Resolution 168 ..._............. • 111 d RESOLUTION #168 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA. HIGHWAY DISTRICT NO. 9 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT NO. 9 WHEREAS, The City Engineer and Street Committeeman have certified to the completion of the work above designated, and WHEREAS, the said certificate has been accepted, approved, confirmed and ordered spread upon the minutes of the City Council and WNF.RM S, The City Council by resolution directing the City Engineer to prepare and file with the City Clerk of said City a preliminary assessment roll in accordance with Section 29 of the City Charter of said City, and WHEREAS, the said City Engineer has filed with the said City Clerk said preliminary assessment roll in accordance with said Section 29 of the said City Charter which said preliminary assessment roll has been ordered spread upon the minutes of the City Council , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, that the City Clerk be, and the same is, hereby directed to give notice by posting that a meetin of the City Council will be held on the lst day of 4une `. A.D. 1921, at 7:30 P. M. at the City Council Chambers in said City of Miami Beach for the purpose of receiving written objections from any and all persons whose property is described in said preliminary assessment roll. That said notice shall be posted by the said City Clerk at the door of the City Hall in the City of Miami Beach, Florida, and at least two other public places in said City for at least two weeks prior to said meeting. PASSED MID ADOPTED this _18th day of May A•D.1921 President of Citi- Council ATTEST: Lti %- I. Clerk APPROVED this 18t}.ay of May A. D. 1921. Mayo/ • • 8al4 110ITUSOMH ,HOAaa I IAIM 'I0 Y T I O aliT iO 110I TUSOB: H e .OU TT t,z:'V0HalI YAWHDIH e .0ii TOI TBICf YAP+ {OIH egad nz eetti tmo0 feel38 bns ieeni?,na 14ziO edT ea hEHli i brLs ,be±snniasb evods Alow edt to noiteIgcIoo edt of beilii'7eo ,bevozgq.o ,betneoo.s need asr[ et.soiliizeo bila er{z ,B ES iin, liaauoO 1310 edt 'to aezfuTIin edt rrogrr bseTue be-=e3xo bas be:ffflInoo bi 7 1O edt nnitoe sib noituloae•r Qd Iiorufo0 ILt1O edT ,uMLEaEw �+ VI0 bi,sa Io 211e10 'On edt ritiw slit bns e7sgerq of 7 ni `} CD cao Io ea noitoe8 dtiw eonsblouos .ii 1101 tnenr aeaa$ bns ,3;t10 bila Io 7s zsd0 NL ,;, er13 o c. tr ts' CD z tJQ 0 Ct Gy -1 c1 e.. bisa orfzf df.iw beIil asd 7eeni u 10-10 bisa erfz BASF_' ¢' CnD e eY '=S � F r1J 1 ; eonsba000s ni 1.oi t.nerrtaaeaas vsrtimileeq bisa xasni.r. ile tq b.bse doidw Tez'xsd0 ciz.O bila ()fit Io es 11611104taoliel edt Io aezunlir edt nogg bse'rua beTebro need sad IloT ItterWigtau - , 1101T0qhVit6 t Wp c, s� c Ho o c edt Io lionuo0 ViO edt ,d CfaYSOaah TI aa ,SFO E`a BHT ,vVOY • ;3" ,ai orftsa edt bns ,ed 11910 7,Ii0 edt zsdi ,sbiIol' ,doses imsiM Ioti0:t10 o c� edt Io nniNeen .s fsrfi 3ni.i aoq j;d eoiton evin of betoolib aTe serfs .CI.A eau 6 Io 70b tsf erlzt no bled ed lliw liortuct0 X10 ro Io ILJ!O bisa ni aledmsdO lionuo0 14tI0 erfz is .1 .q bus moiI anoitoe,do ne;tti•rw aralvieoel to eaog sssq edt ro± doses Ims1147 xasnifrrile1q Lisa ni bed.ii oaeb al x3'7ego-fq eaodw anoeieq IIsi .I1C i trleiiIaaeaas3 ±seI0 ILtiO Lisa eft Zd betaoq ed lisda eoidon Lisa ,tsdT bns ,sbi role ,doses Io N;f10 edt rx.i 11sH xti0 edt Io 7oob edt Sts 07J- easel fs 7o± xtiO Lisa ni aeosIq oildsfq 7erfzto owz tasel is ..9niJeen bisa od 7oi"q a2ieew Isex.a. i a a't 10 -„,3b rf 1 aidt C: T OGA CUA Cf,S88Aq -w_ liortuoD d1O Io trieLJ oxq :TBSTTA x1.910 V! .1Set .L .A Y.2,141 z:o t;,s eidt CSVOE,i(iA