Ordinance 116 AN ORDIRYIXE GnA1TI1'4,G TO '";!ISL G. -WISIHIFIR Arthur IL Newby J. H. McDuftee George x1c. Kline - THF,Lhi. SUI LESSORS 9 MEIRSt LEGAI PIPRESEVTkVIVES Al-Tr .ASST GIMI ( including espreci,slly a corporation now ir, pr®cess of formation villa .ch is being organized by Vj,e (above grantees ) THF,, .1ZI GLMT TO OUSTRUCT, OPERATE AND `IAINTAIF A STREET RAILWAY OR,, OVER �QTD ALONV STIREETS, AV" TUES JUNE HiGIT 014 THE 101ITf OF 7.11AIVat BEACH, AND, REG IUM_Fri IRG THE OCUSTRUCTIOU, OPER.`TIQ,11 AUD 1,1A"jrLFT1!24Aar 0E T E0',, . 13E IT WDAINED BY I-PIM, 7 SAID "I TY OF 174I.W1 BEACH, FLOI,ID A 13eotion to That Carl G. _­JsUerl x B _Lt,,ur e. je H . McDuffee Ige R. Kline tilicir suC,-cessors, he.! Ls , legal r(;-presentatives an s)s 1 g n s n 0.liad- irp. especially n. corporrt * 'Or, i-101Ar ill process of form tip which said corporation is being OrgarAzed by the above mmea pr,,antees ) hereinafter termed the grantees, are hereby gr��,r.tela- rL the right -privilege and 1-ranCh.ise to construct, equip,p uioperate and maintain1 11 a. railivay of startdard gauge on, over and along- such streets avenues and highwaya; of the Cit. of LU,­,ml Beach, in the Stnto of -611orida., vkiluh said sLreetq, avenues ax-Ed highways are as follo%,ms to--ii t 40 Alt ar. Rovd f i.on, the Nor th line o1c 17!if to Street bS`o,uth- easterly -�o the South line of Fir,,,,t Street- Irst Street from ton re A] - Road East and Eas, erly to East linje of mi&,mi Avenue Miami -irst '01ree t1lorly and JIL�orth to t r�x the, North line ol" 1,471neteent.h. Street; 14inotee'nth Street to the .act line of 7heridan ilven*ue - Shoridan 1"$-venue -frorci 11irieteenth 'Street to IP Ulorth 11rje of Boulevard uorti). of Canal; thence Scatll�-iesterl, along Boulevard to —est boundary OIL Alton 1'oad prod4(,-'ed North; thence S 0 herlj Alton Alond to So-ath side of Fifth Street, Section 2,* Thut Lhe motive jpowor u:ed in j")ropell- inL, cars over the liws of raill,,;ay covered by this fr,--inchise v.,4thin -the limit.-. of the City of i'lijami Be ch, and any i-at.-are extension of tho I - - ,ii arij use of stra.---'As hereunder within scaid limitst shall bo other than stean- or animal pow,-.-.r. ; except he ov e the t steam oow6r, horses v4,Lrid may be used -i n "L c o i i s t r'uc t i o n n,nd bu i 1 d i n6 of -my p o rt i cin of S,a i d ra 1. hrr a y IS-ection 3. 1.11hat said jai.l%ray shall wn 'ist of a ei%le track o" sta-_ndaird gange, or d cable track: if approved by the UiV Couna-11. 'T'here slial] be sach branches , switc1h.-cs 4h c tiu-nouts as my be agred upon and located un(1,3r the direction of the City Council of tl-)-e. City of 4'.Llami .713elzlch, from time to tim.e Plaws, -''or all bridn,es proposed to be built by grantees mu; be a oproved y szaik, Olt7 Council; '!hat 1,4trace sai d S/ rF,,i:Lvray sl a 'J"31 q 9 .4-1 the, �� of each stroot i over v.hich this franchise sha-11 operate ufll(-)Bs otherwise au-ho rized by the City C 4 t7- Council of tlie. of r Ao i7i Boa ch, If el po'V�r-r i- -USOd jyj 4 Section 4. ll he opell- ing of cars, in kstuah form as to Yic)c,'--ssitata. t1ro-110y 'wires rund current transr"ission service- 09) thero shall br) 1)roviClIed trolley --and all raecE ssa,ry end co'Z_LVon..-' nt ifixtI.Lres and agpurtanaxicoo needful in the construction and operation of sokch a 1i*na of railv�ay by the grantees, and saidg-,rantoo-S shall the rig _,,ht to con- si-ract for thewposo af' transn,i-ttiri6 i3ov;_3­ fcl.