: I P.Q,..... 8317111, M.mi,1'\. :132113-1719. Ph. (J05)553-2377' Fa>< (J~5413-213l1.P_~!il55ll I .., ~e61 14: 4'3 A;' _.~ ~e5-673:-:~:~_.. --~ aOSl!7QQ370l ".4 Parker Sod Lands~ape Ce1Jt.er South Hondo Sod Spcc:ialJeta 7600 S,W. 67t)1 :\v~n",: .' )11"tUi. Florid.. aS17S Tc:le\)hon<:(30S) 59<i'~1() i F:u<(305) 270.QS75 "'rr 1,. ZOOI City "C MI.mi D.-;II \larla A Lanchc."i:ua Mi Ulli Beach, Florida 30~.673.'7n(l 3Q~'~1J.7392 R<Of: Pulo Park ~. ~2 Slt'CIOl Miami Beocll. ~\orida Dear o.._I,,~,,: I Mlhd.1!.n~ 'Prttf'lt)5al We Mrt lllulCl1 10 provide your e&um.lc, " itemized fonn, ... follo...: o D~UW"t'r and J"uall UI,OOlJ oq 1\ of a.hla in.ulled iii ,18 Iq ft S 23.040.00 Sub. Total Tu Total S 23,CUO.0IJ S .,..,IIII>t , 1.3,~O.OO {fllt1I!!:TRl"cmnd. utnhi~1. ...nrtn.klpr.. !f"w.r line! r.lr P1eaae lIave an D( YOllr ulldergroun:1 utililles mared prior \.C ol.lr .tuUItI work. I.e.. pille., <:IIbl~. eleeu-Ic, ...atee ete.). UIl1'ottunltel)...... Con DOt ....ulllC realloll.ibiUty Cor allythllll uade.rlroolld. PRymf!!U tPrml' Pay_lit \a due (30) de.ya aller cnlllp\e..inn of lob, lbank yoll rOf u.e Opl>Qrtunlty 10 Ollctt: au your buo."e... ....e 10<lk forward to wotluna ",ltl1 )'011, If ytlll :u-e III a&Rem....t wiUl tile fOtel!ol~C. ph:a.e lign and rc:r:u.rn a eopy oC !hi, propoJlI IIld plcaa. do Dot heoilalC to "all me Ii YDU ba"" uy Q\I".lio"s. Oate: 0' l 1..'_...... I. I ..... p. - .. 41/ . _.........~ ............... -..~.1'..2:. p~ 81 Proposal ..... .. m. JiDOt TIle ...... ~ fI/t lIImnII...ch. ~ De\oA .....n' llalle rt ..nlcWDa...~.9D -..c.laa FNm: ..~&.- ~... ... ..... ... F-= ~ '~73'2 VV. ~ eut:mit IP-J"'-lk..... and <llllimare& tor reslorBliOn woOl at PolO Pln:. Work WlI ir>clud.: . Tnmming ol...~...... (17) Ccconul Palma . Tl....oil,f Gfaw.lYot (12) Or... 8ullonwoaci_ . TMI.. do.g elf"'~ no... (2!) S8O.1 PlIlms U01 0.lJD . Two..-, O~~.. (ondllJwent occa.~~) ofhefOtdda and r:n Q..'__w-.lt\8i~ to..... .... at turf on ......baU f..1d (IQ me". &1.:T8 .fi ~ weeds and graN dlal . ......MOI ~.g ttI ~ dawrllD Ih8 ~d. rake UP a,", infiIloW ..- """" Ulp ClIeaing . Check.1IQ ..~. "-cbi, ~ lhoS8lhat_ stidling up1OO~ ecv.""lP'Ouf1Q (7\pplng 1_ J). lI'leH hat _ IDa low will be ~, valve _ be-. bU1; hit IIy m--. .... be lit."'" sa~oo w. ~ 1"""'- .. fuml8h lIlll.bOr and materiels - CCll\'lp_ in ~"ca wit'I the Mx!W .~ :il'ic'Rc _, far.,. _ of: T.., 1'lCU..-cl "IN ~ _.nty dollars ($10,970.00),'" ba poold _n ~n r:1/....,.,.. ~""'~~ ~O,. \/I~.-A___~I_ A,......,A>o-- signature: oe.: ".0......"..........". ~11"1. . ~r--l-~. 1t_+W'~r" 111. . ......:a:a~ -T--- ~ I " $700.00 $108,00 $130,00 $85,00 $135,00 $14,200.00 $150.00* $150.00* . Page4 .....