Ordinance 1716_1_ � • '• � � ` � 1i CITY OF ;1IA�iI BEACH BUILDII�G PEPSZIT FEE'S 1. r�E�J Bt7ILDII+�GS A2TD/t?P. ADDITIQP�S: For each l0a sq. ft. of area or fractional part fvr each f loar ��linimum fee Except that for bu�ldin�s for stora�e and industrial uses of the Group � and Ii' �ccupanc�.es as defined fn the South Florida �iuilding Code the fee shall be: For each 100 sq. ft. of area or fractional part of each floor up to 2,500 sq. ft. For each additional 100 sq. f t. af area or fractional part of each floor thereafter ;�iinimum fee �xcept that for greenhouses aad buildings for agricultural uses (non--residential) c�en located on the pre�.tses so used, �nd for �creen enclasures, the fee shall be: For each 100 sq. ft. of area or fractional part of each f loor 2�Zinir�um f ee 2. ATE�FI COP�STI'UCTIOII OTHE�' T�:AT� AS �P�CIFIFD �iEREIN: ''� (WATE� T��E?'S , COOLIAIG T�'`E�'S , PYLOr1S , � BUT�K S1'(1�'ArE TAI4!i' FO�UI`3DATIOi1S, ETC. ) For each $1,E�U0.00 cost or estimated cost ��inimum �ermit Fee (except service station underground storage tan�s (each) � ' 3. ALTE£ATIO�IS , TO BUILDINCS At3D OTHEI'. STrLUCTURES : Clncluding sheet metal c-�ork where separate installatfon not covered by prior building permi t� For the first $100.00 of estimated cost or fractional p�rt Frvm $101.0� to $1,Q00. �{} of estiu�ated cost or f ract ianal part For eact# additio�al $1,000.00 of estimated cost or fractional part 4. REPAIRS TO BUILIIIIJGS AA1D �THE� STRUCTUF'.ES : Over $25.�0 to $1,00�.00 of estimated �ost or fractional part For each additic�al $1,0�0.00 of _ estir�ated cost or fra�tior�al part 5. ?�iOVINC SUILDIPIGS 4t1 OR AC1tOSS Pt1�LIC T��4�OUGj�FAP�S : �ox each 1�0 su. ft. per floor or fracLional part '�iinimvm permit fee 6. ': iOVIPIC �3 JI LDI�IGS F�.O' T 0���' LOC�! TIO+ 1 nIF1 A LOT TO t�.Nt�T�' ER. LOCATiOi�? �f�� TflE SA�-� LOT, O�t �iovir?r ST�UCTiTRF oTi�E�_ THr�•? A BUILLING, EXCLUDIT�IG THE COST Qr THE NEt�J FOt1T�DATI0t1: For each 1Q0 sq. ft. per floor or fractional part thereof Aiinimum permit fee ?. C�NC�TE SLt�l3S: (�Jhere separate installation, not covered by prior permit) For first 1,500 �q, ft. or fractional part t�ereof For each additional 1,OU0 sq. ft. or fractional part 8. I'40FIr1G: (Includins; re-roofing) For first 300 sq, ft, or fractional part From 301 sq. ft. to 2,000 sc�. ft. , an additional �or each additional ].,000 sq. ft. of area or fractional p art � e � � $ 2.40 9.60 2.44 1.20 12.00 1.2U 6.00 2.40 i2.00 �.OJ 2 . 40 b.00 2. 40 6.00 2.40 .60 24.00 .GO 12.OfJ 6.40 2.40 3.60 2.40 liZJ Buildin� Peruiit Fees - Page 2- CI'_�'Y OF IIIt�.��I �3E1�1CN 9. FT;'I�TCES Ar1DI4R �JALLS : Fences (t�ire, wood, etc.): For each 20� linea2 feet or fractional part '2asonry s�alls :�or each 50 lineal feet or fractional � part 10. A��T;TINGS �ND C��`1�PIES: Fram $1.�J0 to $150.00 of estimated cost �Fram $���..4� tc $3�30.�U of estima�ed c�cs� q From $301.40 to $1,000.00 of estimated cost � For each additional $1,000.40 or f�actional part thereof : :� a 11. �TAI'.�UEES : (?��here separate installation, not covered by prior nermit) For each �q. ft. of horizontally projected area or fractional part ��iriimum pera4it fee per installation , . . . 3.60 3. 60 1. 