Ordinance 1740, � a , , � f � - • � � � � • � v . f � ' ' � • . . ' ._.. . 'r • - r . ' • ORDIr!ANCE rIO. � �4n ---•---- AN ORDINANCE ATIEtJDING 0.'t'�I?ZI`3AT1C�' ZZ(1. 289 COt�ONLY I�T(��1�T AS THE "ZOT�TII�IG ORDII�IA�`3�E 0� MIA?�I �E�CH, FLORI�A." •� • � ' . • t, � • ,i � BE iT ORDAiNED BY THE CZTY COt3h�CiL nF T�iE CZTY OF i�rtA?��I BEAC�i, �'LORI�� : SECTION 1: That �rdinance ?'To. 2�39, Commonly kno•.�n as the "Zonin� C�rdinan�e of '��iaMi Beac�t, Florida", be and the same is hereby amenc�ed by addin�; a ne��� section thereto, to follo�>> in�ediately after Section 16-B, to be numbered and to read as folloc��s: "SEC'CIOA1 lb-�A Lot Coverage "The fvllowing regulations shall apply to apartment building3 and apartment-hotels in all districts ��here such uses are peratitted, and to hotels and motels in all disCricts where such uses are permitted: "DEFINITI�IS �'ront Yard - That area betcaeen the front propertv line (defined as that property line �ahic� a�uts on a street) and the frant line of any main or accessory building measured at its least dinensio� unoccunied and extendin� fron+ one siae lot line to the other side line, or from one side lot line to a side street or from side street to side street. (hi through lots, the required front yard shall be provided on each street front and there shall be no rear yard re4uirenent. Rear Yard - That area extending across rhe full width of a lot between the rear lot line; harbor line oY m.ean high c..+eter line, whic!�ever is westerly; bull�head or c��aterway, and the rear line of any main or accessory �uilding measured at its least dimension unoccupied and extendinp from one side lot 11ne to the other side lot line, or fzom one side lot line to a side street or fror� side street to side street. Side Yard - 1'hat area bet��een a main or accesaory building and the side Iot line or aide street measured at its least dimension unoccupied anc� exCendin� from the front line of any main or accessory building to the rear line of any main or accessory buildirig, as described herein. Buildin� Nei,,�ht_ - The vertical distance from the side:��alk elevation at the f ront of a building to the highes t point of the building. t�lhexe buildings or portions of buildings on a site have varied hei�hts or levels, the definite height of these �iuildings or portions of huildings shall be used in the calculation of other applicabl.e re�ulations herein. The buildin� height of all buildings and structures sha ll be divided into 4 levels for the �urpose of determi.ning aetbacics and lot coveraae regulations. Suhterranean - That portion of a building or structute ��hich i9 equai to or less than 8 feet in heig,ht above sid*��alk elevation and is utilized solely and exclusively for the purpose of parking and equip�ent. jjhere a subterrariean area abuts a side lot line, open and unencumbered access shall be provided fro�, the front yard area to the roof or deck of such area by means of a ramp or stairs. Ground - That portion of a huilding or structure which is equal to or less than 20 feet in hei�;ht above sic�ec��alk elevation and is utilized solely and ex�lusively far the purpose of parlcin�, equipment, public apaces, ac�ess c�ays, s��imming pools, cabanas, lobbies, shops and offices, but under no circvmstances used for apaFtment units and/or sleeping units. t'here a su?�terranean level area, as described herein, is utilized, the ground level area shall be that portion of a buiidin¢ or structure a�ove the subterranean level area and equal to or less than 20 feet in height above the sidec��allc elevation. -1- _,� � � W � . . � , � , - . - . , .•'' • � � � . . . _ � , � . Pe�estal - Th�t nortion of a builc�;.ng or structure *ahich is equal to or less than 45 feet :i.n hei��t ahove sidewall:, elevation. t!here � a Qround level ar_d/or subterranean leve�. area, as ciescribed herein, is utilized, the pedestal levert area shall be that portion of a builclin� or structure above the �round level area or suhterranean level if no ground leve? is ut�.