Resolution 249 ar001,UTIOU £40. 249 District T.T.„p:3 Hi ghwaj Imp ro _ H-2.3 -herea,J, on the 7th day o June , 1922, the Liity Uounctil passed and adopted, a :..esolution ordorinr! the improvennnt desig- no.ted as _Highway Improvement . II-23 , 143 trict 71-23 „ and directed the city Enp.ineer to prepare and All plans and simcifications o =eh im)r°velment and. an estimate of th cost thereof, including an estimate of the incidental expertise, and the said plan* and specifica- tions and estims,te of cost and estimate of incidental expenses have been ,filed by the ;.1.4.y. .i.;ngineer with the City clerk* Therefore, i$e I ,solved by the Ulty council 0 Mizni Be oh, lor- ida, that the City Olelt shall a cawso to be posted at the door o the City 'Hall in the city of Miami DeJ,ch, Caoino t,nd the .cost Ofrice in the City of Mitmi Beach, e. notice statinP• that at a m3etinrr of the city council of Mi ml :3each, to be held, at the uity Hall in the Miami be:'oh, on the kith day of at '7:30 o' clock 0. Li, , the -;ity coan.cil will hear the remonzralices o all persons in tere3ted to the confirmation of said ruolutior itorinT said ia- ovemen od and a ("opted - eile 21st day , June A _, A. • • 19 20—. 7iietLent u le AP' - y er ';.proved this 21st day of JuneD 1922. , • , / Wier :// ,0 02 • CD Ca r--1 nir:111- 'CP A 4? g c‘2 M 4.0 +3 tn $-1 • g a) +3 CD nd o CD eJOP4 1 r4 r Ao a 0 0, Si 0 gad_ yatztli Ci C 0 o - a) 4-' rd 1--4 C'.7-' .4 $4 CD ai EA 1 Pi 4a.> :-.111IL 0: &c 3 cki act e - r r"- - p‘i r' F I D; 4-, r +9 4 72 r474i 14) 7 fitTt. as-E Inoinev varkkk i-If ' (:4 I:0 c.) 41C1-1 3110.4, Ott:31Z 3E11 bas slags iscf o eeuJuN eiJ borLfl Aniik,..rtiaa Z,it'a 0:7. 4-1 .!"f!-47' P!'(" 411:110.1114.vat si asVU as cr a has asolo hiss tti,P bus •es maeqx. I84toehl Dal ell/ 10 etaLe 'feed 010111' sosascpcs I hi s bl*al I o ir,t awls so bus I see to .1.se has saolit fl a sal &trim sesalldt. ottt vAr LV ,tpx 12,1 es' hov/00 yi eu svlotevae: liorie aLZ; I tt If • ad_ I asit LirF yot I ,-.1314fro aft s 44tici a/ •sorit sti:tu.L 11,43F i ± go zttt. 11 ri.4t :t Itsk ,4,j CT Et) 4 fi0t .4E00;1 u.t 1441 CS/0(1 LL :_o se oftal'IT ant=0'I ad 1- %serf ILtIr7 Ilolo° 'V I ea* 0.711 • aib 1o/taloa, its o nolJ•stirtItifop sat sdbe*seers* at 4,,t now 6ml:rig te15'. &Lc rstv hav ag,: sta . _ f; ;4:171,:Cs•