Ordinance 1739. ' ' . • . • � � . ' ti • ' . . � . „ .; • , �. �. , ,. , �. ORDII�IA:`3CE N0. 1739 � � AA� OF.DII�IA�SCE �.P�ENL�I?dG ��DI1'A?TCE N0. 1715, Ai��EA?DIriG O�DINAs,?CE rz0. 2 89 , C�' ��OP?LY RT�1�t?T�i AS �IE "ZO*TIl`t� ORDZ*�AI'�CE OF ��iIA".I BFACH, FLORIDA." BE IT ORDAINF� RY Tf=l� CITY C4US'dCIL OF T�TE CITY OF ��IAII B�A(:I�, FLORIDA: SECTI�N 1: That Zonin� t'lydinance ?�To. 1715 ar:'!ending Ardinance T�o. 289, coimnonly kno�m as Che "Zoning Ordinan�e of ?�iami Beach, Flarida," be amended by adding three additional articles, Frticles III, IV and V, iwmediately follac,�ing Article II, as further clescri�ed herein. III. �esign Stancl.ards A.. T'III�TI�IUi�� AREA. For the purpose of this �rdinance, an of f-s treet parkin� s�ace is an all-caeather surfaced are�, not in a street or alley, an� having a c•�idth of not less than nine (91 feet and. lengCh of not less than twenty (20) feet. The lenp�th required shall be measured on an axis parallel c�ith the vehicle after it is parked. �he ��idth required is to be column-free clear space, except trose spaces imznediately adjacent to a structural column �ait'tin an eaclosed parkin�; strueture may have a�aidth of 8' 6". The "required area is to he exclusive of driveways, permanently reserved for the temporary par��ing of one autoatobile and connected �•�ith a street or alley by an all-weather surfaced drivec��a�. This drivetaay must afford ingress and e�ress for an sutomobile to be moved, except in the case of. attendant parking. 3. I�RAIr1AGE AND kiAIT�1TE?1A�1CF. Off-street �arl�.inQ facilities shall be drained to pzevent dana�e to abutting property and/or Public streets and alleys and surfaced ���ith erosion-resistant material in accordance ��ith applicahle city specifications. Off-street parking areas shall �e maintained in a clean, orderly, ar_d dust- f ree condition at the expense of the o�mer or lessee anc� not used for the sale, repair, or dismantlin� or servicin� of any vehicles, equipr�ent, materials or supplie�. C. SFPA�'.ATION FROM t1ALKt•TAYS AZ1D STREETS. �f f-s treet par?�.ing spaces shall be separatec� from wallcc�ays, sidecaaiks, streets, or alleys by a�aall, fence, or cur?�ing or other approved protective device, as specified i�y the Dade County Ordinan�e ;10. b7-65. E2ITRAAI(�5��;�+iD EXITS, Location and desig,n of entrances and exits shall be in accord with the requirements of applicab�.e traffic , re�ulations and stanclards. Lands�aping, curbing, or approved barriers shall he providea along _1_ot boundaries to control entrance and exit of vehicles or pedestrians, as snecified by the Pade County Ordinance 1do. 67-65. RA�2PS. A maxtaum �rade of five (5) percent shall be permitted for sloped portions of sloping floor garages �•�here ramps provide c�irect access to stalls. Interfloor ramps and ramps to and from the established grade of any street shall not exceed t�ielve (12) percent, and no parkin� shall be pemitted directly off these rar�ps. . � � ,- � � � . • • • IV. r � 4 , . '� � �" . �. � � , , , , ?". In?TEnI�R DRIV�;. Interior drives shall be of ad'equate �aidth to serve a particular desi�n arrangement of nar!cing snaces, the follotiain� being mini�um �,��dths nermitted: 90° parrking - tr�enty (20) feet, with columns narallel to the interior drive on each side of the required drive � set back an additional. one (1) foot.� six (6) inches, measured from the edge of the required interior drive to the face of t:�e column. 45° par��in�; - eleven (11) feet. 60° parkina - seventeen (17) feet. 30° p�.rking - ten (10) feet, six (6) inches. Further defined hy the folloc�ing illustrations a '3�° t�ar�ing 0 ��� Parkin�.> _.__._ �� � `,� f . Y `j ' !. � `' '� l" � � ��� �� 45° park�.n� _ �� c� \ 1, \ :a s - ._ .� 3�J° par��in� G. MAP1;Ir1G. Parl:ing spaces in lots of r�ore than ten (10) spa.ces shall be marke� by nainted lines or curbs or oCher means to indicate indivic�ual spaces. Sip;ns or mark�rs shall '^e usec� as necessary to ensure efficient +traffic operations o� tihe lot. �'. LI�HTI*1G. Adeauate ligl�ting shall be provi ded in lots' of more than ten (10) s�aces if of f-street parking spaces are to be used at night. The lightin� shall be arran�ed and installed to Minimize �;lare on property in a residential e�istrict. I. SCP.FFTTI���G. t��]hen off-street nar�-.in� areas for ten (10) or more automo�iles are located closer than fifty (5�) feet to a lot in a residential district, or to any lot uoon ��hich there is a d�,aellin�; as a nermitted use, under this Ordina.nce and ���here such parlFin� areas are not entirely screened visually from such lot by a� inter- vening buildin�; or stru�ture, there �hall �e provided along the lot line a continuous, vision barrier sc�een T��ith a m�nimum 'iei�ht of five (S) feet. Suc� screen may consist of a corn�act evergreen he��e o_r folia?e screenin¢ or a ���all or fence. �'his screen_in� must also comply «ith the Pade County �rdi nance A�a . 