Ordinance 1042ORDINANCE NO. 1042 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2 OF ORDINANCE NO. 592 OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA., KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS THE "MIAMI BEACH BUILDING COLE", BY ADDING THER TO, AT THE END THEF.EOF, AN ADDITIONAL PART TO BE KNOWN AS "PART XIV". BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That Section 2 of Ordinance No. 592 of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, known and designated as the "Miami Beach. Building Code," be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto at the end thereof, an additional part to be known as Part XIV, and to read as follows: -1- 14.0..01 SCOPE PART XIV AIR - C0i']t ITIONING CHAPTER The application of this Code is intended to insure the safe de- sign, construction, installation, operation and inspection_ of every refrigerating system employing a fluid which is vapor- ized and is normally liquified in its refrigerating cycle, when employed under the occupancy classifications listed in Sec- tion 3. The provisions of this Code are not intended to apply to the use of water or air as a refrigerant. 1x63.02 PURPOSE This Code is intended to provide reasonable safeguards to life, limb, health, and property; to correct certain practices which are inconsistent with safety; and to prescribe standards of safety which will properly influence future progress and devel- opments in refrigerating systems. It is the intent of this Ccde to recognize listing by an approved nationally recognized testing laboratory. 1+.63.03 This Ccde shall apply to refrigerating systems installed sub- APPLIC- ATION sequent to its adoption and to parts replaced or added to sys- tems installed prior cr subseouent to its adoption. In cases of practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship, the authority having jurisdiction may grant exceptions from the literal re- quirements of this Code or permit the use of other devices or methods, but only when it is clearly evident that equivalent protection is thereby secured. -2- CHAPTER 64 DEFI7ITIONS 1+.64.01 For the purposes of this part, certain terms, phrases and words DEFINI- TIONS shall 'oe construed as set out in this Section. Where such terms, phrases or words are defined in Part II of the Building Code, as well as in this Section, the meaning ascribed in this Section shall govern. Terms, phrases or words not defined in Part II of the Building Code or in this Section shall have the meanings commonly ascribed to them by the trade. .01 ABSORBER: (Adsorber) is that part of the low side of an absorption system used for absorbing (adsorbing) vapor refriger- ant. .02 ABSOPPTIOi'? SYSTEM: is a refrigerating system in which the gas evolved in the evaporator is taken up by an absorber or adsorber. .03 ALTERATION: is the change or exchange of location, type or size of any equipment connected with the system. .04. BRAZED JOINT: for the purpose of this code, is a gas- tight joint obtained 'oy the joining of metal parts with alloys which melt at temperatures higher than 1000 F but less than the melting temperatures of the joined parts. .05 BRINE: is any liquid, used for the transmission of heat without a change in its state, having no flash point or a flash point above 150 F determines. by American Society for Testing Materials method D93-46. .06 CEITRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR: is a noin ositive displacement com- pressor which depends, at least in part, on centrifugal force for pressure rise. -3- • .07 CENTRIFUGAL SYSTEM: is a specific combination of machin- ery for a given refrigerant, consisting of a power -driven cen- trifugal compressor, a condenser, a water or other liquid cool- er, and the regularly furnished accessories. The component parts, after assembly and testing at the factory, are usually disassembled for shipment. .08 COMPRESSOR: is a specific machine, with or without acc- essories, for compressing a given refrigerant vapor. .09 COUP 7SSOR UNIT: is a condensing unit less the condenser and liquid receiver. .10 CONDE7SER: is a vessel or arrangement of *pipe or tubing in which vaporized refrigerant is liquefied by the removal of heat. .11 CNE?SI"G UF1T: is a specific refrigerating machine combination for a given refrigerant, consisting of one or more power -driven cowessors, condensers, liquid receivers (when required), and the regularly furnished accessories. .12 CONTAINER: is a cylinder for the transportation of re- frigerant. Interstate Commerce Commission's Regulations for the Transportation by Rail of Explosives and other Dangerous Articles in Freight, Express, and Baggage Services including Specifications for Shipping Containers, effective October 1, 1930, with Supplement 18 effective May 3, 1948 (4). .13 DEPP.RTNE1 