Amy E. Huber / II Villagio/Jesse Carvajal..:._ ,~ - _. ~.. .. V ...._ .. ... _. ,_ , ~. _ ~~~ ~~ I,~~t i ~~ ~ ,.~ r.s~~~{ a ~ ~• . _ _ ~ - City of Miami Beach Office of the C1ty~Clerk 1700 Convention Center Drive, Maml~Beach, F<L.33'139 - L:OBBYfS'P REGISTRATiON,FORP11 : ` F - Lobbyist means ag persons e:iipioyed ar.relalned, v:hetkieF-paM or not;' by a pnncto`sl.rrfio leek's to cneoiiiage the pa's`sage dafearor modi6cagomof; any oidinanee r6sdutrpn. action ordecision of any commissbner, any action, declsten, recomrnerdoCon cf the City.R4anag'er o~<:any cdy.b"oaid or, _ Committee or any action, decision or recontmenc!a(lon of any uty personnel awing the time period of the entire decision=rtra!cfngaprocass:ai zu~ actron„decision or recommarida~~on,Enat cores eaMy vrll be`heard'or,reYened.by lhe,aty commissbn, cr a city Board or commipea.,-TAo,te`rm' . ,:. e. ape«fica Iy Included the pnnctpnl asivelLas any employee engaged in btitr~inQ acll~tios: Tho tc~m Lobbyists''h~s spQCttio,oxclu$igns'please' ,refer to Ordinance2o04.3a36. . , . ;, Huber qmY ~, ° - _tJAME:,OF LOBBYIST:....:. u _ :,:,, (Lastj' (Fi"rat) (M I)' ~ . Slrubt-~ & Aass; Y.A; 46 S.W: lst Street, Third Fl, IVliatn Fl . 3 ° BUSINESSNAMCANDAt?DRESS; - "(NuintiecandStreet - 3130 ) (City); _. _ :. .(Stale) -(Ztp Cotiej- 305 381.-;ti60G0 3©5-381 9.43, ro ahubet•@shubtnbass.com~ °TELEPHONE NUMBERS ~ ""' - °` .~`• `` ~ _ .. .. . EMAIL. _ _ , _. :. °,.. _. - ' ~1, ` LOBBYIST°-RETAINEl7BY;` _ ~ ~' 11 Vtllagto /Jesse Carvajal' ' .- ,. ..a -NAME.OF-PRINCiPAL/CLIENT,r - '. ~ " " ` ' FIII oufthis section if principal (s,a'Corporatlon, Partnership.or Trust [Section 2-!382 (c)) - -- .. ... ;. c •NAt,7E OF CHIEF OFFICER, PARTNER; OR BENEFICIARY: .. ~ . ~•'-„ IDENTIFYALLPERSONS HOLI71N~r".DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, A 5°h OR MORE„O,WNERSHiP-INTERES!-!N ~ ~~ SUCH:GORP012fiTfON, PARTN>=RSHIP OR TRUST: ° u~P~CIf=1C t;®~~Y 15S11i= ' - a ~ Opposition to Neighborhood Triipaet Estabitsl~nent; Issue to,.be lobbied (Desuibe In detail): ~ °•~` ` " ' IIi. C1~'Y AG~f~1~I~~IINI~IVI®l:J/~~.~ `~® ~~ t-Ct~~i~d; Pursuant to c(ly Qode section 2-QS'2(g) Inciuca a atatemont of the exlont of any business; Tinancial, familial, protosslonal of ofhor. relatlonshtp, giv)riII' rtse to" an: ppearaf4ce of an Im ro filet 4vith an Ctl `• ~ a p p , „Y yy y personnel sought to bo lohbled -- further, pursuant to_Gity'Code 5ectlon'2= C)(1 p.(p p82 a d Include . a statement of an contractual relallonsfii ofd, or unpaid) -from 12 rnoriths procedUig said- Clfy ersonUOls' commencement -of service vrlth the city to, the, present data, staftnp ,tiro peneraf, hatur© of.<tho subject; ` ;contractual relation. a. ~. 1j~ ~tl -i 1 ~. ~ ~ rTl~~ ~ ~'~ : r r ~~~p~~ ~ , °e,:a . ~. ° t ~~ ,tea . - ' -' IV , DiSCLOSURE,;OF TERMS AND AMOI)NT3'OF LOBBYIST COMPENSATION (DISCLOSE 1NHETHER HOURLY; FLAT RATE OR:OTHER) ,: , , A).IOBBYISTFDISCLOSURE:.(Repulrodj' v ~~-`~ S_ -~ - B} ARINCIPAL'S'DISCLOSURE"(OF LOBBYIST COMPENSATION):" _ " Th©,following infiormation rnust iie answered;: ~.7): ~Pursuantt&Miamti3each Gily Code Seaton 2=48$ Entitled Prohibited Campaign Contnbution"s By Lo4byists~ Ori`Piocurement~lss"ues°: Q' Yes` QNo: Arewou~lobbylna;orisa present or uendina.bid for~aoods:'eaiifiiment?orservict3s oron~a !,resent or Wendt "a award"ior'aoods, ~etxufument or. service? -2)' Pursuant to;MlamrBeach Ctty;Gode 2 490 Entitied Prohibited Campaign Gontrtbu9ons By t:,otiby~sts<On Reaf Estate:bevelopmaritIssues":< ~ ~ :• _ ~ . - 0?Yes "C~=No. Are'.vou IolbVintr on a pendin"a'appllcatfon for a Deuelopmenf Aareerrient with,the CItV or " , ap hanste of zonlnsr man-desianation.or:cFanae,to_tire Citv's~Future`Land`Use, Mau s ...... .... . .. . ... _ ... .. -- . -.. 