$ 1IY Infill two (2) planting beds at Southeast sector of site, west of the baseball field. Although the Sabal palms are doing well, the understory is in need of in.fill due to dead material that was removed but not replaced. The estimates are as follows: . Fifty (50) Cocoplums to infill at the West planting bed . Fifty (50) Fakahatchee ornamental grasses at the East planting bed Selective re.sodding of areas around basketball courts. Estimated need of 300 square feet. Fertilizer application needed for all Pigeon Plum trees along south side of tennis courts. See photo below. ..~'. . Straighten one (1) Satin Leaf tree at Southwest comer oftennis courts. Infill with twenty (20) Silver Buttonwoods at hedge along Michigan Ave. Match existing size (30/36") and quality (full, heavily branched). RECREATIONAL ELEMENTS Basketball Courts Resurface four (4) basketball courts due to substandard materials/installation (See attached quote). SE comer basketball rim measured 9' 11 'l2 ", Short Y, inch NE comer basketball rim measured 9' 11 V. ", Short V. inch BasebaWsoftball field Per The City of Miami Beach Parks Superintendent's recommendation at the August site review, a comprehensive weed control program for all Bermuda tuIf should have been implemented immedialely if any portion was to be considered acceptable and not .' ~:::SCI ')!J ':'~:J.:-:-:ate ~'e:lc.i;1~ ,'r '. "'""'" ~--' ".~..':! '. . ~\... ~.:~ ~ ~ ". ~, '-.. "..... -' recorrunended for replacemen:, 'lYe wc"ic rese:--e the right to reque5, the cost(s) necessary to replace C'1e field turf in its ~~lli;e:: ::~. :':":1~T the ::l~o;e;ne;:tionec prog:-3.I:'. be::'l1s. the tlli~ :8.11s to rJriy recover from weed :~r~S~:10;.. Remove and replant Bermud2. sod Idee \0 weeQ mfeslatlon beyond recovery) in \'3rious are2.S around s\,vlng set and o:::.sej::ll :1~ic.. T::ls \\"i11 require remo\'lng infested sod in 7'J..ldom 3Je2.S. re;rading existing tapsC',{:. ~:c: :-~;;::.t::;; ;-',C',\ sod for :...~e 2Ie:l.S in cueS:10f.. ~~e'x 'O";"";"'~ :.:se2S shall 0'" o:-,~ ".....,~..~,---,..., ,:--,..:..:;. '~--,)1L,-.,.....~u, In,~1"c'i-c .:....,"" y uu~'- I ..... 1_ ""'''''''_'_'' :::-.....l.... .....J~c..=--,v _. d\,...U ...:: LL.,- :nears a":s';r'.:' turf ';:.;::"i"""alAr '~"'~1""'t;~ 'C .;:;nr, ~""'l..,:> r""o~ .. .....~ '-.", ..."= . ~_, OJ,J _u ~............. ".' ._ _"' _' ,)"';............. .........~. ec:ges \\" n e:'e !1'~\V soc:. {-om~rp;""~""'s~ve \vep,..l ""on~ci ..........-, ',-.....-, .-.....- .,-,("'\,:;"'/'c '!'"p,..,ov"".......' oT....:11! D..e-""u"">:1 ~ '.....1..,'_... ......."" ..., j~'J_=......;.,.V,~l.~....d_,"".... ''''_' _....- . ~.... turf. See ~xis~ing conditions phOt0g.72.;;r-;S belo\'\ 2..1d nex: ?age_ -, ~ - '\lj.. ~p~~.' _..~~{ ,'..~_ ~;~l::}' ~ :;;~~~\~'::,~f~y , . . ..... -....:.~ '. " .' ~...'.', i_ , ~, ""1 "'. , ,- ;'~:-I:"::;S: -"'::2.;\'S:5 · ::'age :5 ,:," " :"'''':.i. - , , .-~- . .r~- '..: ,-. ","'-: r;~ :',:.' .. ... :;-'. " .' ,'" '-.' . '-....,.... "-.;!.~'l:-....~%::;,L: "-" '~;,~ ';,,<:-... .' ~t:~~2~;~~i::,:~':Z~::~~>:'.~ ' )"~~.,~~,~",,,:.{_,~,,,,~ ..""v-....",.. _'i~:~~, - ."( :' I...~:.~>~":..~~ reg;-3.di:-::~. lhe 0l..:lr:::lc su:-fac~ ;:or.