- th.) prop 1- 'p-L ) U u Sion of its cars, ov.nrhea(4 tro'.1-JI-ey sy�tem,, -.,uzpanOted on posto, placed alo1aj:,,, said ctreots, avan,1161,s, Lit' higlTrays as, the city Come i]'. shall direct, the wrie two be E;ubjec-c. hm'7' everp t'o a._11 r--strictione, limitations 5aW rogu.-Lat-ions ger -i-nE:j'_tcr contiained '. 40 and so.ch filwther reasonab-le rat,,ulat-iore and restrictioirie, ,.:as r�r_y l w . - be imposed oy the Gity Oouncil cf the City o--"P aA. 311 Bea ch f row t ime to t izi a; or o vi d i that <,he L-le the d of b and in C-; of t a OJOCLIV-ric lines carrying retiwn current sh&11 be so safe b.-uarded t1kat it vAll not obstruct any existinib; city or -i"uturo city 1,*. ter supply, or contamin-a-Le the -,,-.-ater; (b) that a"a-I v;i r a z suspendd, f r art tr o 3. e,y p c s t s ;h&,11 not T-e less tip n e .hv,,en feet above t! uurj:a Cf any streets, avEnuee, or hiai-w-ayst a W. - there sha'31.1 be p-rovided sig ah guard %,ireu ae, may be nacessary and izoper to prevert Ijro,`:en leads It cc rrying c a b'I es or :'Lromrn f u."Ll-11, nom. to the streets, ic) t.'Lut tl-z b,%--t ia, :--!da of pa-Intel metal# Ur 0011011°eu(Alv and E11a'.1.1 be bo pl,--waii as -*U-o cax-LE.e thie lead: pos6ilkj*18 wi* -'U--h IuIle groperty riEhtst tingible O"'L, intan6lbla ol? the �ro!O]Ay (xnex,s s-ach streets occr-pied 'by the grwitoes herain; and �-Aienevea- a or C-arbinj is afut into, torn ixf. or rem6ved . tha sari; be :capiaced by the grantees hu--o-oltin, s su,-h lieipleacin6 sI 1l be dc),--z -`L.-L a skillPal aW manuxrlf i.,)o ak; to -f-it nently c3 yid clo-oely I a 71 d C-Aroune, I,-h,3 blaa;,.c, (;4 A b. ; id tro'-Iloy pos-',I,..s, , and to tI-P-, satis- .Va(:tiorl of ..L e Strae-� CoraMi.ti. �,h City Zngina;r. to } lrll agroo, that 'he said -;,-L U G t he 4- :fie achy inay use Uie polas of tae grantees for the instal-latie-a unPI inaintan-wqc,-N. as its Aro alarm System police alarm. sy..,3tem, Ond if Motive power is us-31 o-n said street ray way t14uat E�r4-;-Ln-teas wil.1 also f-arrdoh ej,.:ctrikc to change the storage bat-t'-eria,-z of such ala- rai s-ystem free of ail eharg e. (e) that all ti-o"Llay posts F--,hali be, placed on such liar or in the stre-e-t, or streets,, ovcx 1,nihich this ii-L-richisa operwtC169 as be inelicated or joroscribed 1,.-y the C i ty C o w3z;"I M it -`Ls iVrthe r provided l�,at on all streets :grad avarLues over -which tl-la �&id gAranteoc are allc-vre�-, to Opara-�fe .L c- - tl4i- said raihi'ay under ViIjB teri,-z of thiNs, Ld south of oha t is cornmon-ly known as V-,,o Carna.77 IP--v-C-:!.ct I the re, shall be - nd is hereby re & strip CA :C e t in Adth, running down tho ce,,--iter of said sAreats arid. avenaec a parlmay in the center of invhleh siAd parkvuay strip ,, the said tracks of the said grantees shall be laid , and whereas the Ci V of "iami Beach now owns valir-ble paving on said streets and averinest and vvhereas in event this frarichise is granted-d to the said grantees,, the said. paving All be abandoned for street purpoeeb au coparrverted into paruses, -IL-1-10:mforelp it- is provided that the sal eqantea aht, !! 6rade, Pr:Vej, al11 0-11 all of said streato u , avenues over which 16-31110 said frzm,.