November 7, 1979 R7A Council Minutes i .~% is . Amt ~~ +~`~• ~ 4'~ ~ n 3 ~ ~ pt. Y ~ ~ '~ ~ ~r !, S `~~~~ it "9.0~,~ 'tZi_~_L71~ y 6~~ mission I(IUT~S t i ®F MEE°g'ING HELD OOd. --1~ouQmhPr ~, ~ ct~4 .. _ j PREPARE® 8Y THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ~~ ~~ s~ 1 i•1INUTES COi•ihiISSION MEETING NOUEiiBER 7, 1979 A regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, was held. in the Commission Chambers, City Hall, 170Q Convention Center Drive, on Wednesday, 'November 7, 1979, with the following members of the Commission present: Mayor Ur.. L conarcl Ilabcr. Vice-)<layor Michael Friedman Commissioner Joseph W. Malek (Arrived 9:55 A.M.) Commissioner. Philip Sahl Commissioner Leonard 0. ideinstein Commissioner Elayne Weisburd Commissioner Dr. Simon Wikler Also present: City Manager Gavin W. O'Brien City Attorney. Robert L. Shevin City Clerk Elaine Matthews .. '`" Following the invocation which was given by Rabbi Lehrman, the meeting was called '`to order by Mayor Dr. Leonard Haber at 9:45 a.m. 11ABE1Z: Ladies and Gentlemen, Alex, good morning., Ladies and gentlemen if we could have your attention, please. Normally, you know our order of business. Many of you .have been here many, times. I think this morning it would befitting as a first order of business perhaps and only order of business to convene a canvassing committee and to have the committee work on their task of reviewing the results of the election and con- firming the results of the election as the one thing we must all do and w~ certainly do i.s respect the wish of the electorate. So if there is no objection, I would at this ti.rne ,ask for the canvassing committee that we 'hnd previou .l.y de::if~n~tc~d, htr.~. Welnr;tc~.ln and Dr. W1.k.Ie~r. to tr.ilce upon themse].ve:~;, In con.jc.mctLon wltit Mla Di;itthew,i, our. City Cl.e.rk, .the. t.::i;a!< ot` r.evicw.inl; ,.uul c:.cnva:,sint.; the resu.lt:y of ye,terd:~y'Fl election. M.isa Mattliewa, . arc you prepared? MATTIiEWS: l+tr. Piayor, the initial thing that has to be done before any canvassing can tape p1ac~ i.s that the absentee ballots will have to be counted this morning. Commi~sioncrs tJeintein.and Wikler and I are a member of that canvassing committee.' The County will be prcpax•ed very shortly. We will do that downstairs. I do not believe we coill be able to present the results of the election to the City Commission until, say, 2 o'clock this afternoon. 'That gives us...there's over 600 absentee ballots. They have to be counted, '.tabulated, reviewed, certificates prepared to be ready to make the presentation to you and to have the canvass at that time, with this Commission to accept the results and then the new Commission to be sworn in. liABls'R: [Jell, if that is the procedure, .. . WIKLI:I~: Yes. IiABER: Then that is the procedure. So be it. I would take this opportunity, ladles and gentlemen, if I may, to tell you as I have said many times, I am proud to be your i•iayor. tJe have a beautiful city, a wonderful city and I can only hope and in my own way help to make sure that it continues this way. The electorate has spoken. I respect the wish and will try to understand the message of the electorate. I have every hope that our Ca.t,y 143.1.1. Conti.Ill1C to develop, thrit our. City w1. ].l continue tip grow :.~ncl that our City wi1.1 be wLcit i.t eau and what it should be. I believe that we wi.l.l work f.ol;c:thcr becau;e we 1_ov~:r our Cl.ty of Df.tami Beach and I want to tell you that 1 am proud to have served yau, to have served with every person at this table and to have worked with eaci~ and everyone of you. The people in this City are to be commended. They are excellent and wonderful people. They mean well, they try hard and they do the best they can. I am indebted to far more... f.^r many more of you than I could possibly enumerate or. mention and I don't intend tt; mention anybody in particular except to say that I ar,-~ no less proud today of my r:~s~~ar:aates, my colleagues and you the people of this City then I was yesterday or the .day be~'~r.e and,that I have every confidence that we will move together and realize the bcat~tiful de:~tiny that we have e~aiting for us. Thank you.' (audience applause) WII;LII:: i9r. ;'Mayor. COi`ir•IISSION M1.NUTLS 11/7/79 Page 1 ~. ,:_ j:- 1 HABER: Yes, Dr. Wikler. WIKLER: I think we have an award to give Commissioner Sahl. HABER: We do. WIKLER: And I wonder if you would proceed with that. FABER: O.K. We do in fact have a very beautiful resolution which is A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A PROCLAMATION EXPRESS- ING APPRECIATION AND GRATITUDE FUR THE PUBLIC SERVICES~OF COMMISSIOPIER . PHILIP SAHL. And T would be delighted Phil if you can stand it for me to read it to you. If I may. SAHL: Sure. f3o ahead, by all means. ":iABER: O.K. (Proclamation read and awarded) (audience applause) SAHL• Folks. (COI~L"IISSIONER MALEK ENTERED MEETING AT 9:55 A.M.) SABER: Phil. "BARE: I'd like to say one word. I can't thank you enough for this proclamation. Like the Mayor, h have been exceptionally honored and lucky to have represented the people for the last six years and I say this in closing I've tried my best and made a lot of `.mistakes but in my heart I know they were honest mistakes and I suppose if I sat again, I wauld make the same ones. But that's a think of the past. All I'm asking the people to do is this, an el"ection has just come and gone. In every election there's always a certain amount of bitterness. Our City sits now on the threshold of its glory and I urge each and every person sitting out here and every person in-the City, to close ranks forget yesterday because today is today, stand by your Commission, everyone of them are good people. They have been elected by the people and I believe they will stand up for :the rights of the people. So all I can say in closing is God Bless you all and it's my firmest belief .and hope that you all live to 120 and never see a doctor. Thank you every much.: (applause) '..RAWER: Is there any further comments before we recess for the canvassing? WIKLER: Yes. HABER: Dr. Wikler. WIKLER: Mr. Mayor, I want to say as one that had no opposition that the reason Phil Sahl got this plaque today was because he had retired and we had no idea about anybody else retiring. So