~3.1nS S~'. :-:-2.: ,,"n ::1::-\ ~::OL :L-e::s_ me :T12Y re~uire rolling :.L1')c.,'Q:- . Tot Lot area . West of swing sets . Directly East of Hardball Courts . "'-;orthwes; ofHardb2.ll Courts ~~~ _,".-..;.I. . -- -"~, . .-....~ .....':"'t-..t . ~ -{.f~;.Jf::;?:t;~~ T...:;.jt~~e""'t::~7"_' :. ~~~:=.7:::~~" 3..:.':''',:~'-.''~. ~--;a....~ ~ t;;:.:..,..-:-~ ~~\ -.-- _....__c-___._ l Repiace one (1) Black Olive tree south of [-,;crdball COlli"tS that :s damaged beyond recovery to qualify as Florida No, 1. 3S deI;nec ir. :~e "Grades 2.l1d S;;mdards for "'ursery Pl2.l1lS". second edition. published by the Florida I:>e:Janme:1\ of Agricuimre 2.l1d Consumer Se:-lices. "latch existin2 size (] 2/14') 2.l1d speciriec quaErv (Florida No, 1 ',. - . . . .. ' . S::5.00 Replace six (6) Green Bunonwood trees 2.\ north of site that are damaged beyond recovery to qu~lifY;1$ Florida No.1.:lS def:n~::: ~:; ',h:: "':J:-~d~s :lnd SlJJ1d:lfGS for ~urse~y Pl:mts~'. se(;ond edition. pubiished by the Florida Depa.'C:1em of Agriculture and Consumer Se;-vices. or are of incorrect nomenclature per the L2.l1dsc::me Section of the Construction Drawings. \-latch existing height (18/'20') and specified ~1.l:.l::~. \ Florida ':\0. 1 t Se~ exempt~. photos bdo'W'. S 1.980.00 . Page 2 ". -.Plo .;.,.' ._-....:f .) "...~l ''",:. 4 .... k '''K', '" . l~..'.. ,..0.:.:. '"":.....,.\,;... . ". ~~,.f......-. ^ :I;j ..' $900.00 $63.00 $1,431.50 . Page 3 ...., $j," Replace three (3) trees east of tennis courts that are either in a condition not congruent to Florida No. 1 grade, or are of incorrect nomenclature per the Landscape Section of the Construction Drawings. Match existing size (10/12') and specified quality (Florida No.1). See exemplary photo below. lnfill with seven (7) Cocoplum shrubs at North sector of site, along eastem segment of fenceline. Match existing size (30/36") and quality (full, heavily branched): No mulched areas are acceptable in their current conditions, as they do not comply with method of installation/materials as specified in the Landscape Section of the original Construction Drawings. An acceptable solution would be to create a minimum 2" deep lip in the surrounding turf at all bed and tree ring edges, treating with herbicide such as roundup brand or equal, and applying a pre,emergent herbicide, typical in the profession and per original Contract Documents. See existing conditions photos below. ~ r . . ~ ~,~w;.~.~ ~~?;,~~~: - .:~~~: ,~~:,~~~.~~~ " .,~~~-.<, >, """-'J'~'" 1~~1'-;1"-<~.:.." ~"~'~~:~~,:i:(::'j~I'~.:_'i './\-~A;;.~""",,-....;-,. -,'-./, ,"""~~, ~i?:'".-'."il!.: _~; ;;u:~ :.~,.~\ -..-~' ':_1 :~'-~"- .....\:::;;~~~~ :'7-: . . "'J',;;, ....i<ly-,.~..l ~X',-. '~./~,"'''''-::1-''-~;~.I...'''''':'',': ..v' '>~".n'.'" ',u."""';'. .JI~~<, " ...--~,':"o~" 1,', ~-;.J\'_'.~ ~\.I" .,:c..:.. 'J"::-;,~, ,:)~ ';':', V', '.-ot,..~..:...-...-.......~...,._ I. "'/I.;tl~.;~_ ~ -I~, '>, ~: .-....~~....~ _I:' I~~_~).. :;..-:J:.4:.{~ _ ':, \ --::;,~-:."'