Resolution 180 RESOLUTION 1 ISO RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA. SIDEWALK DISTRICT SK=4 SIDEAwK II:E?RCSVEL' NT SK-4 "'HEREAS , The City Engineer and Street Committeeman have certified to the completion of the work above disignated, and 7.IREAS, the said certificate has been accepted, a, proved., confirmed and ordered spread upon the minutes of the City Council, �Ad YITIVEAS, The City Council by resolution directing the City Ing iteer to prepare and file vith the City Clerk of said City a preliminary assessment roll in accordance with Section 29 of the Cit Charter of said City, and ERCAS, the said City Engineer has filedwith the said City Clerk said nreliminary assessment roll in accordance with said Section 29 of the said City Charter which said preliminary assess- ie— 1011has been ordered spread on the minutes of the City Coun- cil , oun- cil , w� TOtit„ THEREFORE, BE IT R:ESCLVED by the City Council of the City of Ili .mr:)Beach, Florida, that the City Clerk Be, and the same directed to give notice by posting that a meeting of the is,, Council 'Twill be held 0/1154 day of August,A. D. 1921, at 7 :80 7. M. a . city Council Chambers in saidcity of Miami Beach for the pur- po„e of receiveing written objecftions from any and all rersons whose property is described in said preliminary assessment roll. That said notice shall be posted by the said City Clerk at the door u the City Hall in the City of Miami Beach, L'lorida, and at least two other public Places in said City for at least two weeks prior to said meeting. .„„is 6th day of July, A. D. 1921. I i Acting _rest• en , o. ity our it ATTEST: - CI� CLE_. APPROVED this 6thday of July, A. D. 1921. Acting Mayor 4, C.1, :i 1 f c I W C C. VD li CJ C c+ CD 1r71 cpc1-1 OF ��-, ~. it H 0o O ~, b L c O • ci O 0 63 H y W 0' 1-1 CO 0 O 0 • c iN PI ,a k4.,6• 1-1a r,... r--e.rar4...1-X-4,:144•1775:1\,;3 ' s'-'‘?•:‘1 C---) l