�.ized, an� equal ; to or Zess than 45 feet �n 1�eight above the sideci�alk elevation. To�•�er -'i'�at portion of a buildi�� or structure greater than 45 feet in �eight and not more than 225 feet in height. 't'he maximum allowable height for all huildinQs and structures is 225' above sidecaall� elevatiion. Lot Coverage-- The percenta�!e of the total area of a lot that when vie�aed direct ly f rom above ��oul�. be covered '�y all prin�iaal and accessory buildings and struc�ures or porti�ns thereof. That portion of a building or structure �•�hich is equal to or less than 20 feet in hei�ht and is utili�ed solely and ex�lusively for the purposes of uartcin�;, e�uipment, �ulalic snaces, access c�ays, s���im�ning pools, ca�anas, loboies, shops and o£fices, but un�.er no circumstaneEs used for anartment units or sleenin� units, shall be excluded from lot covera�e comnuCa_tion. C�nen balconies, a�,min�s and porte-�Qc!�eres shall not �e inclu�ed in determining the b�ildin� area. Grade - Grade shall be c�ef�.ned as th� sidetaalk elevation at the center of the building or structure. If ther� is more than one street, an avera�e sidc,�all� elevation shall be used. If there is no side�Talk, the Puhlic �tiTorks Department shall establish the sideT�ralk elevation. "SETBACK APrp LOT COVE�'AGE P.EGULATIO�'S FOR P'�ITI,TIPLE--�'A''�ILY ZOtTIi?G DIST�'.I(;TS I For the purpose of establishing setbac�: regulations on multiple-family zonin�; districts, the City of �7iami Beach shall he divided into ten Area ciistricts as described on the �-iultiple�-Family Zonin�; Area District ?sap included herein, and hereafter referred to as ±;F-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. II M3nimum Yards. - H z 0 a w � � w V 0 l. Front anc� n_ear Yards shall be provided in accordance with the following table. TTo minimum yard requirement for a to�aer level shall be less than the �.inimum yard requirenent for any lower level. DISTRI CT LEVEL I�"�.OP1T rrAr_ Sub 54 0 Ground 50 40 ?`_2F - 1 Pedestal 50 90 Tot�rer 54 �0 +.4 height Sub 23 � �IF - 2 Graunc? 2�} 40 Pedestal 4J 75 To�er 4� .5 hei .ht Sub 20 0 �.,F - 3 Grounc� 20 40 Pedestal 20 40 Tower 40 .5 hei ht Sub 2�J 0 Grounc� 20 40 �� � 4 Pedestal 20 40 To-Ter 20 .33 hei�ht -z- �zs�r.zcT LF�'€?L No subterranean area shall be allo�aed in this dist. Ground 20 10 Pedestal 20 10 Ta�aer 20 .3 hei�ht P?o suhterranean area shall be allo*•�ed in this dist. Ground 24 10 Pedestal 2� l� Tower � .3 hei�ht * There shall be a Minimu� front yard of 20 €eet. r10 point on a building or strucCure shall be closer to the center line of a street than .5 the hei�;ht above sidecaalk elevation, ho��Tever, no front yard shall be greater than 44 feet. ' 2. Side Yard requirements for a11 districts are as fo�.lor�s: A side yard of at leas t l0y of the lot ���� dth shall be providec! on each side of a buildin� or structure. ?'3o side yard adjacent to a street shall be less than 10 feet, and shall be developed and maintained as a landscaped area and no interior side yard shall �e less than 6 feet nor more than 15 feet for building or structures equal to or less than 45 feet in hei�;ht, and no point on a building shall be closer to the center line of a side street than .3 the building hei�*ht. '�1�en a building or structure exceeds 45 feet in height, that portion of a building or structure above 45 feet shall �e no closer than .3 the building height �o a side lot 1ine. There shall he no sicle yard requirement �o r a subterranean srea, except a 10 foot setbacl� shall be reRuired adjacent to a side street or alley. Such area to �e �ieveloped and maintainec� a� a landscaped area. For determining side yard setbacl�.s for that portion of a!