Ordinance 480�. �` ,. . t e , o�zrr�cE r�o. �+�o AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL 4F THE CITY 4F �dIAI�I BEACH, FLORIDA, A�dENDI N� ORDINAN CE N0. 2�9 OF THE CI TY QF �IA'�I BE,�iCH , FLORI DA , 30 A3 �0 CHANC�E THE U�E REGULATIONS OF BLOCK� 1, �, 5 AND � OF �1ST 9TREET BUSI1�Es� 3UBDIVI�TION. BE I T 0 RDAI NED BY THE CI TY COtJN C I L OF T�IE CI TY OF �dIA�I BEACH , FLORIDA: Section 1: That the use regulation of the following deearibed property , to•��rit; Blo eke 1, 4, 5 and � of �13T STREET HU3INE3S SUBDIVI�ION , acco rdin� to a plat recorded in Plat Book 3 at Page 92 of the Public Records of Dade �oun�y, Florida, be and t%e eame is herebp amended eo ae to chsnge 8aid proper�Gy from its preeent NSA" Buainees Diatrict claBaification, to what ia kno�n as "BAAN Hueiness Dis�riet cla8aification, as said use regulations are described in �rdinan�e No. 2�9 , as atnended. Section 2: All ordinances and parte of ordinances in conf'lict hereuith be and they are hereb� repealed. �ection 3s Thie ordinance ahall take effect immediatel� after its pa�sage, �,pproval and poating in accordance with la�ov. PASSED AND ADOP�'ED thi$ 17th a� o f March A. D. � 1937- . Pr eident of City Counc il ATTE ST ; -- --- . ��-�— p�ie� �. f---r. � Ci ty Cle rk APPR�O�'ED BY �E this �� day o f__�'areh A. D. , 19 37. , �- Mapor lst Reading, February 17th, 19j7 2nd Reading ,�ebruary 17th, 1� 37. ° 3rd Re ading , �darch �7th , 19 . Posted � �arch l�th, 193377. , - - � -- - -- , _ ,.. ; � . ,#. , . -:.� �.�� ��,� � . � j � � �� � : � «i � a � � a ����� �� :� d, �"` , ��s i . �,t � �:�,� . k � _ � : :. �� �w� �s ��� ' � .,.�,. �. �:,. �s;.. . � � � �� � � .�,.� =� �.w ���.� .,,F . �;�, . _ ,� - �TATE �F FLORiDA ) � C4UNTY OF DADE ) I, C. W. TONiLINSON, City Clerk in �,n�. for the Ci�y of �iami B�ach, Florida, da hereby Qer�if� that Ordinan�� No. ��0 entitl�d "AN ORDII�ANCE OF �HE CITY COUNGIL OF THL CITY �F MIA�dI BEACH, FL4RIDA, A�ENDI�tG ORDINANCE N0. ��9 OF THE CITY OF I�IAI�II BEACH, FL4RIDA, SO AS TO CHANGE THE USE AEGULATI4�iS QF BLOCKS 1, �, 5 AND � 4�' �1�T STREET BUSINESS SUBDIVISI�NH, having been pass�d and �,dopted by th� Cit�r Cot�ncil of the �ity o� �iami Beach, Florida, has been post�d by nae in three cor�api�uous plae�� in thE City of �Iiami Beach, ane of which wae a� �he door of the �ity Ha11 in said �i�y on �he l�th day of �arch, A. D., 1937, and that said ordinanae remain�d po8ted for a p�riod of at least thirty days in accordane� with �he requirement� of �h� Ci'�y �arter of the said �it� of Miami �3 @i!�C�"1. IN i�ITNE�S WHEREOF I have hereun�o s�t my hand and affixed th� offi�ial �eal of �he Gi�y o�' Miami BeaQh, Florida, on this t%e 2�-th day of Ap�il, A. D., 19�7. � , t �ity Clerk �