~ ',:.1', / '\ ._~':...... '~~"""_.~':./. ':;-'''; . I. ;-:"-1, - "'_.~ 'JIr:, ;:!J;,oJ'.7:. : -\0/1"( ..\v i'-~i;;'~~'~}f ',' -:'I~~ ~::--"-;} (~~~t;~Y,.1;l~;~;': /:-1' ~~J- ':--,lUt\,- c~:..:'\t-:;~.~ il ~ - - ~ \.''l ~ "l"l. 't---.. ~..... ~ ~ :/ I " ~. ,-" l\~\ I. "L',:,:, ~:o'.., ~ '-.J'L--;': ~~:~_~,~t~f~~;~.';5~- r r ., --....::.~-~"!'."~'a~'\_ .,.::-...-.~. l.>~ _~_ ~, - -, ",: " , .~.... ;'... , "- - ,~ \. -(3.v- - .. " r_ ...-:!:-" c. ] " C"', .. c '. '. ,fJ€i-X'~T " -,,: ,:.':i;"; ..,' .... ..t'::.t-..~,."".._... ~'.' .'7.J"'''<:'''!-''''- .' ~....~;..Jl"";"~;;;< ," ~<:",,11"_~~~'~':':" "~"i~'~:;:~----:-'-l-.J'-~~~:;' .?~;: ,#..,..' " _,_"...,."-'-~l-~" ..."...., _,,:<r-~" ."^ :.~~~'_'':;.;''1f'''''::.'1~;;;:,:~;;.,..;~~~tiii,..:;&::;f~''Z ~ _ ". .,_~P~~~.~_".\.~.~, ,rt:,'~~..;<-'iy,.f';,....tJ:;J ):~....~ '-'!if ~"""._._' ,.-'~"'~~' -'~'"" .._.,~-" ,,' ~; . ~"\ ,~" ~"'" _~,,~-'0 ;it.,,?o.....,'.".~ ,"" ;;"",~:~:":.:.F-.;i}::>>:..i'f.'':...':; .';,. .;;;:.t"f,"';;\"'::~ 'k~:'~'"'' -,-,/,.,.. ",'" .i"> -,,',,':" 'M.:c.'''''''t- - -~:..:~-;."::-"'~ z~;k"'~;'- ,""") .,;.,.' /,-",_,...t1"'" ,~L"'" '.or::' ..,."'.'" ,'7>-," J; ,,/, ",:,..,"",."", ~..:.'" .", , ~ L"...:';-~ oJ" '.-:k~~~' ~/~: ..;;~\ (- . ';';. f.'~ I :-'f.-~ :.>:'"l~ .' .""'.....':t:'~"'..'\~ ,.r;,"" ,~". -- ".;: '," ,~,_....:' .=",. '...',. \'~~'" -<.. . __ . ......".r;.;),~~::,5.i..f7'"i:;:~k ./ -, ~- .:/ Pending Analysis Drainage from the pitcher's mound to the outfield is unacceptable. The "skinned area" should be replaced or amended to produce proper drainage as specified in the Grading and Topography section of the original Construction Dr:iwings. Playgrounds Estimate Pending New surface safety tiles are showing signs of substandard material and/or fabrication resulting in an unusually high rate of deterioration. Replace with acceptable product. Tennis Courts $145,000.00 The Parks and Recreation Department remains extremely concerned with the poor conditions of the tennis courts. Tne entire court area is displaying evidence of improper soil density compaction or improper concrete densitylreinforcement as specified in the original Contract Documents. Based on these current conditions, a warranty would not be desired. If this is the selected option, the wording that sets the repairlreplacement process into motion must be very clear. Find attached to the end of this document several photographs taken on 10/6/00 depicting the general condition of the cracking tennis courts. Additionally, it is the City of Miami Beach's understanding that a stress test was performed on the concrete 7.11.2000. Although we have requested the results of this test, we have received no information as of this date. Gvm has since acquired assessments of the current court conditions and recommended solutions by two (3) separate consultants, all reputable businesses with a long history of recreational court construction. Anached is a "Titten proposal for recommended work, Other provide additional sand in Tot Lot area to create a uniform grade throughout, with a minimwn grade level not to exceed V;' below perimeter curb (typ.). Anything less would be a safety hazard and will not be accepted by the City of Miami Beach. 