Ordinance 1786. . . , . ' • Y � � t • , , , ' . �. . , � � , � . , ORDtNANCE N0. 1786 AN ORD 1NANCE AMEND ING SECTION 20. 17 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MtAM{ BEACH, FLORIDA. BE #T ORDAtNED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 4F MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTlON 1: That that porfiion of Section 20.17 of the Code of the City of h1iami Beach, Florida, reading as follows: (34) BOOTBLACK STANDS, not in connection with barber shop,, ,.95 shoe repair shop or ofiher place of business, each chair $ be, and the same is hereby amended to read as foilows: (34) BOOTBLACK STANDS, not in connect f�bus�iness,beachhchair 4.00 shoe repair shop or other ptiace SECTION 2: That that portion of Section 20,1? of the Code of the City of t�1iami Beach, Florida, reading as follows: � 75) EXPRESS COMPANIES 125.00 be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: (��) EXPRESS COMPANIES 225.00 SECTION 3: That that portion of.Section 20.17 of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Flor�da, reading as fotlows: (�12} (c} For each dry cleaning business location ' 85.00 be, and the same is hereby amended to read as foilows: (�i2) (c) For each dry cteaning business location }25.00 SECTION 4: That that portion of.Section 20.17 of fihe Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, reading as follows: (117) MARBIE MACH INES, SHUFFLEBOARDS, BOI�lL ING ALLEYS automafi i c coi n games or devices of skili or other s�milar machines or games operated for profit. The applicant des+ring to sell, lease or rent one or more marble machines, shuffleboards, bowling alleys, automatic coin games or devices of skill or othe{nsconnectmonhw'rth or games operated for profit aione or any other business shall file with the li�ense department, in person if a natural perso�, or by duly authori2ed agent or officer of the firm or corporation a written application for a license to do business in thh��itentitlehtheCapplicant shall issue to the appticanti and s to engage in the seliing, leasing or renting of one or more machines, shuffleboards, bowling alleys, games or devices as above described alone or in �onnect�fee o�h.any other �00,00 business upon the payment of a license be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follnws,: - - - - ' - • � ' • . e�. • i+ _ . _ �a. ....,... .. i� : � /� A � !1 (117) MARBLE MACHINES, SHUFFl.E60 games or devices of skill operated for profit. . . , , . , . � , *,. �� ' • . , � , •. The applicant desirtng to seil, tease or rent one or more marble machines, shuffleboards, bowling alleys, automatic coin games or devices of skill or other similar machines or games operated for profit alone or in connection with any other business shall file with the license department, in person if a natural person, or by du�y authorized agent or officer of �he firm or corporation a written application for a license to do business in the city. Such license shali issue to the applicant and sha11 entitle the applicant to engage in the seiling, leasing or renting of one or more machines, shuffleboards, bowling alleys, games or devices as above described alone or in connection with any other business upon the payment of a license fee of $I,000.40 SECTION 5: That that portion of Secfiion 20.17 of the Code of the �� City of Miami Beach, Florida, reading as follows: (136� MUSIC BOXES, MECHANICAL PHONOGRAPHS, CONSOLES, JUKE 64XE5 OR OTHER SIMILAR MACHINES... The applicant desiring to seli, lease or rent oA�.�r ros�:�e music boxes, mechanical phonographs, consoles, juke boxes or other simi lar machines alone or in conjunction,,�+ti��h••�ppy ofiher business shall file with the license department in person i� a naturai person, or by a duly authorized agent of the firm or corporation a written application for a license to do business in the city. Such license shall issue to the applicanfi and shall entitle the applicant to engage in the selling, leasing or renting of music boxes, mechanical phonographs, consoies, juke boxes or ofiher similar machines alone or in connection with any other 0.00 business upon the payment of a license fee of 75 be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: (136) MUSIC BOXES, MECHANiCAL PHONOGRAPHS, CONSOLES, JUKE BOXES OR OTHER SlMILAR MACHINES... The applicant desiring to sell, lease or rent one or more music boxes, mechanical phonographs, consoles, juke boxes or other similar machines shall fiie with the ticense department in person if a natut'al person, or by a duly authorized agent of the firm or corporation a written application for a license to do business in the city. Such license shall issue to the applicant and shall . entitle the applicanfi to engage in the selling, leasing or renting of music boxes, mechanical phonographs, consoles, juke boxes ar other similar machin�:s alone or in connection with any other business upon the payment of a ticense fee of... 1,000,00 That that portion of Secfiion �0.17 of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Ftorida, reading as foliows: M4TION PICTURE RENTAL AGENCY and the same is hereby amended to read as MOTtON PICTURE RENTAL AGENCY That thafi portion of Section 20.17 of the Code of the • -- . . � • - - -- r_> > ..._... . ' • � ' ,• ` SECTION 8: Thafi fihat portion of Section 20.)