I can tell you, Mr. Mayor, that the first order of business in our new Commission is going to be for us, at least I'm going to propose it and I'm sure it will be unanimously adopted that.. to make appropriate commendations for the fine work that our Commissioners have performed here. People have got to realize that this is a very hard job and people take a lot of their time away from their ordinary pursuits and so Mr. Mayor and audience, I want you to know that that's going to be the order of business with o!ar first business and that's my sentiment, Mr. Mayor. Thank you. WEISBURD: Mr. Mayor. HABER: Thank you very much , Dr. Wikler. Yes, Mrs. Weisburd. WEISBURD: I.... HABER: And I hope it passes by better than 4-3. (laughter) Mrs. Weisburd. WEIS$URD: I would like to say if I can still get my voice out to say it. I've been out electioneering and it caught up to me. That it has been an honor and a privilege to serve this City and this community and the greatest honor bestowed upon me as the first woman ever elected to this local government body, was one that I held very highly. As I said in my congratulatory message to Mr. Mendelson, I hope he will serve the City as sincerely, as sensitively, and as responsively as I did because I felt that I gave my heart and my soul to this community and I plan to continue. I plan to help build a better COMMISSION MINUTES 11/7/79 Page 2 .y WEISBURD (Con't): Miami Beach. I think that's important. (applause) I'm very proud that I have a family, like my husband who is sitting here and my sons who I wish would get up and let everybody see because they deserve the biggest hand of all. (applause) We did it together. We'11 continue to do it together. It's import- ant that this community become cohesive. That some of the hatred out there, some of the fears and the concerns be immediately overcome by the proper kind of implementation of your local government. I plan to see that this is carried out. I plan to continue to.be active in my City, Miami Beach which is the greatest city in the world.. I love it. My family and I live here. We're going to continue to be active and continue to serve as citizens and taxpayers. And there is a future for each and everyone of us. And I personally am going to see that we continue to see the growth of the City. Thank you for giving me the pleasure. (applause). HABER: Thank you, Elayne. As has been said, Elayne, in life it's sometimes not so much whether you win or lose, but how you play the game. And I think you've played the game very well. I want to compliment you. (laughter). Any further comment? P4ALEK: Mr. Mayor. HABER: Yes, sir. Mr. Malek. MALEK: As far as Phil Sahl is concerned, I think everyone knows my sentiments. I propose the original commendation for him and I just wish him everything well in life. SAHL: Thank you, Joe. MALEK: Good health, good happiness to you and to Mildred, always. SAHL: Thank you. MALEK: I want to thank the good people and my dedicated, devoted and loyal friends who voted for me and reposed their confidence in me. I know that I well served our City. for. the past two. years. Our Commission initiated many good programs and much was accomplished for the betterment of our City. I hope that these will continue and that new projects will be initiated by the new Commission, by the new Mayor to make our City grow and pros'-: per. I am truly sorry that in our particular race we were unable to discuss the true issues in the campaign. On behalf of myself, my beautiful wife, Rachelle, our two children, Adam and Robin and all of the good people who helped us, I pledge that I will.::: continue to work for the people of Miami Beach as I have done continuously for the past,,' thirty four years. Thank you very much. (applause) . HABER: Thank you. Any further comment? Any further comment. Mr. Weinstein. WEINSTEIN: Mr. Mayor. HABER: Yes, sir. WEINSTEIN: Mr. Mayor, just briefly, Dr. Wikler afld I of course did not have to undergo tht rigors of the campaign and I just want the people of the City of Miami Beach to know how honored I am to have won this election unopposed. It's a great honor and although I didn't have to make campaign promises and campaign speeches, I want the people of this community to know that I do have a commitment and a promise to the people of this community and I shall continue to do my utmost to serve them to the best of my ability. Thank you. HABER: Thank you, Mr. Weinstein. (Applause) Before we recess this meeting for the cauvassing,,T would once again take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you and all the good people of the City of Miami Beach for bestowing upon me the honor of working and representing you as your Mayor. T thank you. I thank those of you who had and continue to have faith and confidence in me, in the way in which T.present myself and in the way in which I do things and in the platform which I forwarded which I believed and continue to believe is in the best interest of the City. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I tell you that my interest in this City remains, it continues in the same way and I shall do everything in my power with you to see that our City does move in a right direction. Thank you very much. This meeting is recessed. WEINSTEIN: Until 2 o'clock, Mr. Mayor? HABER: 2 o'clock. At 10:05 a.m.• Mayor Haber recessed the meeting until 2:00 p.m. COr~iISSION MEETING 11/7/79 Page 3 ~/-' 1 The meeting was reconvened at 2:15 P.M..with all members of the City Commission present except for Commissioner Weisburd. The City Manager, City Clerk and City Attorney were also present. HABER: May we have your attention please? Ladies and gentlemen, if we may have your attention please. We recessed the meeting this morning in order to permit our canvassing committee to review the results of yesterday's election, including a count of the absentee ballots and to bring forward an official recommendation. Before we convene this after- noon's session to certify these results, I would ask you to please rise and once again we are going to have an invocation. There will be a new Administration and we're going to start-with an invocation. Dr. William W. Swift, All Souls Episcopal Church. Please rise and give Dr. Swift your attention. Invocation given. HABER: Thank you, Dr. Swift. Thank you very much. Please be seated. We have two small ceremonial orders of business while the canvass is being prepared and then we will go to the certification and the swearing in ceremonies that I know you are all waiting for. One order of business is a resolution that expresses sympathy and condolences to the family of Rosebelle Scher Roth.