Resolution 275 RESOLUTION No. 275 District SR- 3 Sewer Improvement SR- 3 .-Ihereas, the City Council, by resolution, passed and adopted the 7th day of June , 1922, ordered the Seller Improvement SR- 3 , District SR- 3 , and the City Engineer, under direction of the City Council, has prepared and filed with the City Clerk, plans and specifications of such improvement and an estimate of the cost thereof, including: an estivate JZ the cost of the inci- dental expenses of said improvement , and whereas the City Auditor has reported in writing to the ity Council that funds are in the treasury applicable to and sufficient for the ayment of the city' s share of the cost of said improvement , and whereadue notice by publication as re- mired by the City Charter has been made that the City Council would on the 5th day of July, 1922, at the City Hall at 7:30 o' clock P. M. , receive and hear the remonstrances of all interested persons to the confirmation of said resolution ordering said improvement , and all re- monstrances received having been heard and considered by the City Coun- cil. Therefore, Be It '-resolved by the City Council of Miami Beach, Florida, that the said -'esolution of the City Council ordering said SPwPr Improvement SR- 3 , District 3R- 3 , be and the same is hereby confirmed. Be It Further {.esolved, That the City Clerk cause to be published at least once in the Miami Daily Metropolis, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Miami Beach, also throughout the State, a notice calling for sealed bids to be received by the City Council on the 26th day of T„ly , 1922, at 7.30 o' clock B. M. , for the construction of said work. Said notice shall state the improvement is to be constructed and paid for in cash, under section 29 of the City Charter. Any bid coveting work to be done under more .than one resolution shall be in such form as to permit a separation to be made of the cost under each resolution. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified cheek upon a bank or trust company of -Florida in the amount of 2 > per cent. of the amount of the bid , payable to the City of Miami Beach, to insure the execution of a contract to carry out the work in accordance with the plans and specifications. All bids will be opened and award of contract made or all bids rejected. .fter an award has been made She checks of all bideers, other than the one to whom the contract has been awarded, shall be re- truned. In default of the entering into such contract , the certified check renuired to accompany such bid shall be for±eited to the ; ity of Miami Beach, 21orida, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages for the delay or additional cost which may be incurr -d by the City by reason of such default. No bidswil1 be permitted to be withdrawn for any reason whatever after having been filed with the Clerk. gassed and adopted this 5th day of July , A. D. , 1922. President City Council A.T E3T: City Clerk Approved this 5th day of ;sly , A. D. , 192*. -r a) ai c‘2 a e K2 02 L 10 � a F o w • • a� N a •r4 0 o �1 H F-+ cz O a3 El co � a• +3 A as aj o 0 -I 0 1-4• 4.3m 0a) a et) as eri m •� a3 A VI .1:2 P4 • • •