�ju�lding or structure e�ual t� or less than 2Q feet in heig�t, ut; l�.zed as a ground level, as further described herein, the follo��ing formula sh�11 be used: a. t,lhere the height of the roo€ or deck of a�round level is equal to or lesti than the estab lished grade of the adjacent propertq or building on the property at the abutting property lines, no setbacic shall be required. b. T�mere the height of a roof or deck of a ground level is greater than the established grade of the adjacent �roperty or buildin� on tY�e property at the abutting property lot lines, a side yard of 10 feet shall be provided for the first 10 feet in hei¢ht above the establ�.shed sidec�allc elevation anc� an ad�itional 1 foot in hei�ht shall be provided for each additional 2 feet in heiaht above sidewalk elevatio�. ?�ot��ever, the reauired setback for ground level sha11 not exceed that setback required for the pedestal level above. Such sethack area shall be developed and maintained as a landsca�ed area. -3- .._.. _ ....�....__ 1 . • ,.' � ._ , - . . L ` III 2iaximum Iieight -'�'he maximum a11o��able hei�ht for a11 bu:�lding� and • structures is 225 f.eet above sideTaaltc elevation. IV Lot Covera�e _.___ � l. ('n a lot c�ith a total area less than 10,�0� souare feet, t':�ere shalt be no lot covera�e restrictions� 2. (h? a lot ��it� a total area of 10,�0�1 sauare feet or �*reater, the lot coverage nernitted shall be det�*rmine�3 by the hei�ht of the buildins� or Portion of the buildinQ in accor�ance *�ith the follo��ing table; pzovided that t`�e maxir_►.um lot covera�e permitted shall t�e 5�9' for the pedestal level, as described l�erein, of any buil�ing or group af huilc�inas, reoar�less of the total �eight of the buildins�. That nort� on of a 1�uildinn or ar�uo of buildin�s c�hi�h is utilized as a subterranean our Qrounc� level shail be exclude� fra�n lot covera�e comnufiations. �he �►aximum lot covera�e shall not exceed t'�e follo�>> n� : '�?ei�;ht of. Buildin� Lot Covera¢e 45 ft. or les^ ...................... 45.1 - 50 ft . ...................... 50.? - �0 ft ........................ 6G�.1 - 70 ft ........................ 7�.1 - 80 ft ...................,..... �f�.l - 90 ft ........................ �0.1 -10�1 ft ........................ 100.1 -150 ft ........................ 150.1 -200 ft..•••••••••••••••••••••• 2�0 - 225 ft ........................ "SiTPPLF"tTai1TA"Y ��EIG�1'T, �.T'EP �'iT; I'�t1LT'_ I?�CITLATI4*TS 50� 33Y 31Q , � 29% 2 �3% 2 o, „ 2b% 25% 20% 15% The re�ulations set f.orth in this section qualify or sup�leraent the �istrict egulations appearing else���ere in this orc�inance. "I Corner Visihilitv (hl a corner lot, t�iere shall be n� structure or plantin;� =.��hich �naterially ohstructs traffic visibilitv bet•�een the hei�hts of 2 feet and 10 feet above t'ze street corner gracie, �•1it���n ehe trian�ular snace boundec� ��y the t��To intersecting right-of-way lines anc�. a straiQht line connectin� t}ie right-of-�lay line� 15 feet from their intersection. II ��ixe�. ?zse= �eiQht, A.rea and � ul?� �'�equirements A. Trnere more than 25`0 �� the total f loor area of any ��uildin� in a �at�siness c�istric� is use� for d���elling nurposes, the heiQht, area and '�ul�. requirer�enCs for residential develo�ment as described in this or�inance ghall aPnly, in accor�iance �-�ith tl�e appronriate "�ulti-Far�ily Area �istr3.ct re�ulations inposed on suc�� huciness districts as descri��ed on the �'4ultiple-Family 2oning Area �`istrict 'sap sub ject to the yard modification for �ii�ec' uses contained else- t�here ir_ this article. �rt�er� 25% or les� of t��.e total area of su�h buil�ir�p; is useci for dt�elling, purposes, the buildin�s s�all be suU ject to the hei�ht, area anc� f�ulk renuirements applicable to non-resic�ential �.uildin�� in the district. �3. ���here a�uilding containing both residential anc� non-residential uses is suhject ta t?