Ordinance 1596� . . , . ' • . � . , , � . ' . • C��-u3�.i:���i::i:� i�i'f� . 15 96 AN ORDINANCE �NUIPTG URDII�TANCE NO. 78�. BEiNG AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FL4RIDA, ESTABLISHING OFFSCIAL CLASSIFICATIONS OF POSITIONS IN THE CLASSIFI�D SERVICE OF THE CIT'Y OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AND PROVIDING COTrPENSATION THERE- FOR, PURSUANT TO TFiE PROVISIOi3S OF THE CIVIL SERVICE ACT; AND PROVIDING FOR '�HF ADMIN�STRATION OF THIS (?RUINAL??CE:..�.1TD REPEAL- II�TG ORDII�'�.1\CES IIS CON�'��CT Fi��WITFI. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CaUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTIDN l: Z�hat Section 1 of Ordinance N'o. 78�, being an ordinance of t�e City of iVtiarni B�ach, Florida, establishing official classifications of pasitions in the classified service of the City of l�tiami Be�ch, Florid.a, and providing cornpensation therefor, pursuant to the provisions of t�e Civil Service Act; and providing for the administration af this or3inance and repealing ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same is hereby amended to read as f o 1 lows : ""Section 1= The folZowing titles shall constitute the Classifica- tion Plan, and the titles together with the pre- scribed pay schedules shall constitute the Compensation Plan, both as pro�ided for in the Civil Service Act and the Personnel Rules, for the Classified Service of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. Compensation in the Classified 5ervice after September 2�7, 19�6 shall not be less than the prescribed minimums nor more than the prescribed max_imums, except as otherwise provided herein. 1010 io2o 1030 1040 105� 1060 1070 1080 1�90 lioo 1110 1125 1130 1140 1150 1160 11�0 ilso 1190 1200 i210 1220 1225 1230 1260 1265 127 0 12so i290 I. CLERICAL, ADMZNISTRATIVE AND FISCAL Accountant I Accountant II Account Clerk Addressograph Operator Administrative Aide Administrative Assistant I Administrative Assistant IS Administrative Assistant III Administrative Secretary Assistant Chief Accountant Assistant City Clerk Assistant Golf Course Manager Ass't Water and Shop Sup't Box O�fice Treasurer Buyer Chief Accountant Clerk Clerk Typist Deputy Assessor Executive Secretary Industrial Nurse Insurance Manager News Manager News Photographer Personnel Representative I Personnel Representative II Property Appraiser I Property Appraiser II Secretary - 1 -- MONTHLY COMPENSATION Minimum Maximum $ 47 6. 00 $ 608 . 00 552.00 704.00 392.00 500.00 392.00 500.40 392.00 5�0.00 454.00 580.00 526.00 670.40 608.00 776.00 432.00 552.00 638.00 816.00 670.00 856.00 500.00 638.00 670.00 856.00 526.00 670.00 476.00 608.00 ?76.04 990.00 308.00 392.00 338.�0 432.00 552.00 704.00 526.00 670.00 432.04 526.00 670.00 856.00 608.00 776.00 500.00 638.00 526.04 670.00 638.00 816.00 432.04 552.00 500.0(3 638.00 374.00 476.00 a . ' - . ' . . ' . • . . I . , . , • . � .J I. CLERICAL, ADMINISTRATIVE AND FISCAL (continued) MONTHLY COMPEATSATION Minimum Maximum 1300 Shop Clerk $ 392.00 $ 500.�0 1310 Storekeeper 454.00 580.04 1320 Stores Clerk 392.00 500.00 1330 Switchboard Operator 322.00 412.00 II. PUBLIC SERVICES MONTHLY COMPENSATION Minimum Maximum A. LIBRARY AND ART 2030 Chief Librarian $ 704.00 2040 Librarian I 476.00 2054 Librarian II 552.00 2060 Library Assistant 338.00 207Q Library Attendant 322.40 2080 Library Page 252.00 B. RECREATION - 2110 Assistant Superintendent of Recreation Fi08.00 2124 Community Center Director 392.00 2130 Golf Course Ranger 322,40 2140 Golf Steward I 374.00 2150 Golf Steward II 432.00 �2160 Loeker Room Attendant 252.00 2170 Pool Guard I 374.00 2].80 Pool Guard II 412.00 2190 Recreation Center Attendant 322.00 2200 Recreation Director 412.00 2210 Recreation Guard 322.40 2220 Recreation Leader 322.00 2230 Recreation Supervisor I 476.00 2240 Recreation Supervisor II 552.00 2250 Tennis Center Manager 338.00 c. soczxL sERvzcE 2310 Case Worker I 2320 Case Worker II 2330 Social Service Director =II. PUnLIC SAFETY A. BEACH PATROL 3010 First Aid Attendant 3020 Lifeguard I 3030 Lifeguard Ii _ 2 _ 454.00 552.00 670.00 $ 898.00 608.00 704.00 432.00 412.00 322.00 �76.00 500.00 412.0� 476.00 552.00 322.00 476.00 526.00 412.00 526.00 412.00 412.00 608.00 704.00 432. 