•(Item R-9A). We have by request of the City .Commission prepared a resolution expressing such sympathy. (Proclamation read and pre- sented by Mayor Haber). Resolution No. 79-16059. FRTEDMAN: Mr. Mayor. HABER: Yes. ':FRIEDMAN: Tf I may make an additional request of the City Manager. I think it would be appropriate since her contribution was through literature that we find an appropriate '..way in the Miami Beach Public Library to recognize her contribution to the extension of human rights and human understandings between all people. And if we could find some .way that we could appropriately use the library. Maybe a bookshelf or something to do that. I think that might be appropriate. WEINSTETN: Mr. Friedman, just coincidentally, Mr. Meyerson and I originally served on the Memorials Committee and more recently, Mr. Sahl, and I think it would .be appropriate that this suggestion, very fine suggestion, be referred to our committee for review with the Committee and with the Administration in order to find a suitable location in .the library. FRIEDMAN: Excellent. Thank you very much. HABER: We have one final brief proclamation. It's a large proclamation, not too many words. Proclamation '"YpUTH. APPRECIATION WEEK" to Harry Holtzman representing Optimist In_ ternational. (Proclamation read and presented by Mayor Haber) Now, if the City Clerk is prepared with the results of the canvass. We do have a resolution before us. Miss Matthews. . MAT`iHEWS: Mr. Mayor, before I turn the Chair over to Mr. Weinstein and Dr. Wikler as who will present the results, I wish to make of record the proof of publishing the notices of election. Proof of publishing the notice of The Logic and Accuracy Test, the notice of the sample ballot as it appeared in the week-end edition of the Sun Reporter. I'd like to make those of record. Additional part of the record of the meeting. HABER: O.K. MATTHEWS: You, at the prior meeting appointed a committee, consisting of Commissioner Weinstein and Dr. Wikler and, gentlemen, whichever one wishes to make.... WEINSTEIN: Well, I can start, Dr. Wikler... WIKLER: Yes. WEINSTEIN: Either way. This is a joint report and before I start with the report, I would like to really say a couple of words about Mrs. Dieffenderfer who handled the election and her Deputy in Charge here on the Beach, David Leahy. Frankly, I was amazed at the efficiency, the number of people that were involved. They did an (COMMISSION MINUTES 11/7/79 Page 4 i.. F~~ , WEINSTEIN (Con't): excellent job, well performed, efficient in the highest caliber, and I know I speak, not only for myself, but Dr. Wikler and Miss Matthews and of course, Miss Matthews'.. efficiency and the way she' conducts her office is usual to us. We expect the highest of her and as usual she performed in the same fine manner and we're very proud of her. MATTHEWS: Thank you. WEINSTEIN: The results of the election have been tabulated. Dr. Wikler and I certified the.results. We attended meetings prior to the election to make aur.e the voting machines -were tested and that they were all brought back to zero and I have before me the .cumu- lative report of 41 precincts and I submit that to Miss Matthews for insertion in the record. And Dr. Wikler if you would like to add anything before we submit to the Commis- sion the passage of the resolution. As a matter of fact, I.think perhaps I'll move the passage of the resolution, indicating that as the results of the election held it was found, determined and resolved that the following candidates for Mayor and City Commissioner Groups I, II, III, IV, V and VI received the highest number of votes cast and are hereby declared elected. For Mayor, Murray Meyerson; For City Commissioner Group I, Dr. Simon Wikler; For City Commissioner Group II, Mildred S. Falk; For City Commissioner Group III, Mel Mendelson; For City Commissioner Group IV, Alex Daoud; For City Commissioner Group V, Michael Friedman; For City Commissioner Group VI, Leonard 0. Weinstein and Mr. Mayor.. (applause) Excuse me, one final portion to this resolution which is extremely important •to our community, it was further found, determined and resolved that Questions One and Two.on the ballot were approved. And Mr. Mayor, I move together with Dr. Wikler, the .passage of this resolution. SAHL:. Second. WIKLER: Mr. Mayor, can I just make one short comment? HABER: Yes. Dr. Wikler. WIKLER: I feel Mr. Weinstein echoed my feelings exactly. I've never seen such efficiency in handling the vote, and this new voting system, apparently Dade County has it down to a very fine thing, and I want to tell everybody in this audience and in the City that the way they handled the vote is a very wonderful thing for our democratic process. It's a lot more efficient than those old voting machines, and I'm sure Mr. Weinstein, you agree with me there, don't you? WEINSTEIN: Absolutely. Excellent. HABER: We have a motion on the floor adopting a resolution which adopts the certificate of the Eanvassing Committee as to the results of the November 6th, 1979 General and Special. Elections; declaring the results thereof. Did I hear a second from you, Mr. Sahl? SAHL: Yes. Right. HABER: Properly seconded. Any discussion? Hearing none, all in favor say "Aye" GROUP:. Aye. HABER: Any opposed? The resolution is unanimously adopted (Resolution No. 79-16060) and the persons named are duly accepted as the members of the P4iami-Beach City Commission and Mayor, with my congratulations. (applause) FRIED~,AN: Gentlemen to fulfill the will of the voters of Miami Beach as Vice-Mayor, I would ask the City Clerk, Elaine Matthews, to swear the people in as I call them in order. rfATTI1.EWS: Can't we do it all at once? FRIED~IAN: Why don't we do it individually. I think that they're... MATTHEWS: Which ever way ....(inaudible) FRIEDI~iAN: Individually? You think some people might want to take pictures? WF.IidSTEIN: Well, with your permission, if you ask, I think it would be most fitting as a matter of fact, that the swearing.in ceremony be as one. Indicate harmony and a COMMISSION MINUTES 11/7/79 Page 5 s•. a ~k. .