Ordinance 490� . , , ,. : o�nmr��tCE �vo. �90 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF � CI3'Y OF �IA�I BEACH, FLORIDA, AA�ENDINt� ORDINANCE NO 2�9, BEING �HE ZONIN(� ORD.- IAiANCE OF �A.ID CITY, SO A� TO CH,�iNGE THE USE AND ARFA REGtJL�1TI4�'S OF BLOCKS 1, 10 AI�D 11 OF LA GORCE I�L�AND. BE I� ORDAINED BY THE CITY CDUNCII� OF THE CITY OF D�dIIAII�I BEACH, F'LORIDA s SEGTION lt �hat the use and a�ea regulations o� the following deseribed property, ta»�i�: I,A C�€ORGE ISI�TD _ wi thin the c orpora�e 1 imi � s oi the City of �iami Beach, Florida, as p er� plat recorded in Plat Book 3�- a� Page ��, Public RecorBs o� �ade County, Florida, be anc� the �ame is �ereby amended, changeci and modified so as to chan�e Bloeks 1 and 11 of said La (�orce Island from their present Use Regulation �RD� Single Family District, �o �hat ig know�n. as aRB" Estate Dis�ric� classification, and so as to change Blo�k l� of said La Gorce Island from its pre8ent Use Regula�ion "RD� Single Famil� District, to xhat i� kriown as �RC" Estate Dig��ie� classifie�.tion, and so as to change Bloek 1� o� said La Goree Island �rom its present Area Regulation Dist�i�� No. 7�o what is kno�vn as Area Regulation District No. 22, and so a� to ehange Bloek 1 of said La C�orce Island from i�s present Area Regulation District ATo. 7 to wha�G is known as Area ReguZation District No. 35� and �o as to chan�e Blo�k 11 of said La. Gox�ce Island irom its present Area Re�u.lation� District �To. 7 to what is kt�.vwn a$ Area Regulation D1a�ric� NO. 3 , - , as said Use and Ar�a Regulation Di�trict� are described in �rdinance No. 2�9, as amended. �ECTION 2: All ordinance8 and parts o� ordinances in conflict he�e_ wi�h are hereby repeal�d. 9ECTI4N 3 t �.'his ordinance eha.11 take efiect immediately after i�s passage, approval and pos�ing. PA�SE'1� AND ADQP�ED thi s 21st d� o� July, A. �. , 1937. AT�S�s � . Ci�y Cl erk lst F�eading - June 23rd, 1937. 2nd Reading - J�e 23rd, 1937. �rd Reading -- Julg 21st, 1937. Pos'�ed - July 22nr1, 1937. � � . - -,�;. , � � � .�: - _. � STATE OF FLQRIDA) � COUNTY OF DADE � I, C. W. TO�LINSON, City Cler� in and �or the City of ]�iami Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that Ordinance I�o. �90 entitled "AN �RT3INANCE OF �HE CITY COUNCIL OF �H� CITY OF �I�iMI BEACH, FLORIDA, A�EI�DING 4RD- I�iAI�iCE N0. 2�9 , BEINt� THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF SAID CITY, �0 AS �0 CHA�tf�E THE USE AND AREA REaULATIONs 0�' BL�CK9 1, 10 A1�TD 11 OF LA C�RCE ISLAND", havin� been pasaed and adopted by the City of �iami Beach, Florida, has been pos'�ed by me in three conspicuoua placea in the City of �diami Beach, or�e of which was at the door of the City Hall in said City on the 22nd da� of J�ly, A. D., 1937, and that said ordinance remained posted ior a period of at least tlnj.r�y da�s in aecord- ance �ith the requiremen�s oi the City Gharter of �he said Ci�y of �iami Beach. IN i�ITNESg �HEREOF I have hereunta set my har�d and afiixed the of�icial seal of the City of �iami Beach, Florida, on this the 3rd da,y of Jar�uar�, A. D. , T���w City Clerk � Z 0 WH U E-� �� H � .-. Cr t� � A -�' O � • �� a H � H �i � � � p� U NAU 0 � ��t� v H H�� � ��a ow -- ��o