LTC 233-2010 Miami-Dade County Resolution No. R-795-10l~/I I AM 1 BEAC H OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER No. ETC #233-20~of LETTER TO COMMISSION . ~--~, -. ~; ~ ~ TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and. 4~ _ ~ ` Members of the City Commission ~~-. ~ .....~ r.~ a ~.. . ; .& . FROM:. Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager ~« -~ -~ }.. DATE: August 31, 2010 , , `~ ~.':? SUBJECT: Miami-Dade County Resolution No. R-795-10 The purpose. of this email is to provide the Mayor and City Commission with the attached resolution .,.approved by the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners. Resolution No. R-795-10 was adopted on July 20, 2010, and is : a Resolution co- designating Venetian Way from East San. Marino Island to West Rivo Alto Island as "Judge Irving Cypen Way". The Resolution further urges the City of Miami Beach to join in this co-designation. . Please advise me should.. you wish to include on a subsequent City Commission Agenda . for consideration. ' Pleased of hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments. JMG/H /kc Attachment F:\cmgr\$ALL\CROWDER\Commission Items\Cypen LTC.docx ~~ s~ ,~ ~. ~.: ~~ c~.~RK of ~E c~~cu~T A~ca.cou~-~Y cou~-~s ~~;,,~ ~~~' .Miami-C}ade County, ,Florida . CLE~F~ oF`.TFi~°B~~i~T3 C~~ C~t11' ~oISSBEf~S S~EPfd~hl P_ CLA~:K MEAMI-DADS ~OI?~ERt~itJdE~T'C~NTI ~St!!T~''i 7-2Q2 '~'i 1 hJ.W. 15t`Str~et `Miarr'li;;l=L .33~`i28-1.983 ' Telephr~ne: (3(75}.375-59~f ' ~, August'4, ~OI'C7 '. `_; ;:;:,:, ~_ 1V~r.~Jo~ge Iv1.:Gc~azalez City!Manager _ . ~it~~'of :~iami Beach ~ "' y `l 7{}0<Convention'.Center Drive c_:~a 1'v;~iarc~i Beach; ~Iorida.331"39 Dear: ~vLr, .GUnzalei: . A copy`,af.F~~esolutior} 3~o..F.=79~=1'tl, adapted an,July,2(1,:201€7, is provided to yaa at the-request of thy; Mia€sii-~3ade Causzty Board of Caunt~r:Corrtmssi€~i~ers': If you have any, €tuestions l~r,necdadditional iufcarrnation,;,p}ease contact: t~nis office. ~.espectfi:%lly yours, I-~ARVBY RLTt~~N, Clerk Ciro...; dCoua.;yCtaur ;,^ ~ '~ ~ By-.. Z3:ane-Cabins,Acting Dm~,isic~n Ceief `Clerk of the:Bc~arei:Divisian DCfcd Attachments. ~entral't3eposatory- ~ivi1;D€visan - Clerk of fhe;$oaxd -'Godc ~nf©teemenz - Com~troiles ~''Atuiitor - Gount~% Recorder -~ {;nminal't)ivision - i]isiracz Couits Division -- Faruily:Courts f~ivisie~n - Fiumace Resources i` At3ministratitiFe Secvic~ - 3 uveniie L7j vision - Maitiane:3.icense -'Parking Violations -:Rt~cords t ArcYiiv~ A4anagemcnz -.Techriical:5ervices :Division -~ TcaEfic Division- V.Al:3. . ~{erl:'s weh address: u~u~.miami-dacieelcrl~.cu. .. ~. ~;- (Revised). ~`~l: Hc~rtorable'Chairmara tennis C.:lvioss i3A'~~: ;3uly 2Q,':2i}10 and 1v1em1iers, F3oard.of County CQ~rtmissioners >. 