` /° ~r \~ WEINSTEIN (Can't): movement forward in the City. I realize that individual members of the Commission might want to have photographs taken and so forth but I think that in the interest of time, Murray, I think we should bow to your preference. FRIEDMAN: Hearing ...hearing no objection, Murray, if you have no objection to that, we could do it as a group, indeference to Mr. Weinstein's request.... WEINSTEIN: Only as a suggestion. MEYERSON; In the spirit of harmony, I agree with my colleagues. `FRIEDMAN: Excellent. Then we'll do it as one. (applause) And at this point I would call Pir. Murray Meyerson, Mayor; Dr. Simon Wikler, Miss Mildred Falk, Mel Mendelson, Alex Aaoud, Myself, Leonard Weinstein, if you would come forward at this time to be sworn in. Thank you. (applause). MATTHEWS: Do you, Michael Friedman, Leonard Weinstein, Dr. Simon Wikler, Murray Meyerson, Mildred S. Falk, Alex Daoud, Mel Mendelson solemnly swear that you are entitled to hold the office to which you have been elected and will support, protect and defend the Con- stitution and Government of the United,States and of the State of Florida against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that you will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that you will faithfully perform all the duties of the Office of the Mayor and City Commissioner of the City of Miami Beach respectively of which you are about to enter, so help me God. GROUP: I do. (applause) FRI.EDMAN: As soon as Mayor Meyerson comes up, I'll turn the gavel to him and the meeting `Mr. Meyerson is yours. (applause) MEYERSON: Ladies and gentlemen, as my first act as your Mayor, I would like to present to you the woman that made it all possible, my wife, Marilyn Meyerson. (applause). I might also add that I haven't seen a crowd like this...the last time was several years .ago at a rent control hearing. (Laughter) We have a proclamation, Mr. Bialolenki? -May T have your attention, please? As the first order of business may I say to each and everyone of you and to the entire community, that I am privileged and delighted to .have bean elected your Mayor. I welcome the challenges that fact this City and its people and I intend along with my colleagues who you also have newly elected, to seek the solutions that are so necessary in our community for a better way of life and harmony, excitement, interest, recreation for all our people. It has been a boyhood dream of mine since 1943 when I came to Miami Beach to serve as the Mayor of this great City on the brink of being even greater. And so, I would like to thank each and everyone of you and indicate that I will dedicate myself to continue to work for the best interest, the public interest of this City and I thank you very much for showing the confidence in me that you have. I will serve you well. Thank you very much. (applause) I think all of you at this moment recognize that the six gentlemen and one lady that are now serving as your elected representatives, today and I hope much longer, are serving what we call now as a honeymoon together. (applause) And I'm~sure that each and everyone of your newly elected Commmissioners would like to say a word or two and perhaps introduce their families to you and I think that it probably i~ best and in order to recognize the Dean of this Commission, the man who has served longer for this community than anyone else, my colleague, the Honorable Leonard Weinstein. (applause) WETNSTEIN: Thank you, Murray, and I apologize for a sore throat. It should be Murray and .the other contested candidates that have the sore throat and the hoarseness (laughter) from a:ll the speeches. I want you to know that although I was spared the rigors of a campaign, I felt doubly honored just as Dr. Wikler was that we had no opposition and I'm very grateful to the people in this community for having given me that honor, as a matter of fact, for the second time in my career. I'm most grateful and although I may have had to make no campaign speeches or promises, I do have a deep commitment to the people of this community and I want you to know, Murray, that I pledge to you as to the people of this community that I will continue to work diligently and for the best interest for all of the City of Miami Beach. I share your optimism about our City. My only caution is that at this moment, this is a time for reflection, for a time for each of the new and the old members of the Commission to review the record, to brief themselves and familiarize themselves with the workings of the Administration of this City and after doing so, to take responsible action in so many areas whether it be tourism or rental units or recreation. Whatever facet of our City. There's so many opportunities for us COMMISSION MINUTES 11/7/79 Page 6 ;-- a WEINSTEIN (Con't): and we are on the brink of greatness and I share again that optimism with you and with my colleagues on the Commission. Thank you very much. (applause) MEYERSON: Thank you, Commissioner Weinstein. The Chair recognizes Dr. Simon Wikler. WIKI.ER: Thank you, Mayor. I'd like to introduce my wife, Revy, and without her..(applause) She's been my campaign manager and as you know she's the publisher and she has the inter- est of this City very much at heart and of course, I do too. And I think both of us together have worked to this end but of course I can just tell you what I think. Slie'11 tell you what she thinks in her columns of her newspaper but I ... this is my seventh year on this Commission and I have attended a number of swearing ins of candidates and successful candidates and never have I seen anything like this. I feel a certain electricity in the air. I feel that this is something that people know that good and great things are going to happen and I think everyone on this side of the table has that feeling and knowing the people that are going to serve you, I know it's going to come true. Because this is perhaps one of the greatest Cities in the world... (applause) and all we've ever .needed was just to take our positive elements and put them in focus and it's going to make for happiness and fulfillment for all