Resolution 308 h Fa ' fiD C11 co 0 H tr v 4 CD 0 , H 0 C4. 1-1 711 0 H p RESOLUTION ".A). 308 °' 03 04 to o F,. F.41 wy= o STORM SEWER DIST.A0i SR-7 c'• n M ry 0, „- WHEREAS, the City .:ngineer and .street Committeeman have certi- fied to the completion of the work above designated, and 4ET.REAS, the said certificate has been accepted , aproved, con- firmed and ordered spread upon the minutes of the city Council , and IHEREAS, the City Council by resolution directing the pity neer to prepare and file with the City Clerk of said city a prelimi- nary assessment roll in accordance with rection 29 of the City Charter of said City, and „diER kS, the said City engineer has filed with the said City Clerk said preliminary assessment roll in accordance with said rection 29 of the said amity Charter which said preliminary assessment roll has been ordered spread upon the minutes of the City Council. ,0W, THEREFORE, BE I`i' RESOLV.�D by the it Council of the city of Miami peach, 'lorida, that the City Clerk be , and the same is hereby directed to give notice by poting that a meeting of the City Council will be held on the '�th._� day of Larch , a. D. , 1923, at 7: 30 2... L. at the City council chambers in said City of ,._iami :.each for the pur- pose of receiving written objections from any and al persons whose property is described , in said preliminary assessment roll. That said notice shall be posted by the said t;ity Clerk at the door of the City all in the .,ity of each, 'r'lorida, and at least two other public places in said city for at least two weeks prior to said meeting. 2ASSED and ABO1'TD this 21st day of i+'ebruary , J. , 1923. l � , 2resident City Council ATTEST: 01 y Clerk .4122ROVJ this 21st day of +'ebruary , D. , 1923. q41H;4T�.y 6 0 4:11 N 4-3 I -P .1-I tC) I •,, r! el H , c0 CO P c\I 0 ..., c‘2 Cc) F.-4 41-i 0 0 • h--I i.--'' CO gcl 0 !II 1) a) -p 0 o A I-I o rd H 0 W E-4 % c5 • p to Oa 0 0 rid A o .:, t-f: Fh Cti to .,-1 o r() ... .,-I cs re +) rd V- . • (1) lA M H 0 02 00 -,09- CD E-I El tl) (t) ai 0 PA t-,V-'1 L .... );; JiLli,,IU eel..,/. b,..1.,' 'leaai%A.. y,:i's.! o-i'd , ,be:..Aialueb evocfis >icy/ erf: .-lo 110 iJ.0.1 CHIC `3 91%1 GJ- boil. — ---•80.—• -1100 ei50.7(,.^.r.r: L , be.tclopou iieed akicf e:LcbiIiI-IF.,o bic a e rir 1' , ..e,',EF...F.I:,. ha , , I inffi7( ',' 1,',II: err,-1- a o 0,9J.1511M efft LIor_lr bice belery-s bile beffrin -i', ,._ L, 1 ,- ',, ...i ,t0.6^ii.,) 110 i 1.1,110 3 e'l ,-rcf iiotEof, '-\ :- 1': off: , '-.-„ .' 'F'_[--ii-. -..L.Tils'sc ,_ Jit.) ±,1 'to .-J.%.,i1C) 1,7/1`, sill !f:i'w .911I brt,-!, ,,,f,;(_EI 7 of leen •_1..f--t--. .,..f:: --,'.i.',, u:ff;-, ‘lo .2;. nolSoe-, rfSiw eoiti-!..b•i-upoo. al 1.1(,'.:. i'l-ferla,.2.oe, -,... •Z:'1.1!,11 .t. a la .11.1e,1- ,SL, bi.3L. erf: r1/iv/ bell'i aeLf ...i.citi.L1.-iii 2-i,... _id :LI OL{: , . .:.: 10 1-; iiol:oec.. bli3s ritiw euib•l000,-; :.1..i lic/). 0-a.e...its.:LJK., :-.: ,-.., \-a.ocii,Iiiie-A ,?). bi:-..t2 ileed :..c3ri 1101 :L1et.18aea9,, i..,-ic L).i,-,-..,.; ,:i:.).trf- ..2,F.)Jri:u -, } fil.i:--(1; effI . .LioilsJor,, v.-,S i; ef.I 'i.:: ',30343iii:1 9,i1 ,A0,..,S.1 bInrra be'i() 510 ....., iLLtis., ,.) .; .,_ ., i 011/JC., \ . aJJ •;.cirrii 7,6:=7..Lei-f. -1. o‘i . .. C).iJ xi , ed .)1.-_(.il', ILI/L= erf: SariS iabiaolr. irioseL imall/ t .,'fi,'" ag.LI --;oq xcf,,,, 901J-ori evil01betoe•rib . 1 ..c.,,_ 0.'..,:-41. : , , . , ‘ do-12,4 a() Xab 44T erft no bleri ed. 111w a Jig odi •-.1-.c..,... 1.1::-a.... ia.s.L._ to vI1: bias 111 :--1 e cifriisril, lion.uo ' 113 eriS is • seoriw mosleci 1.13bna xris moll-. anolSooLcfo nes/17w !grilviese'r 'to eaoq rr!--i tfierlaaen9 --,lanifrilleaq_ biaa ni bectilo•,-.Ieb al xi'leaolq a.-.1..) s,,, ,.... .,- , si,) -).i.J..5:. bL1J xci teSaoq ed 11.arf . ediSon bias SarfT J :.z. b.a.;-t , ,. ' o..L : ,rio.'.E. ,.. ILII2i.., To -7,SL elf/ al 1.1s1 \;S.L',. ariS '±o loob ew,, O.. . J ....ibi . . ,IL -\;Ji bi.! , al .eoi- lq oilcfsy) aeffda •ow: /82.01 • .aniSsera bias oS aoilq , •,...., • _ _ 7., .. .,, ,-,.. : .,... 12 I --- -----. : 177-1; ,Ltib - --- . . • • _____ _______L-,....,_. . _ _, _ ._..._. u -,, - — -- , ., J r, mks.