20 2.40 3.60 2.40 .4b 12.00 12 . Sr�12' �1I�It�G POQLS : For the first 24,000 gallon capacity ar fractional part 12.00 For eac3� add�tional 1,000 nallon capacfty or fractior.a�. part 1.20 13. TETIPORAF.Y PLATFOR'iS A�11D TEi�Pt?P,E!�'Y ALEAC`•s:E!?S TO 3E USEn FO�i PUSLIC ASSEPiBLY: �or each 100 sq. ft. or fra�tional part of platform area 2.40 �or 140 lineal feet of seats or fractional part 1.24 14. AiiUSE�:�NT }�EVICES: (IIICLUDI'3G, BUT N4T LIT°`ITED TO �.�CIIANIG�:.L P•IDIP�G, SLIDIZIG, SAILF�3G, OR St�IiJGING} For each portable or temporary unit 12,00 For each peraanenC unit installed or altered b�J.00 15 . ?)E' �OLITI0�3 QF �3UIL�II�Ga : ror th� first 1,500 sq. ft. of f Ioor or f ractional part 6.00 For each add�.tional 1,000 sQ. ft. pet floor ar fra�tional nart 2.40 "�in imum pe rmi t f ee 6. 40 1C. �E�sOLITIOAT OF SIGP?S, FEAICES, AND/OR t��ALLS: For each $1�0.00 of estintated cost or fractional nart up to $1,000.00 1.20 ror ea�h additional $1,000.00 of estimated cost or fractional part 2.40 17. DE��:�LITION OF STP�UCTtTRES OTHF�'. T�•A"' AB4VE : For each 1,000 cubic feet o� volume or fractional part of the cubic content described by the outside dimensi.ons of the s t ruct ure 2. 40 �8. PAiiI1�iG: {On other than pu�lic ris�ht-of-way and includin� navin� in connect{ on c�ith sin�le family and duplex use) For the first 1,040 sq. ft. or fractional part 3.60 For each additional 1,OU0 sq. ft. or fractional part 1.2� 19. SIGr1S : . For each sc�uare foot .25 ���ini.�um �ermit f ee 3. 00 A. DOUBLE FEES: trhen ��ork for which a pet-�-�it is required is camanenced pzioY to the obtainina of a per�it, the fees as speCified herein may be douleled� �:ut itt no event shall such dou�led fee be less than 1'�iel�e (�12.00� Jollars. T���e payr�ent of such double fee shall not relieve any person, firm or corporation frotn fully compZ��in� �,�ith a11 of the requirements of all applicable repulations anci cades, nor shall it relieve them from being subject to any of the penaities �heYein. "', r � ' . � . ` � . . � , � ♦ � , � w n n �, F�.i.I�din� Permit F�ee - Page 3- CITY �?F MIA�r1I BF.�CH 20. Instal3.a�a.on of exteriar windows and exteriar sliding glass doors in new bu3tl.din�s or ac�d3.t3.ons exceeding two stories in height and the 3.ristal.l.at3.,on� alteration an,ct repa�.r of sueh windows and, doors in existing bu3.I.dings of any height as follows: New installation or replacement for each $ .60 window or door unit up to 100 units For each additional unit .3p l�.nimum Fee 2,1�.p � 21. Installation of curtain walls, including windows and � doors thereins For each 1�0 sq. ft. or fractional part thereof up to 1040 sq. ft. �, .2p For each additional 100 sq. ft. or fractional part thereaf .60 i �Iinimum Fee 2.1�.p DOUBLE FEES �... r. _.......,.... �. � When w�ork for which a permit is required is eommenced p�ior to the obtaining of a permit, the fees as specifi�d herein may be doubled, but in no event shall such doubled fees be less than Tw�eZve ($12.00) Dollars. Th� paymer�t of such double fee shall not relieve any person, firm or corporation from fully eomplying wi-�h all of the requirements of all applicable regulations and. codes, nor shall it relieve them from being j subject to any of the penalties therein. ; � ci� oF rs��,i s�Ae�, PLU'i'�It`?C PERP�IT £EES 1. ROUGHING-IId Oit PLIIGGED �?1�T�'�LE1'� FOR: BATH TUBS, CLOSETS, DOCTORS, I3ENTISTS AND �iOSPITALS STE�.II.SZEP,S, AU'r4CLAVES, AUTOPSY TA3LES AND OT�� FI �TU�S, APPL�TEPIAI�CES O�R CfTHER APFLI�►S�CES HAVII�G WATEk SUPPLY OR T��STE OUTLET, OR BOTH, DI�INKIPIG F4UI�TAINS, FIXTURE3 DISC�?,ARGING IN'r0 T�APS n?