-,-h_ise operaives lyine- so-ath of the said Carney Tract In like Liannar as the same said pavin�, to bo corstr,,ac *V0.','-, by the said Srantees is now paved , C> on si-wh part of said streats and a-venues- as shill be d.L.'ected by the City Counci-I of Lilami Eiaach, and shall be laid to the saw width wid thickness ai_t conatract&d of the swine I1-_,2.IL;erial as the old Paving hereinbefore mentiumtdl anci s1h&ll i-a all r,ospects 'be as good in .9vory particulat as the old paving,, to the satisfaction of t1he City �;ouncil of "Liami Beach, with -the ap.Proval of th,::) City Fm6ineor of Miami Beach, a.y.id Provided fuxther thulu none o-Y" t1he old pavin6, I'lereiriLcefore referred to ., shall be disturbOr jy.Lteffeed , dug up, _L irled with. by Said Lrayitees until the new pavine, L,hali be complated t parmlittI36 so to do by the City "'o-amil i.- J'_ Miami Ueach, 441-r Provided fug tior that at a}r-Y time a:3'ter the e� Piration of five years f_coi-o, the date of Ih6 11ecti0-In rL-ti-f-yir this fran_ chise the City �ounail reservaki the A�;Ji"(; to abandon the pm?k- -ibe ' e Bar,-te for street gutr- way heraii efm-i3i reserved,, a4I to u�,-- a th pos s 11 a rijmc ovid ed far t!)e r if a-t any IU-ii�i c,4 as t(-,,:c t he s a let five years the sald "ity Gourouil E' Call loci de to utilize szA('i parkmay st-ri-p JE'or street purp000z , that all of t1ae to ms and Gond itiozis of this franchise Q;,its? res pact to t- e -on-tting in cf U 1-1 , 41k paving o n streets by the s,ai d gr Fm t a,3,z- s Iaa J-1 b . b i i id ii upon sis g-ranteas with r,'-As L- respect to said StrIp hrr3in reserved as a park-way. Provided fizxth_, r that during t e time ca id strip is maintained as a par kv;ayj it sha- -_Ll t tht., duty of tTie 8;raxiter.71's a"Lza herein to keep (,Taded to establish.,grada rith soil A the stria betv-,een its rails and for t-Tuo feet each side thereof, except on those portions of said par,14vay (giros se'. by otlhor streets, or avenues on which sai d kA- portions of said portionva ot par.1kway strip so crocsoed by other s-treets or -_-,venues it be the dntoy of the said grantees to ria intain sugh paving between itco said trac-h-s zi:ind oil t-zio feet -on each side thereo-JE" as> are maintainod- 1jY it on ,.',,trCCt -..rossing s where no parkway is established- that is to s,-4,y,, that 0V-ith respect to those portiorw of said park,-.-.ay strip az,cussed by other streets cr avenues, the said grantees shall be governed axil aatrolleul by the Irovisions of Sections, JE'1�'zht . Vine . Ten and. Elever. o-A" tb i s ol,di nanc e or (rano Ase Wi) in all cases vvhere tho streets wro s-afficiently wide for the trolley line to be hereafter .-oiastr-actel,.1' to be r-an down one, side of the street so as riot to interfere .-;fith the pawk-A portions of said said street 3&r line along one side of stroet, and .riThore the laying of said. street shall be foasible f-lbrAt. pricticable, ther, under such circam- stan-ces the grantees hers in shall (_!ontruct their line oil one side of the paved portion of said street wid shon"Id tmy portion oy .9-aid street so used in oonstricting said. line nlong one si&o o--L the. main paved portion be destroycd ox iripaired. then tl-x-. grantees shall sixty-( 60 ) days thereafter cuase saiLa" darnmE.ed portion ostreet to be repaired and re-constructed so as to place stvme in ,.,s good con- it* on as the; ramaindcr oi the sai,.,.., portion of saaid 'Street. Section 5. If easoline motors are used. on the cars operated ov�.x Vae lines of tl"Ic grafi-itees throughout the ,:,-1ty,, that the said Irotors or engines shall be maffle.