Ordinance 123 AN ORDINANCE of" the City Council. of the City of Miarai Beach Florida, ar-ending Rule 1 Section 26, � of the OrdinanceQ y of the Cit of Miami Beach* { BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach that Rule. l, Section 26, of the Ordinance of the City of 1711iami Beach, Florida, reading as follows: "The Toi&m Council of the Town of Miami Beach shall meet a4.-. the Council Chamber on the first and third Tuesdays of each and every month at 7:30 P .M.,, Stan.(-Iard time", be, and the sa.me,,, i s, hereby amended to read as follows: "Rule 1., Section 26: The City- Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, shall meet at the Council Chamber on the first and third , /of each and every month at 7:30 P .M., Standard time. " it PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of -, 191Q0 President of City Council. ATTEST: NoW City Clerk. Approved " ' , 1919. 7­MAYOR. i E f t .. o tj 1 A N 13J C7 tJ t A tic t-4 W t A i A • ';.'j N �+ i 1 tj i 6 i i