LTC 290-2016 Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board Motions MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 290-2016 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Philip Levine and Members o he City Co/mission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager 1 _ DATE: July 5, 2016 SUBJECT: PARKS & RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MOTIONS The purpose of this Letter to Commission (LTC) is to inform the Mayor and Commission of three motions passed by the Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board at its meeting of June 29, 2016. 1. BACKGROUND: Farah Service, a sustainable infrastructure company which markets social and environmental responsibility and alternative media, has been in talks with the Parks and Recreation Department to install outdoor exercising stations across the City. Made of stainless steel, these stations are equipped with a digital panel for advertisements. The company has offered to have equipment installed without any costs to the City, and will be responsible for all required maintenance and replacements. MOTION: THE PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDS A PILOT PROGRAM OF 10 UNITS TO BE DISPERSED AMONG THE CITY AS THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT SEES FIT. MOTION MADE BY: Chris Growald MOTION SECONDED BY: Paul Stein MOTION PASSES: 10-0 (Motion Passes) MEMBERS PRESENT FOR MOTION: Jenifer Caplan, Robert Gonzalez, Jonathan Groff, Chris Growald, Carolina Jones, Wil Martinez, Lori Nieder, Stephanie Rosen, Eliane Soffer Siegel and Paul Stein. 2. BACKGROUND: The Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board discussed coexistence within the City, and agreed that Miami Beach should celebrate and commemorate its inclusiveness by way of renaming a park "Tolerance Park". MOTION: THE PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDS CHANGING THE NAME OF BANYAN PARK TO TOLERANCE PARK. MOTION MADE BY: Robert Gonzalez MOTION SECONDED BY: Jonathan Groff MOTION PASSES: 10-0 (Motion Passes) MEMBERS PRESENT FOR MOTION: Jenifer Caplan, Robert Gonzalez, Jonathan Groff, Chris Growald, Carolina Jones, Wil Martinez, Lori Nieder, Stephanie Rosen, Eliane Soffer Siegel and Paul Stein. 3. BACKGROUND: The Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board discussed the iconic lifeguard stands on the beach and iconic structures at parks in other cities. The Board agreed the City should commission a functional art park with a non-traditional play structure at a park. MOTION: THE PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDS THE DESIGN AND EQUIPMENT OF A PARK BE UNIQUE TO THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND AS AN EXAMPLE, FOLLOW THE DESIGN OF THE MONSTRUM THEMATIC PLAYGROUNDS. MOTION MADE BY: Jonathan Groff MOTION SECONDED BY: Carolina Jones MOTION PASSES: 9-0 (Motion Passes) MEMBERS PRESENT FOR MOTION: Jenifer Caplan, Robert Gonzalez, Jonathan Groff, Chris Growald, Carolina Jones, Wil Martinez, Lori Nieder, Stephanie Rosen and Eliane Soffer Siegel. JLM/l %t' C