&I at all times and. all wnec- essary notses. or (iisturbaq,,;er> a-Njoided in the operation of sitch cars. Soction 6,w That all worll-m end rza ovt.ment4 of said grantees shall be constructed inter tho st-,Lpervision of _.ormiittcemen on troets and of an engineer employed by the grailtoos and approved by the ("ity ouncil, The Aty Engineer shal-1 f-nraj*,2Ji 'all necessary �_-iiapo 9 pro- files and other information nec;o3sary to on&A-ile said grantees to con- form to the estalAished profilcS for all streets and amennes, and for all street end- avenae crossings and gutterings, so,C.tion 7. The "'Ity rese)-.-ves -11-1he right to c7Coss said lines with agV water or gas mains, drains and sevier -rpipos anE with telephone , teleere,.ph or electric aires or cables at all times I with as little, interference as -possible -witb the operation o-±` sai d lines, a.nd the said ity also reserves the right to gr,,r t Ermiss- oy.,, to the tele- phone, telegraph and electric light -,., crapanies from time -15o tirile to cress said tr ac' and lines with the necessary -fires and cables; and; the I-L-Aty also reserves the right ttithe otbonvise regula the nsc of said streets with regard to the different franchises mentioned Jr ,.c:Juain,,Y h.is (ranch-- t fr h- iset and. any herea,fter -,ranted and any (attire extension of existing fra4rchisos or atrq that may be herealter granted. by the Se,-3 t i on 8 In the construction of said', railwv system, arface of said pr^ tees I tracks a ha 11 -'ahere grades are e.st,--.i b 1 is h v,65.It the s conform to stdd grades, but -v,,here no grades are est,-�blished, the track of such system shall conform to such grade as may be furnished by the "_;J.ty, provided thrt in the event said granitees shall fail to make their tracks conform- to the existirf, grade , or the grade givon by the City,, tuh,"t _J'L 45s shy=11 be the, .1-o-ty of the said ,rantees to bring such tracks to such grtjde at its o7y:,in expense and upoin orders of the 'Iit:r Coun,\..it of the said City of Miaj-ai Beac h, and livi thin t Arty (30) doy, s of the date of saiJ14 order, So c ti on 9. It is :_-D.;Lrther p 'l-ovided that -,;.he rever the ' ine of sWiAl -rartoas I traces traverse any stree t 'upon which the pave- ment Mont is colist.ractedf It sh�ill be the daty of said grantees, ,7.f ter layizg their "ixacks 9 to restore said paver. cnt vi..Thore injured or destroyed, tnhen 11-P cu, removed, to its previous condition, as nearly as rnay be, except, however , that such grantees may pave the spare between the track-s and for two feet on the outsido o.,!, P.P.,ch rail with vitrified brick, creosoted 3 , "on n 1 of block or such other mrateri- 1 al as shah be required. by the i t. .' the "ity of Miami. Beach; IfIll paving, materials shall be of s t an d nor d qualitlyy to be approved by the City t:#ouncil of Miami Beach, provided, ho-awever, and luith the -anderstaTdI4-11 and con(iition th-at -,vuhenever land i4ierever the said City shall pove sAy street or avenue aforementlioned in this paragraph -upon ,7,, hirlh svi4, line of railway is ccans trnetc-A-1. it shEa_ lbb the c� of S' id s nfi,ecs to construct or pay t he cost of -onstruction or I paving the space bctwee�n the traclks and two feet oil the outside o -" each rail as la id , the said, paving to correspond to and be of the ­h&racter and muctterlal specified irk the -provision herein sct forth in this section or as oth.eni,,.rise specificed by the Cioanclll a[ said- City, And provided further, 'that the grantor herein reserves the rig, A- t ht ata time hereafter to designate that p ext of the street or stroetst avenue cr avenaest over 4hich the traclq of the sf~ ci grantees =-..)r be laid as pu,rin-�ays , W Section 10, That the said grantee is to ri�aj.ntain the giving herein nqi,)-ired and all oth6,.