5850,00* . Page 6 " ~ flY In addition to the previous items, the CMB Parks and Recreation Department would require a detailed maintenance agreement with Miami-Dade County Public Schools that would address issues such as litter control, excessive wear on some equipment by primary user groups, etc. KCS/wdb c: Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Matthew Schwartz, Assistant City Manager Sugar Firtel, Assistant Director John Oldenburg, Assistant Director Odalys Mon, Special Projects Coordinator Dale Bryant, Landscape Architect Robert Pardo, Parks Superintendent . Page 7 - ~ ' ..,:~"~.~ -- , . .. ::';';;6 ': t' ,-'!Ii ,,~('\esC.rl~\...C'a:n:.r\J66. J:.\AlifjJ:f;.., "'.'" ,.......1 uu..... =rJ-....~ ,"'"u p.u~ '. . ACCURATE TENNIS 71' N, Pine Island Rd. Sutte 221 Plantation FI. 33324 . Dade: 305.792,760' . 5l'OWl1rd: 954.42308384 . Palm Beech: 561.740-0595 AGREEMENT Oc:lcber 4, 2000 Customer: Contractor: 1965A1ta1 Rd. Miami Beach A. 33139 Accurate Tennis Inc. 711 N Pine Island Rd. # 221 Plantation, FL 33324 WORK TO Be PERFOMED: Removal and replacement of concrete surface with asphalt surface and subsequent resurfacing of four 1ennis coull$. Agreement made belIMeen Ac::Uratll Tennis hereinafter called 1hfI Contractor and City of Maimi Beach hereinafter called 1he Custcmer far 1he surfacing of four tennis courtl; wittl respect tD 1he following terms and $pflGil'ic..tiona. SURFACING Contractor will remow existing ccncret8 sUlface and replace with 1 %' asphalt surface (1) CoIIt at AcryfIC Resurfacer, (2) Coats Colorc.oat Concentrallil ('t\No-lDnes).1n Dari< green and medium grMn on playing surface. Contractor will pnISSUI'8 clean surface Contractor wID grtnd dOYm arry ndges Contractor will fiU depASlicns greatBr than 1/PJ' with court pIlICh binder. Contradcr will fill all cracks with cnck filler. Contractcr will flood coun and ~k for depressions ContradlOr will reinstlll nets. Contradcr will paint outside perim8bor at fenca a,.... Contractor will paint net posls. Contradcr WIll painttwo-inch white playing lines 1l:l meet U.s.T.A Specifications .....-.;_...f(.-_.. ~ ~ '- - I. ill The Ccnlractor agrees 1Q provide 1001s. materials, labor, supervision, and insurance 1Q ccmplete !he above work for a sum ~~, 45,000 US dcllals PROVISIONS The aJ$IDmer agr...... 11:> 50"16 deposit upon atrival of malarials. The CUs1llmer agrees 1Q a final p;lyment 50% upon completion of wotIc. CONOITlONS The CustDmer will fumi:sh slable access 1Q the site for equipment and malleriala. The CUs1cmer WIll provide a dean water supply and an eIedricaI f1led at job .. The ConlraclDr accepts no responslbQlty for a= by anyone