Ordinance 119 J t AN ORD IN ANC E OF T12 C I T'Y COUNCIL OF TRE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, CALLING A S. `EC I ;� ELECTION FOR �{ PU ft°G�SE OF IJ MIT TING TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF S^'1ID CITY FOR THEIR .k'PROVAL OR REJECTION TIS � .:+.STIOTv OF THE1 ' OR NOT THAT ` CERT.-,I11 ORDINANCE #ASSED AITD ADOPTED the l ►th. day of A. D. 1919, and. ENTITLED " AN ORDINANCE GRA ITT III G 1__1 0,,%P1 G-T FIS:ER, C. R. CU����IINS, ARTHUR C. NEVIBY, J. H. MoDUFF'.�E, GEORGE R. 3s.:I IE, THEIR SUCCESSO RS, HEMS, LGAL _ERESENTATIVE AND ASSIGNS, ( including especially a corporation now in pro- cess of format-on which is being organized by, the above named grantees) THE RIGHT TC C(DINTSTRJCT, OPERATE UTID l TINT JI�a A ST E E T RIA' IL1 AY ON, 0 VER AND ALO NG TIIE ST-1-3 ET S, AV:k;NUE S z1ND HIGH AYS OF THE CITY OF M AI;1I BEACH, AND REGULATING CONSTRUCTION. OPERATION A1TD I411121 TAINANCE THM REO F t ff SHALL BECO�2 A LAtff OF THE CITY OF MLA.MI BEACH, FLORIDA, AND P 1:U V ID I1 G TAIL I IETHOD OF HOLDING S L?CH ELIk.CTI ON. Whereas, the City Co ancil o£ Pe t mi Beach, Flo: ida, 1 . on the 5R hbda of M A. D. 1919 passed and adopted that certain ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE G-RA11,1TIEG TO CI RL G. FIST ER, C. R. CTMUIINS, ARTHUR C. NE1ATY, J. H. McDU 'FEE, G_ ORG R. EIINE, THEIR SUCCESSORS, HEIRS, LEG.� REP_ S �dT :TIVE s AND ASSIGNS, O including especially a uorpo ration no,,,-,.T in pro cess P of for.!1ation, which is being organized bar the above named g ran to es i THE RIGHT TO CO S TI??3C m , OPERATE AZTD I'LlIN TA IN A S TREE T RA ILV A.Y_�',O N, OVER ALONG TAT ST RE i T S, AVE�IUE S � SIT HIGHV,,`AYS OF TIIE CITY OF Iy...I,21I BEACH, .:'USD Rr�GUL.._TIliG THE C0T'I- � T '.l� i� � T � T � �1 T � if � S TRUC T IO N, O:'ER.AT I ON AUD II,'I.Li IN TLNAN CE TRE REG F, and Whereas, under Section 29 of the Charter of said City of Miami Beach, Florid., it is provided that no ordinande granting the right to use the streets or alleys of the City of Mi:, Beach to a),Vv private Jerson or corporation sh�.11 become Aa law until the seine has beenL a-R_proved by .. F a majority of the qualified voters of the City of Miami Beach"t voting at ;an electio-w' heli therefor, THEREFORE, BE IT `ORDS 1IJED by the City C o unc it of the C ty � of Miami Be h, Florida. Section 1. That pursuant to Section 26 of the City Charter, the same being an Act of the Logisl:; ture of the O u�'t e o fto rt . * approved izo th i m f known an obap ter !67it J of lae w,= f d4 l &-, 1917, it ti l "An ACT To LUAU '1&.tWJsem 114 5E4 tl,U V Y P .i+/.'•�iM 'T.I A • AUD TU 4T AB OUR m i, 1.,'y u au tUEM'V`" al ITS t � laa t AND liN�R as SPOaIal tiola b* and herVoy Is ca1led and direetat to bo bold at Via City ter j.1 °..Dare any E . .: . {-: ' ". From " ` ''. ". to 3�3eton XOZ thO PUXPOse Of MbMl, the quallflod reC3iatered voters Of the city of uj,4Ai V (�,aeution set forth in the e 00ti on mice l"oro l tcx oontai o-d O ty of Mid. Beach dh..1 open registration booku .nor mid election, rAliah $hall r aloin open at tho O.:i t"i COU�.oil' 0 timers of ....... ,A, �► . .�. 193.9, and each day C.._ -vayex.. ce�;:' :) thareaftor, unti:! the 0 r + . 1 for -the pi`s r' c� � ��* ur �.� :�k ' �.- Ifi d tit roglater forsuoh alboti= SOOV -'a That '�O WtatWn4V / CuA ► . ._ are hereby &P�*I'ItOd Mid c i�matod az *lark Of of tion, and V10 ie h r y �Iiroctod to, cont. ;y Vie ntuaoa of mach +��ryy �!y �y and clerk py+�p� lel u o torr a �.nd -44io s 11,1 j d d►* is Section s 'That all ",)eraone r-AC4n ; in �� ni , i �..4,�.� oloction siv..1i ;�:�F se,,.. the � "�.G i �.