Resolution 354 T H 1 mH b4 K fPg r t�J OgiFpOf/� rte, t? h .Q tD 3-1c+ , � C09 4.4 i G? o0Ot� O 4 . NO. 354 m 06 `- 0' ' a' p RESOLUTIONm 4 (9 4 e F4. te 0tr003 44 H District A-24 Highway improvement' ti-24 1 F-� . ,4 i s Mi 0 A C7 b•1 w`TO b., i Y c+ AREAS, the City Council , by resolution, passed and adopted la .4 on the 7th day of Larch, 1923, ordered the highway Improvement H-24, District H-24, and the City Engineer, under direction of the City Council , has prepared and filed with the City Clerk plans and specifications of such improvement and an estimate of the cost thereof, including an estimate of the cost of the incidental expenses of said improvement , and whereas due notice by publica- tion as required by the City Charter has been made that the City Council would on the 21st day of March, 1923, at the City nail in said City, at 7:30 o'clock P. LI. , receive and hear remonstran- ces of all interested persons to the confirmation of said reso- lution ordering said improvement , and all remonstrances received having been heard and considered by the city Council at the time and place aforesaid. THEREFORE, Be it ftesolved by the city council of the City of Miami beach, ielorida , that the said resolution of said City Council ordering said highway improvement H-24, District H-24, be and the same is hereby confirmed. PASSED and ADOPTED this 18th day of April , A. D. , 1123. President ci y Cbuncir— ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVJiD this ldth day of April , A. , 1923. Tv yor • 1k + 'd 1.4 g I *c`;,' rj g o 0 o t() al 4414 .41 Al •r4r4 0 tO a2 4-3 a) a3 •r-I CO .4 +3 M0 +1 • .• ."*.•• 0 k 0 H+3 444 0 0 0 cl • iiTOIE c. owOoaka) 4-3 0 0 0 al P4 1_1 r.4OiOd0 0 E-t '44 0 ca•ri F-1 qg 0 I P4 't-4 Q Cl2 0 11:10 01-4014 SI ir3 0 cH ril4 24 rd o a3 (Z 0 0 a) 0 •ri .1-1 as otH (T3 x/1;. erfS 0 rn 0 rsa CD $-J CO '!;!I jurel et;td) WrtI ed: belefrio ab rill' er{ no r.4 .41 ras 4:1 -P "I PLI 'T.Pr:P7r: teibetela enalf,i, x,:10 erfi ritiw belit brie belagelq aerl elionuo0 10'10 elamitee 5ftii tit einevolargi dome !to enoltzoitioege brie ori: 10 :Boo efil a-st) See its ignibcfloal :tooled/ :sop JL; v,or 0.:31 :!"Oft eb 9t19'.1-5 "7 51.1.-. rvor b128 o asaciestqxe J.i cit :EtAt3i ased &1 r11 e -,Ld f),Ial.opea ea aol: c-rf ' 1.8 ,,f,',:t?1 et-N124,1 Ito -,yBb JCIS ed: no bilrow ilonroD evieoe's OE:V Je ,x110 61138 al Jee's 5128 lc .1cits3rulfInoo erfr oS afioaleci be/sole/fit 11:2 o eso i9011:1j6C/0Zel 1113 bAse , tnezevL.Icimi biBe TinlIeb•so noi:r1 emit J.cit lloasso0 tu rr: Ø beleblanoo bna b^c.aerf need 7'411v,nri eoelq bna ecf lo lloariou iu ea/ cf bevioae'r. i ad ,S,H072HEITI: .1;3.10 biaa10 niOUsIoaei biza err/ /a,ft • erfoc.let 1ra212 to Sne.zevolgm1. biza ngiTeblo lions300 e3 D11 ed. , 11-1qA oIz,.ab nfi aill1 gIVIOCLA biz • - 1 )m floriotiu • --- fie J.8915. . • , , I1XqA O 1;J3b ni1 airft