LTC 054-2009 Final Community Survey Questionnairesm- MIAMI BEACH ~_ ;~~~~ `J ; II~ 07 - , :..~ ~, ~~ ~ ~~ ~, ~ _c.r;i, GF~ ,~ L OFFICE OF Pnc CITY MANAGER NO LTC # 054-2009 LETTER TO COMMISSION ro Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission i --- FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager i DATE: February 24, 2009 SUBJECT: Final Community Survey Questionnaires The purpose of this LTC is to transmit the final copy of the 2009 English Residential and Business Surveys, along with the translated Spanish version. The Spanish questions are presented following each English question to allow for ease of comparison. The surveys have been revised to incorporate recommendations from the Committee of the Whole Meeting on January 28, 2009. Center for Research & Public Policy {CRPP), the firm selected to conduct the 2009 surveys, will begin administration of the surveys on March 2, 2009. This will allow the time needed for administration of the survey and analysis of the data in order to allow the report to be available for the Commission retreat in May. The overall length of the revised Residential Survey is 89 questions (with 2 additional items determined by CRPP without asking). The 2007 Residential survey was 88 questions with an average administration time of 21 minutes. The standard length for a Residential survey administered by CRPP is approximately 60 questions, with an administration time of approximately 15 minutes, however CRPP has indicated that they can still achieve high participation rates with a Residential survey of approximately the same administration time as the 2007 survey. The overall length of the Business Survey is 73 questions (with 1 additional item determined by CRRP without asking). The 2007 Business survey was 76 questions with an average administration time of 17 minutes. The standard CRPP Business survey has an administration time of approximately 10 minutes, but again, CRPP has indicated that they can achieve high participation rates with a Business survey of approximately the same administration time as the 2007 survey. As we have discussed, the intended purpose of the surveys is to gather general feedback and input from our residents and businesses on their level of satisfaction with the services we provide, as well as to continue to refine priority areas for the organization to focus on, and actionable recommendations far improvements to our services. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me JGM\KGB FOR RFSL-ll:r:f ~ _ .z- _~_~ MIAMI BEACH ~ ~- RESIDENTIAL SATISFACTION SURVEY ' , C, _ ENCUES•I'A DJ=; SATISFACCION DE LOS RESIDENTES l-=_ ~ ~~ -:'' Pcbntaty 2009 -FINAL (2/24/2009) Pcbrcru do 20119 -FINAL (2/24/2009) n PUBLIC POLICY Researcher ,r tuvestigador: Date / Pcdta: 'l'ime scan Hora de uticio: CB: Time end ;' I Kira do tinalirac i6n: Supereisor: Hello. I am calling on behalf of the T\tayor and Conmtissioners at the City of 1\iianti l;each. Afy ttarnc is I am a research assistant al The Center fur Research and Public Polirv. '1'hc City of ~lewti Beach is intorestcd in your vious rcgardin}; the services the City pmvidcs. Your opinion is ven• nnportant and tt°ill help iueet resident needs as tcell as uttpxo~e the quality of lilt throur?hour the. Cih•. This is strictly a sua'ey. ~\'e hate notltinn to sell. Ilola. lisroy llam;uulo a sombre del ~ylcalde y la Comisir_in de la Ciudad de ~Iiu~ti Beach. Dii rtornbre cs _ _ Sot ayud;urte de tnvesttKaciones cn The Center for Research and Public Polict. I.a Ciudad de \liatni Beach est;i intcresada en conocer su opiniein con respecto a los senicios sunwtistrados por la (.:iudad. Su opinicin os muy irnponanrc e :ryudar6 a sausf:u:cr las necesidades de los xesidentes do L1 Ciudad v a utciorar la rdidad do la villa cn la Ciudad. ICsta c. cstrirranx•ntc una cncucsta. No esramos vendiendo nada. 5cRr~;t;Nf:R I';NTILT:VISTAI)()R A. Arc you at lcasr eighteen tears of age% Ol Yes (Continue) [i2 1~0 (Ask for qualilicrl respondent) U:i t)on't knuwi'unsurc (Thank and terntinatc) A. ~Ticnc ustcd por In stenos 1S atios de edad:' O1 ~i (Continue) I!'? Ko (Prc~untc por ahuicn a quits ustcd pucda cntrecist<rr) O:i Igo sabot' Igo esta scsuro (Agradecca v temtitte) Sun•cy'- Kev 11te numbers in f j arc what that pamcular yucsTton wa. numbered as in the 2011; survey Bold yucstions can be compared nationalh~ /Jar~,rtion~ in i~a%isr ir:raw rn srorer.I r;rdinrrrrr' _nrrD:na.rnu (yucstions marked with a ~ hace uu,ditred L~ts,Guage from dte 200 suroeg bur intent is unchanged (>ucstion, marked with a "' have a new, balanced scale. ~Icw yucstions bat e the word NEW after dte number Claces de la Eacuesta I.os ntimcros cnn-c parcntcsis ~' ~ onYCSputtdctt a la hrc}~unta cspccitica plantcada cn la cncucsta do X00: Las prcgtmtas en acgrilla se puedcn compaxar nacionalmente 1.r., fr;;rtnlru en ilriiir:.r rm,a rm;;prour. r-riunrN~nrrtiv rn %a nriun:i.(~rrl Las ltrcgutttas ntarcadas con cl sintlu>lo • han rorriado cn su Icnguajc con resltccto a la cncursra do 200'• pexo la inrcncibn no ha cambiado Las prr:guntas maxctclas con un astcxisco " ticnen una nueva escala, cyuitibrrd:t Las preguntas nuevas tienen la pnL•tbnt l~'UEVA luego del nuntcro QL1\LITi of Llrr; C1ILIDAD llE; VIllA I. (1) Overall, how would you rate dte quality of life within die Cite of Miami Beach? Would you s:n-... ~01 I(sccllcnr-, CI3 Good; 03 Fair: or Cl4 Poor. 05 Dun'c hnoa;!unsure 7. (I) ~n general, ~comn caliGcaria usted la calidad de vida en la Ciudad de Miami Beach? 01 l scclrntc; C1? Iiuena; 03 Regular; o U4 \1ala. US No sahc,~~lo est:i scguro 2. (2~} \\1~at unc thine would cua sad- has a positi~-e uupaet on the yualin~ of life in 1`lianu Lieach% 2. (2~j Indiyue una cosy que usted considexe yue ha tenido un impacto positito en la calidad do trida e^ Iv~Gatui Beach . NF.W \\'hat unc thutg would you sap has a neratil-e unpacc on the yuaGty of Gfe in ~\liatni ficach . NUF,VA. lndiquc una cosy que usted considexe yue. ha tenido un unpacto nefiatico en L~t calidad do vida cn Miantr licach ~. N1=;~~`.:\nd, which of the following starernents best reflects tour outlook for ~n>ur own standard of living... 07 1; good and ttnpn,tigg; l13 Is good but declining; 03 is poor but uuprovutg; or 0~ [s poor and declining. 05 Don't kttoo J unsure 4. NUEVA. Y cual de la: siguientes afumaciones xeEleja mejor su perspectica sobre su nicel de vtda... Ol I {. bucno ~ esui mejorando OZ Es bucno Pero esc~ dedntando 03 E; ntala, pem est~ mejorando; o Od Es malo ~• csta cmpcorando 0~ Vo sabc%T~o csta sc~,uto 5. (79) Chctall, how would yuu rate the City of Miami Beach as a place to lice? ~Vouhl yuu SAy... O2 ~i00d; 03 lair; or 04 poor. OS Don'tlatow!uusure ~. (79) ~En general, c6uro caliGcaria usted a la Ciudad de Miami Beach Como un Lugar pars r-icir? 01 Excelente; !_)2 Buena; 03 Regular; o U~ Wala. OS loo Babe ~ Flo es[a scguro b. ~Sp"; As a place to lice, would cou sae the CiR' of'viiauti peach is... Ol Bcttc•r; Ill \~''orsc; or Oii :\bout the same as it was a h:w years ;~~_ o. DO NOT READ Dd Itecendy moved hereihave nol lived here htng 0~ Don't know,htnatre 6. ~RO''j Como Lugar para vivir, ustcd considcra yuc la Ciudad do iy'liami lteaclt es... 01 (/lejot; l~ i igual yuc hate ttnos ados. NO LEA 0~ Hacc poco sc tnudd a csta (:iudad;'no ha virido ayui cl ticmpo suficicntc 0~ No sabe:>lo es4i seyuro ;. (X!J "T;,ink Jbr rx rrromer+l <rborr/ :e~Pi;uber,+•va a•ouid rerannaend Fhr G~i/p olaiirmrl Berxr~ !o irrmn>' rtnrr iiaerrdr ru u -- rlrrtK IJ iiar. II' brr•7r ;•rrrr srrt.. . O1 lleftttilely wookl: 03 Probablt~ would; 03 i-lard to sav: 04 \\rould probably not; ur 0~ \t'otJd dchnirch' riot. OC Don't know `unsuxe I h ~~ j 1\tlcY1Y//E1.Y~!llTti FISt.^;~ ~ll ~,Ji/f~f7!~ !k' 1~'jltilit! ~Prli.f: U ~dI1I1~[Gi:'f~: Iflrii~0.i iGYI/0 /!75 ill?!11' !)!FT!! :'it'lY~ (Tl Si, dcfininvarnenlc: 02 Si, probablcnrenre; (13 ~Io sabria decixle: 0-1 ~Io, probablemente no; o OS Vu, definitix-atuente no. U6 No sabe,[~Io esta seguro S. (8?j Thrnkm~ about your neighborhood or dre Cirn oveeall, what nvo to duee changes xvould nLake ~btiauri Beach a better PLLCe foe you and;'or tour Eamily to live, work, Play or visit? 3. (Fi2) ;Refuieudonos a su x-ecindario o a la Ciudad cn general, pucde indicar dos o ttes cawbios yuc harian clue _l4iami Beach filese un mejor lugar Para vivir, irabajxr, divertirse o visiurr, unto Para ustcd COnlO P;Ira tiLL 1ffrTil~la.' (;1T~ Sra~~ces SI:R~'ICIOS vv L..i Cluv:w Vow I'll lead a list of Cin- characteristics, sen ices or prograiiis. Please rate each as excellent, good, fair or poor. ;1hora le leete una Gsta de catacteristicas, ~en~icios o programas do la Ciudad. Por favor califique calla una Como e~celentc, bueua, re}~ular o mala. Caracteris[icas Excelente Buena :Regular { D3ala NS 9. (3) Lunpieza do las calks cn su Ol 02 U3 Oa ~ ~ vccindariu 10. (4) Limpieza de Lts canes en areas U1 02 03 U4 l15 comerciales ~ de ne ~ocios ~ _ 11. (5) Limpicza de canales y aias de Ul 02 U3 U4 OS aqua 12. (G) Dtenaje de aquas lluvias (para U1 d2 03 Ua OS evitar inundacioncs) 13. (7) Crnidiciones de las aceras (Pocas Ul U2 U3 U4 US o cstado cn c uc sc cncucntran) ~ _ 14. (A) Adecuada ihuninacion de las U 1 U2 03 04 US caller de su cecindario (si es suficiente, si las Lim arcs fitnciunan l5. (9) r1paricncia y mantcnimicnto do 01 02 03 04 OS los edilicios ptiblicos de la Ciudad 1G. (10) Calidad general de las plagas O1 02 03 0~ ~t5 (litn icct, calidad del aqua, etc. 17. (14.) Progrtmas recteativos 18. (11) Apariencia de los Campos de i Ul U2 U3 U4 OS hero ~ 19. (12) Mantenimiento de parqucs (por 01 O2 03 04 OS ejemplo: limpieza y mantenimiento do ulnas verdes _ 2U. (I i 1 dlankurur-..n~a r..