`.: � ro .PAto to r reolded in thO OIVOrb rami B08bh 31M ""Onths next precouling ` I J wald election* -and almll bave been roglaterod Iii do rw.4stration books presorlbod by cardcue,, and sald election shall be sone"a c` ed and hold, Copt m hureinprow d ed a In $te— sovdance with tho provlalous of the general olootlow laws of the stall of lorldr-.• Saotion 5. That tho 1,uyor is hereby did. to bll ,, by posting In throepublics 'p ►woe In to City o Mama! .13eac , ate .orida, au. bj publication in the XivxA MetropolIm. a nompapor of o a oire-alution in the City of Mimi Beach, Florida. published In the City of i'lorld . once a wook, for at :firn 'vu° weeks nazi ; nC?, the d to of said oloot on, a no ti s In substantially o followW fob .1,01,Z111==. NOTICE OF el ELECTION. Pursuant to an ordinance adopted the Cday of 4ri1, A. D. 1919, and entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MANI BEACH, FLORIDA, CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR THE PURE-0SE OF SUBMITTING TO THE OALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY FOR THEIR A: PROVAL OR REJECTION THE QUESTION OF WHETHER CR NOT THAT CERTAIIN ORDIB_NCE 14- g414:t 2ASSED AND :ADOPTED the wth DAY OF 141.:Ra-u,, A. D. 1919, AND ENTITLED TAB o-RDINAAuE GRANTING TO CARL.G. FISHER, C. R. CUMMINS, ARTHUR C. NEVBY, J. H. McDUFFEE, GEORGE R. KLINE, THEIR SUCCESSORS, HEIRE*, LEGAL REPRESENT.TIVES AND ASSIrNS (including especially a corporation now in process of formation which is being organized by the above named grantees) THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A STRvR1T Ri1WAY ON, OVER AhD .ALONG THE STREETS, AVENUES AND HIGHWAYS OF TEE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, AND REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION, OPETION AND MAINTENANCE THEBEOFT, shall become a law of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, and providing the method of holding such election," a special ele-cItion will be held on , the- .2S7 day of . D. 1919; from 8 o'clock A. m. to sunset, at the City Co-ncil Chambers at which election t:Lere will be submitted to the qualified registered voters of said City the following question to be voted on: "Mall an ordinance entitled. "AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO CARL G. FISHER, C. R. CUMMINS, ARTHUR C. NEWBY, J. H. VicDUFFEE, GEORGE R. KLINE, THEIR SUCCESSORS, HEIRS, LEGIL RE RESENTIMVES ;,,ND ASSIGNS, (including especially a corporation now in process of formation, which is being organized by the above named grantees ) THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, OIERATE ",ND MINT_IN A STREET P.ILWAY ON, OVER AND A,LONG THE ST JETS, AVENUES AND HIGHWAYS OF THE CITY OF MANI BEACH, =MIMI, AND REGUILTING THE CONSTRUCTION, OPE—TION AND LLINTENANCE RiuI THEREOF" become a law of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. "mr i ) ITIO TIC Ew' OF EL12C TION. Pursuant to an ordinance adopted the 4r � d.ay of +"pril, A. D. �.9 . and. entitled "AN O RDINA`10E OF T E2 H., CITY T,� CO' NCID OF THE CITY OF MIAIV91. BEACH, FLORIDA, CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION _. �R Mi PUR:�OSE OF . SUBId ITT ING TO Ta Q.UALIFIED VOITE RS OF SAID CITY FOR THr,I R A: rRQ V.AI, OR ?CEJ--CTION THE ?TT STIOIT OF VVHETHMi JR NOT T-1-EAT CERT-, �� IN ORD IiT:.NCE : 'ASSED AND -LXPTED the. �t D, '' G ,D IN ECZ GRATATING TO C ARL.G. FISHER, C. R. CUIIk IIdS, ARTHUR C- 0 NES}aBY, J. H. MoDUFFEE, 31:0RGE R. IaINE, THEIR SUCCESSORS , HEIRS9 LEGAL '+'PRE'SENT.