Ordinance 126 AN ORDINANC2 OF TIT, CITY OF MIA.74I BRACH,FLORIDA, TO :PREVENT `TTR KILLTITG, TRAPPING OR HUNTING OF WILD BIRDS,OR GAMB BINDS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF ►IIA 4I BEACH, FLORIDA. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, :Florida. Section 1, No person or persons shall injure, kill., .hunt, destroy, capture, or molest by any means what- solver or in any manner or form, within the limits of the City of Miami Beach any of the following named game birds Wild turkey gobblers; quail (Bab-white partridges ) ; turtle doves; swans; geese; brant; ducks; :rails; coots; mudhens; sand pipers, curlews; snipe and plover, or any of the follow- ing named wild birds: Rice bird; meadow lark; jack-daw; crows; cardinal red bird; mocking bird; blue bird; bir* ; whip-poor-will or other wild bird. tr Section 2. No person or persons within the li-nits 4 of the City of Miami Beach shall take or wilfully destroy the nests or eggs of any game birds or wild birds or shall have nests or eggs of any game bird or wild bird in his or her possession, Section 3, No person shall, at any time, in the limits of the City of Miami Beach, make use of any pitfall, deadf all$ scaffold, cage, snare, trap, net, sal.tOlick, blind-pen, bait-hook or bait-field, or any similar device, or any drug, poison, chem- ica'. or explosive for the purpose of injuring, capturing or killing any game birds or gild birds, Any person vA o lati.ng any of the provisions of the fore« going ordinance shall, upon convi^tion thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding Two Hundred Dollars nor less than Ten Dol- lars, o1-gars, or by imprisonment in the city jail not exceeding thirty days nor less than three days. 45 Passed and adopted this lal day of July, A.D. ,1919¢ Atter Preeiel City Council, City Clerk, Approv this � da.y of Jul , A.D,1919 JJ Mayor I i t7-4 t-4 td i Vd 1 a