Resolution 403 • Rn S0LUTiUN ;i 0. 403 hlGHWAY )ISTRICT h- 20 hlGhWAY U ±R0V ` -JT h - 20 J:f?E'? AS, the city J ngi neer anc , treet Committeemen have certi- fied to the completion of the work above designated, and Hy' EAS, the said certificate has been accented, approved, con- firmed andordered spread upon the minutes of the city Council, and „HE:i;!,AS, the city uouncil by resolution directing the uity n- gineer to prepare and file with the uity clerk of said city, a pre- . liminary assessment roll in accordance with aection 29 of the city Charter of said city, and ,r, REAS, the said city Engineer has filed with the said City clerk, said preliminary assessment roll in ac :ordance with said oection 29 of the said city charter which said preliinary assessment roll has been ordered spread upon the minutes of the city uouncil. .wW, 2hEREe0a3, iT iESULVED by the cit;. uouncil of the .city of Miami beach, Florida, that the uity ulerk be, and the sane is hereby di- rected to give notice by posing that a meeting of the uity uo;,ncil will be held on•the 20th day of June , A. D. 1923, at 9:00 A. L. at the City council Chambers in said uity of i,,iami beach for the ourpose of receiving written objections from any and all persons whose property is described in said preliminary assessment roll. that said notice shall be posted by the said City ulerk at the door of the uity hall in the uity of .Liia.mi beach, .eaorida, and at least two other public places in said uity for at least two weeks prior to said meeting. 2ASS3D3 A A'Du2TED this 6th day of June , A. D. 1923. 2resi.den ity council pro-te ATTEST: City clerk • APPRUV .J this 6th day of June , A. J. , 1923. - -- - IL.I -d ..,. ).1 . .1:::-1 I ..... I- 4 ( , , . . , . . _i-. ., '-,.i,„ .. 'Jr: aeLd V,,11,,) .ol,sa ej.: dsi-,, .. . auifueL, :iila c-1,-;i :, t ., . : , . C - 1,4 lee° azil iloa J.1151:13J13 VI:_sill il'5"1 biS .; il:. .ilt.:asiou ,11',: ea/ Io aeIl'ilm 3fiT ilaqss bi.-.1f lo lui. ed: Io lioas.ft„ -lb vieled ai ,.i-i6 e.-it b2.:i. ,ed )11,1u IT,tiu edt tad: , 51aolrif Illw liva. 0 ..f,J1;:. ed: to 7.41item a tad: 2,111,-aoq NU,i oitori 'yin ol bete :At lO Ja .ili .L OC :Q 1:,.. ,64‘.2.1 .(.1. .A , sdst lo I4ob Itos erft• no 5Ied amo eaoaq edt lol dai d oset ims1" 16771u bias aaemadu liormou xt .1sk Uo, al Nr,tleciolq eaodw anoaleq IJs brig 7as moll adoitontdo aettilw '1.?Tavieoe t .11c's Iftemaseaas \,..-,a3al,111 aa bila al ted.Noan exit Is 1.1e1u vio bise edt yd. betaoq ed lisda eoIton bila tpdT Issel ts has ,sbil,al.s , doset imsta to Viu eft al list!. Viu exit 10 'xoob ct uolag Li.-2leew owl t6sel ts -lol: Viu bIL,?, Ai :35:.),-,1q olidlq aedto ow: 1 .3ilitemm Tisa .!;St?1 .1,1 .4.„ , ,,,nsl,„ 'Io fJi iliJ C.,. .c,, , . , -- • ,e ..A. . ..; .1. .L. ._ ._, ,o , ___:..-„,_ ./1 \,V, -A ).., 'tN\.- • \ 4