Resolution 382 RESOLUTION NO . 382 RESOLUTION APPROVINO AND =arm= THE PLANS OP T BAY BISOAYUE LURROVEUENT OCUPANYFOR THE COB. aouoTIon CP A cAuaftwa AND VIAZUCTS PEW =ALI BEACH AihOUGH BELLE ISLAND AaD THE TENETIAN D;LialDS TO TIIM CITY OV =AM. BB I itIWOLVEDI 11.4, Oeunell of the City of 11aud, 4:,each ttmt the plans for a owls°-way and viaducts from Liari Beach trough Bello Island and the Venetian iaande to the City of L-iaLlie us per plans submitted by The Bsy Biscayne Wrove mant -;ompoxy are hereby approved az 4 endorsed. This resolution to passed for the purpose OX anablinc, the Bi Y Bise44110 ImProvement Company to procure a permit for the construction of those viaducts and oz;use-way as per plans which may hereafter be aseeptable to the we i,)epartlent of the United. States, ; I 12 YURTEER REsOLVED: That the sail The Bay Biscayne Imj}rovomeat Cempaay file a be print of the said plans with the Jouncil of the City of aami Beach for further references 2AS3ED AND AMP= this Gtb day of JUneo 19215.0 iv • . resident of the (.1 Council 0%1-0-lima. • Clerk„. A.ppr aved gel,*1 =%, A _ 17.41701r. 1 1SC) .(Y) • • t • • • _ _