Resolution 293 4111 ESOLUTI` # 293. A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY COUNCILOF THE CITY OF MIALII BEACH, FLORIDA, SIGNIFYING TT-T1INT.LNTION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, OF WID NIIAG OCEAN DRIVE IN SAID CITY FROM SIXTH STREET ON T SOUTH TO THE 4IIITI AN TRACT 01l TNT; NORTH, A ' DI-STX.C.CE OF FIFTEEN (15) FEET BY TATTING FRO2721&HE 4 • OWNERS OF PROPERTY ABUTTING ON SAID STREET FTWEEN 1i�2T OF LAND ABUT'TING ON TTE WEST SIDE OF SAID .. PROPOSED STREET TO BE 'S7IDENED. ! 152 IT 7DSOLVEJ BY THS CITTY COUNCIL O.' THE CITY OF MIAMI 4 BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: That the said City Council of the city of Miami Beach, Florida, in behalf of the City hereby declares its intention to widen Ocean Drive , a street in said City, a distance of fifteen ¢15) feet from the present property line on the ;lest aide of said street as shown on a plat of Ocean Beach Addition Irl, recorded. in Plat hook .No. 3 at page 11 of the public Records of Dade County , _''lorida, and on a plat of Ocean Beach addition v2, on record in slat Book No. 2 at page 56 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, by taking fifteen ( 15) feet of land from the abutting propoerty owners' property on the ,lest side of said drive :from Sixth Street to the tract coi:monly known as the "Whit] an'" Tract ". Said property to be taken from 'o.Wners of property abutting on said Ocean Drive proposed to be widened by the exercise of the right of imthnent domain, at such time in the future as will be advisable and most c nvenient said City and all property' owners are hereby given notice of such iintention that they may observe the provisions of this resolution in improving their property. PASSED A ADOPT'EJj this 20th day of aeptember , 1. D. 1922 President City Council ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED this 20th day of September, ' D. 1922. / JOr — L .1-1 .' ca) P r-0 CD 0 4-1 cd a C.i cd 0 0 • al s .) • `� , 0 +3 4-1 0 • Pi O O -i r�'. J0 ::j IX)r) i 0 C © OCi H •0 . 41) el p -21 C/l cj rd co r. -1-7 a < < O F7 CO ri 0 0 ci •rl Cly .5= ;.-1 cCa .< 1 E-1 4-H -1- -. PA I al . 1 < < r < < •