° ro:rcrr ,.err;.? nr rirt~a~ U 1 02 113 U4 05 ~ 2'1. ('15) Recoleccibn de basuras p U1 U2 U3 0.4 OS esatmbnts -- -+ 22. (17.) C:apacidad clc la Ciudad Para ~ Ol 02 03 04 - 0> atender el problema de Ins indigcntes .'.i. (-8.j. 1-tote good a iob of a joh is the 'tlianti Beach Cin° Gocertttnent doi<-t2?~ in nteeting tour espccruion. wtth the sciroiecs Thep provide' \~`ould t~ou sav... UI 1-:xccllcnt; 02 Good: 03 Pau: or U4 Poor. (h l)on'tluu,te•jun~urc 33. (:81). ~(:ual es su opinion >obce la labor del Gobiexno de la (:iu~ad do Tv{iatoi Botch en cuanut a los scrvicios quo suntinisrra% Considcta quo cs... Ol F:~cclcnte; l)Z Buena: 03 Regular; n 0~1 Ivlala. US No sabc;'i~o cstit seguro 2~F. (19~') Please rate the level of code enforcevtent a»d ordinances established by rho Ciry of ~lianti Beach govenuneat in your neighboxhood= \l'ould Fou sac... U1 1'00 little; U3 Tao much; or U3 About rho tight amount. 04 llott't knowiunsurc 24. (19~') Por favor cahfique el nivel de esigencia eu su vecindatxio del cumphntiento do hts ccidigos c ordenan~as establecidos Por las autotidades de la Ciudad de \Siauti Benclt. Considcta ustcd quo el nivcl do c~is~cncia es... O1 Dentasiado [olexante; (I? Dentasiado estrica,; o 03 Adeatado. Q~} Flo sate ~Vo csti scguro 2a. (22'') I low would you talc the amount of noise in Four neighborhood% ~\'ould Cott sa{~... 01 ,\ bit too much; C13 \\~ av too much: or O.i :lccepaiblci not a pxoblcm. 0~4 Don'tknow;'uasure 25. (2?'j ~Cbmo cali6caria la cantidad de ntido en su cecindaxio? Considcta que es... pl Algo csccsivo; 02 l)cmasfado; o f13 :Aceptablc%no es un problcma. U4 Igo saber Flo esti se}?uxo HlsroKlc PKh:sh:KVA'1'fUN ANll DES ELUPbiEN7' PKh.SHKVACIUN Y Dh:SAKKOLLU llBL PA'1'KIMONIU H[ti'i'(URICU 3C,. (2:i'j Think about historic preservation in the (;ily of ~li;uni licach. In your t icty, tvotdd }'ou sap dte effort put foxdt be the (.:itF is... 01 'foo httlc; 03 'loo notch: or t)3 ;\bout the right amount. (1'} Don't know;'unsurc 2(i. ;2~*'j _Cuanto consideca usted que la Ciudad de D4ianu Beach esta haciendo con xe_ytetto a L1 pteserl-acion ltisv~rica de sus eshtlchuas% U7 ~~Iu~~ porn; (12 Dcrnasiado; o 03 l.o indirldo. CIS Flo :Ibc;'No csla sc~uto 1. 2'•. NE~~' Please dtiltl: about the level of det-elopntent in dte Cih~ of 7`Iiauti Beach. ~k ould cou sad the e[fort put forth bl~ the Cin to xeyulate development is... Ol Too Little; 02 Too much; or 03 :16out dlc right amount. Q~ DOn'C kl]OW! LInSlICC '_-. NUEVA. ~Cuinto a>nsidcra ustcd yuc csr,"1 hadcndo la (:iudul do Nhami Beach Para xeruL~r su desarxollo conto Ciudad? D'l 1`fu~° porn; Q'' Demasiado: o f13 Lo indicado. 05 fro sabc! Vo csra sc~,uro TRANSPORTATION hARP~ING TRANSPOR'f'h: Y r5f'ACIONA:~'11h'Nl'O ~h. ;2'} ~\ltat is tour prunaxs mode oC transponation in ~9iami Beach (Rcscarchers: Do NOT read list) Ul Car 112 Local bus circulators ;in Soudt Beach) 0:3 Public buses fescluding the Locdl (~=f t~'a1kmL'B1C5`Ch11(; i15 Motorccclesjl`Iopeds OG Taxis Or' You slay home; do not ~,o our often fIR l ticnds surd I urnih 09 Odtcr 10 Don't knolx~%unsum 2$. i2?) ,Crud cs su principal nx•dio do irutspone en't~iiauu Beach (F:ntrcvistador: NO LEA la lists al cntrcvistado) I_il ,~otoniovil 02 I it "local" (el bus cuculndor do Jouth Brachl (I:i Buses pribhcos ~escluycrtclo cl "locaf'j 04 Cantinando v,~ o biciclcta OS ~fotocicletas y:'o ciclomotores Ofi Tabs U' Sc yucda cn cua ~ %o no sale la macor park del ticmpo f?~ I,o rransportan arni~os e fantiliares loo sabe;'~Io esta sc.~uro 'L9. (2R*) How do you feel about the avaiL•Ibility of parking throu~lt4ut die City of Miami Beach? ~~G'ould vuu sa_v there. is... pl Tno lirrlc; O? Too much: r»- O.i Abuut right. 0~ lh,n'r know-%unsure 29. (28*) ~Que opina de la dispunibilidad do cslacionamicnto en la Ciudad de Miami Beach? pl Demasiadopoea; (13 I)cmasutda: o fl3 l.a utclicad:t. U-F No sabei No estsr se€uro 30. (3U) 1 low do you feel about traffic flow where you dri~~e in Miami Beach? «'uuld )~OU Say lI 15... 01 Excellent. o'' co«l; 0 i Fair: or fla poor. 07 I)on'r know:'unsurc 30. (30) ~Que opina Jcl fluju de tr<ificu pot dondc ustcd Iransita en D4iami Beach? Lo cunsitlcrl... ill I (~cclcntc ll_' Bucno; O:i Rc}~ular; o (ld h~lalo. 05 ~Io sabe..•'No esta scguro 31. (31) Hrnv do you feel about the condition of roads u„ DIiarni Reach, that is street repair, maintenance and smoothness? Vi''ould you say the condition is... (l I I ~:xccllcnt; O:i Fair; or ll4 Poor. Oi Don'tdtiva OG Don't lcnow;'unsurc 31. (31) ~Quc opina usted de la txtndiciGn do gas canes en Miami Beach? (Es dccir, la reparacibn de canes, mantcnimicnto, eslado)? La considers... Ol E;.celeote; Q2 13ucna; it i Rcgul:u'; o 04 ~~lala. 0~ Igo conduce O(i Igo Babe,%Ko esta seguto i?. r1 an altarnativc• to taking; a car, please tell me ti°hich of nc~ Ei>Ilowin~ transPonatit»t types sou would be willing a, use. (Resr<uchcrs: Read, Kotate & Accept multiple responses) O1 Local bus cirarlators U2 Trolley car 03 I?spress bus ro trtainlattd U 1 Bicycles lli <Ahcr (1G Dott'I know/unsure 3''. Como una alteruativa eo lul;ar do usar cl aunnnuvd, pot favor cligante coal de ]os siruientas nx•dios de transporYC cshtriat dispucsto a usax. (Lntrcvistadur. l.rs, shcmc y accptc mtiltiplcs respucstas) 01 Buses circuladores (el "local") (12 1'rollep cac lid L;uses etpresos a Barra Eirmc Oa Riciclctas q5 Otro OG Nu sabc~l~o esCi aegoxo 33. (32~') How would you describe the availability of bicycle piths/L•mes throughout the City of M1liatni Beach? ~~'ould you say there ate... Ol Too lew; [?2 Too many: or 03 _lhouttight 04 [don't know;~unsurc 33. (32•') ~Curnu dcscribiria oared la disponibilidad do rotas p carrilcs pars bicicletas en la Ciudad de )V4iami Beach? Considers ryuc hay... 111 Diu,.' pocas; ll? l)crnasiadas: u 0 La cantidad adecuacla. U } ~Io sabe;'~]o est5 semtro S:1FET1' SELL?RIll AD ;1s 1 read you a list of public safety sen•ius prot-ided by the Cin• of D{ianu Beach, pleme tell me it you would rate tftc quality of each as esccllcnr, good, fair or poor? Sen ices - F.xt:Blleti~ - GooB --- Fsir Puot DK 34. (33) Police Ol 0<' 0 i Oa U 35, (3~3) F.nter~cncy A4edicsl Rey unse__ _Ul _ U? Ui (_I:1 i); 36. (35) Firc Ol 0? 03 (f4 (~~ i^. i3G; (k:can R~scu~:%Lifeguard: Beach Patrol 01 02 U3 04 0~ 38. (.i7) Emcr~cncw•/1 Iurricanc rc arcdncss Ol 02 U3 U4 I OS :1 tncdida quc la> una lists do los zcrvicios do scgwidad priblica suministraclos por la Ciudad de l\lianti Beach, por favor digarnc si los ca6licari:t comp c~celentrs, bucnos, regulares u malos. Senicios F.xcclc_ntc Bucnu Rc~ulat Alalo NS 3~1. (33) Policia U1 U2 6. 04 0~ 35. (34) Rcspuesta ante Emer~encias b~Icdicas U1 - U2 - 0 ~ 04 0~ 3fi. (35) Bomheros 01 02 U3 U4 (15 -'. LAG) Kc>carc ~'Imino, Sah~avidas, Polic[as en la Plata Ol U2 03 U4 Uj 38. (37) l-;mcr~cncias/Prcparacion p;tra Hur;tcanes Ql 02 O3 04 (1~ As I read the follott ing; regarding safeR`, please uuiicate tt-hetltec F°ou feel ven safe, sotnetvhat s;dc, somewhat unsafe or ecn' unsafe% Questions ii Very 'i f Somewhat ~ f ' Somen--hat f Very f DK sa e sa e unsa e unsa e 39. (3R*) In your neil;hborhood duritt~ U 1 [)' t73 04 l15 Qte dav? _ 411. (39*) In your neighborhood during Ol 02 03 04 US the cccnittg/ni >ht? 41. (40*) Iu business commercial areas UI U2 63 Od [l5 duriu~ the cvcniryy/ night? ~ ~ -. _ -- _- - Al leer las siguicnres prcguntas acerca de su seGuxidad, pox fat•ot utdiyue si se siente nnn• sct;uro, algo scgun,, algo inscgunt, o muv inseguro. Prefttntas Atuy .Ai~o Aho )L4uy N5 _ _ sc~uro scburo inse~uto incc~uru 3 ). (iii*) En su cecindario duutnte el dia --- - - O1 ~ (_12 0 ~ U4 ~ YS ~10. (39*) En su vecutdaziu al ataxdecer O1 f12 1.1_'> p.1 t13 c/o en !a noche 41. (4U*) F.n areas comerciales al Ol O? 03 04 (1$ atardccer y/n en la noche ~3. ;=Fl i As I read dte following Lst, please till me what areas t~ou feel the Cin~ of i\iiatni Beach can add ress u, unprovc public safer duoughout the City (Researchers: Read, Kotate & Accept multiple responses) Ol Yrevenwtg ctirne 03 Enfurcu~g traffic laws Qi lmpruving communication between residents and l:ne• enforcement ll~ Irtcrrrsing vi~ibiliiy of police in neighborhoods 0~ Increasing visibility of police in busntcss f conuuereial areas OG Enhancing lifeguatd and beach patrol services U'• Reducing homelessness l18 Improving fue-fil~hrittc; sett-ices 09 Improving rescue- services 1(i Improving infiastnrcnrre {street lighting, repauittg sidewalls;streets; 11 Cleanliness of zn-cets 1°_ (hhcr 13 llc»t't Lnow;'unsun 43. (1 I;. [)cspucs do leer la ci:nriente lists, pot Facoc diname arales consideta yue son las areas a las yue la Ciudad do ~~hanti licach dchc dar manor importancia pars mejorac la seluridad ptiblica cn la Ciudad. (Enttevistador: Lea, alteme, y acepte multiples respuestas) I.1I Prevencibn de cruuen U? I lacer cumphr las Iepes de tcansiro O:i Aicjurar la eomunicaeiCtn entrc los residentes v los agcnres del order f1~} Auutcnlat la prescncia pultcud cn los vccutdarios GS :luntentar la pmsencia policial cn areas attnerciules y do ncgudo. (1G 'tfejorantiento en lus sen-icios de los snlvavidas c de pobcia en la phrna (1? Reducir el pcoblema de los indigences U8 ~icjorar los scrvicios do bombcros 09 ~Icjor:u- lus scrvuios do :ucnciGn do cmcrgcnctas 10 ~1elarar la infraestnremra (ilautittaeidn de las calles, reparaciones de aceras y calles', I I T.impic~a do la calles 1_' C)tra I i Teo sabc;`No csrr scgw-o CiJLTURE ~EN'C E. RT.4iN~iENT ~~1~UURISbi ~:CLTLIL4~EN"1'RE'PIiN1A4IrNT0~~l'URIS\iU ;~s I read a list of destinations and attractions located iu b~Gami Beach please icll me, on average, the number of rimes you attend each pee pear. .