%, immediatety after Subparagraph (22� be amended by adding: (22.1} BARB�QUED CHICKENS -!n connection with other businesses SECTlO�„N,�,�9�. That that portion of Section 20.17 of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, immediately after Subparagraph (58) be amended by adding fihe following; (58.1) COUNTER LUNCH BAR (Selling peanuts, wrapped pafiato chips, hot dogs, not considered a bor.a�fide restaurant) SEC7lON l0; That that portion of Section 20.17 of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, immediately after Paragraph (61) be amended by �dding the �oilowing: (61.1) DELtCATESSEN !alhere stock o�F goods doe� no� exceed $l ,000.00 For each additional $1,000.00 of stock carried or fractional part thereof SECTION 11: That that portion o� Section 20.17 of the Code of the City o�F Miami Beach, immediately after Subparagraph (7?) be amended by adding the following: (77.1) FISH MARKETS SECTION 12: That that portion of Se�tion 2C1.1% of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, immediately after Subparagraph (lZ9) be amended by adding the following: (129,i} MONEY ORDER AGENCIfS SECTt01� 13: That fihat portion of Sectio� 20.1% of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, immediately after Subparagraph (151) be amended to read as follows: (151, i) PERSONAL 0 FF I C E SECTlON 14: That that portion of Section 20.17 of the Code of the City of ��1iami Beach, Florida, reading as follows: (15) AUTOMOBILE FQR H1RE, except sightseeing buses and �hen.. only after complying with sections 42-1 to 42-2�+ of this Code, per auto be, and �he same is hereby amended by adding; 25.00 25.00 130. 00 �o.00 85.00 z5. o0 75.00 175.00 "Private school and nursery buses", per bus 75.00 SECT I ON 15 : That that por�.i ,q4r� of Sect i on 20.17 of fihe Code of the City of Miami Beac�i, immediately a�ter 5ubparagraph (14) be amended to read as fo)iows: (14. 1} N��l CAR DEALERS 175,00 SECTtON 16: That tha� portion of Sec�ion 20.17 of the Code of the Cifiy of A1iami Bea�h, immediately after Subparagraph (ls2) be amended to read as �Follows: .•�•t•1�$�:`T � SQC l OL�G I ST OR MARR IAGE COUNSELLOR -3- 85.00 . . _ - . .•,r . , . • • ' , ��. SECTiON_, 17: That that portion of Section 20.17 of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, immediately after Subparagraph (170) be amended to read as follows: (170-1} SALES OFFICE - temporary - at construction sites (5ubjec� to the approval of the City Manager) SECTION 18: That that portion of Section 20.i7 of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, immediate�y after Subparagraph {l91) be amended to read as follows: 100,00 � (191.i) TAX COLLECTION AGENGiES - Includes Auto Tags, Drivers' Licenses, Hunting and Fishing Licenses, 64at Registration, etc. $5.00 SECTiON l�: That thafi portion of Secfiion 20.17 of the Code of the City of tYiiami Beach, immediately after Subparagraph (201} be amended to read as follows: (20i.1) VALET PARKING at hotels, and high-rise apartment houses, each location 100.00 SECTION 20: That tha� portion of Section 20�17 of the Code of the City of h1iami Beach, reading as �'oliows: (10) ARMS, including ammunifiion and pistols, Bowie knives, slingshots, Springfield and repeafiing rifies and guns, dealers in, atone or in connection wifih any other business be, and the same is hereby amended by adding: "Starting guns, tear gas weapons, 6B and gas guns". SEC710N 21: That that portion of Section 20.i7 of the Code of the City o� Miami Beach, Florida reading as follows; (7) APARTMENT HOUSES (a) Conta i n i ng three or more aparfiment un i ts sha11 pay the foliowing minimum fee (covering first f i fteen rooms j (b} For each addifiiona] room over fifteen, counting every room that can be leased or rented, not including kitchens and bathrooms be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: (7) APARTMENT HOUSES (a) Containing three or more apartmenfi units shall pay the following minimum fee (co vering first fifteen rooms� (b) For each additional room over fifiteen, counting every room that can be leased or renfied, not inclu�ling kitchens and bathrooms No increase in the amount of the iicense tax imposed here6y shall be transferred to or coilecfied from any tenant of such apar�ment house. SECTiON 22: Al1 ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict � herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. �4- 200.00 200.Oa 18.15 1.60 25.00 2.15 .:�: �: �. �� np ,�;: � ' r ' �. ,, r � , � . � �� � . . R SECTION 23: The health and welfare of the City being in peril, the three readings of this ordinance shall be had in one session, and the City Council finding that this ordinance is necessary for the immediate protection of its citizens, it shall theref ore go into eff ect immediately upon its passage. A1 � C 1� ai 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 30th day of September, 196g. �-..-- � May r f ! . , . • • : -. f -. , .. ,• . STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: I, RUTH B. ROULEAU, City C lerk and Finance Director in and for the City of Miami Beach, k'lorida, do hereby certify that Ordinance No. 1786 entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 20.17, OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA. having been passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, has been posted by me in three conspicuous pla�es in the City of Miami Beach, one of which was at the door of the City Hall in said City on the 3rd day of October, 1969, and that said 4rdinance remained posted for a period of at least thirty days in accordance with the requirements of the City Charter � N � r� � � U� •— \ � ^ DO \ ^ C O .— ._ ,_ J cp Q • +� N Z O L > — Z � — C7 U �1-� — W V �C V U� N O Z C 4... Q •— 4— Z cA N — �0 p � .. aC L N � U N � N — 4— r s .�' i _ . . . .� � � � �