�e height, area, and bulk requirements ap�licable to resident3al development, a minir�um front yard of. 1!J' sha11 be provided, guch area to be �eveloped and maintained as a land- scapecl area; and a minimum side yard adjacer�t to a street of 10' shall �e vrovided, sucY� area to he developed and maintained as a landscaved area. �ide yard re�uirements for residential develop- ment �hall be apnlied anly to the lo�aest floor (and all �loors above it) cahich contains more than tt-�enty-five (25l) percent of -4- . . � • , . � . ' v •� • ' , ` ' " . ' - � -'� • - • �� . , � •� ' its area used for dc.Telling space and side yarc� requirer�ents for non-residential development shall he those required in the agp lic- able business distri�t. C. �•h�enever a lot in a business district abuts upon a public off- street parking area, r@gidential rear yard requirements may be reduced by 1/2, hoc��ever, a minimum rear yard of 10 feet shall be provided for those areas of residential developnent as � described herein. D. No buildin� in the Arthur Godfrey Road Area Rusiness ??istr�icts utilized for hoth residential and non-re�idential use may exceed the hei�ht restrictions on non-resident�,al use for the appropriate district. III l+todification of ��eight regulations A. The height re�ulations as prescr3bed in this ordinance shall not apply to the following ��hen not used or intended to be used far habitation: 1. Relf ries . 2. Chimneys. 3. Church spires. 4. Conveyors. 5. Cooling toT�ers. 6. Elevator i�ulkheads. 7. Fire towers. 8. F?ag poles. 9. �?onuments. 10. (�rnamental towers and spires. I1. Radio and television tocoers less than 125 feet in hei�;ht. 12. Smoke stacks. 13. Sta�;e to�-�ers or scenery lofts. 14. Tanks. 15. ��Tater toc��ers. B. 'I''he height of all ailoc�able iter�s in section A. above shall not exceed 25 feet in �Zei ght above the �aximum 225 f_eet above side- wal�f elevation and under no ci rcumstances shall the height of these items exceed 25� feet above sideo�alk elevation. C. �?ot�,�ithstandin� other provisions of the �e re�ulations, the height of all s tructures an� natural Qraath shall be limited by the requirenents of the Federal Aviatian Agencv and any airport zoning regulations appli�a� le to such structure and natural �ro�ath. IV Supp lementary Yard Re�ulations A. t��NE?'.A.L. 1. ��Thenever a lot abuts upon a public a�.ley, one-tialf of the alley ��idth may be consldered as a p�rtion of the rec►uired �ard, hot�ever, a r�inimutn yard of ].0 feet shall be pxovic�ed exclusive of t'�e a�.ley F;�idth. 2. T'here th ege revulations refer to gide streets, the Plannin� and Zoninn 7irector shall be guided by the pattern of development in the vicinity of tre lot in question in determinin� ���hich of tF•�o streets is the side s treet, 3. '1here an official line has been establish ed for the f uture c�idening or openin� oi a street upon �a�ic� a lot abuts, t�en thP depth of a front or side-yard-�shall be measure� from such official line Co the buildinQ line. 4. Fxcept as otherc-�ise provided in t%is ordinance, on throuph lots the required front yard shall �e provided on each street. 5. The minimum deptih of interior side yarcls f�r sc'�ools, libraries, churches, cor:maunitiy houses, anc� other public and semi-puh lic buildin�s in residential ctistricts shall he fifty (50) feet, except �ah�,re a side yarc� is adjacent to a business district, in �•rhich case, the depth of that yard sY�all be as required for the district in c,�hic� the bu�lc�in� i� located. -5- . . . 1 .�J� ". • , ��_ _:� ' . . , � B. A1.L4TaA.�LF E2TCROACItFIF!'1TS , � _ � '.� • ` �^• . 