~I Icerle una lisrr de dest.inos ~ atracciones en ivli;uui Beach, par fairor di~;ame, can pnrrnedio, cl ntimeru de ceces yue ha asistido aouahnente a calla uno. I'll read a list of arrraaiuns and activities, its I read each, please. tell me if dtexe are too fea•, too mama or nc~ ri~hr amount. Cularril Fve:nts = ~ _ ' Tou ~ few Too many Riglu amount_ DK att. illi (Glu-aurn. UI i;n U; 0~ ]1. (SI I) (.lllhll-al aCOV1ttC5 {SUCH a5 alt SCIONS, ail (~: {I:3 ~ ~U l tilm fcsti~ als, musicals and five hcrfi,rmanecsl 53. (511 rantily friendly activities (sudt as ft1 (12 I 03 0,'l ~4ovies in the Paxl:, Dlusic ui the Paxk, etc.l i3. {.52j Major events such az boat;•''honu:;'auto O1 0_' - ~ 03 (1¢ ShUWS, ~th Ol JUIV Cell'brat1011S, CXp UStUUn5, food and wine festivals, ete.l Le leexe una lism do atxaccioncs y actividades- AI Iccr calla una, por facox cligante si sienre que hav muy pocas, mochas, o la cuttidad adccuada. do :uYC. autonlociles, celebraciunes del ~ de Julio, exposicioues, festivalcs do alinrcnu>s y bcbidas, etc: t ).i r1s I read you a list of cih• 1-enues, please tell nte, oa a~~cr:rt;q Lhe number of times per pear qou aucnd etch. Venues = NumUer of times PK attended annually - - - ~4. i ~ ~ ~ L~asslfuscutn of rltt ~. f i~j fcron Carlclc Thcatcr -- ii 5G. (55j h'illrnorc ar~thc Jackie Clcason -Theater -- ~I 5?. 5G1 The Colons "Thcatcr I SS. (5?1 ~ti:uni Readt Convention Centex Al leerlc una lists do lugares atlhtrales y de cnr:ucntro cn la Ciudad, poc favor dit;ame, en Promcdio, cl nuntcro do veces yue asiste :um:dmcnte a cacLr uno. l.ugares culturalcs ~ de eventas Numcrn do vcces I, NS ~ _ que asiste al ar5o i 1, (ti 'i Baz ~lu•~um oY Art -- 55. (5-11 B~~ron Curhlc 1'heates __ SG. ~~5,i 1'ea¢o Pillntore en cl ~ackir Gleason fNilhuore at dte -- ~aclde Gleason Thcatcr) 5'. ~~SG~ Colurty "1 heater _- -__ 58. ~~'•) Centxo de Com•enciones de ~Itarni Beach ('a'9L1nll . . Beach Convention Ccntcrt 59. ~59~) How good of a job would Pou sav the (:iiy Government is doutL handhnn events that attract Urge crowds ro ~4tamt Beach% "that is. the city considexs dte needs of resideuts, addre.scs notsc and disturbance issues' ~k ould you say... 0l Pen- good; 02 Good: 0 i .gvcr:tKc; o (14 Vcty Poor. 0.5 Don't know,•''unsure 59. (591 ;Ctec usted que es buena la labor yue est~ realizandn la Alcaldia do la Ciudad con respecto a L1 oxt,attizacion de ecentos yue atracn a un numeroso Inihhco a ~~liami Eieach, en el sentido de yue L1 Ciudad ticnc cn cucnrt las nr cc.idadcs dr lo. rcoidcntcs. talcs como control do ruidos v do disntrbios? (tl I st Cwdad rata rcalizaodo una cscelente labor; 02 Una bucna labor: 03 Una pcontedia labor; o 04 L'na Pcsima labor. [IS No sabr.,•'1~o csra scguro G0. (GC?rj Please icll ntc iC tou clunk the tourism indushv in ~liauu Beach contributes too litde, too Hutch or about the right amount to du yuali~~ of life tix residents within the city. O1 foo little (1? Too much 03 lhout the nght amount. 0~F 1Joni knowJunsuxc G0. ~GQ'°; Pot t;rvor digarne si considers yue la indusuia del huismo do h[iami Beach conttihuvc muy poco, rnucho o cn forma adccuada a ]a calidad de villa de los residcnn•s cn Lt (:iudad. UI `lu) porn 02 \lucho 03 En forma adecunda. 1i-1 Nu .:d,c;'I~o csra ser~uro IZl?(:KE.aTInN RE,cxl?A(aON Gl. NE~~'. \\'hen thinking about mcreadon programs in the Cin• of 1\fianti Beach, plcsrc utdieate which demographic t~ou feel ttould benetrt most from ]united resource, during touch econou»c tuues% ~k'ould you say... U1 13 years of age and under l13 1') to 3~ years of agc (1.3 36 to 64 years of agc U4 C,j years of agc. and older 05 Don't krtow,•''unsure UG T~onc of the above 0' Refused G1. Nti);VA. Al pensar en los prograntas de xecreacidn que ofrcce la (:iudad de Miami Bcach, ;coal t?ntpo demograEco tree usted yue hubris yue benedciax ^tas si hubiera limtracicin clc rccursos cn ncmltos ccontimicamentc diticilcs:' QI 1 lash los 18 arias do clod U_' De 19 a ..°i~ silos do clod 03 De 3G a Gil anos de edad (1'1 s1 pacts de los 65 anos OS Vo sabc'No csta seguro O6 ~Iinguno de los anteriores 0, Prcficrc no contcstar I?CQNOMl"~•I•:1SES rcONVn~tj.a E IivlruESros G'_'. NZ;W. T'lease thutk about and csrirnaic the percenrauc of your Property Tai bill that goes to the Cin~ of `Siam Beach w fund City services? f r I ,~,,; -- I)ou't hrtow•.•''unsuce G?. NUEVO. Pot lavor picrtsc y eslvne cl porccnlaje de sus unpucsros do propicdad yue van a la Ciudad de ~lianu Bcach Para linanciar k>s ,crt icios do la Ciudad 01 "'~ '£3 No saheJNo Segura (i3. (G2) Hotti• would you rate the overall value of City services for the tax dollars that you pay? l>v'ould you say... 01 Lscellent; tJ2 Good; fi3 Fair; nr 0~4 Poor. O i Don't know;'unsure G3. (G2) ~Ctimo ctlificarfa usted en general cl valor de los servicins que recibe de la Ciudad cn cornparulo a los impucstos que ustcd paga? ill I?scclcnr.•s: 02 I3ucnos; 03 Regulares: o 0~1 bfalos. Q Nu sabc,i'No csra scguro 6d. (64~) Cntil our aconomy rebounds, eiocs need to thinly abour and prioritize the scr~iees bcur~ offered. Please tell me which of the following, services ~hc Ciip should strive to not reclucc rf rcducnons became necessarc. (Researchers: Read, Rotate & accept multiple responses) (1l ;\rts ~C Culrurc 03 CLearilntess 03 Landscape maintenance & beautification 0-F Rccrcatum programs (1S C.udc enfotccmctll OG L•nvironmeohtl utitiauves iii Outreach and conununication to'clianti I-each residents 0$ Othrr [19 Don't I:nowiunsurr. G4. (G4~) Hasta cl otomento en yue nuestra econootia repunte, las ciudades tiencn que pemar en los setvicios que ofrecen v en darles prioridad. P.n caso do qae fitera nec.esario hater rcduccionc•s, por facer dihante coal de los si~uientcs sen~ieios la Ciudad no ee debc•ria resrrurgtr. O~:ntrevistador: Lea, aherne r acepte multiples respuestas) (11 \rrc t nrhur.r 03 Lnnpieza (ti ,\(antenuttiento e embellecuniento de areas urbanas U•1 1'rogramas do rccrcacicin (15 I {siycncia del curnplinticmo do lus ccidigos 0(i lniciativas antbicntalcs 0"~ Proc;rautas de connmicacion con los residentes delfianti Beach OR C)troaj 09 ~Io sabe%\o esta semuo (ii. (G5) ~l`hexe do 1•ou go most often to get }•our information about nc~ Cih•= 0'I (.:able Channel \48-; l)Z 1`tianti Beach website 03 Daily newspaper articles 0~1 Conmmnin•,•'umcldy publications o~ civ°~ X113 n~ra~az;ne I1G (-11~'PayC 117 ~elyhhet-s SCCnUn Uf i~tlatnl I Icrald G>. (GS) ;De yue maneca obtiene usted can mas frecuencia L~t utfonnacion sobre la Ciudad? (Entrevisrtdax: Lea, alterne y aceptc mtiltiplcs tcspucstas) 01 Canal de Cable ~'fB" 02 tiitio en Internet de ~fliami Batch 03 elrtieulos cn los pcriodices diaries 04 Pubfiruiones scm;malcs!dc la contunidad OS Revista de L~ Ciudad \1B OG Pai~ina de L1 Ciudad en L1 section "~iei~hboxs" clel Alianti Hexaki (1? EI Centro telefonico de information de la ciudad 08 Coneos electxonicos ~,%o coxceo directo del gobiento de L~t ciudad, dcpartan,c•nros o agcncias O9 Comunicacioncs con los Conusionad0s de la ciudad 10 ISO LG.1~ Otxo I1 ~~1D LI{:~~ Vu sabc Flo cst:i intcresade,'aj GG- (GG) I loo do you feel abour nc~ amount of information you ~cr from the (:itp.' \Vould tee say' toe rccclcc. .. Ol 100 lialc: 03 10o much; ox fl i about ii:>hr amount of inf0rntadon U-1 Don't Icnowunsurc GG. ;liG; ;(~uc opina usted de la cantidad do infemtacicin yue rccihe do la Ciudad Considcra yue es... 01 1~4uc poca; lid 1)cmasiada; IY i La c:uuicl:ul :ulccuada do inti>rn,aciCxt. 0-{ Vo stbc (~o csUt sc~uro 6-. ((i?1} During the last 17. months, how mane times haec you pc•~~sonally contacted, either by phettc, in person or clecn-enually, the City of i4liami ticach ~ovcmmcnt with a yucstion, scrt~icc rcyucst. or cotnplainl' O1 ~ _ (Continue unless %ERO then skip to Q7a) Don't httow;' unsure (Go to Q74) 99 Refused (Go to Q74) G?. (G-~j I~:n lo, Idlimos 13 mews, cuautas veces se ha cc» uunicado usted-ya sea pox lclcfono, personalmente o por corxeo electronico- con el gobiemo de la Ciudad de Miami Beach con motivo de al~;una pregunta, sohcittld de sen-icio o queja' (11 :~timero de veces (Continue. a mcnos yue la tespucsta sea CHKO q pace lue~o a la Pre~unta 74) Teo sabcj flu Isla scs~uro (~raya a la Prc~unt:t 74) 99 Prcflerc ni, decirlo (Napa a la Pegwtta 74) G8. ~ G8~) Please tell me, what was the reason for Motu most recent contact.' 