Resolution 329 _ ene �. JJLUTIOI1 NO 329 District SR-8 Sewer Improvement SR-8 Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida: That the construction of the following described improvements is hereby ordered to be made ; the City Council hereby setting forth its intention to proceed under Section 29 of the City Charter. SR-8 An eight ( 8 ) inch terra cotta sanitary sewer and necessary man- holes and anourtenances: In Second Street from the center line of Meridian Avenue to the center line of Jefferson `venue. In Jefferson Avenue from the center line of Second Street to a point Fifty ( 50) feet South of the center line of Third Street. In Fourth Street from center line of Meridian Avenue to the center line of Jefferson Avenue . In Jefferson Avenue from a point fifty ( 50 ) feet north of the center line of Third Street to a point sixty ( 60) feet south of the center line of Fifth Street . In Sixth Street from the center line of Meridian Avenue to the center line of Jefferson Avenue . , - In Jefferson Avenue from a point sixty ( 60) feet north of the center line of Fifth Street to a point fifty ( 50) feet south of the center line of Seventh Street . In Meridian yvenue from the center line of Sixth Street to a point fifty (50) feet south of the center line of seventh Street. In Sixth Street from the center line of elle;; between Meridian Avenue and Euclid Avenue to the west property line of 4ashington Avenue. In 7ashington Avenue from the intersection of west property line of 7ashington Avenue and lest Sixth Street to the intersection of center line of 'Jashington Avenue and center line of East Sixth Street . In Sixth Street from the center line of Vashington Avenue to the center line of the alley between Collins Avenue and Ocean :Drive. In alley between Euclid Avenue and ?ernasyly znia Avenue from the center line of Sixth Street to apoint fifty ( 50) feet south of the center line of Seventh Street. In alley between '1ashington Avenue and Collins :_venue from the center line of Sixth Street to a eoint fifty ( 50) feet south of the center line. of Seventh Street. In Collins Avenue from the center line of Sixth Street to a point forty ( 40) feet north of the center line of 2ifth Street. In alley between vollins Avenue and Ocean Drive from the center line of Sixth Street to a point ' fifty ( 50) feet south of the center line of Seventh Street. Inighth Street from the center line of alley between Meridian Avenue and Euclid Avenue to the center line of alley between Col- lins Y venue and Ocean Drive . In alley between Collins .`venue and '; ashin ^ton _';venue from a point fifty ( 50 ) feet north of the center line of Seventh Street to a point fifty ( 50) 'feet south of 'inth Street . In alley between Collins avenue and Ocean Drive from a point fifty ( 50) feet north of the center line of Seventh Street to a point fifty ( 50) feet south of the center line ofinth Street . In Tenth Street from the center line of alley between Meridian Avenue and Euclid Avenue to the center line of alley between Collins Avenue and Ocean Drive. 'In alley between - uclid Avenue and feennsylvania Avenue from the center line of Tenth Street to a point fifty ( 50) feet south of the center line of Eleventh Street. In alley between Collins Avenue and 1ashington Avenue from a point fifty (50) feet north of the center line of Ninth Street to a point fifty ( 50) feet south of the center line of Eleventh reet . alley between Collins Avenue and Ocean Drive from a point i .ty ( 50) feet north of the center line of ':ninth Street to a . 1.. point fifty ( 50) feet south of the center line of Eleventh Street . in 'Tvelfth Street from the center line of alley between eluclid _Avenue andeTennsylvania Avenue to the center line of alley between Collins Avenue and Ocean Drive. in alley between Euclid Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue from the center line of Twelfth Street to a point fifty ( 50) feet north of the center line of leaeventh Street . in alley between Washington Avenue and Collins Avenue from a point f-ifty ( 50 ) feet north of the center line of Eleventh Street to a point fifty ( 50 ) feet south of the center line of Thirteenth Street . in alley between Collins Avenue and Ocean Drive from a point fifty ( 50) feet north of the center line of Eleventh Street to