of our citizens and this has been a happy city but I think it's going to be that much happier and livable and I think we're all -going to do it together. So I want to congratulate you all for your fine selection and we're going to do our share. (applause) MEYERSON; The Chair recognizes Commissioner Michael Friedman. FRTEDMAN: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. I also would like to introduce the people who are responsible for my being here today. My family. First I would like to introduce my ..Great Aunt who raised me from birth, Esther Friedman. (applause) I would also like to introduce you to the moving force in my family, My wife, Joan Friedman. (applause) and the story goes that sometimes blood is... or sometimes friends are closer than even your family and I'd like to introduce you to a person who a lot of people thought was my sister, she's not my sister but I'd be really proud to have her as my sister, but she is my close friend, she is a member of my family, Joyce Abrams. (applause) I'd like to take just a minute to thank the people of Miami Beach for returning me to office or restoring or rencrwing their confidence in my ability and my directions. I'd like to thank the ' people for taking the time to visit with me personally as T went from door to door. Talce the time to speak to me on the phone, take the time to read a personal letter that we sent to people. Just take the time to study the issues and review my record and return me to office. It's a very gratifyingexperience. I'd also at this time like to renew my sincere commitment which will never be shaken to the consumers and the business people and the tenants and the property owners, the young and the senior citizens. My commitment has always been, will always be to all the people of Miami Beach. Thank you for returning me. Thank you for your trust. (applause) MEYERSON: The Chair now recognizes Mrs.. Falk. (applause) FALK: I want you to meet my husband, Dr. Jack Falk, back there. (applause) My daughter Barbara Fine was'with me since 9:30 this morning. She just left. She had other commitments. Thank you. Oh, here she is. There's Barbara. Thank you, Barbara. I can't tell you what a feeling of awe it is to have made the tremendous hurdle from over there behind that bar (laughter) to over here. (applause) I could only have done it with your help and your encouragement. I felt compelled to go forward and not to stop. Many times I was discouraged but I went on and I'm glad I did. To me, life is like a circle and I feel that we have reached the bottom of the circle and all we can go now is up, up, up. up, up. I'm going to try and represent all segments of our community. The young, the middle aged, and the old. I feel that I do not know all of the answers but the answers are out there with you people. The experience of life is out there with you and with your help, please don't be silent, come and help me. I will be able to do a good job and help you and our city. Thank you. (applause) MEYERSON: Thank you, Mrs. Falk. The~Chair recognizes Commissioner Mel Mendelson. (applause) MENDELSON: Thank you. I'd like to introduce my parents. They're sitting in the back. (applause) My wife, Estelle, without whose permission I wouldn't be here: (laughter and applause) My daughter, Randy. (applause) My grandson and my other daughter, Cheryl,'they had to .leave. •He was carrying on. (applause) I also want to introduce my campaign treasurer, Al. He's something a little different. We don't have too many like him on Miami Beach. He's a fighting Irishman, Mr. Robert M. Riley. (applause) I'm fighting and COMMISSION MINUTES 11/7/79 Page 7 • . i~ 1 MENDELSON (Con't): he held my pillow. (laughter) I also want to introduce my campaign chairman, when Bob Fabricio at the Miami Herald asked me where did I find Hal Cohen, I said "I lit a candle and went walking through the streets of Miami." (laughter) Mr. Hal Cohen, please stand up. (applause) We11, I received the only endorsement that counts. The endorsement of the people. And I want to thank the people and I promise that every pledge and every statement I made during the six weeks, I'm going to fulfill. When I was 13 years old I stood up and made a speech and said "Today I am a man." I was proud. Today I stand up and say "Today I am a politician." (laughter) I don't really know. But I'm going to try to change the name of politician in Miami Beach. We all know what it was, maybe we can make it into something new and different. (applause) You're all going to recognize my style. There will be no end-runs, no forward passes. I go up the middle line every single time. I'll get banged down, but I'll be getting up. And as for the people of Miami Beach that I'm going to follow that policy. Now, you all understand my position on the South Shore Redevelopment Program. That's what got me into it. Now, ladies and gentlemen, in order to fulfill my promises and my plans, I feel that I am going to need responsive people to implement that program. Therefore, I am going to make this statement right now. I'm going to ask for the resignation of our City Attorney and our City Manager. And then we can go forward with the rest of ..(applause overlaps voice) Thank you. MEYERSON: Well, every meeting needs a surprise or two. (laughter) Ladies and gentlemen, the Chair recognizes Commissioner Alex Daoud. (applause) DAOUD: I finally found out how it looks to be up here and the view is beautiful. I want to thank all of you who placed me right where I am, up here. Most important I want to ,,give special thanks to my mother, Evelyn Daoud Rosenthal, who really put out (applause) our campaign. My Fiancee, Nona Breeland, who stayed with me and my personal friend, Hal Spaet, our State Representative who endorsed me and stayed with me. (applause) and the fellow who started my career, Shep Davis, who is sitting out there. (applause). Abraham " Lincoln once stated, "a house divided against itself, cannot stand." We've had too much dissension.on Miami Beach. We've had too much friction and not enough understanding. Not .enough working together. I ask all of you, today, in this Commission Chambers, with us, your newly elected officials, to set aside whatever differences there were. To put aside whatever feelings we once held towards each other