LTC 383-2017 Report on Emergency Purchases and Unauthorized PurcMIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov LTC # 383-2017 LETTER TO COMMISSION To: Mayor Philip Levine and Members of he City Co fission From: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager Date: July 27, 2017 Subject: Report on Emergency Purchases a Unauthorized Purchases EMERGENCY PURCHASES. Miami Beach City Code Section 2-396 provides for the City Manager to waive the requirements for competitive bidding for emergency purchases as defined in the Code. Pursuant to this provision, emergency purchases exceeding $50,000 are to be reported to the City Commission at its meeting following the emergency. The emergency purchase request process outlined in Code allows the City to respond expeditiously to unexpected needs. The Emergency Purchase Request form for each emergency reported is attached. Emergency Purchases UNAUTHORIZED PURCHASES. Miami Beach City Code Section 2-393(a) prohibits the purchase of goods or services unauthorized by the Procurement Division (typically through the issuance of a Purchase Order with stated purchase authority prior to the receipt of goods or services). In its due diligence, the Department of Procurement Management (DPM) has identified those purchases that have been transacted in violation of the stated Code requirement. In those cases, the DPM has required documentation and justification be provided to the City Manager, through the Unauthorized Purchase form, who may then, pursuant to Code, consider and authorize the purchase. Unauthorized purchases exceeding $50,000 are reported to the City Commission at its meeting following the approval of the Unauthorized Purchase form. Unauthorized Purchases