Resolution 260 - . 1 26'OLUTIOId ITO 260 Di strict T.T13 Highway Improvement t" 1=• Whereas, the city council, by resolution, passed and adopt ed the A c 17th day of August , 19 21 ordered the u ` ti Improvement H-13 , District H-13 and the City Engineer, �`� F t� t' C' Lig under direction of the city council, has prepared and filed with the al City Clerk, plans and specifications of such improvement and an esti- 1-,• 0 .4 mate of the dost thereof, including an estimate of the cost of the °; (x) t• incidental expenses of said improvement , and whereas due notice by pub lication as reauired by the City Charter has been made that the City Council would on the 19th day of October , 19 21 , at the city hall at 7:30 o' clock P. M. , receive and hear the remonstrances of all interested persons to the confirmation of said resolution ordering said improvement , and all remonstrances received having been heard and considered by the City Council. Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of Miami Beach, Florida, That the said Resolution of the city Council ordering said HiP:hwav _ Improvement H-1; , District H-13 , be and the same is hereby confirmed. Beach, also throughout the `tate , Be It H'urther ;resolved, That the City Clerk cause to be published at least once in the T.lt ,j _?lsa,13., ,,, ,- 9 , , a newspap er of general circulation in the City of, Miami , not ice calling for seale d bids to be received by t ne city Council on the 9th day of August , 1.9 N , at o'clock P. Iii. , for the construction of said work. Said notice shall state the improvement is to be constructed and paid for in cash, under Section 29 of the City charter. Any bid. covering work to be done under more than one resolution shall be in such form as to permit a separation to be made of the cost under each resolution. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check upon a bank or trust company ofvlorida in the amount of 22 per cent. of the amount of the bid, payable to the City of Miami Beach, to insure the execution of a contract to carry out the work in accordance with the plans and specifications. All bids will be opened and award of con- tract made or all bids rejected. After an award has been made the checks of all bidders, other than the one to whom the contract has been awarded, shall be returned. In default of the entering into such contract , the certified check reouired to accompany such bid shall be forfeited to the City of Liiami Beach, lorida, not as a pen- alty, but as liquidated damages for the delay or additional cost which may be incurred by the city by reason of such default . o bid will be permitted to be withdrawn for any reason whatever after having been filed with the Clerk. Passed and adopted this _A 21st day of July , A. D. , 1922 'res ten Ci y counci Attest : city clerk approved this 21st day of July , A. i). , 1922. • y 7 0 • I ga H '0 ,--1 • 0 g ° C.) .0 gi 4-3 0 • CV C'1/42 t4) •,,, .....-- ..