Resolution 352 • RESOLUTION NO. 352 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIA= BEACH, FLOR-, IDA, AS TO THE CANVASS OF TR?, RE- TURNS OF A •SP .CIAL ELaCTION HELD APRIL 9th, 1923. • WHEREAS, The City Council of the city of Miami Beach, r'lorida, heretofore passel a resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds for sat City in the sum of One Hundred thousand Dollars for the purpose of extending and developing its water works system, Twenty Thousand Dollars for the purpose of improving its streets and avenues by constructing and erecting permanent electric light poles and e- quinning the same with permanent ornamental electric lamps, Seven Thousand Dollars for the purpose of erecting a bridge over the water way between the mainland and Belle isle within the said city, Sixty- five Thousand Dollars for the purpose of paying the City' s share of the cost of constructing sanitary sewers, .eighteen Thousand Dollars for the purpose of. paying the City' s share of constructing storm sewers and ren Thousand Dollars for the purpose of paving its streets, and in said resdlutioncaled a special election to be held in said City on April 9th, 1923, for the purpose of submitting said questions to the qualified voters of said uity. NOW, hHEREFO: , BE IT R.SOLVED BY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THS CITY OF MAME BEACH, ?LORI DA: Section ; : That said uity Council has this day publicly can- e vassed the returns of the aforesaid election+, which canvass was made solely, exclusively and entirely from the returns of certifi6ates of the inspectors and clerk heretofore appointeeto hold and conduct said election and this City Council, acting as a canvassing board, has found that upon the question: "Shall the City of Miami Beach, Florida issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of $100,000.00 for the purpose of extending and developing its water works system?" 73 votes were cast, of which 72 voters voted "Yes" and 1 voters voted "No"; and that upon the question: "Shall the Cit—Ta Miami Beach, . lorida issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of 20,000.00 for the purpose of improving its streets and avenues by constructing and erecting permanent electric light poles and equip- ping the same with permanent ornamental electric lamps?", 73 votes were cast, of which 72 voters voted "Yes"and 1 votem toted "iso"; and that upon tie—question: "Shall the City of Miami Beach, Florida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of 17,000.00 for the purpose of erecting a bridge over the water way between the mainland and. Belle Isle within the said City? ", 68 votes were cast , of which 65 voters voted "Yes" and 3 voters voted "No"; and that upon the question: "Shall the City of turiami Beach, PIor- ida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of $65,000.00 for the purpose of paying the City' s share of the cost of constructing san- itary sewers?", 73 votes were cast , of which 72 voters voted "Yes ", and 1 voters toted "No "; and that upon the question: "Shall the City of Miami Beach, r'lorid.a issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of $16,000.00 for the purpose pf paying the City' s share of constructing storm sewers?", 73 votes were cast , of which 72 voters voted "Yes" and 1 voters voted "No"; and that upon the question; "Shall the uity of Miami peach r'lorida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sun of 440,000.00 for the purpose of raving its streets?", 73 votes were cast, of which 71 voters voted "Yes" and 2 voters voted "No"; and that a majority of the votes cast upon each of the aforesaid • questions were for the issuance of said bonds and. said City Coun- cil does hereby declare the result of said electien upon each of Page 2, l said questions to be for the issuance of bonds in the aggre;al sum of 217o Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars. Passed and adopted this 11th day of pril, A. D. , 19. Presi den y Cour_ci'i City U1erk Approved this 11th day of 4ril, A. D. , 1.92Z. 1 ma;i0 • 40 M t CV O H CQ U24 H d+ O O I-3 et-4 +- 0t P4 � Omr- 0 rcio Ori al N rn p4 rd Lij ,�r-i CO 54 0 f-4 C12 (xi Pi4 c I _