01 Pav a bill O2 Visit ar) elected of(ieial (Lj 1(l.'s CBTI'l) 817 ISSUI.' 0~ Pull a buildilt}; pennit;'plan rcvic\\ OS t1¢end a proc~caln.i'ecent OG Pilc a complaint (1? (hhcr 08 l)un't kno\v;'unsurc G8. {Gti~ ~C ual hle la razbn de su contacto mas reciente% UI Para pagan Iola cucnta 02 \~ Isuo a un funcion;uio clccto I)3 lRb e$llf~o ltll :leLLillO t)~ \ohCltO (In pl'rmISO do l'U1tSICLLCC1Ult;'TLV1stl Ull pl'Ut'CCCO 0~ ;lsistio a un pxogxantaf evento liG Pxesento una fiueja ll' Otro ~~aj 08 ~Io sabe;'I~o esta se~tlro G9. (G9' Ho\\ the you llrst contact dtc Cily% U'I Phnne 02 li mail 03 lnpcrson tit 1'hrocigh a conmussioncr U~ CoumxutiR~ uteetin[; iG Other ii' Don't I<now~'tlnsure G9. (G J; .Como ConraCto a la Ciudad la prinx•ra vczr O1 I'elcfono OZ Ci,rxeo electzcntico l13 PcrsonalnuatTe 0~ .1 trav~s de un contisic» tado Q ~ l'na reunion comunal UG Otxa Or flu sabc;''l~o csl:i scguro No rccucrda As I read the nest tour statements, please tell me iF you stxonGl<< agree, agree, ncidmr agree nor disagree, dis;igrce or sin>nglq clisagree with rich. easy to get to someone The employees that assisted the proper training and the experience I had contacting the 74. (77) T'o what extent do you agree or disagree that the City of b4ianti Beach gmernment is open and interested in hearing the concerns or issues of'residcnts% Would you say... Ol Slsongh~ agree: 0'? Agree; (li Neither agree nor disc;>ree; f)-F [~isagrcc; or 0.4 Strongh~ disagree. OG Don't. knowi'unsure AI Icer los siguicntcs cuatro enunciados, diga si csr:i totalntcntc de: acuerdo con epos fl'nA't. si esta do acuerdo (lle:1), si no esla ni de acuerdo ni en desacucrdo (Ni .-~ I7j, si no esta de acuerdo (~IoAI o si esta en total desacuerdo ~l'oUj. 7+I. (77) ~I fasts qui'_ panto est~ usted de acucrdo o en desacuerdo en que la gobcmacitin do la Ciudad de hlianti Beach eats dispuesta a interesada en escuchar las prcocup:uiones y opiniones de Inc residences? 111 I sum totaUncntc do acucrdo; 02 lac acucrdo; 03 Igo cstov de acucrdo ni en dcsacuexdo: DA Igo estov de acucrdo: o 0~ En total desacuexdo. U6 Ko saber Rio cats sc€;uro WEBSITE SITIO EN INTERNET -5. NEW'. Hare cou visited the Cia's website at u1~lv.otiantibeachfl.eov ut t}te past G months' O1 Yc. (Continue) 02 Rio (Go to Q77) C~3 Don't l:now;'unsaxe (Go to Q77) '• ~. NUEVA;I ;n los rilbmos C mcscs, ha t~sitado ustcd cl sido cn Internee de la Ciudad: ww w.miumiheach il~uv 01 ~i (Continue) U3 ~Io (Nava a la PreLntnta 77) Oi ~Io Babe/I~o eats se~tuo (Vasa a la Prel,>ttnta 77) 'G. NEW. Ch•crall, how satisfied would t'ou say; you were with the ~fianti Leach u-ebsite. Would 5uu say... Ol Vere satisiicd: 1.1? Sometvhnt satisfed; fl3 Sonxsvhat dissatisfied; or 0~ Vcrv dissansficd. l15 l)un'r lau>w `unsure 7C,. NUEVA. f-;n s~cncntl, que fan salisfccho sc .intiu usicd con cl acct<, cn hucrnct do la Ciudad de ~liauu Iteaeh% Considers que se snttio... 01 ~fuc satisfccho; (12 :U};u s:disfccho; 03 ill~o insatislceho; o 04 1•Iuv insatisfecho: 0~ Teo sahc,rNo eats seguro BL11LllING D1±:YAR'I'JIPN'i' DEY:1R'I':'L~'!EN'I'O ll)~: RI':GLAPoIF_'1V'I'OS 1' PF.RbIiSOS DF. I.~NS'I'RL:CCIt)N i?-i) 1-luxe qou coniucted or had any direct experience xcitlr dte City of hliarni Beach L~uildu~g Deparuneut ut the past 12 months' Ol les (Cuntinuc) O2 No (Go to Q79) 03 lh>n'r knoxv/unsure (Go to Q79) -? ~?4) ;Sc ha comunicado o ha Icnido :d*una cspcriencia dirccta con cl t)cp;u-iamcnio do Reglamentos c Perntisos de Consul:ccidn de la Ciudad de :xlianu I;each en los tiltunos 1? nu•se~' l)I Ji (Cunlinite) 1)? Flo (Vaya a la Pregunta 79) 03 Rio sabe;'~Io esui segue (Yak a a la Prepnmta 79) ?K..`-5} I loxv xvould cuu rate xour experience xxith the Suildinz Deparuuent:' ~l''ould cou sax... O] E.eccllcnt; Q~ Good; tl i Pau: ar ll# poor. OS L)on'r knoxv% unsure '8. (; ~ ;C6mo riliiir.:ria su cspcricttcia curt cl lhpattatncnu> do Rc~lumcntos v lrcrnrisos de Consuu<ci6n~ 01 Eacelente; l13 L3uena; Oi Rtgular;o 0~ \hda. 0~ Igo sabc Igo cst:i scguro D E`'I O GRAPI II CS DATOS EST:IDISTICO$ Moto just a tew demographic yucstions for slalistical purposes only. %9. Please te11 ntc iC you are Spanish, Hispanic or Latino, which oC the lollowing apph•' O1 Mevcan;'1\te~ica^ Ameucan;'Chicano 02 Puerto Rican O:i Cuban (1~ Onc~r Spanish% 1 ltspanic;''Lanno iSpccifp: _ -_-- ) OS No, not Spunish;''Hispanie;'1 .vino OG DK;'unsuxe,'refused Ahort sGlo unas preguntas dentogr:ificas, unicamente Para propositos estadiscicos. ?9. Si es Espatiot, Hispano o Latino, por favor digarnc coal do las sigutcnres opcionrs corresponde a usted. (11 ~i\Icsicano;%\Ic~icano AmcricanoChicano C/^_ Pucru>rriyucnu 03 Cubano 0~} Ouo - EspatiolHispano/lstuno CEspccitiquc: _, OS ~Io, no soy Espauol,~'Hispano?Latino Ol Vo sabe;'~lo esta seguro/Pxefiexe no concestax ~0. \Vhal is your taccf 01 \&hi~c 03 Black ox African American alone Oi American Lxiiau or alasl:a Nau~-e fSpeeif~ name of prunarv tribe: - 04 1 ;\sian Indt:ut 05 Cl>inese OG Filipuio 0? Japanese OS Iiorea^ 09 ~`icrnamcsc 10 Native I hnvaiian l I Guamanian or C hamotto l2 Samoan 13 Other Pacific Isla nder {Spuih: j I l tionu other race ~SpeciCy: ___;. IS Rehtsed 80.:CuSI es su raza? 01 1-lattco 02 T~cgro o \fro ,lmcricano soLtmcnrc 03 Ltdur ,lmcricanu o n:uivo do ;1laska ~I~spccifiyuc Hombre do la trilru Itnmatia: 0~ IncGo .\si.itico 0~ Cltuto OG Filipuu, U lapones On Coxeano 09 Victnamita 10 I lawai:uro l I (ouatTlanO U (.lrantotro ]2 Samoano 13 1)c orra isla del Vacihco ([specifiyue: 14 Otra r:va !I [sPccifiduc: j 15 Prcficrc no contcstar H 1. 1V~~~' \C7ta[ is coot countn~ of ori);in> Ql I->I:;'1?nsurc 99 12ci usccl 81. NUE~rA _Cual es su ptis de ori~cn% 0'l T~S;'~io esta seguxo 99 hreficrc no contcstar &2. ;SSj In what n~pe of residence do you lire in Dliauti Lteac6% f)1 Sin~,lc farnilp unit liZ Ihgtles or sown home ll:) \partmcnl;'Condotninium U4 (-hltex U? Refused 82. ~S~j L?n yuc riro dc• residencia cite used en ~tiauti lieacli l?1 Una c:asa particular 03 l)uplc~ o rotanhousc OT .lpnruunentoiCondouwtio Il I Orro Ui Prefiexe ^o responder 83. ~£iG :1xe you a homeowner or renter Ill Homeowner 02 Renter 0.3 Refitsed S3. (136j , l is ostcd propuaano do su casa;~ apaztamcnto o renta~ Ul Propic)ario 0°_ Rcnla 03 Pre.trere no responder 8=1. f87j How long have cou Gvcd itt )hc Ciry of .~liarni Beach Ul Less titan 6 mouths 03 C. months but less than 2 pear U.3 ? ro Icss thsn ~ wars Od :i ur Icss than t0 years 05 10 to less than 20 rears 06 '`lore than 2U pear> 0'.• Refused S~F. ti i ~Cuinro ticmpo ha vivido us)cd cn la Ciudad do (\~li:trni &•ach? D l blcnos do G rncscs 03 Cntre G mews r 2 atios 03 P.utre "' v 5 auos Q~l I~.ntrc S v lf) arios 0.5 I ~.ntrc Il) r 2U anos 17(i Aias do 20 :uios 0" Prefiere no responder 85. ~88j A~~ ha i is your ulc? D l Iii 24 year:. old 03 °_5 to 34 pears old pi i5 to ~ pears olil p4 ~l5 to ~ 1 tears old OS 55 to G~1 wars old OG G5 years or older 0; Itcfuscd 85. ERR; ~Cu:i l cs su clod? OI I?nlrc i8 e 2~+ auos do clod 0? .'.5 a :;# auos do clod U3 35 a 44 arios de edad 0~ -}5 a 5~ anus do edad Ih 55 a 64 ands de edad OG h'lal'UT du G~ anos ll` Prchcre no responder 8G. {891 } \X'h:ri i- i h~ c ~ nnbincd annual income of alI rncmhcrs of tour household Erom all sources 6ct rc i:cscs: O1 Ixss than $2+,999 0 ~ S2~,1100 to $19!)99 ll3 50,000 to $99,999 o~+ Sulo,oonlr>~1a9,999 0 ~ $1 X0,000 to $3~9 x)99 OG $2~O,G00 a> $500,000 0' $50Q001 or more Oti Don't knott,~unsure l19 Refused 8G. (891j :Coal ee el nt~xeso anual [oral do los mictuhros do su hov~ar romando cn atcnra rodas las fucntcs de inr;reso, lucgo de pagtar impuesros% U1 h'[cnos de $24,999 02 $25,n00 a $39,999 U3 $~Q,000 a $99,999 0~l $100.000 a $149 999 05 ~ 150,000 a $'-39,999 U6 $20,000 a $500,000 0- $~QO,Oll1 o mars 08 No sabc:'~lo rani sc};uro 09 Pxefiexe no xespondex 8?. (90j ~~ har is the print:ut lan~,uagc spoken in tour household 11 I I (nglish 02 lpanish (I> Porlus~rucsc 04 Creole 05 C7dtex lIG Rcfitscd 8?. {90j :Coal es el idiotni principal yuc sc habla rn su ho~,ar Ol Lt;;leo (12 I isp;tn`ol 03 PnrurKuis 0$ C;riollu ~ 1=ranccs ~Crcolc) 05 Otn' -- -- (_1G Pxefiexc no xespondex 38. f91 ~ i \\ Inch ot'thc f<~Ilotvrn~ bell tlecribes cote cuxxen[ hotuehold' (Researchcxs: Read list and accept only one response) U1 Burgle, live alone 1l3 Sutgle, live with nx>tnutate ox partner O:j A'lxxried, nu children at borne G$ 1\laxried, tcith children at home. (1~ Divorced or separated, no children at borne OG Divorced or separated, wn6 ehildrett at borne U' AcCuscd OR llon9 know,iunsurc Sb. (91 ~} :Cuid de los siguientes enunciados dccrihe nujor la simaciGn de su hogar~ (F.nucvistadur. Lea la lista y accptc sol:uncntc una respucsta) O1 Snltexo!a,', cite snlo~a`. 02 Soltcrn~a), vivo con compaticro o compaticro~u) do apattamcnto l13 Casadoa;, sin hijo. cn la casa 04 Casado~aj, con hijos en la casn )S hco[ciac o a} o scparac ota;, sin hilas cn la rnsa OG Divorcindo(u} o scparado(a) colt hijo> cn la casa (1 i Prelicrc no dccirlo 08 Igo sahe/~Iu esui seguxo(a} 59. (')2j Hnu- mauc months nut of the tear do t'ou live in the Cite of h'lianu Beach:' 01 months Don't knnw;'unsurc 99 Rciu>cd K9. i9?l ~Cuantos mews al aiin wive usted ea la Ciudad de ~fianti 13each% 01 1~»ntcro do ntcscs No sabci`~io csiii scguro 99 Yrclicrc no dccirlo "Tlrtnk ti,u vcrv muCJt fi>r your ti»)C and participation." -_- "_,1luchas aracia, pnr.su ticrnpoypnrhaberparticipacln". 