7.. 3y lobby st' as .Meamio Beach Gity, Code 2-484 {hj Any person (excep't those `exempt from the definif+on of " h in Section 2-481 above) t'~ho only appears as a representative of ,a not for-proft cor oratio „p nor entity syithouf special.compensation=or. reimbursement for fhe appearance whether direct, dr- ,.. ' indtrect,,to express, support of or opposition to any item, stiall;reglster ti°rrth ttie-dark a's,requtred,liy ibis section but, shalt:not be"required to pay any registratton,feas: _ ~. . ,. r .. _.-.. . Q' Yes ~'No Are yo roaresentina'a no{;for-profit corrsoratlon or entity without Special comtiensatton or " iefmliu~eit~+3nt., - .. " ., ._ . - _ _ , ,, . ... ; V., SIONATURE'If+NDER"OATH: t - f e x.~ ~ ~; ~_P ~ ~ u.=._... _.. } ON:aO'CTQBER 1ST OF EACH YEAR, EACH-I:OBBYI3T SHALL,SUBMIT..TO=~'iHE.:Ci7Y CLERK A="SI©NED ° z :STA7i=MENT,:UNDER OATH... LISTING_ L`OBBYINGt..EXPENDITURES~ `AS' WELI: AS--COMPENSATION" RECEIVED ° IN THE CI Y:OF= t •BEACH:.OR•THE°pRECEDING CALEN > :EAR. A STATEME 7 S ' Ll' ,.,:,_ ~ . -: _ T pE FILED`'EVEN IF THE~2E~HAVE`BEE_ N~QE ND1TUFtESOR GOMP.N ATIO DURir~r~ THE,REPORTifVG . ~ - ,.. t` - - ~ y r ~ :- Si~ ai ~ of La by st ., . , . _. : _ _ , 1 do~sotemnlyswear t-" ~:~ • , , ~ s t E.Provisions contained! l ~ r ,` ` ' Sigriature of Lobbyist ~ Signature of Pnncipal 1 . " ; ° "' ° V1: L.OBSYI3T IDENTIFiGATION ,PRINCIt'AI: tDEIdTIFICATIQN .. s.' v ~ n . s w ~ - " O ProduaeihlQ`. ~ _ ~ ~Froduced D: -~ F- ~. ;, Form of,identification Forrn of~idertlfication ' - , ' ~ ®Personally known {LoF~byist) - ~d" Personally, knosvn°{Principal}; ° ~ VII: SIGNATURE;AND;STAMP OF:NO'[ARYc .; State"of Floniia County of fvharrr Dade ~ - St°' Florida Co ,pt= of.Mfamt Dade-~ ~, ..., Sworn to and subscribed beforeme o" subsc ~ ~ e me ~ y~(p ,; '~_ This;,- . - day of ~ 2QQ9 is "a ..., 2009 " ,~ J!!I ' „;K COd N - .., . ~~ . ~ i ~ , _, EXBIA ` ~ Signature.of l?ublic,Notary- St' to of.,Flo[ida S ure otP Nota~lza#Eoi~ of~obb"vist'a's nature Nat" tzation `~ :, _.. , ' - TO 6E COMPLETED BY CIT~'_CLE K'S $TAFF'1 - • Annual,Registratton fee`.' [ ]'Yos [ ) No ` Amourit'Paltl $~~~F3'ax' ~ t,1CE2 #!_- . _ ~ _ • ,` Lobbyist Ro~istratlon Form received and v©rlfted by,• _.- ` ~ R\G{.~R+,~ALL\al'ORt~S\LQ~RYi5T FOR~1S\L.oLbytStReplstrailon Form 21X09,dac .i . . ,, ~-___.~ _~.LL~ .. ._ , .~ ~. q .. ,. - ~ ' .. - ,.," :_ _ Cfty ~. . " " ` ' of Mtum~Beath, 170Ct Convenlion Confer Dih'ra,•Miomis6each fbiida 33139, vnw~ mfrimlbeachli_'goy- CITY CLERK Office '' Cty,Cleik@miamf>eachfl;gov - Ta1.;305 673:7A11 Fax;~305,6Z3,725,4~ ~. - - ,," ' ; ~ 6~~~Y1~'~ ~~~tfi~:.. . _Amy E. Hofer, Esq: .,.~ ~ -° ' Iunderstand tha#- no later than ®~~~besr ~_~$•~~ :eath ~sie~~~.'E-must file the following. forms, pursuant to Section 2 4$5 of ihe; Miami ,Beach City Code; 'with. the City Clerk's° ~ ; . .., . ~ ~ ~ _ ~fficeafd~ all actfue lobbying=i~sues'._ i` ' ~ :;1;J lobbyist Expenditure Eor"m . 2} Disclosure ~~orm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~• °_ i. ~. Failure to°f%le theses forms,on a timely bads will ~esult,in my name being° transmitted to-;the i "~ -, . Miami Dade Coun Comm.issio' ~" _ " - ly - ri on Ethics and for~code~xiolationevalvation. _ . - In addihoh, once an issue 1 have' registered to lobby.on ~ has be~~ ;resolved, I am required ~ " " : to i-riinediately-=notify the Crty C)erEc's Office of labby'ist witfdrav~icil~ in ~n%~itinp, . ~ ~ ~ i __. .~ ;~ ~ - - - -1 April 27; 2014 .:-- l Slgnatur ; - /e _ Date: • .~ ~sICL~t21LOBl~YIS~'1Lobbylst"~~gis>Eration rorm:32708'iioc,;x. . . - ~ . ~. - _~ ~~ 4 ' .: $