� SAFE t�1ASTE PIPES, FLOOR DRAI�dS, GAS AND QIL IP?TEI?CEPTOPS, GR.EASE TRAPS, LAU�TDRy Tll�3S, %AVATORIES, SA�'E WASTE PIPES, SH01n1EF.S, SINKS, SLOP SINKS, URIN�!LS : For first roughing-in or plugged outlet For each additional outlet Fixtures set on ne�� roughing-in or nlug�ed outlets or replaced on old rou�hing-in: First fixture Ea�h additional fixture Gas and Oil interceptors Grease trap or grease interceptors 2. SEPTI� TAriKS, DItAINTILE AAI�TTD SOAKAGE PITS : (Including draintile for same) 12�0 gallons capacitq or less Over 1200 gallon capacity Each septic tank draintf le relay Septic tank de�truction (�ahere being abandaned) 2. SEt•�ER: Each starm sewer and each buildfng se�aer where con- nection is made to sep�ic tank, to an existing se��er, or to a city seti�er or soakage pit 4. WATER DRAINAGE : �ain arater roof inlet: First inlet Each additional Area, yard, sidewall: or rain u�ater drain for cahich no oCher fee is provided: First suriace inlet Each additiona� inlet Each soakage pit or dry well 5. �7AT£n PIFII�G: t�ater service connection to a municinal or private wate�r supplq sqstem: For first meter on each lot Each add3Cional meter on same lot �Jater connection to or outlets for appliance or installations not covered �y fixture or other permit Irrigation system and undergraund s*�rinkler syste�, etc. Fire sprinkler syste� connect�.on to Cit� c�ater or discharged into a drainage system Fire control sy�tem, includin� standpige, siaraese connections and pumps; (e�ach standpipe) �r � r $ 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 4. 8� 6.00 4. 80 3. 60 2.40 1.20 1.20 l. 20 1. 20 4. 80 Z.40 2.40 2.40 6.00 6.00 3.60 � �� � P�,umbing Permit r^ees - PaQe 2- CITY OF '�qIA�II BEACH Standbp foY er.�ergency portable �ate= aupnly outlet Solar ��ater heater ins tellations or rePairs Solar F��ater heater booster �onnection Siai�air�g pooZ ins tallat� ons , not includiug ��e22� 6. t�TELLS : All ��ells 7. MI�`3I'_iP't PLU;TiIrTU PE�T•�T FEE F.�cce�t water hea�er rep2acement 3. GAS : (The folla�rin¢ shall include bottle gas) rar the first outlet an�/or ��nliance For each additional outlet and/or appliance For chan,e from a magter to an indivic�ual �aeter For multiple raeters at one location: �or fir�t meter �or each additional meter �'or major repairs to gas t�ipe r.�here no fixture or anpliance insta3lation � ss :involved: 9. EI�CT� IC ��ATEF. �-:EP_�E?'S ; $6.0� 6,00 2. 4� 6.00 6.�0 4. 80 2 . 40 3.60 1.20 2.40 2.40 1.20 2.4(i 2.40 A. DOtT3LL� FEES : �r'hen �aor�c for ��hich a perr►it is requirecl is cormnenced prior to the obtainin� of a nermit, the fees as s�ecified herein may '��e dou'��led, bLt in no enent shall such dou?