Ordinance 483.,_.,,�...,..,.��...,,�� __,,...... _ � � _ • � . . _. .� �. .-i-�; wk �r-- . . _ «.��- . � _:. . Y�<:`�_.+�..-- . i � � ♦ .. `�yy.2 ��� . ��� �%�•' � .. oRnzx�c� rro. �3 - . t N � o�zr��c� oF �� cz� oF �z�az BE�cx , FLC)RIDA, At�NDINt� SECTIOAt FIVE OF C?RDINAI�CE IdO. �9�, BEI�1G �AN ORDII�ANCE aF �'HE CITY OF �I,A�dI BE,�CH , FLORI DA , I�P��I�it� LI GEAISE� AND OTHER �'AXEt� QN Pr�. Y iLEGE3 � BUSII�ES�ES � 4�CU-• PATIOl�s AND PRO�'E��IO�T� CARRI�D ON AND EN-. f��ED IN 1�IT"FIIN SAID �I�'X , AND PRESCRIBINt� PENALTIES FOR THE EXERGI�IN(� OF SUCH PR�. �.ci.�EC;EB OR CARRYI�IG ON �tT� BU�INES�B , OCCUPA`�IONg , OR PR4F'ESSIONS, �IIITHOEJT A LICENSE OR OTHER FAILt)RE TO CO�PLY i�tITH THE PR+OVI SION� THEREOF �, PRO- YI�iA1G F4R THE IS°�U,�NCE 0� LICENBE$ �'OR AUCT- I4NEEF� FOR THE �ECURING OF A PE�I� THERE�R FRO� THE CI�Y' MANA�ER, PR�VIDINE� F'0� AN I�I- �s�zaA�Ior� �o BE �in� B� s�D cz�t I�1�4ER BEFOA� THE ISSUANCE OF �AID LIGENBE OR PER�IT. BE IT ORDAINED 8Y THE CITY COU�I�IL OF �'HE CIT3� OF MIA�I BEAC�i , FLOI3IDA: gECTI4N 1: �hat that parag�aph of Seation 5 0� Ordinanae No. 39� providing i'or the liaeneing of Maua�ioneers" be and the �ame ie hereby at�ended to read as �o11o�B: �IUCTIONEER, �here gooda , �ra�es and mer�har�d- ise are Bold a� auotion by the ow►r�er, agent, auetioneer or_other person �#.thin the limite of the Ci�y of �ia�i 8each, the�e shall be a license tax PER DAY far E�CH DAY ��iat the 8ale m�y caontinc�e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � l�Q. t)0 � NP��iIIDED, however, that before an� lieense Bhall be issued to any a�ctioneer �or �he purpose ot oon- c3uating an auatloM aale in the City ot �ia�ai HeaQh, �`l.orida, a per�it theretor ffiust be secured t`rom the Ci�y �anager, applica�iot� �her�for having been made at lea�� thirty dayB prior to the gran�ing of said permlt. It le hereby made the d��y cf said Ci�y �anager to in�res�igate al.l appliaativns �herefor at�d i� 8aid �it� �anager ie 8atisfi�d that the eaid applieant ax�d the perBor�, rirm or eorporation by whom or �h3.oh 8aid auction 18 �o be aanduated, are ofl good moral aharacter, ir� a legitimate busi�ess and that the �►elfaxe o� gaid City will not be jeopgrdi�ed by the iasuanoe of eaid lieense , he �hall grant said persait , other�38� , not �. SECTI�N 2: All o�dinances and pa,rts of or+dinanQes in oon-- �liet herewith are hereby repea3ed. �REA3 , art emergeney exi et s a�d t�ie peaoe , saiety , property and gen�ral �relfare of the said �i�y is imperfled, thie ordina,nce eha].l be in fuZl �orce and ef�eet, after ba�ring beer� read three timee a'� an,y o�e ffieetin� of the said City Couneil. p�$ED AtriiD A�4PTED t�i.B 22nd d of �areh, A. �. , 19 37• ��' Preaident of City Counoll ' �►•rz'�a`i�:-`_ � , . � �.. . . Ci�y C1�rI� •- APPRO�ED BY h�E t�ii e 22nd day is� , 2nct d� 3rd �eadings -� I�areh 22, 1937• Po a� ed - MA rch 2� , 19 ��. _ oi a.�ch, A. D. , 1937• � / ayor . � :d k � ,� ,� V V V l� i.i. W i' Liil/L' / _, C. i�. T4�ILINS�ld, �ity Clerk in and for the �it� oi' l�iami Beach, F'lorida, do hereby e�rtify that �rdir�ar�e� No. ��3 en�itled �A� ORDINANCE Q� TH� CITY OF MIANII B�ACH, FL�RIDA, AI�ENDING ��C�ION FI�IE 4F 4RDINANCE N0. 39�., B�ING '�A�i ORDINANCE OF THE CI�Y 4F �IIA�I BEACH, FL4RIDA, TM_ P4sI�ia LI GEI�£3Es AND 4THER TAXEs ON PRIVILEaE�, BUSINE3SE3, �CCUPATIO�i� AND PRO�'ESSIONS CARRIED ON A�UD ENGAC�ED IN WITHI�I SAID CITY, AND PRESCRIBT�tG P�NALTIES FOR THE EXERCI3IAIG OF { SUCH PRIVILEGES OR �ARRYII�G ON S�CH BUSTNESSEB, 4CCUPATION�, OR PR4FESSIONS, WITHOUT A LICENSE OR OTHER FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVI�ION� THEREOF", PROVIDIN(� FOR THE ISSUANCE 4F �ICENSES F4R AUCTIONEERS FOR THE SECURINE� 4F A PERI�IT THEREFOR FRO� 3'HE CITY �NAGER, PR4VIDING FOR AN INVESTI�ATI4N TO BE �ADE BY BAID CIT� �l'ANAGER BEF4RE THE ISSUA�ICE 4F �AID LICEN3E � 4R PEl'�IT''�, having been pass�d a�d adop�es� by the City Couneil oi �he Ci�� of I�iami B�ach, �'lorida, ha� beer� posted by �� in ��iree conapiauou� place s in the Cit� of l�iami Beach, or�e of which �ae at �h� door of the City Hall in said Ci�y vn the 23rd day oi' Mareh, A. D., 1937, and tha� said ordinaMee re- mained pos'�ed for a period of a� least thir�y dayB in accordanc� with �he r�quirements of the City �har�er of '�he said �ity ot' Miami Bea.ch. IN �lI�'NEu3 WHEREOF I ha.ve hereunto set rny hand and affixed the offioial seal of the City of �[i�,mi Bea�h, Florida, on �hia the 2��h d.ay of �pril, A. D., 19�7• City �l�rk � -, . . :.. : . - r �. _ � � � � - _ . �. .��, . � �_ - r.�, ::':�.• ���, . � .., . �: . �.. _�_. _ . . �r � . i� �t' •* � •Y is v . . . _ _ _ _ , # . W � � � �� � � � � �• 0 � `--� �i � � H � F-d H a �� � � � I O � A �' ... t-� : � .. �O �