1. Every part of a req�iired �ard shall be open to t��e sky, except as authorized by this Ordinanc�, and except ordinary projections of sills, belt courses, roof overhan�;s, �aindoc� sir conditionin�; units, chimneys, cornices, open balconies and ornamental features 7��hich may project into a xequired _yard a distance not to exceed 25% of the �,�idth of the 'required yard, and such projections are not to exceed 6', and provided t�at there should not 3e less than 8' clear he�.gt�t un�er any such projection. �pen balconies as herein described, must be non- contiguous and non-connecting and not exeeed 150 square feet in area. 2. T�oveble a��nings attached to, and supporte�i by a builc�in� TTall may be placed over doors or ��indc�ys in any required yard, but such a��mings ahall not project closer than three feet to any lot line. 3. A canopy shall be permitted to extend from the entrance door to the street line of any �ain buildin� in a multin?e-f.amily resi- dential district. ��ere a sideraalk and curb exi5t, the canopy may extend to ���ithin eighteen (18} �nc��es of the cur?� 1.ine. Such canopies shall not exceecj fifteen (15) feet in width or t���elve (12) feet in ��ei�;ht or be screene� or enclosed in any manner and shall provide an unobstructed, clear snace bet�reen th e�rade and the bot tom of the valan�e of at leas t seven �7 ) f eet . 4. Onen, t�nen�losed porch.es, or p].atforms not covered by a roof or canopy, and cahich do not extend a?�ove the level of the first floor of th e buildin�, may extend or project into the front or sicle yard not more than six (6) feet. 5. Ornamental fences, �r�alls and hedges ar� permitted as folloc�rs: a. ^ront yards - maximum of 5 feet. b. Side and rear yards - maximuin of 7 feet. c. Along the bonndary betuaeen a r�sidential and a business district - 1�J feet. 6. Accessory s��immi.tZg pools � open and unenclosed, or covered �y a screen enclosure, or screen enclosure not covering a swir.�ain� pool, may occupy a required rear or side yard, provideci they are not located closer than 6 feet to a rear lot line or 10 feet to an interior side lot line. A�•�alk space at least 18 inct+es �•ride shall be provided bet�,�een pool T��alls and fences or screen en- closure cTalls. T�'very sc�inming pool shall be prote�ted by a safety barrier approved by the Plannin� and Zoning i`irecCor. 7. Accessory buildings tot�ich are noC a part of the main buitding may be constructed in a rear yard, provided such �ccessorv builcling does not occupy more than 30% of t�e area of the required rear yard and provided it is nc►t located claser than 5 feet to a rear or interior side lot line. A screen enclosure shall �e ineluded in the com»utation of area occupied in a re�uirec� rear yard but an open uncovere�i s��rimminp pool shall not �e included." _ . . _ _ � � .. -.,.�. , . _ , r . . - � , '� � , . • . •' _ .; _ . , SECTI4N 2; 3'hat all otdinance� or parts of ordinances in conflict hereE�ith be and the same a�re hereby regesled. �ECTION 3: That this ord�nance shall go into ef fect Februa�-� b, 1969. PASSED and ADOPTED this 4th day of December, 196$. � or ATTEST : City Clerk-Finance Director 1 st read i ng -September �+, 1 g68 2nd read i ng -September 1+, 1 g68 3rd reading - December 4, 1968 POSTED - December 10, 1968 � STATE OF �LORIDA COUNTY �F DADE: � � � r � � • ' . . f I, RUTH B. ROULEAU, City C lerk and Finance Director in and for the City of Miami Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that Ordinance No. � 7�+� entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 289, COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE "ZONING ORDINANCE OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA." havin+g been passed and adopted by the City Council of the City af Miami Beach, Florida, has been posted by me in three conspicuous places in th� Cit� of Miami Beach, one of which was at the door of the City Hall in said City on the lOth day of December, 1968, and that said Ordinance remained posted for a period of at least thirty days in accordance with the requirements of the City Charter of the said City of Miami Beach. IN WITNESS S�►1F3EREOF I have hereunto set my hand and af f ixed the of f icial seal of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, on this the 1 gth day of February, 1 g69. City Clerk and Finance Director � � � �t � • l � ' _ ` ` _, � � i. . f � � t . . , ,...:.� r ..__.� r. .. . 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