�led fee be less tha� T���elve (�12.00) rollars. The pay�ent of such dou�le fee sha13 not relieve any per�on, firm or corporatian from fully complyin¢ �•�ith a11 of the requirements of all app2icable re;ulations and cc�des, nor sha13 it rel�.eve t'�en frvr� bein�; suh�ect to any of the penalties therein. � F. �Ih1SPECTIQFI FEES : t�lhen extra inspe�tion trips are necessary due to (1) ;�rong address bein� given on call f or inspe�tion, (2) �rior rejection of �c�ork �ue to faulty canstruction, (3} wor� not bein4 reac�y for insgection at time specified, (4) failure to call for final cr other inspections, {5) rec�uired corrections not being made or completed at time specifi4d, a fee ef T'_zree �$3.00� IIollars for each such reinspection may �e charged, Th.e payment of reinspection fees may be req�ire�. hefore any further permits ��ill �e iss�ed to the person or firr.t o�ring same, and. further inspections may be ref.used until payment of reinspection fees have �een ma�e. r' � r CITY �F MIAMI 3�AC�T ELE�.TRICAI� PERT�IT FEES i. ':�JUG�I WIpING OUTLETS: (cefling, brae'�cet, receptacle, swizch, si�a, t�.l.aphone) 1 th rou�h 10 out le t s For each additianal outlet 2. SERVICES: Tempcxary for construction 100 amnere and under � aver 100 ampere to 204 ampere (�ver Z00 ampere to 400 ampere C�ver ��4 am�ere to 600 a�pere 4ver 600 ampere to 800 ampere For each additional 100 arane re (over 800 ampere) 3. S��tITCHB�ARI3S : �iy am�eres, sa�►e as "SE�'�VICES" (Item 2 above) 4 . EQUiP�'+EIUT : P.ange Range t op Oven t�ater �ieater Space I�eater 4lashing ma�hine Garbage Disposal - not permitted Di sh t�asher Dee� Freezer Air Conditioning }3_y horsepotJer t�otors - each up to 1 horsepoc�er " over 1 HP through 3 HP " ove r 3 HP t� rou�±h 5 NP " over 5 NP through 8 HP " over 8 h�P throu�;h 10 �:P " ove r 10 �'�.P th rough 2 5 HP " over ZS �� Chrou�h 2�0 �-�P " over 100 HP Motors (other than air conditionin;) E•�here located on same f loor, fee for largest motor, olus $1.OQ for each additi onal) . S. 1'�AC"tl�?ES : X-ray - Portable (�entist) X-ray - Stationar�� {roctor� Diathermic 2 . �JO 1.25 1.25 2.00 1.25 1. 25 1.25 1.25 1.25 2.50 4.00 5,00 6.40 10.00 12.00 �o.00 1.25 6.00 Z.25 T Electrical Pezmit Feea - Psge 2- CITY �F i�I�'n BEACH 7. �tIFLDING I�ACHINES : Up to 2S amperes 4ver 25 amQeres to 50 amperes Ove r 50 amperes $ 3. 64 p Ius $1. 20 f or each additional 50 amperes or fractional part thereof. 8. TRAILER PARKS: :Kain 3ervice and Sub Services--as per Item 2. Ec�uipment as per Item 1. 9. gPECIAL PURPOSE 4UTLETS: (Comaer�ial) Popcorn, dou�;hnut, drink machines, coin music machines, toa�ters, eoffee urn, deep fryer, ref ri�erator, dispiay cases Autv pai��ing - Balca ov�ens 10, siGrtS : First 10 lights Each addirional 20 li�hts or f ractian thereof Transformers (neon) �or f irst Each additional trans�ormer Flasher Time Clock Sign repair�, connection and reconnection 11. FIY;TUr•ES : Lights - 1 tY�roug� 10 so�kets - 1 through 10 florescent tuue3 « Each additional 12 . C0�'�? IN,ATI ON : Li�ht fixtures and outlets up through 10 - one ins�. Streamers or festoon lights: First 10 light� Each additional 10 or fraction 13. PLUGP�t4LD: First 25 feet Each 5 feet thereafter 14. TE���'0�2ARY t�iORY OP� CIRCUSES, CA^�3IVALS, ETC. Serv�.ces as per Item 2- C�utlets as per Iter�s 1 and 13 15. A�INI?'!Ui�i PE'2T''IT FEE : � $ 2.SQ 4.�0 l.zs 6.�0 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.00 2 . 