-�TIVES AND ASSI,-NS ( including especially a cor'00ration now in process of formation which is being organized by the above name. grantees) THE RIGHT TO C011STRUCT, OPER-LTE U D 1,16.INTA INI A STREET RA111i�;AX QTS , OVER AND ALONG TTS S T�:EET S, AVENUES AND HIGH'i AYS OF TRE C ITY OF MIA:HI BEACH, AND FEGULI�iTING THE CODS TRUC TION, OPE- ATION .114D 111ILiTENANCE TIBREOFT , shall become a law of the City of Miami Beach., Florida, and xroviding the method of heidir,7 such election," a -� } a�J4 � , the - - - spt,cial eleetzon will be ��o1� __._ da,�a o f . 1919, from S of clock A. m. to sunset, at the City Co-c-,nCil Chambers at which election ti..-ere v.iill be submitted to the qualified registered voters of said City the folj.oj,-!jjjp question to b-,--, voted on: °'Shall an ordinance entitled "All ORDIrI NCE GI'AI7TING C RZ G. F ISTIE R, 0. R,. CUT121INS, ARTHUR C. NEVIBY, J. H. 111cDUFFEE, GEORGE R. I TNE, THEIR SUCCESSORS, HEIRS, LEG-1- RE-RESENTI.TITJ�ES .ND A;--jSIGNS , (including es-,-;ecip�lly a corporation now in process of for1.tien, inhi ch is being organized by the above named grantees ) THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE INDIyVJNT.'_IN A ST ET R.°.IL.NAY 0N, AVE �I�TD !LONG THE ST VETS , AVENUES a'IT HIGH5AYS OF THE CITY OF IvIIAIZ BEACH, =j 19 AND REGUL.-IT ING THE CONSTRUCTIOF 9 OPE. {TION Am 11-INTE zUXE T',-M,iRE0F'1 become a law of the City cf Ilia i Beach, Florida. x.E o e�W atr"Aion books oi Vie naid 161it will roi-i aln open in, the Owanall Chambers Yroia 10 1 01c,ok T'I' o 5 O'clock i nlzg c : . and e s" ut Vfi a anted) thWe"ter vatil and Inoluding Ute . - . . r.�. * 1919, Vie pur oso of regiuterW ar wa` l o `',` J s t^°r for the In IA E3lcctiv. .re ,e ra uy appointed ande ts1j�atod' i s ectorus and p �'I a alork, of zaid el acs tion o a c r of Uie Ui :, cit AUI,_� IL Floriduo s , i1 o rlt t"' Biu, z1ounuo r �r• � A I j Is If Section 6. That the offici.:-1 ballot to be used at\ said election shall be in substantially the following form: a OFFICIAL B_, LLCT� K-ECII11 ELECTION City of 1aami Beach., Florida. Take a, cross (Xmark before your choice for or against the following proposition: "Sluall an ordinance entitled "ATI ORDIN�NCF GRANT I1�IG TO, CARL or. F I aH.�R, v. R. CUTL.2. T!171 C , ,ARTHUR C. NEVT.f'aY 9 J. H. 1,,TcDU BE GEORGE R. R Ifi E, THEIR SUC C.�SSC,RS, 11EIRSD. LEGAL RE RTESFN TATI V:,S �'ITD d�SIG IS, ( including es1Pecially a corporation now in Irocess of formation, w1lich bis being organized by the above named n- a,ntees ) TSI RIGHT TO C GTISTRUCT, '._ i1' D � "iI1`'' INi S 'R;� ;T '►1IT� '' Y ON, OVER AIM 'LONG °i'I3E STREETS, ..iV_Ii1. :rUES ITD HIGH`.,AYS OF THE CITY OF ISI ;. SII BEACH, -ZD REGM.'_T ING THE OCrISTRUCTICN, NERATION AND IJI' INTEN�dM T SE C40F" become -a law of the City of ITiami Beach, Florida.." YES. RD. Section 7. That after the closing of the polls, ins- ectors nd cl^r � of said. (3lection. whall -proceed to count the votes at said election form(l against the a..roposi_tion submitted, and shall prepare daplicate lists shotriin, the vote for each and :-,.gainst each res •ec tively, and shall certif T the J. correctness of the same, .-nd one of s.-,,id certified lists under seal shall be handed by the ins_,ector to the city clerk, and the also other cortified list/under seal shall be handed to the president of the City Council. " - That on the flr t i.�on,�av Of �1er s i O election, Section 8, Th. ,� or as soon therea:"ter as prat z.icable, the City Co-moil sh-all. con- , veno and rccr�.ed +o canvass the vote cas ae s zch election, and - if it shall .aypoar that a ins.jority of the q7a lified electors voting at said election have, b�� w ma jor-i ty Of +11(1-1-r v0 tes, approved an ordinance T_ussed ort tqe 3&tj, day A. D. 1319, entitled i AA �A '8 ci v t� 1 't i t t