90. (H3, Gender (I3v obsen°ation i) l A4ale 0:' Female 90. (83) ~cxo {For obscrvacitin) 01 h{asculino (12 hcmenino 9 L Code I)isuia (Prom ~ample;~ fYl South Point (I" to ~~'tin from Alum Rd to Ouan 1)r.) (12 South Beach and Belle Isle (5'F of °_1'' Srs from \\'esf Ave tzf Occ•an) 0? Cundo Corridor 22"~ to C,.3" Sts alonl* Collins s\t e -east of lndi;m Ctnckj t) I b4id Bcach fPahn, Stax, Hibiscus, Sunset I, Sunset II, 2^"~ to G3'' tits from ~lurih Bay Road to Collins :\vc and ind. nc~ ]sl;ut<Is; 05 North Beach G4'~' ur h""terrace {torn Collins A~~c ur (:ity I.irnirs along the 13a~ j 9l. C:ddi;;o do Ihslrito ;;:\ Partir;k: la mucsrra; Ol South Point {Galles I a 5 ;Ic ,\lum Rd a Occ;uf ]h-.) 02 South Beach y Belle Isle ;Cane 5 a la '' 1 de \Vest :\t c a C)ccan) I)3 Condo Curridor ;Calle ?2 a L1 G3 a to largo de Collars Are - hstc do Indian Crcchi l14 Dlid Bcach (Yalrn, Star, Hibiscus, Sunset I, Sunset Il, Calle 22 a In G3 de V orth Bac Road a Collins Ave c incluF~endo a Islands) OS North Beach it)c Lt G4 a la R; Tcrrux do Collins Ave a krs Lintites de ]a (.:iudad a to largo do la Bahia) 'IIIL (:LNl'I'.l~ MIAMI BEACH BLISINF,SS SATISFACTION Sl: R~'EY ~~- ~'-` =_`_ ENCLTESTA DE SATISFr1CCIC)N llF, IAS NEGOCIOS -- `:'-~- .t~-'; February 2UU9 - FIN ~L (2/24/2UU9) "-:.~:~~'' • Febrero de 2009 - F[NAL (?/2~/20U9) & PL-I~LIC POLICY Reseaxchex f Ltvestigadox: Date % I~echa: I llTll' Sl.'lrt :' IIOTfl do lllll'l0: t_~: Time end % I Iota dctinahiaci6n: Jupcrvisoc Hello. I am calling nn behalf of the ~[avor and Commissioner, of nc~ City of Miami Reach. l~h name is I am a research assistant at The Ccnrcr for licscareh and Public Police. The City of Wiami licach i. interested m your views rcgardin}; the services the City provides. Your opinion is very unportant and will help tncct business needs thnnts~houl the City. "phis is siricily a sunec. i`c'e have nothinr, to sell. Hula. Estov llamando a Hombre del Alcalde c la ComisiGn do la Ciudad do Miami I3cach. Jfi Hombre cs Joy atudantc do invcsrigac:u>ncs cn "lhc Ccnrcr iirr Rcsrlrch anti Public Policy. l al Cwdad do (\diami liclch C5tSl intcresada cn conucct- su upinuin con respccto a los sercicios suulutisuados pot la Ciudad. Ju opilti6n es utuv unpoxtante }' a}-udara a satisfuer la, nece.idades de Los negoeios cle La Ciudad. Esca es escrictamente ana eneuesta. Igo estamos vcndicndo nada. S(:K}~:F-:NF:K ENT Rl?~'I STA <7()R t1.:1re coo one of die owners or uratarer of }'oux business Ol Yes (Cuntimlc) 02 1\0 (Ask 1'or qualiGcd respondent) (13 Don't know:'unsurc (Thank and terminate) A. ~ Es usted ono de los pxopietarios o gerentes de su negocio' U'1 Si (Continilc) UZ Igo (Pregunte pox alguien a quien usted pucda cntrcvishv) II_i 1~u sabcJiV<i csr5 :c;~uro (A~tadezca y tennine) Sun ey Key "I'hc numbers in f) arc what that pnxticular question was nuutbered as ut dte 3010 r survct C)ucstions marked with u ~ have moclitred language From dte ?00,' sane}' but utte.nt is unchanged Questions ntarl:ed With a ^ hate a new, balanced scale I~ety questions have the word NLVG' after the number Claws do la Encucsla Los niuucros entre pari•ntesis (,l cotresponden a la pre;unta especiCica pl:uttcada r:n la encucsta tlc X00? Las preguntas marcadas con el sunbolo ~ han cariado en su lengtraje cou xespecto a L~ encucsta de 2U0? ecru la intcndtin no h:t ctmbiado l.as pn;t;unias nutrcadas am un astcrisco ' ticncn una nucva csada, cyuilibrada Las prc;,unt:u nucvas ticncn la pulabra NIJEVA lucgu del ntimcro Crrv Srlitzc>vs Srxvlclos nn i.:~ Cluv:w 1. (I) Please till nu why coo chose ro locaa~) our business in the City of :Miami licach% (Ncscarchers: Do NOT read list) Ol Climate/location by the beach U2 •11te Cia''s unahe ~~1tip, sophisticated, etc.) 03 _lcailabilin of building'properties 04 Proximity to customers (1~ 1~'ightlifcjcntcrrrinmcntoptions QG I•avurablc economy 0- You arc a resident oC the Cih• 08 Other U9 Don't know/unsure (I;. -Coal fuc hi xazSn pars que usced establcciera su ne);ocio en la (:iudad de Diianti Iteach> (Lntrcvi~ttdoc NO LF.A la lists) l)I Climalubicaci<in junto a la pla}a O? l.a intagen de la Ciudad (xnoderna, so(isiicada, etc.) O i Dispottibilidad de edifieios/pxopicdades (l~} Provnudad con los eGentes (15 Aida uocmrna;'opciones de en¢etenutiettto (16 liconomia favorable 0? Ustcd cs restdcntc do Ia (:iudad Ot; (?tra 09 No stbej•I~o esta seguro ~s 1 read a list of characrcristics pertaining to the area surrounding }our business, please rate each as excellent, good, fair, or poor. :1 nteclida que leo L~ su;uientr Gsta de ruacleristirts pcxlcneeientcs al star cn dondc sc cncucnlta su negoeio, pot Eacor caGfique cads una canto escelerue, buena, xegiilar o ^taLa. Characteristics Excellent Good Fair Poox DK ^ '2't ~l'hc dc:rnhnc., of streets (11 02 03 0~4 u5 5. :5; Clruilincss of cm:ds waterways UI 02 03 04 OS 4. (~; Sun-m drainage (ro avoid fluodm~ U1 U2 U3 04 U.S 5. (~, Condition of sidewalks (16at is, few or G1 U2 U3 U4 OS I70 CfaCICS~ ~~ 6. (G; The appearance and maintenance of Ol 02 OS 04 C~ the Cih''s public buildinl~ ?. (j C)cerall quality- of the beaches UI f12 03 ~ Oa lJj fcleanlutess, water c ualiu, ctc.j ~. (8j ~1 he nlallltCnaneC ell pucks ~~toi ~ O1 O'er O~ O~ (b example, cleanliness, lands~ie maintenance) • 9. (91 i.andscape maintenance ut rights of ~ 01 G2 03 ~ 04 (15 7(i..'ll) Gaxbaye;'1'rash collection Ol U2 03 O4 U~ 17. 13) 'lhe Citc's ability to address Ol U2 03 04 US homelessness Caractetisticas F.acelente Raena Regular E \lala N$ '. i?1 Lrm ~icra de las calks ~ Ol U2 03 0~3 l15 :i. i'ii l am iccl do c;uralcs y +~ias do a>;ua O1 U2 03 04 (IS ~. `~) l~CCml)C dl' ar~ll:ls II ll4'lls ~paT:l O1 U7 U~ U~ (~~) evitar inundacionesl 5. ~~) Condicioncs do las accras (pocas U1 U2 03 ~ (14 US o cshldo cn uc sc cncucntratt'~ ~~. 6. ~6] Aparicnciay mantcnimicnn+de Q1 02 03 (14 O5 los cdi(icios plihlicos do la Ciudad %. ~'] CaGdad general de las playas Ol 02 03 04 05 limpicza, calidad do agog, etc.) 8. ,8j ~I:mtcnu»icnto de parques Ol U2 U ± O~ 0[i (ejemplo: limpieza v manreoimieato de zonal vcrdcs) 9. (9 Alantenuttiento de wnas verdes Ol (12 1) i UA 05 _e_n area~aublicas v eatonales 10. ~71) IZCC'oll'l'Clcl^ dC ha.1'llT:t.1' 4' ~l ~2 OJ ~~ ~I (15 CSCOrIlbtt lS 11 I 1 11 (,fl h1l'Ld3ll dC 19 ~~dU ~~3lj haPd (~] ~~~ t~ i Q-} I ~)'J 'J ri I1~ICY'r] ~~r~~5~t'lll;l ~jc I(e+ Illljl it'll [~'.'. ~ ~, PLANNING/LONING/CONSTRUCTION PLANEACION/ LONIPI CaCI ON / CONSTRUCCI ON1:S 12. (l?) Lhu-in); the post 1'_ months, how m;ury times has your establishment been inspected For outside. sidewalk,••'rdi pcrruil compliance, sanira~ion, or other use of public: proprrty' 01 ~: (If ZERO Go to Q14) Dori t l:notciunsure 12. (1'] L>ucante los ultituos l2 muses, ~cuantas veces ha .ido utspeecir»udo su establecituiemo pot cl cumplimicnto con el perntiso de utilization de acems pj'o exteriores del nerocio, sanidad a otxo usn do la propicd:ul pciblica? Ol ~Iciurcn, do ceccs (Si CERO Vaya a la Pre~ttnta 14) -- ~7o sahc ,•'` No csr~ segluo 13. (I Raj I low stusfied axe y'ott drat these inspections arc consistemly fair% ~\'ould you sat•... O1 Very satisfied; 02 Satisfied; (13 T~~eithcr saristicd nor dissatisfied; (1~ llissalisftcd; or O5 Vote dissatisfied. 0!. Don't knowj'unsuxe 13. ;13~) ~Cu:in sadsfecha(a) csta ustcd cn cuanto a to adcntadas yuc h;m lido eslas inspcccioncs% Considers que se siente... 01 Vuy satisfccho(u); [)? Sutislecho(aj; 03 Ni satisfecUo(aj ni insarisfcchoi°aj; 04 Insatisfccho/a;; 6 OS c11uy insati>fecho(a). OG Igo Babe%No est5 se~uro 14. (191j Please rate the Icvcl of code ettiurccr»ent and ordinances eslahlished by the City o1 (\lixmi Reach govcrrtrrmm near tour business. Ak'i,uld eon sat- dteee is... Q7 foo litdc; 02 foo much; or 03 About the ri);ht amount. pq Don't I:now,funsurc 1~. l l~l Pot fat'or califiyue el rticel de exigencia (en los alxededores de su nerocio del atmplintiento de ]os ccidit;os )' oxdenanzas establecidos pot las autoridades de ]a Ciudad de ~[ianti Scaeh. Corrsidera due cl nivcl do csib+cncia rs... 01 lhanasiado rolcrantc_ OZ Ucntasiado estrieto; o 0:3 .ldecuado. 04 ~Io Babe,%Vo est:i setntro HISTORIC 1~RCSTiRVATION AND DEVGLOPbiENT PRLSI:R~'ACION Y D)rSARROLLO DEL PATRIMONIO HISTORICO 1 ~. (!I} 1ltinl: about historic prescn~anon in the Cary of \liarni Bcteh. In tour vic~e•, would you say the cffirrt put fotzh by the Citc is... C)I "Coo httlc; G3 Too much; or 03 about the right amount of historic ptesert-adon. Oa Tkm't l:nou~,'unsurc 1 ~. (21;..Cuanto considcra ustcd yuc csia haciendo la Ciudad de blianti Beach wn respecto a la preservacibn histdxica de sus estrucntres' 0'I \1uc poco; 02 Demasiado; o (li l.oindicado. 04 No sabc,'No cs~u scguxo 16. NT?W Please dtinlc about the Icvcl of development in the Cih- of ~iiwti Bench. ~~`ould cou sap the cff<rrr put forth by the (:ity w regulate development i>... (1'I '1'0o Gtdc: 0_' 1'0o mach; ox 03 Ahout the right amount. O'} l~on'C know?unsure lG. NUE~'A. ;Cuantcr considexn usted yuc esta haciendo la Ciudad do 1`tiami Beach para regular xu desatrollo Como Ciudad% (il Mup poco; 03 1)crnasiadu; o 03 Lo ittdicado. 