Ordinance 1592_ . • . ORDINANCE NO. 1592 .� • AN ORDINANCE �MENDING ORDINANCE NO. 678 ENTITLED "A,L<T ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEpa,CH, FLQRIDA, �aTABLISHZNG A aCHEDUI,� OF SAI�tIES �'O B� PAID TO THE ADMINISTRA.TIVE 4FFICERS AND UN-- CLASSIFIED �MPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF MiA1�1.2 BF..A,GH, ELQRIDA, AND FIXING THE RA.TES TH�R�4F. " BE IT ORDAINED B� THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'PHE CITY OF M?.�.MI BEACH, �'LORIDA: SECTION 1s That that portion of Section 1 of Ordinanc� No. 678 of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, the �ame being an ordinance e�tabli�hing a schedul� of ratEs of salari�s to bE paid to the Administr�.tive Officers �.nd Unclassified Employee� of the City, re�.ding a� follows: "P. A.�sistant City Manager Sala�y per month Provided that when there i� a vacancy in the office of City M�:n.ager, and the Assistznt City M�.nager is acting as anci performing the duties of the City Man- �ger, the A�sistant City Manager shall receiv� an additional monthly su� of $568.00, for a total monthly sal�ry of $1,500.00" be and th� �ame i� hereby amended to read a� follows: 932.00 "P. l. Assi�tant City Manager Salary per month 1,333.33 �, Executiv� A�si�tant to City Manager 3. Management Analy�t 4. Purcha�ing A�si�tant 5. P�ablic Works Director 6. Pl�.nning Director Provided that v�h�n there i� a ' vac�.ncy in th� of fic� of City M�nager and any on� of th� officEr� li�ted above in thi� Paragraph is appoint�d by the City Council as Acting City M,anag�r, �uch offic�r �h�.11 rec�iv� an aclditional monthly - 1 - MON'�HLY COMPENSATION Minimum Ma.ximum $1,100.00 1,000.00 950.00 l, 250.00 1.,100. 00 $1,250.00 1,150.00 1,100.00 1,500,00 1, 2�0.00 OFfICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - 1130 WASHINGTOI�1 AVENUE - MIAMI BEACH, FLOSIDA 33139 • • r • ' . - sum of $300.00 commencing v�ith the peri.od thirty (30) days after appointr�n�nt a� A.cting City Man�.ger. " SECT.ION 2: Th�.t all ordinances or parts of ordinance� in con- flict herewith be and the �am� are hereby repealecl. SECTION 3s 'Irhis ordinance �hall becomE effectiv� a5 of July 1, 196�. PASSED and ADOP'�ED thi� 3rd day of August , 1966. Attest: City J � ls reading - July 20, 1966 2nd reading - July 20, 1966 3rd reading - August 3, 1966 POSTED - August 4, 19�6 - 2 -- OfFiCE OF CITY ATTORNEY - 1130 WASHINGTON AVENUE - MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 � � � i t � STATE OF FLORIDA COUDiTY �F DA:DE : �, Ra u�i'�ie _Lo J4HiVsoi�, City Clerk in and ior the � I City of i�iami Beach, Florida, do hereby certi�y that � i ardinance �.�Toa 1592 entitled ; "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 678 ENTITLED 'AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE OF SALARIES TO BE PAID TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS AND UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AND FIXING THE R.ATES THEREOF "' � having been passecl and ado�ted by �he City Council of the City of i�iami Beach, Florida, has been �osted by me in three cons�icuous pla�es in the City of �iami 3each, one o� which was at the door of the City Hall in said City on the 4th a�y o� �August, 1966, and that saia Ordinance re�nained posted for a�erioc� o� at least thirty days in accordance with the require�nents of �the Cit� Crharter of the �said City af Miami Beacho IN V�ITI3E�S 1nTH�?�OF I have hereunto set my hand and aff:ixed the official seal oz the City o�C �iami Beach, Florida, on this the 19th da� o� October, 1966. �1���(�CM. .. Ci ty C rk .-. � O � r�i, � � O �4 �-i � t-h �+ N � Q1 I--� F-'• I�• � � O O f2 � Sz H N. I-�h N K � �. � ri- f�. tJ� � N� n � O� U�i � ',�� rh � � G� � ''d f�+ O � � H n � n • o � ro � o � • �mc�aa� � fi���� � v (� �..� • � 1� • lfl � :• U� � �-. N t� UI F-'• U1 r• 'r- cn su � cn r-n ct- � W N• �-�! A� Fi h-� (D A� �'i fD � � ct �C 1 f-i I-'• N- � (D (D � •yfi+.� �+ .