and let us from this moment and from ..this day start fresh, start new, and start building the City of Miami Beach that all of want to have and all of us deserve. (applause). Believe me, I can say I'm the first.to understand how hard it is to put aside personal feelings in a political campaign and how easy it is to carry on grudges and to carry on feelings of discontent. We've had too much of this within our City. Let me be the first to really ask of you, to be the first to be to plead with you, let us lay down our swords and let us join hands to go forth together, united, loving one another. Thank you very much. (applause) MEYERSON: Ladies and gentlemen, I would like at this time to introduce a number of people who were very instrumental in my campaign. I would like to acknowledge Mr. Ben Wolf,. Mr. Nat Potaml;a.n, Bill Freeman, Abe Solosko, Joe Abelow, George Bookbinder, and Lillian Wolf. (applause) And my campaign manager, Mr. Ted Cohen. (applause) And in the audience coming from Margate, my in-laws, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Kruder. It's a pleasure to have you here. And from fhe Latin community which is so much a part of our City now because we have all joined hands in a community conscience, Mr. Rolin Rodriguez. And now in the spirit of fairness, I think I should turn to our City Manager and ask whether he would prefer to make a statement to your newly elected Mayor and Commissioners. Mr. O'Brien. O'BRIEN: Thank you, your Honor. I'd just like to welcome you and the Commissioners to the City of Miami Beach. For those who were getting sworn in for the first time today, I think that the consistent theme that each of you have expressed is one that I share,, and that's this City has a lot of assets provided we::~.have a period of stability. We are on the edge of very, very significant things. I think that the Mayor and each of the Commissioners are uniyuely qualified to make contributions in a very real and visible way within the coming fiscal year. I look forward to serving you and sharing that with you. Thank you. MEYERSON: Thank you, Mr. O'Brien. And of course, last-but not least, I'm sure that our City Attorney would like some remarks to the Mayor and to his new Commission. (applause) SHEVIN: Just to welcome you and to look forward to working with you. Thanks. MEYERSON: It's a pleasure to work with you. Mr. Manager, are there any items on the COMMISSION MINUTES 11/7/79 Page 8 ` ~F a ~..... r ~ MEYERSON (Con't): agenda that appear to be critical at this time that you'd like the Commission to take up? O'BRIEN: No, Your Honor, if it's the policy decision of the Commission the matters in the agenda that are critical have already been taken care of with possibly one exception that perhaps Mr. Shevin should speak to and that's the moratorium. MEYERSON: Very well. The Manager is referring to the moratorium on Parkview Island, I'm sure that the members of the Commission would like to be counseled in that subject. SHEVIN:~ Mr. Mayor, the last ordinance that was adopted by the Commission, provides for a building moratorium on Parkview Island which will expire on November.21, 1979. I .believe that our next meeting .... `MEYERSON: 21st. SHEVIN:...is on that date, November 21. We could, I have a copy of the ordinance, we :'could simply pass it as an emergency matter at this time and put a moratorium in effect using the exact same language of the original ordinance, 79-2168 with the exception of -the change of the date and my suggestion would be to make it 60 days, till January 21, `-1980. MEYERSON: In view of the City Attorney's advices, Mr. O'Brien, have you any recommendation to-the Mayor and Commission? O'BRIEN: Yes, Your Honor, I would rec....could the press kind of hold it down, the `:Commissioners need to be 'advised? I would recommend the Mayor and the Commissioners extend the moratorium for the 60 day period to provide you a chance to get fully briefed '.and .to address that issue. That should give us sufficient time to have a public debate '`and/.or any policy briefings that you might desire. FRIEDMAN: Mr. Mayor, if it's in order, I'll move it. ~... FALK: I'll second it. ~YERSON: A motion has been made by Mr. Friedman in connection of extending the moratorium -~' on Parkview Island for an additional 60 day period. It has been seconded by Mrs. Falk. Is there any discussion on the motion? WEINSTEIN: Mr. Mayor. MEYERSON: Mr. Weinstein. WEINSTEIN: Mr. Mayor, I support the motion. My only question is really to Mr. Shevin, 60 days passes very quickly and I'm just wondering if perhaps it might not be a wiser course to extend that moratorium for a somewhat longer period. We can always terminate the moratorium, but obviously each time that it expires we have to take emergency measures each time. And 'really as a question or a suggestion, would it not be preferable to extend the moratorium for 90 to 120 days so that we would have ample time to take what- ever action is to be taken? SHEVIN: Commissioner, in response, there is a recommendation from the Planning Board that was .on the agenda for today in which they are recommending a change in the density .zoning. It would be my thinking, frankly, that if we extended it for 60 days at leastl, the pressure would be kept on to go ahead and deal with the subject. I'm afraid if you extend it 90 or 120 days, it'll continue to run out so I would hold it so the pressure, could be held on so.. ,(Weinstein & Shevin's voices overlap) `WEINSTEIN: I accept your suggestion. You feel that we can take action on the Planning -Board's recommendation before the 60 days expire? SHEVIN: Yes, sir. WEINSTEIN: O.K.. MEYERSON; I teke it that that motion, Mr. Friedman, encompasses the fact that there's a newly elected Commission which is a majority and that the necessity for the extension COMMISSION MINUTES 11/7/79 Page 9 ~- ~~ ~ MEYERSON (Con't): of the moratorium is to review the entire matter with the new Commissioners so they can make an intelligent judgment based on~facts. Is that correct? ' FRIEDMAN; .Absolutely. ` MEYERSON: The record will so reflect. with this item. Mr. Mendelson. MENDELSON: No, sir. MEYERSON: Dr. Wikler MEYERSON: Mr. Daoud. -DAOUD.: No. Are there any other comments in connection MEYERSON: Very well. All those in favor say "Aye". 