Resolution 264 . klittri(dii 1C 264 Utri et atgluto44-__ .1. rovomaut ihoreas, the uity Colwell, by rouolution, pueoed and ad4ted the 1711, day of polEi; st • 19_,.11, ordered the . Hit-thwav Ir-orovement q..17 , iintrict H-17 • and the City .1ngineer, under direction of the City :;,luncil, has prepared and filed with the City Clerk, pinns and speciZioations of such 1provement and an anti - mete o the coat thereof, includinr7 an estimate of the coot of the incidental e:Tenees of said ir.provem,nrt , and whereao due notice by pub. licatiOn as roeuired by the City Charter has been made that the City Council would on the V1,11 day of C:,,lober at the city Hall 10-t 7: 30 _____o'olook P. M. , receive and hear tie renenetranoeo of n11 int L-ested poroone to the confirmation of oaid reeoaltion ordering oaid improvement, and all remonstranceroc ived having boon heard veld oonsidered by the City Council. :herefore, Be It Alsolved by the City Council of Linmi Beach, Ilerida, That the said esolution of the City Council ordering said FI gh w Improvement H-17 , District be anT f7 name is hereby oonfirmed. Bench, also throughout the Ttate , Be It lurther -:esolvedcause , That the C Clerk to be published cx at 11Pt once in the Miami Daily Metrop lis newapaper of r7enexe 1 circulation. in the City of Lia, 4 a notfoe oallinZ for senapd bide to be received by the city Council on the 9tja day of 4zgust 9 1922 , at o'clock for the construction of said work. ,41id-TalrtT7AUTI state the improvement is to be constructs and paid for in cash, under Jection 29 of the city Charter. Any bid covering work to be , one under more than one resolution shall be in ouch form an to permit a eeparation to be made o the cost under each resolution. Dash proposnl moot be accompanied by a certified cheek upon a bmk of trust company of Ylorida in the amount of Ob per cent. of the avount of the bid, payable to the uity of Lifsmi Beach, to insure the exesution of a contract to carry out the work An accordance with the plane and specifications. :].i bide will be opened and award of con. trect made or all bids rejected. After an award has been made the chocks )f all bidders, other than the one to whom the contract has been aw. rded, shall be returned. In default of the enterinF into such contract, the certified check roeuiro to accompany such hid shall be forfeited to the City of ainmi conch, -lorida not as a len- alty but as lieuidated d ' rn7eo for the delay or additional cost which may be incurred by the city by meson of ouch default. 7o bid will be erritted to be withdrawn for any reason whatever afi,er having boon Mod with the Clerk. Passed and adopted thi, 21stday ofJ107 , 411, lcd2 2 • — xretiraWiirW'Lrourlorr ttent : city Clark 'perove(1 this 21st__day of Julz 2 A. 1). 192C. 1 •a yOr 0 • C‘2 r •13 erl CV 0 0 D. -"•••,„ '41 P4+3 t.0 I CQ CQ CD 0 rci • • -P 0 0 ,0 .2..Lihay... *011ft IC CD I 43 0 q-1 ) . , ° ixta bouusq enoittsi000l: xcf *liocu,r.)::? 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