--." -.)z--)ving required under the provi sions of t-his r chz 5e in Pro, co.rad ition. a ra rapair du--r-Lne; the ti'mo the tracks of said grantees ramin in upon the strects and evnnuas of this OILty, eyee,,,)t tho "'I"').ty the oma inte-inanco, of s!Ad pa-ve.-rient may rest upon the or er.17 contractor co nstructinE.,- such pavement under erv-LOYjr,",nt of the City, prorided. , howemer. th&.t the said grm'Oees shall construct elong their tracks detachable curbs , or block of suf.-f,'icient width to enable the laid e-rfmtees to ti e n,) or it their tr�Ficks or rails without, iii stiirbing a.,-Ly p-avement of coment or ashaltic charlacter used on any street* P fil Section 11, D1 -ti upon the final determination of the Oj-;;y Colancil to pave an-r street or aver ie upon which tho of A ral:&ay may be, it 0rIuqe the Clerk to EJ. '1 notlice o.JL-* is,,-tch detemjition to st-Ad cx,-:41tees , -and said gr .toes shalli at Its ovin e-.,;DN.ense construct its portion of smch pave-. --A',-I - the 'Pity Engin-anne and. accorOinp ant under th4, to Vni plans and, srx,:-cific-atio-as adopted by the Civ- Uot-cricil; and it; sbaa l.l. be the daty of said gr,-mteos to car -i2ry forward their oavivi�, in conjunction with the pro :-xess of the for the City q&-, in ever] v--,ay to as little as possible hinder an 6 6 e lay the, Oty in ito, cont rarcts* vt!henever the grmteas foil or re arse, to comply with any of the obligations under this Section or Section 9 preceeding, or any other bection of this franchise relating to tj--ie rnaintertance of paving and repaid, of day!-j&6os to strEst-As by reason of the u tl-iare.of by the said r,.-A1vvay, the City shall Izve tv.o AL,,W, in addition to the other rights and remedies ex.)reh:�sly or by 'tho luw reservedt. to it, to do or cause to be done the thing; re_�u3.red her,.-,by to be done by the strI. et rax h. ay com,;mny,, arii the GitIj7- shall have the riflat to co. Iect from the grmtees , aiIi the be liablo to the City f or all the cost and ax�jeil-q- e thew eof inc lud i ne,,- cos t of s-a i t and a t t or ne y' -7j, f le tis. Sac.tion 12, At all Points where said street rail_ way tracks cross the. trticks of an-,r steam r *Ivray the av said. grateesshala stop Its caro 1 'and. 2ha 1-iot proce-1,11a, across the of, �uch steam railway com-parT lantil the conor-c-bor or othe-_r employeea of Fa jd &ranteos, from Scid crossii-tgs, shall Sianal tb.e mo-torl_rant or driver of ow-ach, car th�24, the, tra& is clew r. I't i s r o vi (it e d bo w ever, tba t f ai lure to c omply wi th this. clause Oliala, not be construed or (leemed a for-f-eiture of this f ran ch'A.e e. 8 OP 13,P M;Pt the stid grm tee L, sha 3 s top OcU l 4 the it cars f or the purpose of t0kinE,, o-,,,,, or di s cbs-;-,rging passen- k-e r s o,i the V,e v r side of the S trOr)t crossings ;V- a nd all ca ns Sh-a l-1. com, e. to a fay-13 stop be fore, creno,ink; an iiiterse c ting re i 1wr a y I in e Fii-13. stops sh�.Ii also be rmdew at all such streets or avanufa crosoing-L where passe rigors do.,c-iret 'to boa-1-c! or alieht from said cars. Section 14, All shc-111 be n-ni - ith sucl, frequency aO to