0=1 ~7o snbe/~Io esta sel,uro TKANSPOK"I'A"1'ION~hAKKING TKANSP(7K"1'F.~T:S'1'ACIONAMIISNTO 1 ?sing the rating scale of excellent, i;ood, fair ox poor, how would you rate the cffixaivcncss of the public rramit system scrz•ing the (:itv over the past 12 months... I'. f22) In bringing arxurmcrs ur your bustnca_ Ul 02 03 ! t14 0~ Ifl. +,Z:i) In bringing employees to your businc> Ol 02 03 ~ 04 Oj ~'sando una esrda do ~°aloxaci6n de excelente, Buena, regular o mala, .como calificaria usted la et7ciencia del sistema de txansporte ptihlico de la Ciudad cn Ios rilnmos I Z mcscr Enunciado ~ F.xcelente Buena Regular j Mali N$ I ~ ?_'1 Parr air;rcr chi_ntr s ;c su ncgoc'u> V1 U_'• 11 i ~ l14 (! I ~ '_ ii Parr rtracr cntpkados a su ncgocio ' U1 ©~ 03 - 04 (_li 19. !24) How do you feel about the condition of wade ii Dlianti Bench, drat is street repair, maintenance and sntooduiess% R%ould you sap the condition is... (11 I ~sccllcnt: - - 02 Goocl; 03 Fair: or l)~l POOx. DO NOT RLAl) O Don't drip e OG Don't lau,~cf~iuisurc 19. f34; ~C)ue opine ustcd do la cundiciun do las caller cn ftltarni Y,cacb~ (1?s dccir, la reparacibn de caller, manrenintiento, esmdol? Coneidcra que la cundiciun c.... (11 1(xualente; fl? liucna; 03 KegttLtr: o Od blala. NO LF.A il~ No conduce (1( No sabc;'I~o cstst sc~uro '_ll. (ZS) I Irrv would you rare the acnilability o[ bolt pubhc and pxicate parkinf; for your customer. andj or ctnpluycc+ around your business area' \Y'ould you sat-.-. li] 1'het rut alnu>sr always tint! a place nearby; 02 11te5' axe often able ui find a place ncarbe; (13 b(oxe often than not, theq will not find a place nearby; or i14 TheF' arr. ahuost necex able to find a place. nearby. i15 Don't hnowiunsuxe%not applictbie 20. (25) ;Como calificatia la dispottibilidad do estacionanticnw ft:uuo publico conto pticado) pare sus clicntcs v,'o cmplcados cn la zone en que esta ubicado su ner_,ocio% Considers yuc... O] Cali sicmprc pucdcn cnu»rtrar un espacio cerca; (12 ;\ menudo pucdcn encontrar un espacio cerca: fl.i I recucntemente no encuentxau un espacio cerca; 6 0~ Casi nunat pucdcn cnconn'ar un espacio cerca. Oj ~]o Babe j` Vo csla scguro ,r No rorrespondc '1. (2G) I low would you rate the traffic floc in ,\Li:utti Beach fox cusn;nters and entployces n-~ing to gcr ro and from ~~our place of business' \~`ould }rou say... 01 I? reel lcrtt; 0° Good: l13 Pair, or 0~I Poox. DO NOT K1;AD OS > )on't dxice OG L)c»t't know ?l. !2G} ,Ouc oputa sobxe el tlujo de uafico en iV~Guni lieach para los clicntes v cntplcados clue intenran txansitax hacia y desde su ^egocio% Lo considers... h] )/xcelenre; (12 Rucno; (13 Kcgular: o 04 ~t:du. NO LEA 05 Nn conduce I15 Teo sahc SAFETY' St;cl 1zfuAu :Ys I xead a list of public safer services provided by Ure Ciw of A~lia~c>i Reach, would sac each is c~ccllent, good, fau• ox poor= 5etcice = Excellent Good -Fair plrtse tell me if you Poor DK _ ~~^ '~-; I'olicc Ol 02_ ~ Oi 0~4 OS 2.i. ,'?8; I'.mornencc ~tcdical Res once fll - 02 0 i 04 05 ~ 2=1.;29; I~irc Ol 02 03 Od Oti 25. (iflj C_)cc:m Rcscuc;'I.ifc~uardi'lieadt patrol 01 02 O U4 OS 2G. X31; };inert;encl'_'Huxricane pxeparcdncss U1 U2 U3 U4 ~?5 A medida que leo una Lsta do lus scrvicios cle sep,undcul ptiblica sumtnisn'ados por la Ciudad de Mianu lieac6, pox favor di}t:uue si los culilicaria comp cscclcnics, bucnos, rc~;ulares o malos. ~ 22. (?,'j Poliefa _ O1 U2 ~ 03 _ ! _ 0-l _ 05 23. (2S; Rcspucsra ante Lmer~eacias O1 0~ p3 (_1J OS tvlcchcas ~ 24.f29jliombexos Ul 02 U3 Oa U7 ?5. ti(ij Rcscate ~fnrino, ~ah•avidas, Ul 02 03 04 O:i policias cn la pJst;i 3G.fil;. EotergendasJPceparaci6n para U1 U2 ~ U3 j U4 0~ Hucacanes Plcssc answer the fbllotvinK yucsrions as to a=ltetltet• Lou and) our employees feel very safe, somem~6at safe, somewhat unsate or vc•rv unsafe' Question Very Srnnewhaf - $orucvtihat Vet•y DK _ i safe safe un~alc unsafe __ ?? 3?' How safe tcould you say you and Ol I°I' 0 i 04 0~ tour employees feel u~ and around your place of business duxinn, the dattittre' j 2H. (33~j How saii: would you say you and O1 U2 03 04 ~ OS voux employees feel in and around tour Place of business during dte eveningr`night-utnc Poe Cavox responds a las sigtuentes pregunras con relscicin a usrcd c sus cmplcados y diganos si se sicnrcn may scguros, alga se~tros, alto inscgurus, o may inscguroc. ' Pre~unta - - -- \Iuy Aldo .+ll;~u lbiuc NS segums ''. seauros Iitscgums inse~ums 2''. (i2.'j .Oue tan seguxos dirix ustccl due O1 0' - f i ± li4 (iti sc sicnrcn usrcd y sus empleados cn lo: alrcdcdores do su ncgocio duraute el dia% 28. X33') :Que can seguxos dais usrcd yuc Ol C12 Qd 04 OS sc sicnrcn usrcd c sus emplesdos en to alrcdcdores do su ncgocio al atardecex yjo cn la nochc- - - '9. i34j 1k hen rhinldnt; about dte amount. of public street lic;btiug st night in roar business area? lt~ Quid you sat there is... - 01 Nol enough; or 02 1'0o much; oc 03 11~e ught amount o[ lighting. DO NOT Kt:AD 03 Not applicable (business is not open ac night) (tj Dan'[ know,•'unsurc 29. (:i l; ; I ~:n yuc medida considers adecuada Ia iluminacinn de la calle durance Lu nochc en la zona r.n yuc csri ubicado st ^egoeid 07 No cs suticicnte, G 03 flat dcmasi:ula; G 03 Hat una rutlidad adecuada de iluminacion. NO LF.A ll$ Igo corresponde 4.1 negoeio no est.1 sbierut durance la noche) 0~ [~o sabc;`No esui scguro 30. (35) lhrring dte past 12 months, has ~=our business been inspccicd by the fire deparunentr O1 Ycs (12 Igo (Gn to Q33) (13 Don't l:now~'unsurc 30. X33) lhtrantc los tilrimos 73 nteses, _ha sido utspeccionado su negocio pot el departantento de bombctt>s' 111 Si 02 No (Vaya a la Pre~unta 33) 03 No sabc/No cast sc*uro(a) 3'l. (3G1j How satisfied are you than nc~ fire inspectors in nc~ past 1 °_ months for tour esMblishmcnt have been consistently fair:' 1\'ould you sa_~•... (11 Vcty satisfied: 02 Satisfied; (13 Neither satishcd nor clissaristiccl; (l~l l~issatisficd; or 115 Very dissatisfied. 06 llon't know; unsure 31. (3G~) rc~)ue tan satisfecho esta usnxl con las inspcccioncs contra inccnclios cfcctuacL•ts cn los tiltimos 12 mcscs% (11 \4uv satisfccho; 02 Satisfccho; 03 Ni sausfecho rri utsatisfecho; 0~1 Insatisfixho; o OS ~'luy insatisfccho. OG Igo sabr/No cst~i seguxo 32. (3?~°) Cherall, how helpfid would cou sac the inspections have been to help improve nc~ fire safer' of ~roax establishment' ~~'ould you sav... (_ll Very helpful; (t2 Somewhat helpful; (13 Somewhat unhelpful; ox 0=4 ~`exc unhelphd. OS I~)on't latow%unsurc 33. ~3-~ rl ; t-:n genetal, cuan titil ditia usted que Van sido lns inspecciones para mejorar la seKundacl de su esu161ecuttiento en cuanto a incendios? Considers que han sido... OL ~fuv titiles; 03 De alguna urilidad; 03 llc poca utilidad; o fhf \fuv poco urilcs. OS No saber'No esci srr;uro 33. ~3Rj Afro I read the following list, please tell me wluch you feel arc nc~ most important areas the Cily of Mliatni licach can address to improve Public safety tluougbout the City% (Researchers: Read, Rotate & Accept muhiplc responses) UI Ptrvcnting crirnc 03 Enforcinn traffic laws 03 lntprcroing conmwnications bern-een businesses and Lta enforcement 04 Increasing cisihilin of police ut neighboxboods 0~ Increasing visibilin of police in busines>;~ conunercial area, GG Eriltancittg lit`eguard and beach Patrol services 0 r Redu<utg hovtelcssncss OR Improving tire-righting sen-ices 09 Improving resarc• scn~ices 10 Itvproving iniraslructurc (street lighting, repaixivg sidcwalks!slrcers) 11 Cleauliness of lacers 12 Other DO NOT READ 1i3 lh>n't knoa•lunsure/`notinteresrcd 3.i. !3S} 1)cspucs de leerle la siguiente listu, pot favor dig;uYtc cu;iles cansidera que son L1s areas a las yuc la Cuulad do ~fianti Beach debe dar ntavot iruporlurtcia Para mcjorar In seguridad Pid~lica cn Lt Ciudad. (Entrecistador: Lea, alterne ~ acepte mrihiples nspucstas) t)I Prevenci6n de ecimen Q2 1 Iacer cumplir las level de Irinsiu> 03 \9cjorar la connrnicacirin entxe los ncgocios y los agcnres del ordcn 04 Aumcnrrr la presc•ncia poGcial en los vecindarios OS :~umeniar la Presencia policial en areas comercialcs y do ncgocio. OG ~7cjocunicnw cn Ic>s .crvicios do los salvavidns v de poGcia cn la plat:r 0? Reducix el ptoblcuta do los indigcnres 08 ~fejorac los sen icios do bombcros 09 \lcjorar los sen-icios de ateacion de cntcrgencias 10 ~Icjorar la infiacsrrucntra (luminacicin de las calk;, rcparacioncs do accras v calles) I I T.intpieza de Lis calles I? Otra NO LEA I i Nu sabej No c,ui acguru % Flo Ic intcresa CULTURE/ENTERTAINMENT /TOURISD'I CULTLIRA/ENTRGTLNIMIENTO/Ti: RISDIO .11 leede la hsut do atraccionrs oficcidas pox L~ Ciudad de 'tlinnti Beach, pot favor dig;une si dente yuc cn L~ Ciudail 6ac uutclt:u, rnu~ pocas o una eantidaJ adecuada. Ji. wit ac[nldaucs cull.uralcs (talcs coma csposicioncs de axte, festivales cinctn:uo~,rittiats, cvcntos nntsicales c cues paxa to tauttua ~;co Paryucs, ~li3sica en los bolcs;'fcri:u pars cl hogar;'pxesentaciones de autotntiviles, eclchraciones del q do Julio, exposicioncs, fc+tivalcs do alimcntos p As 1 rrad }ou a list of attractions offered ut the Cia of Miami Beach, please tell me if cou [eel there are loo matte, a>o few or the tight antcumt ut the Cia'. 