'liid:C711~_ R. A. C e~ras,lr. 5~;~3~~T.: tl.g°nda;~temo, 5:(%p.:} County Attorney P[~ase nesfc:~y itettas:eiaeciie - '°3=~ay:Rie" for committees appiieabte.i#~•raisgd 6 weeks"required"Eretweet~ ~rst;reading and publie`l~eari~g. 4 weeks~nafi~ca#ion fo;muniei~sal oi'f-caals"recifaire,prios~'#o..pti~lic >i~eaa~i~g IDeca~eases reven~tcs aa~ ixacz-eases~expenditu~e.~;svitoiit°b~tanci~g'butlge# 13u+dget s-egciired S#~#egnerst.rsf.fseafl itr~puct required ordinance creafig anew Board requites-d:#ailed:C:au~t~r P~1$a~~ger's. repast for;publiehearirig ~Ida.c€~rr~sni#fee re~!iew- . ~:pplacabie legislation"reciuir.es-ncsre:than atsaaja~itgf i~o~e:(i.e., ~f3's_ ; 3l5's , ~ananiaus______) to'apPrQVe Currerat~information regarding~fun~ing.source, inde~~ende and available b~lancsr..an~l av~lab[e;capaci#jj.(if debt is etsnteznla#ed} req~sre`ti ' ,Approved Mayor Agenda IternNo. 5.(A) 'Veto 7'2fJ-1 C . C}verride RESC3I.IITIQN ,I~Q: R=795-10 :IZES®LUTIt~N CODESIGNATIN~ 'VENET'IAN "UJAY FRC}M ."Et~ST SAN iw!4ARII~It? ISLAI~~L3 Tfl l~i'ES~' FLIVQ ALTt~;ISLA:ND AS'".lUL3GE IRUFNG,~C~''PEI~'~t+~AY,',; URGING THE-CTT~ flF _ MIAMI'I~EACH TO.JflIN IN "T'HIS C~?=I~E~IG:~IATIflN ~fW~REA,S, Judge I~°ing ~yp~n v~~as bo:-ra in :Chicago; Illinois; :o#' a Russian imini~r~zit fath~i,.arid;at the<age of five-liis family mo~ea to Florida; and - ~ W~R~S, .Judge Cypen ;married• Iis wife Hazel in 191, and :together they ::raised five children;:and: E~EAS, Judge .typen was-'the. first person of Jewish 'heritage tci ~ elected to 'urhat was then ilte Dade CauntyCircut Court, aril ~'II~I~A, Judge Cypezi also was:.the :heart :and soul of the .Miami -Jeviish Home and i-lc~sp'itai, any; vdas its :greatest.beztefactor, raisinb :aver $75 million. ~icillaz=s :and :donating over .~ . million dcillars:fii~r-self; anti 1~'ER~.S, besides the main campus, the' Miarrii 3ewish :Hume and Tospital. operates satellite :servieps that=nclude ,meettalhealth, :=memory and;:cesearchwprctgras as well;as FIorida's . onlyteaching nursingllome prograrn,.and ~~ES~S,.3uclge..Irving.Cypen passed awa~r on January`3~1; ~t~~, at theage o~.9C), and =~'~R~;AS; flits Board would like~to horiQr,the.meratory af3udge IrvirigCypen,ias wail. as Pais contributions to •this community, ;~y co-designating 'Venetian °'~r~y ~~om. East San Marino Island,tci: i7Jesi Rivo Alto Island °as "Judge Irving .Cypen 'd'ay";.:and . ~' ~ ~ - y - %Ht111'1363 Agenda item No. 5(A;) ;Page No. 2 l?VF~REA.