intair, a rea;�%;or:L,,z *b1,,%. schednie which may be -fixed. by the City uo-alv- ij,(and, in no event ;:3hvill the sdi:3dul-e be less t1%?n one trip an hour between the hours o"' 6 A, Id, and 11 P,41je ani: the AxiLlIP-, cdf tf-,its minimnm ii-3the dule shall in no event be cons tr-aad. as ef._iIeotjy)p, the reaso.n1a:ibleness of other requirements reepect to the fixing of schedules by Id-.,e City Council ling in frecinency this minimvjm) t:171d at .a11. times and places the carQ­ of tI)e said gr tees shall be ran at a recosona- ble rate of Spead 's and in !10 ow-%, s-M-4111 any stroet car be run or o0ar- ated I a t -a greater speoel than t�;entv -f ive milespo r 'hour, Fa-i 111re on the part of the grantees to comiply vit)-, any order, resolution or ordinance of the Uity 'ounc-i-I re`�`ulatinF_° or a1itamptine-,-_. to r-,.j.-6­Uiate t'le fre�luency vvitli which cars sha-1 1 be JI run or or attempti.,rig to Ci_x any sc, U h or or attwipting to f i-.<-- any time at vrhich the first car shal 1 run in IJ,_-e morning and the -last car at ni-ht shall not 1vork a forfeiture in ,.',hole or in part of this franchise until such order, re so lu.t iaxr or Ordinance shall have beer, shown to be reasonable in all i tis requirements by some court or co �is of competent juris ic:tion, a d. upon the o try o-I an order or decree of anj c our t of c€ampeter t juri A�d.ic;t1 on, then. the graritoes shall have six. ( 6) aonths ter .�z1c;h cntrg to corply, •. th such-- decree before workin�� a, fox,i`eitur�c , a,r�. the Gity ;our-'Aril mays in its 01is creti on, grant s*1:wIL addi tiorxa.l time to the grantees for cmt laanoe ,L,ith tl-g;- c o-�,rtls docrec as the neca ssities of the cpse rcfay require. Section 15. 'Phe entire system of Ixacks, tro ll cys , rails , cars and equipment sh-11 be first c:luss Lind suitai le in design for the service of which it is iritenried, The N=ail to be used in the construction of said rail:wuy sh�.11 be of j riot less than sixty ( 6} pounds.1in weight . All c �ws shall be e :1'ui.pped with saita.ble brakes and lig'-to, and said Cars and rachinery for operating the same shall at -111 times be provided with good -and proper apj_-)1Ianc;es for protecting thc; livres and p arsons of p€ sengers on sa.i�i ro&d, and of ti-ie traveli public on and across the streets ov car which Paid ro�4ds mai bo operated. esti an 16, x,1101 i4�etfiesj find said members of the -Lire d.epa,rtment, while in the d.isUhar`ge of tiieir Duties, all in proper -uniform, sh; :ll be free on all cars. erection 17* The (�Ohar:•ges fox, transportiiT passengers to be exacted by tho said grantees herein shell not exceed the sum of five ( b ) c en is each for one ca est inuous p a s ss}ge over the r cm.tees ' line from points v,,,F t jjiyj the city limits to any other =point in such c:itj, but snoh limit on the price shLal_J. not prevent the exa,cti of an ad J, i tiona.l fe e for• the return Journey, anal the grantee; shall. furnish, tr�arisfer ticiaets from one road to another OYL e oss streets or cxteasi ons of its lies, to tyre passengers makiyg one ontinuous, jonnney fr°om one gJ oint to anot ric-r in the i3 orport-itt e liiAts of the -i ty of Vra*i ami 19%e a ch in t I-0; SMC gC1aCxz:"1 direoti on free of extre, chox g e hildreA wrier five yetirs of _�e, 'Trihen �.