40. ~4G) How good of a job would cou sae the Cite Governutent is iloing handbag events that atlraci hixge crowds to 1`[iami Beach? That is, the City considers the needs of bosutesses, addresses noise and disnrrbanec issues. \~`ould rou s:u ... hl \'cn good; (1Z Good; 0.3 Average; 0 } Poor; or Od ~ en- Poor. OS I~on'r I<now!unsurc 40. f~Gl ;Crec usted que es buena ]a labor que esta cealizando la Alcaldia de la Ciudad con cespecto a la organizaciciu de eventos que atraen a un numeroso publiw a Miami Y,cach, en cl scnrido de clue la Ciudad rime cn atcnrt ncccsidadcs do los ncgocios, talcs conto cl control do ruidos v de disutrbios? pl La Ciudad esta realizando una c~cclentc labor; 02 l'na bucna labor; C)3 l;na labor ptontedio; 0~ L'na ntala labor; o U4 i."na pesuna labor OS Igo sabc?~lo esta scguro E(;()N()IVII ~TAYTiS ECONOMIA ~ ID4PLi)/STOS ~l. i-F'} How would } ou rate the overall value of Cih~ sen-ices fox the tax dollars roux busntess pacsr Ci'ould you sac... O1 ~ I~.xccllcnr, U? Good; 03 Fair: ox (14 Poor. QS l)onl know:~uttsurc 41. (4?) : C6mo cahficaria usted en general el c°alor de los sen-icio que recibe de. la Ciudad en comparado a los impuestos que usted paga? Comidera que csos scrvicios son... (11 f?~cclentcs; 02 liucnos; 03 ltcgulares; o 04 ~vlalos. OS Igo sabc/Vo esta scguro ~2. ; 38t'~l Please tell me if you think the tourism indusln in t\liatni Beach contributes loo little, too tttueh or about the right amount ro the .access oC pout busi»ess. 01 Too hnlc (Y2 Too much 03 Abdul the ri,hr:unount (I~ l)f,n'l kRO0.'i u11SUPC ~2. (48`; Pox lavor digame si considcra yue ]a ntdusuia del mrisnx, de I\lianu Beaclt contribupc muv pom, macho o en forma adeatada al evto de su ^el;ocio. 01 1`~fuy poco l12 Macho Oi bn Coxma adecuada Oa Igo saber No esta setmro COMML"NICATIONS/CUSTOJIER SERVICE/1NTERNaL CITY PROCESSES CUDIUNICACIUNES/SERVICIO AL CLIENTE/PROCESOS INTERNOS DE Ltd CII.DaD 43. 49} I low do you usually gcr your intbrmarion about the City that is relevant to }'our busntess' (Researchers: Read, Rotate & Accept multiple responses) U1 Cable Channel ~4ki~' 02 ~~liann Beach websitc 03 Daily netvspapex articles 0I Comnuutity; ueeldv publications Uit (;ily's MB ~1agarinc (IG CilyPagc in I~ci);hbots sctaion of \7iami I Icrald p' L-mails and%ox direct trail Crotn Cite };ovcnuncnl, dcpatnncrtts or agcncus OS Contrnunications with Cin- Camttission 09 Wayor on the ~~tovc~ Contntttnin';'Tou'n meetings 1(1 (hhcr I I l)on'I kno~ti ~1w inlcrestcd di. i~191 :Come obtiene acted con mac fxecuencia in&,mmcicin accrca do la (;iud:ld, la curd c. importanm Para su uegocio~ O:ntret~stadox: Lea, alterne y acepte multiples respuestas) 01 Canal de ('able tv~(Pii- (1_' Jltio cn lntcrnct do Mi:uni Kcach 0 i Articulos en los perioclicos chaxios 1_l l Rtblicaciones sennnales; de la conxtnidad OS Revisla do la Ciudad Cy~fB OG P:igina do la Ciudad cn la xcccicin "~lciahbors" del Miami I Icrald 0" Correos elccudnicos v j o corrco dirccu> del gobicrno do la Ciudad, dcparlarncnus o agcncias. t1S Cnmunicaciooes con los Contisionados de la Ciudad 0) D'lavor un the \9ovc ~ Comunidad :% Rcuniones do la cotnunidad 10 Oh'o I1 loo Babe/Ao esta intuc,ado(a) ~. ~SU) How do you feel about the amount of information trou get &mn the Ciu~? \X'ould you sav you receive... - Ol lbo much: 1)2 Too Little; or f1.3 about the right amount of utfonnatirin. OIL l)on'r know ~unsurc 4~l- ;~U) ~(<)ue opnta usted de la cantidad de intormacni>n yuc recibc de la fiudadr Cunsidera yuc c•s.. . 111 Dcmasiada; 112 't9uy poca; o 03 La cantidad adecuada. 0~l No sabe'Ko esta segum 45. ~~L) During the last 12 months, holy ntanp times pace you personally contacted, eiihcr bg phone, in-person or eleetrorticallv, dte Ciw of ~9iami Beach government kith a question, service rcyucst or cornplainr~ - 01 ~' _ (Continue unless 'LERO [hen skip to Q 54) llon't know unsure (Go to Q54) 99 Kefuscd (Go to Q54) =h. (51) I in los ultintos 12 mews, xuantas ceces sc hu comunic:ulo usted -ca sea pot telefono, person:thuente o pot conco clcctninico- con el gobiexno de la Ciudad de \1iamf Beach con ntotivo de alguna pregunta, soliciurd do scrvicio o yueja:' (11 ~Itimeco de ceces _ (Conlinire a mends que la respuesta se•.1 CL•:120 v vaya lUCgo a la Prcgunta 54) Rio sabc;`No csta scguro (Va)•a a la Pre~unta 54) 99 Ptclicrc no dccirlo (~'ay:a a la Peknulta 54) a6. (5?.; ~C'hat n-as dte reason for your most recent contacts (Researchers: Do NOT read list) ill pav a bill fl'_ I•ilc a complaint 03 Visit an clccicd official 0-1 Reseaxcb an issue fly Vull a building pecntit,%plan review f1G Obtain a license 0° Cchcdule an mspecrion i~xtilding, [tie, etc.) 03 Auend a pro}~K:un/event fl9 Kon-emernency police assisr:uuc 10 Other 11 llon't know;~unsurc 4G. (5?j ,Coal 6te la razors de stt contacto mas xeciente? (Entrevis[ador: NO LEA la Gsta) Cl] Para parar una atenta (12 Prescntci una ducja U3 V'isir(~ a un funcionario clccto l14 Invcstig(i un asunto (15 6oLciu; un pcmtiso de constnlccicin /rcvisb un proyccto C16 Obhn-o una licencia (1' Prograntti una inspeccir~n ;de edificio, prevcnciGn dl: inccndios, etc-) l18 Asisri6 a un programa o ca-cnto c19 Buscci ayuda do la policia i no do cmergencia) 10 C)tro (a) I I No sabe.!I~o esta segttxo =1'- i53) Ho\v did \ou lirst contact. the (:irvr (_II Phone (_12 Lt-mail U:3 In person (14 -Chrough a commissioner Cl5 Comnuutity ntccting p6 C>dtex 0' Don't know%unsurcj rementbex 1 i. 1;531 .Cbnto con[aUd a Li Ciudad la printcra vc-r' (1 I 1 elefono 0° Corrco clcctro[tico 0:3 Pcrsonalmcntc 04 :A traycs do un comisumado US h:n una rcuni<in cornunal OG Otra ll' Teo Babe/~+'o esta seguro;'l~o rccucrda Thinkine about your most recent conlact. wtth Cfh' government, would you say you strongly agree, a~~rec, neither agree nor disagree, disagree or strongly di.agrce about each of the-followutg st:ucutenu. S4ltemcnts S[u'3 A Ncithcr D Strll llK ~JD 'I K. I S'I} I; R';l l'lt'( b? ?eC UJ ~On11.011C \VbU CUL11(1 ., 11 ~ I L_ (Ij t)-1 II~'1 -- O(~ help mc. 49. ($Sj "1'he employees that assisted me were 01 C12 03 0~ OS OG courteous and pxofessionxl. 11), (5 (;) Lhe l'mplol'l'l'S thaC asSLtitl'd mC hall the 01 n v2 (1_) 0-~ (t~ UG pn,pu trlinyty~ and knomlcdgc. SI. (5-j The process is user-&iendl} and easy to 07 03 0.3 04 I 05 OG understand. "' I ~`1} The xclµle>ts made by~ my business :u'c Ul 02 C13 U~ ~ DS OG l,r~ ~ccacd to a timely manncr- 53. i 59 ~ I h-erall, I was sahsticd wtth nc~ ~ O1 02 0:3 04 05 1'l6 e~~enencc 1 had contacting nc~ City. i Con respcew a ht ultitua cez clue hn-o contacro con el gohterno de la (:iudad, le leeri• :dgunos enunciados v diva siesta totalmentc de acucrdo con clk>s ~~ Cot\„ si esta de acucrdo ~~l)c:1), si no csta ni de acuerdo ni cn desacucrdo ~I~i :1,''I)j, si no cshi de acucrdo ft~o:\;. o si csui cn uxal dcsacucrdo (To[),. F.nuncixdus T oA DeA Ni A/D NoA ToD NS __ ~8. t 5l'} 1~'ue 1aci1 consep~uu a nlguien yue me _ 01 02 U3 Q4 OS i)6 nulicra a~;udar. - 49. i55j l.cts cutplcados que me acadaxon fuexon Ol 02 03 04 CIS OG autahles v txofesioaales 50. (56) I nts cmplrrdos yuc me ayud:tron tenian U'1 G3 03 0~ (IS OG adccuada txc taraci6n v conocutticntos _• ~L (5+j 1~.I proccso fire fictl do cotnprcndcr y do 01 OZ 1[3 Oq OS 06 aplicat _ _ a3. X581 Las solicahtdes presentadas Pot uti ~ 1_)l I (12 (13 Gd 05 OG ncgocio fuchm proccs:tdas cn litrhta oporuurr ~ _ 33. (59j l;n general, eshh•e sadsfecho~~a) con la 01 C12 (13 Od ~ OS OG cxpcricncia yuc rove al cnh-ar cn contacro con la Ciudad. 54. (Ci lj To what c~tcnt do coo a~rce or disagree that nc~ City of Miami Beach goccrnment is open andinicrestcd in hearing nc~ concern. or issues of your business? \\'ould t'ou say... Ol Strongly alrccc; 0? Agree; 03 Neither agree nor disahcec; (1~} llisagrcc; or 05 Strongly dis:tgrcc. (1G L>on't la~ow/unsure 5~. ~~6#) a lash yuc punut cslu usrcd do acucrdo o cn desacucrdo cn yuc la gobcntaci<nt do la (:iud:rd de ~iiathi Iicach eua dispucsra c interesada en escuchar his pxeoagtaciones y opinioncs do xu negocio~ 01 Lstot- totahuente de acuerdo; U2 ICstut do acucrdo; 03 Vu csroy do acucrdo ni ctt dcsacucxdo; 04 No estop de acuerdo; o OS En total desacuerdo. 