LTC 050-2010 Resolution of the City of South Miami, Floridai'. ; i010F£BL3 F;i 454 m iM11AMIBEACH Of IICC Uf 11 IC CI1Y AMNAGCR NO. LTC # 050_2010 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission FRCM: Jorge M. Gonzalez. City Manager ^. `~- ;'-~ DATE. February 22, 2010 ~' Sua.il:cT A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY` SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA URGING THE LEGISLATURE TO ENACT A $2.00 PER DAY CAR RENTAL SURCHARGE TO SAVE THE TRI-RAIL FROM DEFAULT Please see that attached Resolution from the City of South Miami, Florida. ~~ JMG/REP FRCLhKICLhH'~FUKMSiSvulh Miartu Hesv to sail Jlcdoc RF.ROT.UTION NO. 27-10-13061 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY CO>v1MISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA, U1tGING TIIE LECISL ATIFRF: TO ENACT A $2.00 PF.R DAY CAR RENTAL SURCHAR(>E 'I'U SAVE '1'RI-RAIL FROr1 DETAULT; PROVTI)ING AV EFFECTIVE DATE. WWHEREAS, 'Ili-Rail provides passenger service for fhe residents of Miami-Dade, Brrnvard and Palm Beach Camtics, who account for 30% of the population of the State of 1<lorida; and WHEREAS, the population in Miami-Dade., Rrcnvard and Pxlm Beach Comnies has increased 10% in ten years, while Tri-Rail ridership has incroased by 77%; and WHEREAS, 'lYi-Rail is recognized as the spine. of Ate Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties transit system, providing passenger commuter service from the Magonia Park Stati<m (four miles north of West Palrn Beach) to the Mlaml brtenrational Airport lntennodal Center- a distance of 72 miles; and WHEREAS, Tri-Rail connects to transit service to al[ three of Southeast Florida's Tntemationxl Airports; and WHEREAS,'I'ri-Bait riders have connecting service throughout Miami-Dade, Browani and Palm Beach Counties vix the Atree counties bus systems and Metrorail in Miami; and WHEREAS,'1'ri-Kett provides passenger stations in the cities of Wcst Palm Bench, Lake Worth, Boynton Beaeb, Delray Beach, Boca Raton, llarfield Beach, Fompano Beach, Fort T,aaderdale, Hollywood, Opa-Locks and Hialeah; and WHEREAS, these cities future growths are dependent. on transit oriented development around its Tri-Rail Station; and WHEREAS, two thousand businesses in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties participate in the "T'ri-Rail J3mployee Disa>uut Program; turd WT~F;RF,AS, 7S;~o of Tri-Rail riders are choice riders, i.e. they do not have to use Tri-Rail, bw choose to use'i'ri-Rail; and WHF.RF.AS, almost every Tri-Kai1 rider takes a motor vehicle off the road, thereby reducing traffic congestion, dependency un foreigp oil, std pollutants in the air; and W'HEKEAS, Tri-Rail's success in reducing hcadways fmm one hour or more to 20 minutes in the busy nmrning and afternoon commuting hours has increased operating costs faster than passenger fares can offset; and WHEREAS, TH-Rail implo~tncnted a 25% across-the-board rider fare increase to offset increased operating expenses related to double (racking and increasing weekday service Fiona 30 trains to 50 trains; and WHEREAS, bfiomi-llade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties have been forced to reduce their voluntary extra subsidies to Tri-Rail on account of declining property tax revenues; and Pg. 2 of Res. No, 27-10-]3061 WIIERE.4S, Tri-Rail is in imminent danger of default; and WHEREAS, Tri-Kail's default will severely disnrpt transportation throuElrout Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Reach Counties; and WHEREAS, the State of Florida will be held responsible fur rcpxying a $256 million grunt when Tri-Rail defaults. NUW,'!'liEREFORE, RE IT REROi.VRD RY THF. MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOU"fH MIAMI, FT.,ORIDA TIIP.T: Section I: That the foregoing "R~hereas" clauses are ratified and confirmed as being tme and con-ect. Section 2: TFrat ilie City Commission of the City of South Miarni, A•liami-Dade County, Florida, hereby calls upon the Honorable (;ovcrrwr Charlie Grist, Florida Senate President, Jeff Atwater, and Florida Speaker of the House, Larry Cretin to call a special session of the Florida l.cgislature to enact funding mechanisms carmnrked for support of'fri-Rail, including a $2.00 per day rental car aurchxrgq with the exczption that such surc:hargc shall not apply to a person tenting a car as a substitute vehicle, while such person's motor vehicle is down for mainlenana: ur repair. Section 3: Thai. the City Clerk is authorized and instructed to provide electronic copies of this Resolution to the Honorable rovemor Charlie Grist, Florida Senate President, Jeff Atwater, and Florida Speaker of the House, Larry Cretin, the Florida League of Cities, the Miami-Dade County League of Cities, and each of the xeveral cities, towns and villages of Miami-Dade, Broward and Pxlm Reach Counties. Section 4: This resolution shall be effective immediately. PASSEll ANU AT>UPTL+D this 26's day of Jxnuar , 2010. A'CTT;ST: APPROVGU: C1TY CLERK ~~~~y 0 MAYOR READ N~J,I~PPROVE ~AS~~~~•ORM: ~'u-C- ~'~"j'%f' CIL'Y ATTORNEY -___ Cw/ Commission Vote: 5-0 Mayor Feliu; Yea Vice Mayor Beasley: Yea Commissioner Palmer: Yea Commissioner Newman: Yea Commissioner Sellars: Yea