at job sllB except for 1tlcse ~ Ib<:onIradllld or employed by Accu~ Tennis. GUARANTEE The Co. ,b.ctDt ;uaranleee .. wane against defeds in ......ri<manship or materials tor . period of 12 monlhs. Conlradcr does not guarantge against cracks refleding lhrough MNV surface or ~nt depressions due 1Q poor soil or efOSion. &tfj-7 RespecU\Illy $Ubrnllllld by; Paul Gold Manager AccuraI8 Tennis Proposal ~ 0aIB UCENSED AND INSURED ~ , $- : l';cCotRr TENNIS Fo::.x N:J. 30537&<:';'':15 Sel'. Z2 2000 le:~ P2 ~ CONSTl'\UCTION. INC. 16155 SW 117 AVENUe SUITE 28 MIAMI, FL. 33177 City of Miami Beach Nautilus Middle School Miami Beach. Fl. DACE: (305) 2S5-D:l5:! BROWARO: (954) 443-17'1 FAX: (305) 378'2395 Sc:ptember 22, 2000 PROPOSAVAGREEMENT CONDITIONS - Resurface 4 Basketball Courts 1. Contraetor win ~ pressure clean court(s) to remove mildew aDd dirt prior to resurfilcing. 2. Cnl"lt1'8Clor will also flood coun(s) and check for low spots, then will p81Ch pwMled areas as best possible, to a standard tolerance of 1/8", or lhc depth of a nickeL 3. Contractor W111 patch cnu:ks with crack filler prioT to rCSUIfacing, and will ro U entire court area with I ~ ton mechanical roller to smooth surfu.ce imperfections. 4. ContraCtorW\11 rcsurn.ce existing court urea, approximately loo'x 200', as to Cslifornia Prodllc:t5 Corporation specificmions, using Plexipave materials with a 4-coat system as follo"''5: loCoat Acrylic: Resurfiu:er and 3-coats Fortified Plexipave (see c:nclosed brochure). s. Court colors to be: specify). lII'ld (please 6. Contraclor will al.'IO restripe all playing lines to meet specifications, 1ca.ving court(s) ready for play. 7. Con=or agrees to provide tools, materials, labor and supervision to complete the above work rot' a sum ofS 14,200.00 8. Cu.'<to= agrees to a lump sum payment of S 14,200.00 upon completion ofme re."U.T'l3cing. ....... ."IS CIIUIT Ai(. iti-J DUILDUS USClCIATUla . ;1 . <OM ,t.' $ McCOJRT TEt-I'lIS FAX NO. 3es:378239S 5ep. 22 20llI0 11: 0GlA'1 P3 Nallrilqs Middle Scbool Pa:e 2 9. CollUllCtOr gUOlr.UltCeS workmansltip and ImI1erials against dc:/i:cts for a period of THREE YEARS, save normal wear aDd tear, Acts of God, vandalism and/or any :strUCtUral damage tb81 may be pre-existing. Com.ractor cannot ~tce against future or the continuation of root damage, if treeslplams are around perimeter, or CT3l:king caused by age of aspball. \ O. After completion of the resurfacing, proper court use and !llaintemnce to be the sole responsibility ofthc Cust01'llCI'. It. Price subject to change if col1trac:t is not accepted within 90 days. 12. Work to commence at a date agreed upon by both parties. after Contractor recciv~ a signed copy oft!ii:s comrac:t from CW>"tomcr. 13. Contr.lCtor certifies lhal McCourt Con!ltruc:tioD. Ine. is licensed and insured to provide the following services as required by Miami-Dade County. 