­,,om-panied by v,&a"'Lts paying fere , sh:ndl be ovarried free. It is pro%di;led, .jol.:rever, tlyll-, Ln the event that the just and- reaoomable g-rices or (_-.ost of -.rna.1rjtcnii_-1,ce , equi-p- ment anL off, alioof said Et) reet _rfaillmy shiall co as to cause thAn, grantees herelin to lose money on the ir!vest, mo it,. mde hore-anier at the rates bereln-10-e-It7ore -arovided, rind it shell be made -'(",o appear to the Aty 11"*.owa-3J1 and to its satifg- faction. that such Is tl-he cases t1ren In ,-,ach :vent, the Tsdd granttees siirail be allowed -to increase their ;-atess to sn'._-h a sum as wfill roturn t-o the grantees a net ear ni-ng Clot e7_:ccol- j1C a� per coat. on z_-, reasonable value of the. stock,, necesaszy equipment Carid tracks or -the sa.,10- Bran tses ; thlr.t is to say ,, on -10.hc reasonable valae of Vall ca" the mc,-essaxy and Incidental properties,, both Y-C)al and. -f.�)rsonal, heli ty theraxru-ees 'under this franc-hiss an! held, used, or mail ntax-I.ned Mr� the opera tion of its said. strE;V-t not inell-uding, Vile value of this f ranchisc* farther, .hat the proviso herein rel.atiyjg to t1le irica,cc-'se of valbto shall tot become operative until after the ex-pirattion of five fron- the time of the election ooi-ifirmim_' Vais Iron chile. Seotior, 18, Vie i**6 of said rail lway shall ;7t Ir, ,DCL d- * all times be entitled to the. track, C.' ,.-lvcrs of all tr ae L_ 0 r t,jr tri vehicles or, the V s&dLe thereof shall turn -at c n the z p oll vehicles o proper stgnal on"' the roach of agy- car. an! failm-~e on the part of the said drivor, r fter proper signal from the motorman'. or 6river of said stree-,t c�..L . to vacate said railway trl,-,.ck!, shell subject the said driver of such vehicle, to arrest and fine not exceeding Fifty Dollars ( X50,00) for each offense; provided , haniever, that fire erigines and other f ire apparatus of tIe Uity of Miami Beach sha.11 a t all time s on t he sound ine-,- of th e a larm o f f i re, hav e the ri --ht-of-way, over and along the said track of the said street railway, and the cars of the said street raili7- cay shall be stop ed after the soundinf.,, of the fire alarm and upon the a,'.)proach of Ilie fire enginle, hose carts or other fire ap..-para- tns, and shall rem- in standi% -until the same shl.a>11 have passed . Section 19. The F-,,-rantees herein shall :-:,ro'.r-q!,)tly pay all taxes and assessments ,, Eenerul and spec i ,,-:)I that may from time to time be lawfully levied and assesseC., by the City of 1diam i Bech Section 40. IT"he said grhoes shall have the rie-ht to handle freight ears over ito, lines at certain hours of each day, to be designated, by the City Council from ti-rqe to time, under such restrictions and regalatioas as the City Council .)rol)oses for the protection of the best inter-le-sts the City and ' rel fare of the public, Sloction tU. The grantees, and thei-r. assigns agree tI)n t ',,vhenever ally -interurban line -,j,,ith motive Powor other than steam or anim-ail, shall desire an entrl,-Ince into the City of i each , the grantees will allovu said interurban lines ' ia-mB the ix-,e of the tracks and street railways of grantees for sack entrIn,nce for a reasonable eharoe therefor , to be af3-reed 'u,-)on between tJax said interurban line or lines and grantees, and in case of their failure to so agree ,, the points-, in dis...)ute shall be submitted to arbitration, each party to select an arbitrator and the two so selected shall select an um)ire and after giving, both parties an opportunity to be heard the said arbitrators shall w-ke an award that shall be .A.1wl a-rA binding on both parties, and sLall be a r-ale of any court of genarcal jurisdiction authori zea to to-ke cogniz-;-.'