00 580.00 704.00 856.00 MONTHLY COMPENSATI013 Minimum Maximum $ 292.40 412.00 500.00 $ 374.00 526.00 552.00 . . , , . . ' . . A. BEACH PATROL (continued) 3040 Lifeguard Captain 3050 Lifeguard Lieutenant 3060 Lifeguard Sergeant B. F�RE 3110 Deputy Chief 3120 Fire Captain 3130 Fire Lieutenant 3140 Fireman I 3150 Fireman II 3170 Fire Prevention Captain 3190 Signal System Maintainer C. POLICE 3210 Captain of Police 3220 Communications Operator 323� Communications Technician I 3240 Communications Technician II 3250 Detective 327fJ Identification Clerk I 3280 Ider�tification Clerk II 3290 Identification Officer 3300 Identification Sergeant 3310 Identification Supervisor 3320 Lieutenant of Police 3330 Police Matron 3340 Police Officer I 3350 Police Officer II 3360 Police Photographer 3370 Police Utilityman 3380 Police Woman 3400 Sergeant of Police 3410 School Guard � . � ' MONTHLY COMPENSATION Minimum Maximum $ b70.00 580.00 526.00 816.00 740.40 638.00 47b.�0 580.00 ?40.00 500.00 816.00 356.�0 552.00 608.00 608.00 356.40 392.00 454.00 580.00 670.00 ��.o, o0 338.00 500.00 608.00 454.00 374.00 500.00 638.40 266.00 IV. ENGINEERING AND INSPECTIONAL 4�10 Air Conditioning Inspector 4420 Building Inspector I �4030 Building Inspector II 4040 Electrical Inspector I 4054 Electrical Inspector Ii 4060 Engineering Aide 4070 Engineering Assistant I 4080 Engineering Assistant II 4090 Engineering Assistant IIS 4�95 Engineering Representative 41Q0 Plumbing Inspector I 4110 Plumbing Inspector II 43.15 Surveyor �12U »nnin,q Inspector - 3 - $ 740.00 638.00 580.00 898.00 776.00 704.00 608.00 638.00 816.a0 638.00 898.OQ 454.00 638.00 704.00 638.00 454.00 47 6 . DO 580.00 670.00 776.00 776.00 432.00 608.00 638.00 580.40 476.00 608.00 704.00 338.00 MONTHLY COMPENSATI4N Minimum Maximum � 526.00 $ 670.00 526.00 670.00 608.04 776.00 526.00 670.�0 608.00 776.00 392.�0 500.00 432.00 552.00 52�.00 6�0.00 638.00 816.00 526.00 670.00 526.00 670.00 6�8000 ?76.00 7�4.00 898.00 526.00 670.00 5010 5024 5030 5040 5050 5060 5070 6010 6020 6�30 604 0 6050 6460 6070 6080 609Q 610a 611� 6120 6130 6140 6154 6160 6Z70 6180 � 6190 6200 6220 � 6230 , 6240 6250 6260 6310 6320 6330 634Q 6350 6360 6370 V. METERED PARKING Parking Meter Checker I Parking Meter Checker II Parl�ing Meter Colle�tor I Parking Meter CoZlector II Parking Meter Repairman I Parking Meter Repairman II Parking Meter Supervisor VI. PUBLIC WORKS Assistant Park Superintendent Bridge Tender Golf Course Maintenance Supervisor Greenskeeper Heavy Equipment Operator Horticulturist Nursery Foreman Park Foreman I Park Foreman II Pipeman Pumping Station Attendant Pumping Station Operator Sewerage Ec�uiprnent Mechanic I Sewerage Equipment Mechanic II Sewer eonstruction Superintendent Sewer Foreman I Sewer Foreman II Sewer Foreman III Street Foreman I S�reet Foreman i� Superintendent of Streets and Waste Tree Maintenance Foreman jnTaste Disposal Foreman Driver Waste Disposal Inspector I Waste Disposal Inspector II Water Foreman I Water �'areman II Water Foreman III EnTater Meter Reader Water Meter Repairman Water Service Representative Whiteway Foreman . , r � • MONTHLY COMPENSATION Minimum T�+iaximum $ 356.00 $ 454.00 412. 00 500. (JO 322.00 412.00 392.00 500.00 392.00 500.00 432.40 526.00 500.00 580.00 MQNTHLY COMPENSATSON Minimum Maximum $ 638.00 $ 816.00 392.00 500.00 608.00 776.00 500.04 638.�0 454.00 580.00 552.00 704,00 �32.00 552.00 412. 00 52f .00 454.00 580.00 412.00 526.00 338.00 432.00 412.00 526.00 ���.o0 6os,00 552.00 704.00 670.00 856.