14. Failure to fuJfilllhc tcnns of payt!lent will void all guaramees. IS. Waler and electricity fur project to be provided by Customer. Ae&!epted by :c [)01J.1l~~/_?~ McCourt COlIStructioa, I , .....n ..."IS caur Alrll "- ~ IUILDlas USIlCI&TIOII '." -' ~--~"'! .. -: ." .' .r.; uP r- OF'FIC::E OF' THe: MAYOR (:. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 CONVENTION CENTER ORIVe: MIAMI BEA.CH, F'LORJOA 33r39 NEISEN O. KASOIN MAYOR September 1,1999 Dr, Michael Krop Dade County School Board 1450 N.E. 2nd Avenue #700 Miami FL 33132 VIA FAX: (305) 864-5432 RE: POLO PARK DearDr.~f'1.'~ It is inexcusable that Polo Park has not been available for use by the public over the last few months as a result of what appears to be a bureaucratic impasse. The City refuses to accept the Park in its current condition, and the School Board refuses to permit usage of the Park until the City accepts the work performed. A simple way to resolve this problem would be for the School Board to immediately permit use of the Park by the public in exchange for an acknowledgment from the Cicy that; A) Neither party waives their rights to any claims regarding the construction of the Park improvements and; B) The City appears to indemnify and hold the School Board harmless from any claim for injuries due to defects asserted by the City of Miami Beach. If this is agreeable, please let me know immediately so that the appropriate documents can be exchanged and make the Park immediately available for public use. Sincerely, 7Jf11 Neisen Kasdin Mayor C: Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager Murray Dubbin, City Attorney Raul Aguila, First Assistant City Attorney ATTACHMENT NO.2 ft; ~/e2!~~Sl 20:08 ~~~-67Z-73~2 ~ _. .... _...._ __0 __ ____...._ ~s ~..c.t-:""~ L.II:.~ I ...__~.l~ ~~ :c.""'l"J.~ r-....uc:. 0. "o.u<: 1!l2 , Rorlda L3wn ServicCy Inc_ Proposal 0._;. ~tt..AMf"T, ZOOG TOl ell)< 01 MttImI ".eft. II"lor1<s OW1"- Ann: ..... M ..."'" F_ "11/1 _ "'-..ws "* hIo Pwk Landsc:.pe .__ (~5)e'7~n.2 w. heretly lI.bYlit lfPedficatcns :ond e.tir"1ates lOr \ar':d8r..ape _rnon at Polo P.~ u fcllQwa. 1. :5. 4. 5, Adding tl:tpso<< tc low elevaticns and replsn:lng batTen ar_ with Sl Augustine aod tc mlWCtI v.. ."ia\Jr~ lUt1 '" the ""'. ....~ Of tennis COUrtS aNI \hll ~ ~ of ~ CClUrts. s,aO.llCllplll_ F<epIar::e 0IlOl (1) dead Blad< Olive Iree ('2-'~', FlOrida No. ') ~ ctf hwdl*I o:M1L $225.00 Fl..,... ai.K (el Green ~c<1 treeli (' 8-20'). .1,1l1Q.OO I\.~ h.e (3l tnlea east o! tenniS <X;l.lrts (10-,2'). SllDQ.OO Infil ~ (7) CoccplL.im (3C-3e', full at NOI1I'1 MCICr along easUlm Mgm.m 01 fenc::. line. $ UOO 2. e. RamcMl Md ..~ e..rmuca sod in ~anous area. wound awing set ~ be.lIbeIllleld. (es1im8led q.....r11lly i:. 500 sq. 11.). $2110.00 7. 0811wly end INtallatlcn 01 ""-'Ich In all plant 04'd. 8I\d ne mg.. $3.!Q1bag e. .......Wc:..li<"o of wv.d centrOl el'\ all Sem1uda turf. (to b.. ~ .,-- -MlT'I c:it1 for d..... af_d control program) 9. 0elIWlly and lnatallaliel'l of Sl Augu.