LTC 334-2017 Marine Waterfront Protection Authority Resolution to Minimize Effects of Multiple Water Discharge at Surprise LakeMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC# 334-2017 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor Philip Levine and Members o the City Co Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager June 23, 2017 Marine and Waterfront Protection uthority Resolution to request the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department to minimize the effects of multiple water discharge points at Surprise Lake The purpose of this Letter to Commission (LTC) is to transmit a resolution adopted by the Marine and Waterfront Protection Authority (MWPA) during their May 9, 2017 meeting and further revisited on June 13, 2017. This resolution is a recommendation to the City Commission regarding the multiple water discharge points at Surprise Lake. After discussion and presentations on this and related subjects, the Marine and Waterfront Protection Authority adopted the following resolution: The MWPA requests for the City of Miami Beach to consider alternatives of multiple outfalls or deep water injection instead of the single point source for storm water discharge currently planned at Surprise Lake. Action: Motion for this resolution was made by Sasha Boulanger; seconded by David Mardini (Vote: 1 0-0). Resolution passed. ~~~ SMT /H DC/TC/SKS/RT/clr C: Susanne M. Torriente, Assistant City Manager Hernan Cardeno, Esq., Code Compliance Department Director Tom Curitore, Assistant Director, Code Compliance Department Sarah Saunders, Code Compliance Manager Rianne Thomas, Code Compliance Administrator, MWPA Liaison F:\CODE\$Acc\MARINE\Minutesl2017\c TCs\Stonn Water discharge onto Surprtse cake. MWPA 05.13.17.docx