„ • I 0 01 0 1-1 r-1 • 0 trittevouciaI ' ' ' , - - o do ,-1 +2 4-3 143 • N-1 Z g ed 0 0 0:3 49 0 q) t.„4,4,.).a bbear,Loc ,Aoltide .-to-E %d ,lion2o:, vi....: 91.14 , Z1B9-feriVi Ei *ri c) 0 P4 az 4-3 WI,Z 4--4 It• 12! ,2,1: f ;:,c,-, i:* 10 .T. a b CI) H 1>a CO PA I-- •••••* , zi.f.).1-1.:;.,iti trisft5V0^Sclini. ••••••••••••••••••• • bp 0 rCt cd gir a) , :eli_, i':‘,n,s )55'1:i3t/51:CI r;.s- ,1,C , id 0!.I U‘.. -.,." 1,:s".;t.1;2, oft t to" ZIO::.;"U9 7 i.5 qe.brifs •T-1 Ti r;,' - cd 'CS F-1 0•-1 0 '..113 titeme'rrne''11.7 Jo.sa 2:o rvoleqa tris ea ri:q ,7,1-'19 13 "010 00 0 rti. 1 a e;.:7-“.k.i.- 71";.:9 as nal ;01,11 Ofil , I:o 91:o i-.t zt nob a','It ±o 0 tism 0 .ri cd aa ezb; atill , ;Ariel:10'70U tjG7,1: bias. lo aeanoolzo Istriebioni • o ri =-, a., tacit °barn need sari letlari0 .,010 erit 1Ld beT.L.upel as no,i403...t.r N;tiu 9113 I'S , 4IS QIto Izab.. 41/1.2 r arid- no bisiow rioniro9 1,:.) 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Lf.,:;: : wit Al earl() dlimel ta ea -1:0'1,- -,-.-silizo _sofT_,r '---:::,;-..„:2::r:AiL , L, ,„;;;..: b 07.7f. al noltilx4olio IBleaen ',-,11., dt.,.: oas ...,:,. 11..isio..2 7i..,ti:.: erit %d beviehel ed ot abid c. ileithsrstanoo eft •sol , .,..a. ..‘i ei "looaloto 11776-6 :37 .f2 , ed ol nTevos21 erit atta 77.biz .ki ow bid --,7iii,.. ..iellsriL) vriu erit "'le C',,' noitheL lebnz ,rfazo ni •soI bizq; .brLa a! ed 1 Izria no itsrloael eno nari/ el= 7ebrus error ed ot ...A•row arsilevoe dose •sebrw Jeoe erit lo obi= ad o 1 noltalacies a tirirseq ot sa arrol dame loerfe belIftlee a ITd. beinacooees ed tam lasocio.sci riessa .noit..uloaoa P v, .tao,u -seg, ia lo trillorrsa arEt al 211.17.ol'I' to ya.aciatoo taint to 31..n$d a flogs; e••o,r1,1 o: .1i.OLO Li irAthili, IC/ ':,"*;-i:',-, OJ u,:i 51'.'43\:,-,-;-.-Xi , Lid SJ .10 10 j J0. L etrz; II() slit filiw ealisi-,-100f)i. al :Low :.).ri 3- t.he vsli.Le et. :2 esl-ta o h 43 lo iltzu.exe elizt -Liao 10 fra.1.317,8 'bite Lot-13(10 od 111w al:id .14.1A .c.iii. 10 ri 1 oe;fa bras a riarq orit ebara need earl b•Lsws MB ler.1-./, sbor.toeLea chid 11.3,10 ef,r -1 to,i •IJ ' sari to,altrioe erit moiiw ot eno erit nracit •19.0'..to ,alebbid 11s '10 ateede. otni 71ni•Tetne orf Ito tlisdteb, nil .bermutou. ed Ilzrie ,befrxzwz need bid done Tzil,eqrri 0 fl,0 3 ot be...filsee.T. :{herio ben:it-leo edt , thEritri00 Cr,01i6 -.clog a az ton ,13.51%:clt•-. ,rfoseL !m3114 'te„\r,zti',:, erft et betiel'Iol. ed Ilarta if0 IffW la 0 o Imoil.i..?)b.e -2-...o 'i413,105 elf t,-1-.01 E.3enam.... 1etz.b.t.ur,11 as :bid ed 11iw bid o;!„ . t14sIsb deli to floc:eel %J. %tio edt .vor be.lAsioni ed Nr„scli need 71nivzd .19,rls 197f1t3rfW ,cioe“,,,,..f. jis -io± nwzlbdtiw ed et Lottilimoc_ •.-kielu ed 1 d;Lk 1 ie11 • ''- o , ,:i.) :els p.i,T,-; betq.(J.);--3 fq--:,1-3 beata.E.,(:',.. . , ..., ..,., --- '>,,„\ , -1 ..___ -.--- -—Trortz o 0 .4,1t 1.Z. ,C=.7,1-730-71tT--- ::::".it ; Zk----••• -**-'- ''' - le' 1101'0 -ztl's ,• cc,, , _1... 1, , , ii-- 70:6 ;.pr err(— i--1,7 , ''- " .