�0 392.00 500.00 454.00 5$0.00 500000 638.00 392.00 500.00 454.00 580.00 704.00 898.00 �412.00 526.04 392.0� 540.00 454.00 580.00 500.00 638.00 454.00 580.00 500.00 638.00 580.00 740.04 374.00 476.00 432.00 552.00 432.00 552.00 454.00 580.00 `7'II. CUSTODIAL, GENERAL LABOR AND TRADES MONTHLY C''t}MPFNS73'i'lON r�si� 1 in�um Maximum 7010 Air Conditioning Operator t $�454.00 $ 580.00 �020 Air Conditioning oper.ator II 552.00 704.00 � � . � � • ^• , . . 7030 7 040 �oso 7060 7080 7490 7 �oo 7110 7120 7130 7140 7150 7160 ?170 7180 7190 7200 � 7210 . 7215 7 220 �7230 � 7240 � 7 250 7260 7270 � 280 7 290 7 300 . . �� . . . . . , � • VII. CUSTODIAL, �ENERAL LABOR AND TRADES (continued) Automotive Bodyman Automotive Mechanic I Automotive Mechanic II Automotive Serviceman I Automotive Shop Foreman �each Foreman I Beach Foreman II Building Attendant Building Superintendent Convention Hall Foreman Custodial Worker Electrician Electrician Foreman Laborer I Laborer II Machinist Maintenance Mechanic I Maintenance Mechanic II Maintenance Superintendent Mai.ntenance Supervisor Masonry Fareman Park and Golf Course Mechanic I Park and Golf Course Mechanic II Piumber Utilit� Man Watchman We lde r Welder Foreman MONTHLY COMPENSATION Minimum Maximum $ 454.00 $ 552.00 45�.0� 552.00 526.40 638.00 412.Q0 476.00 638.00 ?76.00 392.00 500.00 500.04 580.00 322.00 412.00 638.�0 816.00 526.00 580.00 278.00 356.00 476.�0 580.00 552.00 670.00 308.00 392.00 338.00 412.00 454.00 580.00 454.00 552.00 526.00 638.Ofl 5$0.00 �o�.00 37�.00 476.00 476.00 580.00 454.Q0 552.00 526.40 638.00 476.00 552.00 392.00 540.00 266.40 338.00 �54.00 552.00 526.00 638.00" SECTION 2: That Section 1 e 1 of QrdinancP No. 78� be and the same is , . _. . _ hereby amendec� to read as fol lows : � "Section�-1:1�: Any employee who, on September 2?, 1966 was entitled_ �tora greater maximum. rate of pav than provi��- by� this ordinance, sha11 r�tain entitlement to Stl�''il maximum rate o� pay plus an additional f ive �er cent (5�) thereof ." SECTION 3: �;'rhat Section 4 of Ordinance No. 7a9 be and the same is . her�by amended b�r deleting paragraph (d� . . � ,.. SECTION 4:.�31��o�d•inances or parts of ordinances in conf lict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 5: T�his ordinance shall becom� effective September 27, .1�66. PASSED and ADOPTED this 7th � day of 0 Att4st � City C1 k . . . lst reading - August 17, 1966 2nd reading - August 17, 1966 3rd reading - September 7, 1966 POSTED - September 7, 1966 _ 5 _ � � ^ _ . STATE 4F Fi�ORIDA COiJi�l'TY �F DADE : �I1�1r��. , , + " Z, Re �.���ia Uo JOI3iV50�', City Clerk in and ior the City of i�iiaini Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that Ordinance �Ioo1596 entitled' "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 789, BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATIONS OF POSITIONS IN THE CLASSI- FIED SERVICE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, AND PROVIDING COMPENSATION THEREFOR, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE CIVIL SERVICE ACT; AND PROZIIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THIS ORDINANCE AND REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH" having been passed and ado�ted by the City Council of the City of N[iami Beach, Florida, has been �osted by me in three cons�icuous places in tne City of iyiiami �3each, one of which was at the door of the City Hall in said City on the 7th day o� September, 1966, and that sai� Ordinance relnained posted tor a�eriod o�E at least thirty days in � accordance with the requirements of the Cit�r Charter of the �aid City of Pti.ami Beach o IN 'ir�ITNE�S �HFREOF 3 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the o�ficial seal o� the City of Miami Beach, Florida, on this the 19� da�r o� October, 1966. . ,, Ci ty C�terk !i , � x• x• „y_ � � t '' � ,, . . , � . r .- T.- �- _ _ _ a�■ � . " � • ' •, ; f �v .r:� �� ' '_�' . . . , �