DS-DE 9 Mohammed Rafiqul Islam APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER �? o AND DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN w DEPOSITORY FOR CANDIDATES C ;-r (Section 106.021(1), F.S.) �Zl �- (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) v: s- o NOTE: This form must be on file with the qualifying _ cn officer before opening the campaign account. 2gFICE USE ONLY 1. CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX(ES): Initial Filing of Form Re-filing to Change: F] Treasurer/Deputy Depository Office Party 2. Name of Candidate (in this order: First, Middle, Last) 3. Address (include post office box or street, city, state, zip P` O VVAMMEl7 R_AFI a01- Xsl.Ac1`'1 code) % , J c64 j 131tR-Rt'T 2 yR%vF- -tt 3 1A-�41 ►31=Ac. 4. Telephone 5. E-mail address - 331A 6. Office sought (include district, circuit, group number) 7. If a candidate for a nonpartisan office, check if 4:& P 1 applicable: ❑ My intent is to run as a Write-In candidate. 8. If a candidate for a partisan office, check block and fill in name of party as applicable: My intent is to run as a M ❑ Write-In E] No Party Affiliation 0 Party candidate. 9. 1 have appointed the following person to act as my Q Campaign Treasurer Deputy Treasurer 10. Name of Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer RAH P1ZAsa D PAUL- 11. Mailing Address 4004, 1"J�iW1J' 2- A-AVg Ai Z 12. Telephone (+Ss(, ) + -&&19 13. City 14. County 15. State 16. Zip Code 17. E-mail address MNtMI 6EAC 4 ' DAM- 53141 12icH O 18. 1 have designated the following bank as my ® Primary Depository Secondary Depository 19. Name of Bank C-4 4A47 20. Address `4-4 l 2V wdlz b"j) r5,LE 21. City 22. County 23. State 24. Zip Code MrA � ISSAC 14 D-orof_ CL_ - 1 331 UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY,I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING FORM FOR APPOINTMENT OF CAMPAIGN TREASURER AND DESIGNATION OF CAMPAIGN DEPOSITORY AND THAT THE FACTS STATED IN IT ARE TRUE. 25. Date 26. Signatu 7oandidate X —k 27. Treasurers Acceptance of Appointment (fill in the blanks and check the appropriate block) 1, 1?A114 P12-A 6A> ?^l}I— , do hereby accept the appointment (Please Print or Type Name) designated above as: ® Campaign Treasurer E] Deputy Treasurer. 0 r.16412-01 X Z_, % Date Signature of Campaign Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer DS-DE 9 (Rev. 10110) Rule 1S-2.0001, F.A.C.