'GROUP;: _ Aye 'MEYERSONt The motion passes unanimously. SHEVIN: It has to be a~roll call. ~MEYERSON: Roll call vote, very well.. MATTHEWS: THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH INSTITUTING A BUILDING MORATORIUM UPON PARKVIEW ISLAND, MTAMI BEACH, FLORIDA FOR A PERIOD UP TO AND INCLUDING JANUARY 21, 1980; REPEALING ALL ' ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT• PROVIDING AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE: DIRECTING Tf~E CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH THE ORDINANCE. Mr.'Daoud Yes Mrs. Falk Yes '~' Mr. Friedman Yes Mr. Mendelson Yes Mr. Meyerson Yes Mr. Weinstein Yes ` Ur. Wikler Yes The vote is unanimous. (R-11B) .Meyerson: Very well. Mr. Manager, in reference to some of the items which appear' on this particular agenda, I wonder whether the Administration can favorably dispose of these matters by giving to each member of the Commission, especially the newly elected Commissioners, a packet indicating the Administration's recommendations and some back-up material on the issue, per se. O'BRIEN: Be happy to comply with that, Your Honor. MEYERSON: Are there any Commissioners who wish to request of the Administration or the City Attorney any additional information in order to be able to advise themselves as to the issues facing them at the next meeting on the 21st? Mr. Weinstein. WEINSTEIN: Mr. Mayor, I think your request is certainly in order and frankly I think it really goes a little beyond that. Whatever the feelings, whatever the inclinations o:f each individual member of the Commission, I think we must realize that we're the .policy making portion of the City, the Administration from the City Manager's point view does the actually day to day operation that is a little remote from where we sit. I think your suggestion and I take it~as a recommendation from you that not just a series of questions be asked or that a packet be delivered because those are cold items. I think it would be most helpful, of course it's at their own discretion but each new: member, particularly new member of the Commission have the opportunity to meet with the Administration, to review the status of the multitude of items that face our City, pose any questions,' ask for answers, demand answers, explanations, whatever it may be and particularly briefings on not only this agenda but any proposed agendas. I certainly .think it would, be in girder, I think it would allow each of the Commissioners to act COMMISSION-.MINUTES 11/7/79 Page 10 WEINSTEIN (Con't): with responsibility on the...not only on the budget but on the policy decisions that have to be made and on the budget that we are stuck with for this year...that we are operating under for this year. So I think your recommendation is a wise one and T think it would be wise that all of the items contained in this agenda be deferred until the next meeting of the Commission. ` FALK: Mr. Mayor. MEYERSON: Yes, Mrs. Falk. FALK: I want to acknowledge that Mr. O'Brien came over to me and offered his assistance to me and I intend to take advantage of that offer and I will meet with him and have him go over these various items in detail. And I want to thank him for that. MEYERSON: Very well. Mr. Daoud. DISCUSSION CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE COMMTSSTON MEETING 11/7/79 Page 11 • -~ C DAOUD: ,ir, Mayor, i;s: these a possibility we could hear from some of the residents at anyti~,e concerning their opinions and feelings about the moratorium? MEYERSON: i think that probably would be an excellent idea, But why don't we wait until we get all the backup material,.. DAOUD: O.K. MEYERSON: ..and then we can set it on the agenda. DAOUD: Yes, Sir. MEYERSON: It may very well be, P4r. Manager, that in view of the fact that we have some newlg elected Commissioners that it may very well be that it might be in order to schedule a workshop session or two to brief the members of the Commission on some of the major issues that the Administration feels need immediate action. O'BRIEN: I'd be happy to do that, Sir and receive any advice along those lines that... WEINSTEIN: I think..Mr. Mayor, I think it's a good suggestion because as you know at a workshop session members of the community and the general public obviously are invited. MEYERSON: That's right. ~ WEINSTEIN: And can~be asked to participate at these workshop sessions. MEYERSON: I might tell the audience as well, that when we do have the workshop sessions we cannot take any official action. It's just to hear from members of the public and for members of the Commission to deal with the Administration to get all the facts on which to have a sensible judgement made. So that, Mr. O'Brien, I think that it is imperative that we schedule some workshop sessions. FRIEDMAN: Mr: Mayor. , MEYERSON: Dr. Wikler •~'~ WIKLER: Yes, I wasn't going to speak on this but we go to these meetings where we meet City Officials from all over the United States and what I'm telling you now, that is members of this Commission and the audience, are things that I picked up on the conduct of city business in other areas of the United States. Many of them have what's known as a preliminary informal session where the press is invited and the Commissioners and the City Manager and people from the Attorney's staff sit around the table and in an informal way just ask questions and get answers and have just anything and with new members of the Commission, if for instance if the new members want to meet with the City Manager, it could be a good thing. We got these big long conference tables and invite the press and the public if they want to and just have an informal talk. I know T had the benefit of talking to Mr. O'Brien and Mr. Shevin on a personal basis and if some of the other Commissioners had .the benefit of our conversation and I had the benefit of their conversation, compositely it could lend itself to more efficient ... so I'm just throwing this . out. If the new Commissioners feel that they would like to talk to the. City Manager and the City Attorney, I'd like to join them and just hear their questions and hear the Administration's answers. But I don't want to insinuate myself in their affairs but if that's possible, I'd like to join them on that. MEYERSON: Mr. Manager. O'BRIEN: Your Honor, we would be happy to do it either way or both ways. The informal offer -I've made to the incoming Commissioners was to provide,a briefing., We are a large city with a full range of municipality services, We do have a number of issues that are coming up. Some of which involves significant sums of money and I had wanted to in the best way possible, provide that information so that each Commissioner and the PZayor has as adequate a frame o~ reference as they want. Knowing full well that each has their own learning styles. Some people prefer heavy written material, other people like an oral briefing, some people ,like a mixture of both I would be prepared to either in a group session to arrange COMMISSION MINUTES 11/7/79 • Page 12 ..