-',-nce of the, subject anB en:1--2orce it as such; it beiing understood th,-:-.) t the City of Miami Beach shall impose on the grantea.s and owners of said sub-urban lines, -such other restrictione-. and conditions as may, be necessary and proper in handlings ch suburban traffic --ithin the said City of 11.-.iami Beach. The arbitrators shall be wholly impartial and, disinterested , and shall be practicaIly converszanlu­ with the special subject, - and shall before ;proceeding with their duties take a-i oath to fairly and impartially adjudge the difference b--t,,,;een the grantees and tJe said interurban line or Lines, and shall have authority to P--nke ar.-_,y rule with reffearenc:- thereto itis ich may be equitable , and shall have the right to determine -the right route to be pursured by said interurban cars in their ingress and egress f-,rom the city wi th their suburban traff ic the particular tracks v,,hich they shall use , and the rental to be -oaid ther­!for for the use of the tracks , trolley or power to be furnished by said grantees , and to sett-le , determine and adjust any and all matters resulting from a dispute over this provision of the grantees' franchise. Section 22* That the grant_---�e shall commence con- str-action of said railway in time to complete a line from the causeway end in5lilami Beach South on Alton Road to First Street A and East on First Street to Miami Avenue , so that a complete 4e ek line shall be finished from th.1liami end of ca- seway to A Miami Avenue S4;;e after the Beach and in the and the signing of a contract ,kith the Board of County Commissioners of Dade County, Florida, and a complete belt line as above laid out shall be fin- iz,,-hed v,,.Tithin one tsar from the date aforesaid . Section 23, Subject to the conditions and understand- ing herein expressed , it is understood- that the life of this franchise shall be from the date of acceptanc-_ of this franchise and ending thirty ( 30) years from said date of acceptance . she right is reserved by the City of Liami Beach , Florida to -ourchase the street railway which may be constructed and operated by the grantees at the termination of this franchise fly e ac h- at at a valuation to be fixed by arbitration as provided by law in Section 10159 Gener{jl Stat uttes of Florida. of 1906). Section 24, -Any fn1luro, neglect or refasal af the gran to ess herein to f a:Lfi ll all ani every pr ov s icon. and con- dition on- dition of this franchise f°o rre a s on abl a time a h al l rxrk a forfeiture of V.e same; provided strikes, the acts of God .nd other causes beyonu'- the control of the grantee; shall riot be deemed or construed as a forfeiture. Section 25, This ordinance shall take effect and be in full farce from and after its passage, by the �ound 1, approv- ed by the X ayor , acceept ,nce by grantees, ublicst ion and rat- ification a,t- ification by the voters of the "-",it,y of io.mi Beach, Florida* at an election hold for that purpose; a aU_ other ordinances of the City of Miarni Beach inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. PASSE-D" AND ADOPTED this day of A. D. 1919. f44P ( _ :attest : '' � President o:r: the �;it y ..oun cil. ' r City 1 erk.. APPIrIOVED BY VLP this 16F d fig of Mayor, y ol Miomi Be ac h, F for its a* a L _ 4 1 V r t