~ne soa 11"1 .". lMIing set area 8t It1e Wnt me, $1l1Q.~ 10. IntIl two(2) ~~ I:leds 81 So<;L"ea:st ae<::cr - c:lo&e lcl mec:hanlC2ll'Cllm. ~ III"Ilf ln5i8ffatic:11 of fifty (50) CDc:oplumS fer 'MISt pjanUnQ tled. o.o-y .nd InstalWllcn 01 ""y (50) Fak:ahatCl'l_ at _ ..- PI-ng bed. $700.00 11. ~.,,~-:llng ...... !nn.Ind be.i<8t:>eU c::lVl".:a [esllr.'\alOld 3(X) 5q.I't), $108.00 .~, ~i/e~i4~91 ~~:~~ ..r. ~tI:J,-O{~-I"":)4 \,.tPtC"'~""W.1 .."" ._- . -."-' -.....- '- ..... ,..~ II:I~ '\ Z. ~ af 1ertilinr for ~u P~~on ~um trees 310"9 south sida r:II tenrws courts. "30.00 '\3 ~Ing of ona(1) Satin Lasf t.... at S.W. c::rner ot I8r1nia c,:)Ul1a. Ie.DO '4, )nfIIl'Iedge along MieNgar, Ava.MtI'l tlNanty (20) Siver SutIOnwcod (3G-3e"). $135.00 We n-..by prcpoM to fumish all laOCr and rnBtaria!S - <:omplar. it' aecortlanca wiIf'llh. IIbove ~ fOr1he sums h.18d above, AmounU to be paiCl upan complelJlln 01 WOl1<. AuU~ed ~re; €L . V~~jL .t.cceptllnat sig'1".: Cat.' P.O. l!Io.;a!1"11. ~,..."" 332&3-111;. P,..on.; ("O!)S.i~77. Fu:. (305)553-.21..~ C'05~ .,,-~ , , . ~ ' . \,- A: jjJ; CITY CJ F M I A M I BEACH ~ ====or -==- Addendum-to Proposal by Florida Lawn Service, Inc. for Polo Park Bark Mulch: Planting Beds Hedge south of tennis courts Front hedge North cocoplurn hedge 400sf 492sf 2.376sf Tree Rings Bags needed 373 Bags needed 46 Total Bags of Bark Mulch= 409 Cost @ $3.50/bag= $1,431.50 St. Au!!ustine Sod in and around Swin~ Setffot Lot: West of swing sets 74sf Directly East of Hardball Courts 90sf Around Tot Lot 1,501.5sf Northwest of Hardball Courts Southwest of Hardball Courts 528sf 420sf Total Square Feet St. of Augustine Sod=2,613.5 Cost @ $180.00/pallet= $940.00 -. ~ v~fi,.u ~.,. ~...., "'-, ...-tIJi"'.-' "',.. ,VI' - ~. ~.WI \,I....... ...,....-.,I~l~ 1'.02 711 N. Pine Island Rd. Surte 221 Plantation FI. 33324 Accurate Tennis . Dade: 305-792.7601 . Browl!lrd: 9S4-423-8384 . Palm Beach: 561-74~..95 Fax: 954-533-4125 Jun. 8,00 Atln: Ken or Sugar City of Miami Beach Dear Sir or Madame: Thankycu ftryour inlIen!olt in AcaJnltII Tennis 11) """,rface ycurlerrio COlJIb, YOA.I oour!s are in IIImclsl unpIayabIe.... odiIion wiIh!he po IC:8 r:Jrnany c:acks. I is UI .cv. ,., ..., 11) find a temis COUIt1hal is c:onslIU:lIld a CXlI"....... 1'MllJid advise remcMng 1he alUft and replacing ~wit1 an asphaIS6fac:8. Our company has been in business fer many y&a1S and we have built 1ennis courts right in your neighborhood as well as around the wor1d. We can easily deign a new court from Ihe ground up or we can make your old court look new once again by doing whar we propose. Remember Ihat we are one of the highest skilled companies with 1he IaIe3t l8chnology in T enni=l court conslnldion. and !hat our quality is Un=lJrpA.$Sed. We also guarantee 1D beat arry competitcr.s prices. Please let me know if yOu have any queslicns or comments. Thank you again Sincerely, ~ F'aul Gold Manager AccuraI8 Tennis, UCENSED AND INSURED