Resolution 261 • 1--1. 0, 14' R o .71OLUTION NO 261 0 m m C - 9 Di strict Improvement - ii-ed . L.4. • 0 CD p. Whereas, the City council, by resolution, passed and. adopt ed them H'2. 17th day of L_ — , 19 21 , ordered. the cate -eseeee. . e;lee Improvement 11-14 , Di stri at H-14 , and the City Engine er 0, to tri Cid E m N under direction of the City Council, has prepared and filed with the tee, er City Clerk, plans and specifications of such improvement and an esti-i,; (12, mate of the boot thereof, including an estimate of the cost of the 0 N. incidental expenses of said improvement , and whereas due notice by pulireh; 73, licetion as reouired by the City Charter has been made that the City Council would on the it I: day of f'eto-eer , 19 , at the City Hall at 7 . 70 o ' clock T. L. , receive and hear the remonstrances of ell interested persons to the confirmation of said resolution ordering said improvement , and all remonstrances received having been heard and considered by the City Council. Therefore, 2e It Resolved by the City Council of Miami Beach, lorida, That the said Resolution of the City Council ordering said Highwa, Improvement H-14 , District 11-14 , be and the same is hereby confirmed. Beech ' also throughout the State, Be It Further Resolved, That the CitykClerk cause to 'be published at least once in the Utami Dptlreey Utopolis , a newsptp er of general circulation in the City of lam* . a notice calling for seale d bids to be received by the city Council on the 9th day of August • ;.9 , at 7: eb o' clock P. II. , for the construction of said work. Said notice shall state the improvement is to be constructed and paid. for in cash, under ziection LI: of the City Charter. Any bid. covering work to be done under more than one resolution shall be in such form as to permit a separation to be made of the cost under each resolution. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check upon a bank of. trust oompany of Irlorida in the amount of 2 per cent. of the amount of the bid, payable to the City of hiam.i. Beach, to insure the execution of a contract to carry out the work in accordame with the plans and specifications. All bids will be opened and award of con- tract made or all bids rejected. After an award has been made the checks )f all bidders, other than the one to whom the contract has been awerded, shall be returned. In default of the entering into such contract , the certified check reouired to accompany such bid shall be forfeited to the City of Miami 'ieech, rdoridat not as a pen- alty, but as lieuidated dernages for the delay or additional cost which may be incurred by the City by reason of such default . bid will be permitted to be withdrawn for any reason whatever after having been filed with the Clerk. Passed and adopted this 21st day of , A. C. , 1922 • - . President City Council Attest : • City Clack Approved this _ .Lay of JulD , , A. . , 1922. 21st 177/1/fili ,ayor CD • 0 a2 p4+) 13S OU ilOVIV,I0LE HCo. rn f.-75 H 'D I 0.2 • 0 ,o H -101q1.31, "•,-iAVL • :0 l'It3 • 4- -I-3 1 +.3 o z_3 e.) tD 0 q-4 .r4 a) g ,nolIaloaet ,Ilocurot) xo edi ,oaeleffv: ) TV' g od: Sao-leirx • IQC , TO Vib r-I CD 04 F-1 03 H „fa rd . 0 g V.110 off: bits IC • *cremevo firai co flu 0 rd _ gi a) ;)elf.17. f•kna betagote, ,lionacm orft to ol:Jowl-lb -mbar (D omov otcpil A oL 0 afro.1 loon_I DNB brio on ,Ert .rr) kiLO rdo P:12 !too off: e:oral /oo 7.7,:al Wilma ,toot°ffttrop offt o O*31fT (1) 0 0 H ige our) anoterfw bra , Inoracorolcuil hil3atoResnocrxo laInebioni 010 fella JIM ObT used auci toltadD VID ed: N‘d boti.upet ao VIU orf* 'Ioo' tor.) o . oii;ow 11ons,f00 o 000nattanc. ..i iJ ii Ii eVicoot galtobto noilmioriet bias to noltamtilnoo offt 01 Ila bits blood used gnivad bovinoot- asonet:enomot Ila boa , Inamevolgmi biou .lionm00 Tan off: -, cf botoblanoo ,doaeE 10 lionm00 1,01U offt cf bovloaoF I eF ,etolet-eAr2 lase 7F.rinitobto lionm00 ±i odt to no/101060g bias off/. :RAT ,abito.r ed Iolt*tia kr-H • :aornevotctraI ..berotilfrao 7,detorf - ±JLLrrfto riSo n borlailring ot ot sno ki-s11411:) off: torfT „bc.ivl000F, terft-suq_ ±1 eU O o ,;fECIEVIi5.(1. 11' Offl epuo- a Cie 1. 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