Settlement & Release of Liens Authorization 7988 Biscayne Point Cir~~T~~~iV~E~T .r~1~T~ ~LEA.S~ ~~` ~.;~EI~ ~ A~1~'T~C~Y~Z~,~'I~'9I~T ~S ~`'C3 798~ ~~5~:AYN~ P~INT CI~:C?~,E ~X~.Ii~I ~~A~~I,_F~.,~~.~~:~ ~~.~P~~~ .~4.D~B12ESSz: JP~'.4~ER~"Y O"~'l~t~+ R.: CASE 1~U EIt~S): 1~AT1U~ ~~' LIErd(S);; I.,IEN A:IV,[4~CJI~T'~'{~); ~..E~~I, D~S~~~~'~t~N: 7988 Biscayne PQint ~ircie, Miami Beach, ~'loz~da Nlarta Dorninguez, Specia~ IV~aster Cas~ #JCQ4~40885 Cnde Vio~atiozz $55,3Q7.55 BISCAXNE 1'OINT PB t4-35 ~OT ~.2 BLK 1 LQT S~ZE IRREGULAR O~t l.'73(~~-42I4 0796' 1 C(JC 25697-1163 06 2007 5 OR 25697-11G3 fl~fl7 01 Purstxant to the a~tharity ves~ed in the Cit;y Chazkex ta ent~r ir~ta ~etYlement Agree~xa~;nts for.li~ns against pz-ape~ty ~1ed ~y t~e C~ty o.f.Miaza~z ~3e~cl~, this ~ettl~rne~t A.~e~~ra~z~t zs eza~ered inta, wztl~r Marta l~amingu~z; at '~988 ~iscayne Poi~xt ~ircle, Miami Beach; Fioa~ida, to settle and provi~e fc~r t~.e release of the ~ien(s) as indic~ted ~ierein. The ~ity ~~erk of the City of ~iami Beac~a xs hereby directet~ axzd auxhc~rized to retease the abave referenc~r~ lien~s) irx~posed upon th~ xeal prope~ty a~ 798$ ~iscayne ~`oint . Ciarc:le, Miam:i ~eac~, Florida., pursua~.t t~ conditions ~erein and as descrabed. ~ierein. ~~a~d.iti~~(s~ of Se~tl~m~~~; The Iien which attac~Zes `to '7988 Biscaync Paint Circle, Miarn~ ~each, Flo~ida, by vi~ti.~e ~f liens recorded' aga.iz~st ~the real prope~ty toca~ed a~ 2 So~th Shore Drive, Miarni°Beac~i, ~Iorida, zs settled in cc~nsideratio~ Qf .recexpt of $55,3~7:SS raceipt of which is hereby ack~owledg~d. The entire $~5,307.55 sha11 l~e held in escro~v by the CiCy ~ofMiami ~3~ach. ~endi~g the completion ofthas::sett~ernerit agree~~~~. 'I'he ~rc~perty ~w~er ~varrants that the ~roperty at 2 Sou~h Shore T1z~ve 1vi~I ~e brought into ;compliaza~~ with a~I City Coc1e~. T~e esc~cavv mor~es sh~11 re~i:zaii~ iri ~scro~ unti~ tlie ~~~opcrty lacate~. at 2 South Shor~ Drive; IvEiaxn:z Beach, Flo~d,a, is Iarougkzt znto c€~mp~~anc~.;At t~at tinie; the prnperty ow~er zr~ay request zx~~.ti~ati~n. Tn t~:e event ~3h~t' t~e pzoperty ow~e~ dties not request mi~igation wit~in t~irEy {30) days Q:~ the ~lin~; of an: Affidavxt of'Cor~piiance, then t~e ~ntixe escrt~wed fi~nds sha11 be re~eased to `the City af 11~iax~i :Beach: Unfii7 th.c terrrz~s of t~is Sett7e~n.ent A~reeznent are c~mplie~: wit~, t~-e liens recordeci at Book 23734, Page:1 ~38, and Bao~C 25783, Pa~e 0285, aaa.d-Boak 26230, Pa~;e 452~, and, Baok 26752; ;Page 437~, s.hal~ zemain ir~ fc~Il farce and e~ect as to tbe pz-operty locateci at 2 South Shore D~ive, ~iarni Beach, ~`larid.a. The Clerk is hereby directed to assu~ a release crf Iien far tl~e r.eal property ~ocated at 7~88 Bis~aync Point Circle, Miarni Beac11; ~'lorida, on1y. 4 ~<~~'rt b !9 ~ ~Iarg IVI_ Gor~~ale~ Date City t't/Iana~er , r ~, ~~~~ Robert C. iddaugh .A.ssisiant ity Ma.