LTC 170-2009 GFOA for Distinguished Budget Presentation Awardf~~~~,A~~~ BEACH 2C09JU'-~29 P~1 4~~r9 OFFICE OF THE CITY nhANAGER 1 i_ [ r - NO. LTC # 1 %e-ZOOS LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager DATE: June 29, 2009 SUBJECL GFOA for Distinguished Budget Pre ntation Award The purpose of this LTC is to inform the Mayor and Commission that the Office of Budget & Performance Improvement has been awarded the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award and presented a Certificate of Recognition for Budget Preparation, for the seventh consecutive year, by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) of the United States and Canada for the FY 2008109 Budget. This award is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting. The award represents a significant achievement by the entity. It reflects the commitment of the governing body and staff to meeting the highest principals of govemmental budgeting. In orderto receive the budget award, the entity had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. These guidelines are designed to assess how well an entity's budget serves as: • A policy document • A financial plan •An operations guide •A communication device The Government Finance Officers Association is a nonprofit professional association serving 17,600 govemment finance professional throughout North America. The GFOA's Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program is the only national awards program in govemmental budgeting. Please join me in recognizing the Budget Staff for all their work through out the year. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to let me know. C: Kathie G. Brooks. Director, Office of Budget and Performance Improvement Jose Cruz, Budget Officer JMG/KGB/pr FACmgn$ALL}LTC-09lLTC GFOA Budges Award.doc G l u~r Hunt nl luranr a nttieers 4ssnciation rr. Aor th LiAillc ~~n. t 1ui[c .'+I lit C hica?o Illinurs fi0b[)I I' I D 31' 9?^ 9,00 nrs: 31' 9 •.•IrOfi April 27, 2009 Ms. Kathie Ci. Brooks Director, Office of Budget K Perfumtztnee Irnpnncntcnt Gih~ of Miami Beach I?00 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, I'I. 33139 Dear Ms. Brooks: T am pleased to nodh you that City of 1,1iami Beach. Florida has received the Distinguished Budget Presentation .Award for the current from the Government Finance Officers Association (GPOA). This award is the highest form of recognition in governmeuktl budgeting anal represents a .i~nitieant achievement by your organization. 4tihen a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award is granted w au entity, a Certificate of Kecog7tition for Budget Presentation is also presented to the individual or department designated as being primarih responsible for its having achieved the award. This has been presented to: Office of Budget A Performance hnprovcmcnt 44`e hope you will arrange tier a formal public presentation of the award, and that. appropriate publicity will be riven to this notable achievement. A press release is enclosed for your use. We appreciate your participation in <iPOA's Budget Awards Program. Through your example, we hope that other entities will be encouraged to achieve excellence in budgeting. Siucerch, ~~~~~~~ Stephen .1. Gauthier, Director Technical Senices Center Enclosure 44ashin. ton, lJC Ottim 1301 1'cnnsrlr~ania Avi~nur, K.A~At, nuilc 3(19 l4(rsLiu~ron, D(' 2000} 2(12.393.SC120 ;u~.: LU).3y;.0^,•yCl r~w~c.~liie.un~ / Cu~~rnnrenrFinanceOH:ice+..4sociation /V ~ni (poi [~~ I ttt~~o ]I r~<I S,nlo > ~0O t hr.a~~.-~ Illm r: 60001 I ~ ICt April 27. 2009 1'HF Sti 121:I.f.4Sh' por Further htfonnation Contact Stephen J. Gauthier (312) 977-9700 Chicago-=1'he Guverrunent Finance Offiicers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) is pleased to announce that City of Niiami Beach, Florida has received the GFOA's Distinguished Budget 1'rescnlation Award for its budget. The award represents ;t significant achievemen[ by the entity. It reflects the cornmiunent of the. governing bode and statt'to meeting the highest principles of guvenunent3l budgeting. ht order to receive the budget award, the entiy had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. These guidelines aro designed to assess how well an entity's budget serves as: ^ a policy docwnent ^ a financial plan ^ vt openttions guide ^ a communications device Budget documents must he rated "proficient" in all four categories, and Iht; lamcen mandatory criteria +vithin those categories, to receive the award. 1~~ hen a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award is granted to an entity, a Certificate of 2ecognition for Budget Presentation is also presented to the individual or tlepartrncnt designated as being primarily responsible fur its having achieved the a+eard. This has been presented to OfPicc of Budget & Performance Improvement. For budgets including fiscal period 2007, I,IGG entities received the Award. Award recipients have pioneered eflons to improve the yualih of budgeting and provide an excellent example i'or other governments throughout Vorth Ameria+. The Government Finance OFficers Association is a nonprofit professional association serving over 17,600 government fimmce professionals throughout Nohh America. The GF'OA's Distinguished Budget Presentation .M+•ards Program is the only national awards program in governmental budgeting. l~l`a.hingron, lll' Otlicc 1301 Pcnnsylc~nio ;Aocnuc, n'. ~V., Suiro 109 ~Gn.6inylun, DC 20(Hl~ ?0?. i9 i.SU'C) u~ 70 `. t91,078C1 +v~cH~. ~ion.orti -