6 7-65 . Joint Use an� Gff-Site Fa�ilities A.. Al1 parkin� spaces required herein shall be located an the s�me lot �•,�ith the buildin� or use s�rved, or ��ithin . a distance not to exceed 4J0 feet from such lot. u ..2r . ' . - • ' , c ., • - �' � i E. Y��here the required par�:ins� snaces ar� not located on t>>e same lot with the buildin� or use served and used as allotaed in the previous section A., a r�ritten agreement, thereby assurin¢ their retention for such purposes, shall be pronerly dra�rn and executed by the p�zrties concerned, anprovec� as to form by the Cit,y Attorne_y and shall be filed �>>ith the application for a?�uildinc perr�it. C. IP�TEP�p�:FTATInI� 0� 0��-ST�L�ET PArrKING FEQUIP�?�'ENTS. 1. �he par�cin� for storage nection *aith u�e. requirecl hereia is in addition to space of truc�:s or other vehicles use'd in con- a business, commercial, or :industrial 2. t�lhere fractional spaces result, the parking spaces required 4ha11 be construed to be the next highest cahole number. ' 3. The parlcing spa�e reQuirements far a use not spec�f icallq listed in this Section shall be the sane aa for a lister� use of similar cnaracteristics of parking der.►and generation. 4. In t�e case of mixed uses, uses with different park- ing, requirementa occupying the same �uilding or premises, the parkina spaces re�uiXed shal.l equal the sum of the requiremer_ts of the various use� conputed separately, except that parking re�uirements for per- mitted accessory uses in an apartment bu�lding, apartment-hotel, hotel, motel, cr motor lodge and containin� 100 or more d�aelling units and/or rental sleepin� units, shall �e prov�.ded as fo1lo��s: �� One space per G00 square feet services, and/or office floor rental space. of retail, person�l space, utilized as (hze space per 10 seats of total, combined seating� capacity in vublic eatina and drinking facilities� and assembly and meeting rooms for the f irst 1,00�' se�.ts; e c n �•rhere ninetv,r (9(1) nercent or more of ' any dinin� soace is utilized solel and exclu ve by t e reQistered guests or tenants of such estab- s ent. �Jne space per 18 seats of such seating capacite in excess of 1,0�0 seats. One �pace per 5 boat bertha. 5. s�Thenever a building or use, constructed or estat�- � isheci after the effective date of tt�is Ordinance, is changed or enlarged in floor area, nuaher of dwellin� or rental sleeping units, seat,ing capacity ar othet�•�ise, to create a requirement for an increase in the number of existing narking spaces, such spaces shall �e vrovided on the baeis of the enlar�enent or chan�e. V. Parl:inP �n I'ront Yards . � Off-street parking spaces shall not be lacated in��a required front yard, provided one rec�uired space for a sinale-familv �etached d*.�elling may be located �n said �� front yard, and reQuire�i �arlcing Fpaces for loC's under' l0,OQ0 sq. ft. may be located in said front ya'rd. ' .. - �,,`ti ' . � _._.__......----- -.. 1S � � � , I� ' 3 _ _ ; . i " 1/ � �1 � �_ � . : . �_:. � ' `" =��� . . ' � , . � . r . . . � � , ., � .. . � � •�,-, � . . - ,_. a �%,' � , ; � ; %� � SECTIOTd 2 Nothing coatained herein shall be deemed to affect or vary the provisions of any variance heretofore granted or any variance granted prior to the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 3 All ordinances or parts of ordinan�es in confict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 4 This ordinance shall go into effect February 6, 1969. PASSED and ADOPTED this 4th day of �ecember, 1968. .'L�- Mayor r ATTEST: C ty C1 erk- Fi nance D i rector lst reading - December 4, 1g68 2nd reading - December.4, 1968 3rd reading - December 4, 1968 POS1`ED - December 10, 1968 • � � � . �� ' a s � . ' � - . - � STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY QF DADE: I, RUTH B. ROULEAU, City Clerk and Finance Director in and for the City of Miamz Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that Ordinance No. � 739 en�.itled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 1715, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 289, COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE "ZONING ORDINANCE OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA." having been passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, has been posted by me in three conspicuous places in the City of Miami Beach, one of which was at the door of the City Hall in said City on the lOth day of December, 1968, and that said Ordinance remained posted �or a period of at least thirty days in accordance with the requirements of the City Charter of the said City of Miami Beach. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, on this the 19th day of February, 1969. City Clerk and Finance Director 1 i � 11 „ � '� � � � i � • . � • . r t i i , f,-, � �� t � • . • .. � e+ � . • S r\ � � r\ � _ � � � � � •.� '� �J N (0 • N 'p O 'v M � z c� rn rnrn M N C � � ^ V •— •— — ^� C 1 'II � L —p .. ¢ o.� a�°— z z -v — � L � � C� W O C � 1 � zrnscn o ¢�v�-�v� Z•— •— L � — "0 �-- � �— � C..QTi U � N c� � •— O � �1-� cQ +� � V1 d-� L � W N Q � I�;