~iab (~-(~-o ~ I}ate I laave ~ead this SE'TTLEMEl`~IT A.ND REI,EE~SE O~' LIEN{S) ~UT~IOR~tZAT'~ON, regarding Speczal Mastez Cas~ N~ber JCQ4p0f}$85 and Iien arnou~t af $55;307.55 a~zd, I undez-sta~.d ar~d a~re~ to its terrns ar~~ ~iave ~;xecutec~ saz~e fc~r its purpos~s ~ter~ir~ ~tated. Accepted b Nlarta Dorninguez, Prop~rty STATE OF FLORII?A j } SS COUNT'~ ()F IVI:[AIV~I-~.~UE j Thc ' foregozz~~ instnzrnen~ u~as ackr~owledgcd befoxe z~rze this 3~~ da}~ tif' 3..v~E. , 2QO~, by ~Mqr~-.~ 1~o~~~~y.~s,, , ailc3 wl~~ 1~ave pro~~c her/his r~ver's IiceT~se as idezztifca~io~ anc~ w~~ d~dfdi~. not tal~e.an oa~t~. ~ ,., ~ ~VJC"Y' C(~~1VIISSION E:XFIR.~S: ~~ •t~:~'P~'••, GEROLD VAN DER VLUGT .'iq•' ''~~l~s~ ~*. .,- MY COMMISSION # DD 479852 ;~~• ~o: EXPIRES: November 14, 2009 ,~•.. ':~,~,of ~°:~'~~ Bonded Thru Notary Public Underxriters E:"icmgrt~ALLt33 C}B11ie~asettiement7938Bi5cu}m~Pc>iniC;ireic,doc ~f3'~"1~'~~TBLIC, STAT~ ~77~ ~'L~~7A ~er~~,~ ~t aw ~1e r V~~.c~ ~- P:RINT N~.]bIE ~ n'OOOOL452~ii^ ~:06~0L5795eo 0~2LOO~L6~n' aREENSPOON MARDER, P.A. 0330 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Date INV # Matter Description 06/09/09 OPER-U75 06004.0051 LIEN RELEASE FEE Check Date 06/09/2009 Check Number:14523 GL Acct Amount 012580000 55,307.55 ACCOUNT: 1080 TRUST ACCOUNT PARADISE BANK Check Amount: $55,307.55 Page 1 of 1 McMillion, Jimmy From: Marquez, Manny Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 10:37 AM To: McMillion, Jimmy Cc: Walker, Patricia; Middaugh, Bob; Echert, Georgie; Williams, Allison; Neves, Cynthia; Martinez, Lisa; Anderson, Robert Subject: JC 04000885 - 7988 Biscayne Point Circle Attachments: JC 04000885 - 7988 Biscayne Point Circle.pdf Jimmy: Per your instructions, Check Number 14523 from Greenspoon Marder, P.A., for the amount of $55,305.55 was deposited in the City's Special Master Trust Account, General Ledger Account Number 601-7000-229100. Please see attached file for backups pertaining to this transaction. Attachment includes the check and documents you furnished the Finance Department, as well as a receipt for the deposit. As you mentioned, the funds will remain in this escrow account until Finance is notified otherwise at the conclusion of the City's Settlement Agreement. M[AMI ~ Manny Marquez, Revenue Manager FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305-673-7000, extension 6704 Fax: 786-394-4736 www.miamibeachfl.aov We are committed to providing excellent pubfic service and safefy to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. 06/18/2009