00 2.00 a.00 l. 50 1.50 .15 2.00 1.20 .60 1.25 .25 2.00 A. DOUBLE FEES; T�hen �sor:�, for which a per�t is required is coMr�enced prior to the ob�aining of a permit, the fees as specified �erein nay �e doubled, but in no event shall such doubled fee be less than Zt�elve ($12.00) nollars. �'k�e payment of such double fee shall not relieve any person, firm or corporafiion fx'om fully complying caith all of the requirer�ents of all apvlicab�e regulations and codes, nor shall it relieve them fro� being subject to anv of the penalties therein. B. T'EINSPECTI4N F�ES. � MEC':6PJICAL PER'`IIT FEES C I TY OF trT I A� Z I E3EACH l. QIr CONDI'rldNlrIG Al�rt? �'FFRIGE�ATItY�1 a. For each Con cagacity or fractional part: (Fees are calculated on t�.e total tonnage of all units an �ach '`mechanical permit. �xat�l.e: C�ne, 2� ton AC Unit, (?ne, 1� tan AC Unit, and t?ne, �a ton AG Unit on sar�e p�rmit �aould be : Tota� 4� ton �$2.40 per ton, �'EE : $12 . QO 2. FUF:3AGES Ai�U ��ATIrTG �QUIP� .�a��'T PE� t?'.+IT I'�TSTaLLEA: a. Fnr the first 200,J00 £TU per hour or fractional nart b. For each additional 100,�00 3TU per hour or fractfonal part (�iote: The ratin�; of furnace and heating equiprnent shall be based on the 5TU inpur c�f fuel used ger hour) . c. Oil Heaters d. Space I�eaters (For each additional space heater on same per�ait -$1.20 e. Dryers 3. ELE VATOP.S $ 2.40 4. n0 �.40 4. 80 3.60 4 . 80 a. Permit f�e for the in�tal].ation of an elevatior, escalator or dumbcaaiter (including initiai inspections and certificate) 12.00 b. Permit fee for the major revamping of an eievator, e�calator or dumbr�aiter (inc2udin� initial in��ections and certificate). 12.�J0 c. Fee for inspe�tion of an elevator, escalator or dumbcaaiter 6.00 d. Certificate of inspection. �ahere inspection has been made by an ins uran ce comp any ). 2. 40 e. Gertificate f�ee for elevator inspection, annually 6.00 f. �levators Certif� cate of Competency, annually 1.2� (i�ote: Passenger and freig�.t elevators are re�nsnec�ed quarterlq. Escalators and dunbc�aiters are i�snected se�i- annually}. 4. BOILERS: (Tncluding Under�round and Above Graund Tar�.�:s, U.F. Pressur� Vessels, Steam Loilers and �iot E*Jater '3oilers) . a. Install�►tion permit fees {includin¢ initial inspection ane� � ce rtif icate) . 6.00 b. Internal Inspection (Boi2er} c. External Ins�ection (Eoiler) d. Unf�,red *�ressure vessel (Inspection) e. Certificate of inspec�ion (E•�here inspection has been made by an insurance company) . (note: Iaternal and external k�ia:h pressure bo; ler inspections are made ser�i-annually, and unfired Qressure vessel inspections are made annuallq). 5. FI�tE SPnINi:LE�. SYSTE` i5 : a. Per sprinkler head b. ��iniraun permit fee for fire sprinkler system 12.0� 6.00 3.6a � �'' . ' ,' _- "1�chanical Permit Feea - Page 2- CITY OF PtIA�;I E�"ACIi 6. C40LING T0��1ERS : a. For each $l,rJ00. cost or esti�ated cost b. F�'inimum permit fee for Cooling Tot,�er 7. SHEET N.�:T�L AND VENTIL�!TIP3G: . . • . $ 2.40 12 . (?� a. For the first $10�.00 of estimated cost or fractio�al nart 2.40 b. From $101. to $1,000. of estima.tec� cost or fra�tional part 6.0(1 c. For each additional $1,000. of estimatec� cost or fractional part 2.4t1 �, PROCESS AND PRESSt�ltE PIPII3G: a. For tihe first $100. of estimated cost or fractional part 2.4J b. From $101. to $1,000. of esti�.ated cost or �ractional part 6.00 c. For each aaditional $1,000. of estir�ated cost or f racti onal part 2.40 9. Ar�IUSE"'E�1T DEVICES: (Including, but not limited to 'iecha�ical �'�iding, Sliding, Sailing, or S��inginQ). a. For each portable or t�emnorary unit 12.00 b. For each permanent unit inatalled or altered 60.00 10. DOUBLE FFES: (Violations) a. T�Jhen <<�ork for �ahich a permit is requfred is cor_+menced prior to the obtaining of a permi t, the fees as specified herein r�ay be doubled, �ut in no e�ent shall such doubled fee be less than T�•relve ($12.00) :�ollars . The payment of such double iee s?