- r ;, ^ D O'BRIEN (Con's): whatever briefing was desized or to give you an orientation on a one-dn-one bas,is:. Somethings that particular individuals may be interested may not be pertinent qr may be of a personal nature. So I would be happy to respond in either way, The workshops, i think that's an excellent suggestion: It allows a, complex issue to have a beginning, a middle and an end before there is a discussion on it. I will be happy to work under any of those alternatives. MEYERSON: Very well. FRIEDMAN: Mr. Mayor. P4i:YERSON: Yes, Vice-Mayor Friedman. r FREIDMAN: I think tq Further your excellent idea, I think we at this table today should set a date for a workshop session. T think next Wednesday, if no one has any objection, maybe we would have a week t~aen to review some material, formulate some questions, get an overview of things and at this time I would like to recommend for your consideration that we set a specific date for this as next Wednesday to have a .workshop session. MEYERSON: Very well. Mr. Daoud, is Wednesday O.K. with you? : DAOUD: Yes, Sir. MEYERSON: Dr. Wikler? WIKLER: Yes. S MEYERSON: Mr. Mendelson? r~NDELSON: I won't be here next Wednesday. I'm going to take a week off to go fishing. MEYERSON: All right. It appears that Wednesday will be fine. FRIEDMAN: Mr. Mayor, if I might make a request. And this would be carried over to other meetings, workshops and others, other than regular scheduled Commission Meetings. You do know that I am a school teacher, I am committed till 2:30 and I would ask that any meetings be held after 2:30. MEYERSON: I leave that up to the Administration to set the priorities as to the workshop session and what items you feel are important for this particular Commission at the next workshop and I'll let you according to the remarks made at the Commission table set the time and inform members of the Commission. , FRIEDMAN: Thank you. O'BRIEN: With your permission, Your Honor. MEYERSON: Yes. O'BRIEN: If there are any specific requests, I would be happy to have those... to entertain those. MEYERSON: I have one specific request, Mr. Manager and that is that I would like all the information, the reports in connection with South Beach Redevelopment for the past two years, that will, give me an opportunity to be able to review whatever minutes, whatever resolutions have been passed so that we can have it under discussion and move in the direction some members of the Commission have indicated. For the general public we will move responsibly. We will move cautiously. We will move expeditiously. We have a great many problems in connection with South Beach Redevelopment as you all are aware of, tax increment financing, a $380 million bond issue, the right of eminent domain and condemnation proceedings in reference to people caho live in the area as well as a very grandiose and high probability of failure-type of plan so that we are going to address South Beach Redevelopment i.n a very responsible manner because it requires that type of approach and we're going to respond to South Beach Redeveloment in a manner in which there will be a community consensus as to how would be the best way to redevelop our city based on some of our leading thoughts in connection with redevelopment by private enterprise as opposed to public funding. We shall move very, very slowly because COMMISSION MINUTES 11/7/79 Page 13 r: 4 • ~,. ,:4 { i A MEYERSOPI (Con't)~ it requires that type of actign, because i.t is such a significant and such a big project that it requires that type of approach. FRIEDMAN: Mr. Meyerson. MEYERSON: Yes. FRIEDMAN: I would just ask. one request. The magnitude of that project certainly would require special workshop sessions. I would like to sever that from the first introductory session.. MEYERSON: Absolutely. FRIEDMAN: ..and schedule regular sessions that deal specifically with that issue because I think that there are some overview questions that should be answered at the first workshop session. MEYERSON: Absolutely. Mr. Friedman, the reason I asked for the backup material from the Administration, of course, is because the Redevelopment Agency is one phase of it, the Administration in support of the Redevelopment Agency is another; phase and I'd like to put the two together to see exactly how they complement ~ each other and how much money the~City has tied up in the plan at this time from the Administration's paint of view as to help and support services. So if you could give me that information, Mr. O'Brien, I'd like to share it with my col- leagues at the appropriate time. and then perhaps we could schedule some workshop sessions with the Redevelopment Agency, its director, and move expeditiously for , once and for all and get a final answer and an adamant solution to the problem that occurs in South Beach. Thank you.. Are there any other comments from any of the Commissioners? Mr. Weinstein, do I hear a motion. WEINSTEIN: Mr. Mayor, I move that the items on this agenda be deferred to the next regular Commission meeting which will be held on November 21. MEYERSON: Motion has been made by Mr. Weinstein to defer the rest of the agenda,,, both the Consent and the Regular agenda and do I hear a second? -FRIEDMAN: Second. MEYERSON: Seconded by Vice-Mayor Friedman. Any discussion on the motion? being no further discussion, all those in favor say "Aye". ALL: Aye. P~YERSON: Motion carries. We are now going to enjoy each others company. At 3:20 p.m., Mayor Meyerson declared the meeting adjourned. Ma COA'@1ISSION MINUTES 11/7/79 ~~ There Page 14