a point fifty ( 50) feet south of the center line of Thirteenth Street . in nmrteenth Street from the center line of Pennsylvania Avenue to the center line of alley between Collins Avenue and Ocean Drive. In alley between Washington Avenue and rlollins Avenue from a point fifty ( 50) feet north of the center line of Thirteenth Street to the center line of alley adAoining on the north Block 26 of Ocean Beach Addition No. 2, as recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 56 , Public L-ecords Dade county, Florida. in said alley from a point eighty-five (85) feat east of the center line of Washington Avenue to a point sixty ( 60) feet west of the center line of Collins Avenue . In alley between Collins Avenue and Ocean Drive from a point fifty ( 50) feet north of the center line of Thirteenth Street to a point forty-five ( 45) feet south of the south line of Whitman Tract . In alley between Lenox Avenue and Michigan Avenue from a point fifty ( 50) feet north of the center line of Seventh Street to the center line of Eleventh Street. In Fifteenth Street from the center line at Drexel 1venue to the center line of 5ashinp'ton Avenue and froi the center line of Collins Avenue to a point fifty ( 50 ) feet east of the center line of Collins .1weenue. In 7ashinton Avenue from the center line of fifteenth Str45% to a point ninety-three ( 93) feet north of the center line of Zspanola XXXI ;fay. On a line ninet-three ( 93) feet north of and parallel to 3spanola X Jay from the center line of Washington Avenue to the center line of Collins Avenue . In Collins Avenue froie a point ninety ( (e0 ) feet south of the center line of Espanola Way to a point eighty ( 60) feet south of the center line of Sixteenth Street . In Sixteenth Street from the center line of Collins Avenue to a point fifty (50) feet east of the center line of Collins Avenue. In Collins Avenue from the center line of Sixteenth Street to the center line of Lincoln Road. In Lincoln Road from a point thirty-five ( 35) feet west of the east prop- erty line of Washington Avenue to the center line of Collins Avenue . In Seventeenth Street from the center line of James Street to a -point fifty (50) feet east of the center line of Collins Avenue . In Collins %venue from a point seventy-five ( 75 ) feet north of the center line of Lincoln Road to a point sixty-five ( 65) feet south from the center line of Eighteenth Street . In Eighteenth Street from the center line of James Street to a point fifty ( 50 ) feet east of the center line of Collins Avenue. In Collins Avenue from the center line thf Eighteenth Stre t to a point twenty ( 20) feet south of the center line of Nineteenth Street. As aforesaid streets, alleys, avenues and tracts are shown in Plat Book 2 , Pages 56 ,77 and 81, Plat Book 3, Pe -e 11, Plat Book 4, Page 83, Plat Book 6, Pages 34 and 172, XXXXWAIMM*XXISTPlat Book 7 , Page 145, Pub- lic. Records of Dade County, Florida, and as said Collins Avenue , Washington Avenue , leifteenth Street , Sixteenth Street , Jev nteenth Street and Eighteenth Street , Lenox Avenue , LichiRan Avenue , Meridian Avenue, 'Jefferson Avenue , Euclidkvenue , Pennsylvania Avenue and Drexel Avenue, are named and desig- nateq in Ordinance' No. 170 , recorded in need Book 297 , at Pace 242, Public Records Dade County, Florida. The City Engineer is hereby directed to ?rePare and to file_with the City Clerk plans and specifications of said improvements and an estimate of the cost 'thereof , including an estimate of the cost of the expenses of Preliminary and other surveys , the insp. ction and superintendence of the work, the ere- paration of olans and s-oecificatiors and estimate, the :zinting and eublice - tion of notices and proceedines , the preparation of bonds and any other ex- penses necessary and proper. This improvement shall be designated in al pro- ceedings, assessments and bonds as Sewer improvement SR-8 , and the property against which assess- ; 0 C l � TTT5f5f5fiii Page 3. r.ents may be made for the cost thereof hereunder shall be designated as District 3R-8 Passed and adopted this 7th day of march, A. J. , 1923. (::— •resid ent City Oouncil ATTEST: City Clerk Approved this 7th day of Larch, A. D. , 1920.' AlAdirat 24-1- ° Mei r—or Ir ro rol `u P, co c :_• t-' c+ c CD ►-3 H C W rI .F4 Co C Ci W CD a. ,