06 No se~No estoy scguro~a; 1? SS. Please tell the what one d1ntG the City of J{iami Beach can do to ensure your business succeeds in or around the City% 55. Por favor digame yue puede haue' la (:iudad de \1umi Beach Para ase~urarse de yue su negocio tcnKa cxrto cn la (:iudad o cn urrno a clla t~'F:BSI'I'h: EI.51'1`[0 L:N IN"1'HRNF:1' ~6. NEW. Hac-e cou visited the City's tvebsite at t~~ct~x-.ntiantibeacltfl.eov in the past G months? fit Ycs (Continue) 1l2 No (Go to Q 58) 03 ll);~ Uosum (Go to Q 58) 5G. NLTEVA. ; En los iiltuni» G mews, ha visitado usted el silo en Internet de la Ciudad w~tw.utiantibeachfl. eov% i)I Si (Conlinuc) 0? flu (Vaya a la Pre~unta SR) ii.3 Flo saUe;'No esui seguro (Nays a lx Pregunrt 58) h. '~ Rcsidcnaal ~urvcc 5'•. N>/W. Ch-exall, how satisfied would you say cou mere with the ~[iattti Beach tvebsite. lt'ould voa sav... (11 Vern satisfied i)? tiomcwh:u satisfied 03 Somewhat dissatisfied 04 'cry dissaisfed t15 Don't know%unsurc ti7. NUEVA. En ~encral, que tan satisfecho se snttib usted con el sitio en Internet de La Ciudad de bGauu ISeach~ Considexa yue se snttio... OG 1v'luc~ sauslucho tl' :\I~>o satisfecho 0:? .Ali;o insausfccho U9 1\luv insatisfecho TO No sabe.i'T~o est6 sel;uro 18 Ri111.nIN(c 1)I:PARTT\1rNT D1;PARTA)\1GNT0 DL Ri:ci.Al\iI;NTOS Y PLRDiISOS DC CONSTRUCCInN ~4. (60j 1 Iave you contacted or had any direct experience ndth the Gia; of bliattti Beach Building l)cparmrcnt in the pass 1? numihs% 0] 1'es (Continue) 02 ~o (Go to Q 61) O.i Don't koaw;!unsure (Gu to Q 61) 8. (GD) ;Se ha comunirrdu o ha tcnido alguna cspcricncia dirccta con cl 1)cpartamento de Reglamentos c Penttisos de Constntccion do la Ciudad do 1\4iatrti Beach cn lo. ultirnos 12 ntcsesr 01 Si (Cuntintic) 03 ~Ju ~'a~a a Ia Yrcyunta 61) 03 Vo sabe;`Ao cst;i sc};uro (Vaya a la Yregtmta tit) 59. {Gl) How would you rate your experience with the Building Department? ~`onld rou sae... 01 Escellenr, OZ Good; 0:3 Fair, or 04 Your. 05 Don't kttow!unsum 59. !611 .CGmo calificaria su esperiencia con el Depaxtamento de lte}tlanrenios) Perntisos do Conslrucdun% 0'l 6xcclcrn c; 0'? Buena; 0~ ~4;da. R5 Flo Babe i Flo csta scguro (i0. ~ fi?j 't'hinking back to ane dcalinp•s you ntac have had with the Buildutl, L)eparttnent in the past, would you say )our most recent cspcricnec working with the Depamuent was... Ol Bettcx; 02 ~C orse; or 03 Abour the same as in the past ceacs. DO NOT READ 0-l GC%e haven't done business bete lo»~ ctx,ugh u> judge OS Don't knowi unsure G0. 1G2) ;Considexa usted clue sus recientes esperiencias con el Depaaamento de Ret~lamencos g I'exnusos de Conscnrccion son mejares ahoxa de to clue eran uoos anos atras' Ol Son rncjores short; G3 Son pcoxcs ahora; ri (13 Igual clue en anos anteriores. NO LEA 0~ flu hcnus Icrtido asunk>s con cl I)cpart:uncnto do Rcglamcntos y Pcrmisos de Construccion durantc un ricmpo suiicicntc corms pars juzgar OS Vo sabeiKo est:i segttro ~:ITY GO~TRNhIENT GOBI>;RNO DL LA rIIJDAD Gl. (GS• `. How good a job of a job is the Miami Reach (:icy Covcrnnunt doinK in nu+ctingpoux expectations u-ith the sett-ices they provide? ~X ould sou sad... OI f ~:xccllcnr, l)2 Good: 03 laic or 0-{ Poor. 0.5 lh>n•t knowiunsurc G1. (G5•''). ;Cu:il es su oputidn sobrc la labox del gol»erno de la Ciudad de `fiattti Beach eu cuanto a satisYacer ]as necesidades de su negocio% Ol )/scelente; OZ Rucna; 03 Regular; q4 'v1aL~: lh Teo sabe;'I~o est5 segoxo G2. (GG) Compared to all you know of have heard oI other cmcs, how would cou rate Mian» Beach as a place to run a business? ~~'ould you say blianti Beach is... Ot (hw of the best; 02 .16oce average; 03 :Average; 04 Rclow avcrt~,c; or 05 Orte o1 the worst. 06 Uon'c kaocvi unsure G2. (GGj Comparada con to que sabc o ha cscuchado ,obrc olr:r. r iudadcs, :cunu> caliticaria a Miami Reach comp Lugar paxa llecar adelante un negocio~ - O1 l'na do lax mcjores; (12 Por eacuna del promeclio; 03 1'routecho: f14 Vor dcbajo del promedio; o O5 C.'na de lax peons. OG No sabc%~lo csr,'t scguro 20 G3. (G?l Cornparcd to previous }-eaxs, please tell me how you would rate the City of Alianti Beach as a place to do husiness. ~k ould you say it is... 0'l Better; (?2 ~\~orsc; or 03 :16out the same now as it was in the past. DO NOT READ 0~ ~\ e haven't done busuiess here lone enough to judge U5 Don'tknow•;`unsurc G3. (G', _l)triu yuc como hrgar para 6accr ncgocios, la ciud:rd do Jli:urti Burch cs nujor ahora yuc antes, que es pcox o yue es casi il±ua]? 111 ~icjor ahora; l?? hl'UL' ahVTa; (13 Cali igual yue e.n el pasado. NO I.FA 04 Rio he hccho ncgocios ayui cl suficicmc ricmpu como para juzgar 05 Rio sahe%No esta setgtxo 44. NE~r/. Plctsc roll me how well or poorly you would soy your husiness is doing in the City of ~'liarni I3cach. 1Vould you suv... U'1 Dontg well and unpxovuig 02 Doing well but decffivng 11.3 l)l»t>,g poorly bur improving; or U=4 Doing poorly and declining US Don't know:'unsuxe G4. NOEVA. Por t;tvor digamc yuc tan bucno o m:do csrt su ncgocu> cn la Cuulad do \Tiami licach. Considcra us~cd yuc csra... Ol Bien c ntejorando 03 Bien Pero declinando l?3 ~1a1, pcro mcjorando; ll~ 1`ial y cmpcorando 9~ Ko sabe;'~io esr<i seguro G5. G8} I low likely might you be to recommend the Cin' of \4iatni Re:u h to orhecs as a pl:u'c to run a husiness' ~Uould tuu say... O1 Yes, defmi[cly U2 1"es, probably 03 Ilard to sac 04 \k~ould probably nor, or Ga ~~''ould definitely nor. (I(t I)on'I know/unsure G5. (GH) ; Recomendaeia a la Ciudad de i\iiami Beach a otras personas Como lugar para tenet un ncgoeio% O1 Dettuihcanuntc si 02 Prohablcmcnrc si (t3 I(s dtticil dccirlo 0~} hrol>ablcntcnce no 05 L)efinitivamente no OC, ~Io sabeJNo esta seguro GG. ((i9; \\ inch of the follomntg do you feel are the most nnportaut challenges over the nest several nears that face tour business in Miami Beach% (Researchers: Kead, Rotate Rc Accept multiple responses) ll l Compeuuve pressure from other businesses 02 Resu'ictive government rncles Oi Qutdatccl ft<:ilitics 04 High properly lazes 05 Not enough business space 06 L)ifficula recntiting a slcillcd labor force 0- Lack ot`affen-dablc housing, in ~bliami Beach for your labor force OR Obrainntginccnuvcs 09 His;6 insurance ] 0 Hinh rent 11 C)thcr 12 Don't. knotv'unsurc GG. fG9i De la siguiente lista,,cu~les considers que son los desafios mss nnportantes clue cnfrentara su negocio en D'lianu I-each en los prrisimos ands? ([nvcstiQador: Lr..i, alternc y acepte mirltiplcs respuestas) 01 presioncs corncrcialcs cornpcliuc~as 0? Cocligos xestricucos dictados pot el gobiecno 03 Instalaciones obsolctas 0=} Altos impucsros a la propiccL•rd OS I?spacio insullcicnce para cl ncgoeio OG Dificultades paxa reclutax ntano de obra capacitada 0? Lalca de vivienda a precios razonables en _\fianu 13cac6 para su mano de obra 03 Ohtcnci6n do inccntivos 09 ~11u> coax do los scguros 10 ;Uto co.ut do los alquilexes I l Otxo 1 "_' Flo sabc+' Vo csta scgum ~? DE\IOGRAPI IICS DATOS EST.wIST'ICUS i~oe just a fcw clcrnov~rlphic yucstiotts fox statistical purposes olds (i'. ~?I)) Vi~'hat is l•oux position with the business ~~ou represcnt% 01 Chvuer or partner 02 Nlana~cr Oi :~53lslanl !ll.nla~!eY 04 Other ~~ OJ ItchlSr(1 OG Don't know;huuuxe Ahura scilo u nas Prrguntas dctnogr5hcas pars propb,ilos csladislico.. G;. ('CFj :Cu:il cs su caxGo o rol en el negocio que xepxesenta' Cll Dueno~a; o socio(aj Q2 Gcrcntc (13 Sulwcrcnlc 0~ Otxo raj 05 Pxehere no respoodcr (tfl CIO sehC~r~tl Csra SCyla'U 68. ? ll How Ion;; ha. your business been nl the Cin- of I\fianu Leach? Ol Less than G months f)'! G months but Irss than 2 t•cars [?3 2 to Irss than 5 t=cars O~ 5 LO ll'SS Lh:ln ~lf){`eaYS 05 ]0 to less than 20 years O6 h~(orc than 20 l~rlrs 0: Ihnl'r knuw!unsurc GS. ('1;~ ,Cua nto tiempo lle~-a su negocio en la Ciudad de t`li:rmi Beach? 01 ~~lcnos do 6 mcscs (12 I(nh~r G mcscs c Z anus f13 N:ntre 3 v 5 alios Oa Entre ~ v 'l C1 anus OS linn-r 10 p 2U anus UG \1as do 2(I anus 0? No sabe% ~Io esta seguxo 2~ 69. (''~j Approxim:uclc bore many fitll-dnx: employees does your business currently have= ill Don't knowi unsure J9 Rehtsed 69. ~'3) Aproximadamctuc, ,cu;intos empleados de tictnpo unttplctn ticnc actualmcntc su ncgocio? Ol Niunero de entpleados .. No sabei I\o est5 sc„uro 77 prctlcrc no dccu'ht '0. ~^.• 3) Apptosintatelc boa many part Nmc employees does coax husutess currently' hat e' O I i; . Don't know 'unsure 99 Rehtsed ~f1. (?3) Aproximadamcntc, ~cuantos empleados de tiempo partial ticne ac_htalntenTC su negocio? 01 I~iuncro do empleados Ko sabelNo csra zc~uru 99 Vrcficrc no dccitlo r 1. f'~l} C)n average, what is nc~ annual gross sales/revenue of your busine» 01 l.css than X50(1,000 fl3 $SU0,000 to $lutillion 03 S1 - ~tttillion 04 $G - 1(ln>illion p5 $I I -'?million lKi \lorc than $2~utilLott 0? Rcluscd 05 Dolt know/unsure X41 I~.n prwncdiu, :cuales son las centas,•''tranacias brut-.ts :uutalcs do su, ncgocu>' Ol Mcnoa de $SOO,000 03 1/ntte $$Qp,pf_)(1 y $1 milldn 03 Dc 1 a :i mtlloncs 04 Dc G a ]0 millones 0~ L>e 11 a 25 millones OC Vitas do ~2~ milloncx il' prcficrc no dccirlo 08 \o sabe/~lo esta set~uro u ?2. {7tij How mane locations do you h;n•c in nc~ City of Ah:uni Lteach' (Read Listj UI ".. Don't know/unsure 99 Refused ~:l ?2. ('S) Cu:uxos locales time usted en la Ciudad en Miami Bcach% (I .rc la I.isrt; Ol I~umero de locales _ -- No sabc;''1~o csra scguro 99 Yrcticrc no dccirlu '3. i^(ii <htrside of the (:ity of ~~tiami liccch, in what other locations do 5`ou Race businesses (Researchers: Read and Accept multiple responses) U1 Vo other locations 02 Jouch Florida O.i Ccnu:d;`~lurlhcrn 1 kn-ida 0~ (~aticmallv'U.S. (e:ccludntg Florida} 05 Internationallc 06 (_>tlx-r 0- Rcluscd 08 lJon't know ~ unsure i.i. ('G} I ~ucra d o la (:iudad do ~~tiami }ictch, :cn yuc afros k:~ares time ne~ocios? (Investigadoe. Lea y acepte multiples respucstas) 01 Ningun otro kt~r 02 Jar do I~lorida (1.'1 (.cnKO i~ V~»7e dC I'IUl,da Q~ t?n todo cl pais (cxccpro Florida] (15 l ntcmacionalntcnte G!i (Jrm G 1'reLexo ni, decixlo O8 Flo sab?,''I~o esta segttro ~~ ?=4. Cade 1)istrici (from samplel O1 youth I;each 0'' ~fid licach Cl ~Ioi7h Bcach '•1. Ciidi~o drl L)i,txitn (de ]n muestraj Ol pouch Bcach 03 1\lid licach Q3 I~orih Beach