~, venetian ~Va}~ from East`San:~Iarino island to ~Vest:F2.ivo Altt~'Ista~id is-a County snaintained<road:located'within the'City of'iMiami Beach; and WI~IZ:~:~:S,:this proposed~co-designation is acated in ~QUnty Commission district 4, N~4~, "~~REI~C~F2~,, ~3E: "f E2~;S€~>iJD Bl' ~T ~~:~ ~' CC~>.II~dT~' C~~IN~ISSIC3N~€2S ~3F P+~#1IAI-DACE;CC;~T.JN'~"`~',~~'L,C~R~I~A, that;this Boaid: Section 9 . l laving .conducted a public hearings codesgnates `Venetian. may :from East San:Marino island to West Rvofi~tto isiand.as ``J.udge:Irving Cypen V'~%ay" . Section ?. -urges the City of:Mianzi ~3each'to join in this co=<iesignatia~n: Section 3: Directs the Clerk of the Board tQ. transmit eertifi~cl' copies of this resolution' . to .the :Ci~j= Manager of tlae City of Miami Beach, :the U~iited States °Postal Service, the Traffic. Signalaand Signs.Divsion• of theI'ublic,'~lorks'Degartrnent-and Land'I7eyetoprnen2:C3ivsior~ o .:the ublc 'Works Department, .the "I~/liarrii Beach Police Uepartnaent and the Miami leach Fire I?epartment. TlePiime Sponsor of the faregoing;resolu"tion`s Commissioner Sally A. Heyman:and'the Co-Sponsor~is Comrriissioner A~tadrey l+ll. Edtnonson: lt.~ras tiffereti`by Cognrrissioner -S~r,~.;~Id ,.whn.maved its-adoption. Ttie:tnot~c~n was secanded',b}f Commissioner Atas3sey €irisa~ and;upon being.~sut:to a ~:ote, the-;cote ~}~asas fellows: . p@nrti5•.C.'MosS, Cl~aaarman ,a;~` :Jo se"Pepe" I~taz,''~~Lce=.Charrrr-an alxsen~ BrunO.~,.:Bar']'eIra 8:~3 Audrey M.':'Bdrnanson ~~~ `Carlos A.'-Cgimenez afire Salin A. Heyman xye Barbara. J. 7ordan dye Joe A: Martinez dye Dorrin -i~. Rolle ye Nataeha Seijas ~y~ .Katy Sorenson 'aus~ Rebeca,SOsa a s~xt~ Sen. Javier'D. 5outa ~= s'~r . Agenda Rein No. 5.(A.:) Page`No. 3 The Chairperson thereupon declared the resolution ciuy ~assed~and adopted this;20'~ day. of 7uly, 20;1:0. This resoluizan shall 'oecame effective :ten ,{l0} days afrer the date of- its 'adoption ~Iriless vetoed by' the :Mayor, and if vetoed, shall. l~ecotrie effective :only uporl an override by .this Board. ~ ~ ~ ~ #` ~~ .IvfIAMI-DA:DE C{7.UNTY`, FLORIDA SY ITS BQARD.C}~ COI..T~TY COMMISSiC3NERS I-IARUE4' RUVIi~I,:CZ:ERK Bw: ~~,~ Deputy°Clerk Approved by County Attorney as r to:form,and legal stiff ciency. y ~,~~ 3ess M.:McCarty S :.~ TE `C?~"~. F l:.C~r2IDA. ), } ~5, - CQUI~T4~ C}F tVILA~II-DA:L~E ) `:I; H~A~~?FY R~~'I:, Clerk ©f the Circuit and Councy Cour-ts in and ft~r. Miazni~:L?ade Courat~-T, Florida, and, >F~--Officio Cler§~ of the Board cif `County Cornmissianers of sa>d County, `Dfl HB~.EB~' CER'T'IFY that the . abcave and `foregoing is. a true and correct copy' of ~.esci~tian R-7Q~-3:;~}, u-~iich v~7as adopted by the I'+~ami-Dade Board cif County ;Cotnmissiflner~ ;at its rr~eeting held on .July 2Q", 20 ~ Q, as ~ppeaf s oI' record. IN ITI~IESS Vv'I-IERE~F, 1 have ~h~reunt~ set .rs~y 'hand and .official. seal .on this 4th day' of,;Au~ust> A:D..,.,20I0. •. H_~~v'E~' RL3V11`t~, Clerk Board of Countyr Cc~mrz~.issianer".s Miahi-Dade County, Florida -~- G~~ ' ~y~. Dep~ity Clerk. ~oaF ~ of Gc~rrit~r Lo~n~assion~rs Nsiar~i-Dade County, Florid