�all not relieve any per4on, firm or corPoration fro� fully complyin� with a11 of t1�e require�ents of ali applicable regulations and codes, nor shall it relieve ther+ from bein� su�ject to any of the penalties t:�erein. Z1. R�I�?SPF�TI�AT �'�ES : a. t�lhen extra inspection trips are necessary due to (1) wrong address befng given on call for inspection, �2) prior reiection of ���ork due to faulty construction, (3) wor� not bei�� ready for inspection at time speci��.ed, (4) failure to call for final or other ins�ections, C5) required corrections not heing made or completed at time specifiec�, a fee of Three ($3.60) I?ollars and Sixty Cents for each such reinspection may be charged. b. The payr�.ent of reinspection fees �ay be re�uired before any further nermits will be issued to the person or firm oc�in� same, and further insnections t�ay be refused until payment of re- inspection fees have been made. 12. £EFUIti�DS, TIi�.'E LI�?ITATION, �.E��GATI4"], FTC.: a. See �outh Florida Buildin� Code and .A��endr�ents. •�0— ad�:�..�..�.,� , . � • � . „ � SECTION 2: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: The health and welfare of the City being in peril, the�three readings of this ordinance shall be had in one session and the City Council finding that this ordinance is necessary for the immediate protection of its citizens, it shall therefore go into effect immediately upon its passage. PASSED and ADOPTED this llth day of October, 1968. , / / . "� � ce-Mayor ATTEST: ity Clerk and Finance Director lst reading - October 11, 1g68 2nd reading - October 11, 1968 3rd reading - October 11, 1g68 POSTED - October 15, 1g68 �� . � w � • r � r STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DP�,DE : � � . � . � ,. I, RUTH B. RQULEAU, City C lerk and Finance Director in and for the City of Niiami Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that Ordinance No. 1716 entitled: "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8-3 OF 'THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA "' having been passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, has been posted by me in three conspicuous places in the City of Miami Beach, one of which was at the door of the City Hall in said City on the 15th day of October, 1968 and that said Ordinance remained posted for a period of at least thirty days in accordance with the requirements of the City Charter of the said City of Miami Beach. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and af f ixed the of f icial seal of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, on this the 4th day of December, 1g68. City Clerk and Finance Director .� , 1 i . - � . � . � „ , : , ! 1 � -� . T ; _: , ., - � _ F, • ti � A �r- • � -,,. .. � . � _.. .... . ,:_.. _ . . � � � ���3`�s� f ..M� � .--. � — � � C f� � � p' (p O -• v 70 � cn v tQ -• — � z � co D o � � n � � � m — -. _. c-� rr —� z — Q O Z , -n -• • D �� r rn cn -r � � � � -. m o, � . �u � rt -�s � v � � � � , ._ . ._ _- .._ .. _ _ _ _., .. . . . �. ,� ` , �