Resolution 530 r." �� "� '-9 t. JYI 2 -.A E i irai RESOLUTION NO. 530 A RESOLUTIO1'T OP THE CITY COUNCIL 07 THE CITY OF MIArII BEACH, FLORIDA, AS TO THE CANVASS OF THE RETURNS OF A SPECIAL ELECTION HELD FEB. 19, 1924. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, heretofore yoassed a resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds of said city in the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, for the pur- pose of extending and developing its water works system, in the sum of Fourteen Thousand Dollars for the purpose of erecting a bridge within said City over Collins canal , between the east and west lines of Meridian Avenue, as shown on a plat recorded in slat Book 6, at Page 26, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, extended north, across said canal , in the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars , for the purpose of paying the City' s share of the cost of constructing san- itary sewers, in the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars for the purpose of paying the City's share of the cost of constructing storm sewers, in the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars for the ourpose of erecting a fire station, equipping and furnishing the same with a fire engine and other fire fighting apparatus and acquiring a site therefor and in- stallation of a fire alarm system, in the sum of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars for the purpose of developing and improving its public parks in the sum of Eighteen Thousand Dollars for the purpose of construct- ing a bulkhead along the north side of Collins Canal , a waterway with- in said City, from the Alton Road Bridge easterly to the west Golf Course Bridge, to prevent the caving of the north side of Collins Canal and injury to Dade Boulevard, and in the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars for the purpose of paving its streets; and in said resolution called a special election to be held in said City on February 19, 1924, for the ourpose of submitting said questions to the duly registered and quali- fied voters of said City who re owners of and _pay taxes on real or personal property within said City. NOW, THEREFOHE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THF, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: That said City Council has this day publicly canvassed the returns of the aforesaid ele ctio.4, which canvass was made solely, exclusively and entirely from the returns of certificates of the ig- spectors and clerk heretofore appointer to hold and conduct said elec- tion, and this City Council , acting as a canvassing board, has found that upon the question: "Shall the City of Miami Beach, Florida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of 4100,000, for the purpose of extending and developing its water works system?" 51 votes were cast , of which 50 voters voted "yes" and 1 voter voted "no ; " that upon the question: "Shall the City of Miami Beach, Florida , issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of 414 ,000 for the purpose of erecting a bridge within said City over Collins Canal , between the ea t and west lines of Meridian Avenue , as shown on a plat recorded in Plat Book 6, at Page 26, of the public records of Dade County, Florida, extended north, across said caeal?" 49 votes were cast, of which 42 voters voted "yes" and 7 voters voted "no" ; that upon the question: "Shall the City of Miami Beach, Florida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of ;350,000. for the purpose of paying the City' s share of the cost of constructing sanitary sewers?" 51 votes were cast , of which 49 voters voted "yes" and 2 voters voted "no ;" that upon the giestion: "Shall the City of Miami Beach, Florida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of 420,000. for the ourpose of paying the City' s share of the cost of constructing storm sewers?" 51 votes were cast , of which 49 voters voted "yes" , and 2 voters voted "no ;" that upon the question: "Shall calo, ova 0 • the city of Miami Beach, Florida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of 040,000. for the purpose of erecting a fire sta- tion, equipping and furnishing the same with a fire engine and. other fire fighting apparatus, and acquiring a site therefor and installation of a fire alarm system?" 50 votes were cast , of which 46 voters voted "yes" and 4 voters voted "no ;" that upon the ques- tion: "Shall the City of Miami Beech, Florida, issue. negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of 025,000. for the purpose of developing and improving its public parks?" 49 votes were cast , of which 45 voters voted. "yes" and 4 voters voted "no ;" that upon the question: "Shall the City of Miami Beach, Florida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of 418,000. for the purpose of constructing a bulk- head along the north side of Collins Canal, a waterway within said City, from the Alton load Bridge easterly' to the west golf Course Bridge, to prevent the caving of the north side of Collins Canal and injury to Dade Boulevard?" 48 votes were cast , of which 42 voters vote,: "yes" and 6 voters voted "no ;" and that upon the question: "Shall the City of Miami Beach, Florida, issue negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of 440,000 for the purpose of paving its streets?" 45 votes were cast , of which 43 voters voted "yes" and 2 voters voted "no ;" and that a majority of the Totes cast upon each of the aforesaid qtr stions was for the issuance of said bonds, and said City Council does hereby declare the result of said elf; ction upon each of said questions to be for the issuance of the bonds in the aggregate sum of 4307 ,000. 'PASSED AITD ADOPTED this :'0th day of February, A. D. , 1924. /77_ , President City Council ATTEST: 1 altClerk M • 14 I e E { Meat Mb do- w a 8 s E Y Q W En c+ 0 K o L 0 c+ t-' CS' 1-4 R i o 0 t-{ CD 0 o tadp �'`' • L'€ F-'AD CO tat t0 W P-1 CD o t0 (� L\9W • N H tU 0 1.