Ordinance 117 iI AN ORDINANCE GRI11,11TING TO CARL G. PISHERD C. R. CMADITINSt ARTHUR .TT`4`,-V'BY9 J. H. Mcl'UFFMand GEORGE R. KLINE? 'IRE I E SUCCESSORS9 HEIRS, LEGAL REYR&S-.0TATHAPILS AND AS".'IGITS ,, ( iflcladinE: especially a corporation nov-, in process of formation, whidi is being organized by the above named granteas) THE FRANCHISE RIGELT F TO CONSTRUCT AC.,-,UIZE A10 Pit",IVILIEGE OR. A OF THIRTY Yili.�iRS, �1R ES TO 11A MINI lViINT III AITJ) OFLiIRATE ELECT-RIC LITM2 AAI POW, IN'. 2 KIZ REASORABLJ' RULES AND FOR Mjl'-�',' Aj,vD CONTRIOL By ITHEMP TO MAKE, CHARGE' AND COLLECT RA2:�13 FOR ELECT.H',IC LI(THT. AIM PUVITER FURNISHED, AND TO H-AVE THE, RI�.4711T-OF-11:-':AY AIM USE OF THE PUBLIC Sm.4.RE.-,7,,TS IN THE OF MIAMI BEACH A10 V.11CI-TTITY0 BE IT OR'1`111IMFID BY '11M CITY COU--"CI-L OF SAIII, CI,"ADY OF MI-QdI BEACH, FLORIr;A: Section 1. That in cons ideriLition of the need; of the City of laiami Beach and its inhabitants, nov-, and hareafter 'U-o be oil-p'-plied witil electricity, the public benefits rasulting there- from., here- from9 the plant and facilities for vvhich could only be secured by the City a:t al. cost beyond its revenues , which it could not now afford to pay, and for the other considerations appearine in this ordinance the franchise right ar, 01rivilege is hereby P g 9 raiited Cog to Carl G. Fisher, Arthnr Newby, j. H. !..4cDuf f e e a.-nd George R Kline their successors al res-,, 9 9 heirs, leg -,re-nntatives and, assie.,,-ns, (including; espocially a corporation nov-, in process of formation, v.-hich said corporation is being organized by the above named Grantees) for a period of thirty (30) years from the passage of t is ordinance and for such longer i,-)eriod as may 100 allowl-1, by law, to construct ac wire 9 OV"In, mainttiin and opeim-te within or near the, said. City of 'Rdiarrd BeU ch, electric lines , to supply the City and its, inhabitants and any adjacent territory witla electricity iffor 'Public auld private 'Uses., unaer such reasonable rules un d rag7a]-ations for the m.ami- gement ,arse control of it business as said grantees may adopt anO. to have C� I the right-of-way -through, in, u.,pon -and across , and to use the public streets aveyrUes alley�vcays, parEM and public sCA,uares arxi p"ablic 9 9 0 grounds in said town, v,,ithin. it,,'; resent and future corporate limits, for placing, erecting, re-placing, , -taking 14.) ,, maintaining and operatiri.C,1 poles, lines, and wires for* the use in any way of electricity and any and all appliances necessary or proper for the succossfAl operation, use and control of such electric hnsi- ness , and any and all appliances and property whatsoever connect- ed therevi-ith, subject to reasonable restrictions , regulations and control by the City of 17,Jiami Beach, and to make such rates cull C 4- for electricit the sa.-ine " y sirpplied to or an6 charges aW U _L used by the City or by the cons-amers and others in said City and vicinity, as shall at all tines be roasonable, and which shE,.,Il not exceed the rates usually charged anek collected by other private companies for the ,qe service 'under like or ce-i-mi-Lconditions in tovras aiii cities of the sane size in the United 6tates. That the grantees herein, their heirs and assigns, suc- cessors and legal representatives, shall exercise due care in the use of the streets , avenues , alloys, and other public or privatc-. � laces in said City, and shall c,,c.�.use no unnecessary obstruc- tions or unnecessary interruptio--ris of public travel over and upon the co-ame , and shall use due diligence in -making, such excavations or other repairs as may be necessary, and shall promptly make extensions of Wires to all houses erected within the corporate limits of the City of !,.Iiami Beach, v�hen requested to do so by the City Council, and after the cowpletion of any such work to restore such streets or other places in their former condition, Section 2. That as a further consid e:ca ti on -'or this ordinance , the grantees, for themselves, their heirs and assigns, successors and legal represeIntati-ves , agree that they kaeP and maintain such and so many electric lights for lighting -the streets and other public places of said Oityt and at siich prices as may be a&reed "upon between said City and the grz,--mtoes from time to time hereafter, such lights to be located at such points as may be determined by the City Council* In case that Ilse rates to be charged, for said lights cannot be agreed upon by the grantees or their aosigns and the said City, the grantees for theinselves, their heirs and assigns, agree that it shall be reasonable , and shall not exceled the rates usually charged and col11-ected. 'h-iT other -.)rivate con.1penies for t e samo servine a-Ader like or sin, ilar conditions in tolans anO eities of the s s. size in the, U-.'-IitOd States. The rates for electricity for lights, other than stroet lights for the Re ch properties, which -will c-o effect, -) re as follows: 1 to 20 KW @ 15� I-)e r JfVV 20 to 50 XW tg 10Wor KW 9 P 50 to 100 KW Oq 9V per KW 100 to 1000 K W 0 8V per KVT For Lightingo 1000 to 3000 KW @ 7� per KrW 3000 t« 6000 'KV! 9 G� per IN All over 5000 XW 5� p 0-L KW 'lip, minimum rates for lightint:,, will be 4,11050 arjR 1 1 6-% discount will be allowed when bills are -oaid on or before the; 10th of the foillowing month for v-,rhich the M111 has belnr, rendered. For power the rate shall be as follows: 1 to 300 Kff, G 7r/ per Kii 600 to Boo K V,i v" 6V Por Y'W 500 to 1000 K W rw 5 der IN A 11 over l000 lar dor KW The qiaimuni char6e :E or jocwer -it,ill be IoOO per horsepower coma,--,eted load , or 0.00 minimum. There. will be ric discount allowed for power �3 The cookirt,6 rat--e shall be 5� per kII, with a $1.50 mimimum per month or ofchseryice o Streat lights for 1;, e City of .11.,Iami Beach, based on a mo.onlight echedule,, for 32 candle-Powler larnps, the charge will be 0 i-'5 To,r light per ronth- for 6101 cf-,,ndlepower lam_ps, $1oG5 each per month; for aO c.,;--Mblepovier lam0s, 42.20 per month, and for 100 candle- -oower lams $2.65 each per month* Section 0- , Said gr"al-Itees, their he-irs and assigns, - Q-Tccesso a--(id. 30 1 repro sentst vii s, shall have the right and privilege, at their option I , to alter,altesubstitute or extend thair electric oys tem aforesaid . in 1such may-d,,er a.,.,.d to such extent, froin time to tirf-,,e 9 as they may at any time deem. exPedi ent and to tul-Le bast- inter,-)st of said grantees, subject to reasonable rae-_oalations ai-;d control by the City of Miami Bev lch, &.nCi the provioio-tis of t is ordinance shall ap-, ly to such alterations, substitutions or extension thereof so made as aforesaid. Section 4. That the franchise ) right and privilege hereby grantkod by Ule City, is granted with a reservation that the aLiO grantees, for tF. nomselvos, their 1-!eirs and assigns, successors aW ., logal represantativeo, as con6ition precedent to taking effect of the grant, shall and does hereby give and grant to the said City the T-iL+,_tP at and after the expiration of the term of thirty (30) years herainbefore i.nentioned , to purchtise the electric plant herein ruentioned or other pivperty used under or in com-tection wit1i such franchiset rij,,,ht or privilege , or such part of said property as said City may desire to purchase in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4869 of the Acts adopted by the Legislature c-_'[" Florida at its Seventh regular session, which Act was approved Jane 2nd , A* D. 1899* Sec tion 5* That said City hereby agrees to pass all iqecessL,Iry and suitable ordinancos for the protec-tion- of tile franchise , , rights ane privileges, and property of said, grantees, Iend to enable S sai,d7' grantees to onforce , if necesary, any of said grantees' reasonable ruler and roeula-ions _Lor the i-_ianagement , oor-tion cu-ic, control of .P LL their business aforesaid and to -pass any- ordinance or ordinancos that may be necessary in order to fully confirm to said grantees, their succesE>ors and assigns, the franchise , riE%hts and privileges herein. or hereby erunted or intended so to be* Section 6* That whenever, in thlis ordinance a word or words , term or terms, are -as-. :' to designate or intend to designate the grantees herein, they are understood to mean toe said Carl G. Fisher, C. R. Cummins, Arthur 4. Newby, J. H. MeDuffee and George Ii. Xlinet their suc,Oess�ors, heirs'. 1--gal representativeEf and assigns, (including especially a corporation. _nov,,7 in process of formation which is being, organized by the above named grantees) and whenever the word "City" or "City Conneil" . or any other word or words, term or terms are to Clesignate the City or City Council, they are u.nderstood to T-necan -the City of lviiar,ni Beach , in the County of Dade, Staix of Florida and the City Council of said. City. Section 7* That all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent wi 'uh this or6inance be ani the same are he--.,-e';)y repealed . PASSEID AJUD AfOPT-,4;D this the day of A. D. J-9199 Attest: 0, -by cler AP --ROVED BY K& V-ds the (I ay of 1919 O Ma y u r C i t't,7 I.V1.191TIT neacht Flor Z10 t' r n{ y I f