STORE: is the entire space occupied by one tenant or more than one tenant in an individual store where more than 100 persons commonly assemble on other than the street level floor for the purpose of buying personal wearables and other merchandise. -- .14 DESIGr' WORKING PRESSURE: is the maximum allowable working pressure for which a specific rart of a system is designed. .15 DIRECT SYSTEM: is one in uhich the evaporator is in direct contact with the material or space refrigerated or is located in air-circulating passages communicating with such spaces. .16 DOUBLE INDIRECT VENTED OPEN-SPRAY SYSTEM: is one in which a liquid, such as brine or .Tater, cooled by an evapora- tor located in a vented enclosure, is circulated through a closed circuit to a second enclosure where it cools another supply of a liquid, such as brine or water, and this liquid in tur:.- is circulated to a cooling cha:nber and is sprayed therein. .17 DOUBLE (OR SEC0T DARy) SYSTEM: is one in which an evapora- tive regrigerant is used in a secondary circuit. For the pur- pose of this ccde, each system enclosing a separate body of an evaporative refrigerant shall be considered as a separate direct system. .18 DUCT: is a tube or conduit used for conveying or encasing purposes .01 .02 .03 as sr_.ecificaIly defined below: Air duct: air. (The are not to Pipe duct: pipe. is a tube or conduit used for conveying air passages of self-contained systems be construed as air ducts.) is a tube or conduit used for encasing TTire duct: is a either moving or tube or conduit used for encasing stationary wire, rope, etc. .19 ENTRAFTCE: is a confined passageway, immediately adjacent to the door through which people enter a building. .20 EVAPORATOR: is that part of the system in whici_ liquid refrigerant is vaporized to produce refrigeration. -5- .21 EXIT: is a confined passageway immediately adjacent to the c_oor through which people leave a building. .22 EXPA"SIOH COIL: is an evaporator constructed of pipe or tubing. .23 FUSIBLE PLUG: is a device having a predetermined -temper- ature fusible mc,noer for the relief of pressure. .24 GENERATOR: is any device equipped with a heating element used in the refrigerating syste-a to increase the pressure of refrigerant in its vas or vapor state for the purpose of liquefy- ing the refrigerant. .25 HALLWAY: is a corridor for the passage of people. .26 HIGH SIL: means the parts of a refrigerating system under condenser pressure. .27 HU1 ANLy OCCUPITD SPACE: is a space normally frequented or occupied by people but e;:cluding machinery room and walk- in coolers used primarily for refrigerated storage. .2C INDIRECT CLOSE.. SURFACE SYSTEM: is one in which a liquid, such as brine or water, cooled by an evaporator located in an enclosure e::tcrnal to a cooling chamber, is circulated to and through such a cooling chamber in pines or other closed circuits. .29 INDIRECT °FEY SPRAY SYSTEM: is one in which a liquid, such as brine or water, cooled by an evaporator lccated in an enclosure external to a cooling chamber, is circulated to such cooling chamber and is sprayed therein. .30 INDIRECT SYSTEM: is one in which a liquid, such as brine or water, cooled by the refrigerant, is circulated to the material or space refrigerated or is used to cool air so circulated. .31 ITIDIRECT VEiqvrLD CLOSED -SURFACE SYSTEM: is one which a liquid, such as brine or water, cooled by an evaporator located in a vented enclosure external to a cooling chamber, is circu- lated to and through such cooling chamber in pipes or other closed circuits. .32 LIQUID RECEIVT':R: is a vessel per:-^anently connected to a system by inlct and outlet pipes for storage of a liquid re- frigerant. .33 LOBBY: is a waiting room, or large hallway serving as a waiting room. .34 LCW SIDE: means the parts of a refrigerating system under evaporator pressure. .35 iaCIIII'TRY : is the refrigerating equipment forming a part of the refrigerating system including any or all of the following - compressor, condenser, generator, absorber(adsorber), liquid receiver, connecting pipe, or evaporator. .36 MACHh1ERY ROO11: is a room in which a refrigerating system is permanently installed and operated 'out not including evapor- ators located in a cold storage room, refrigerator box, air cooled space, or other enclosed space.' Closets solely contained within, and opening only into, a room shall not be considered machinery rooms but shall be considered a part of the machinery room in which they are contained -or open into. It is not the in- tent of this definition to cause the space in which a self-con- tained system is located to be'classified as a machinery room. .37 MACHINERY ROOM -JLASS T.: is a room having machinerj, but no flame -producing apparatus permanently installed and operated, and also conforming to the following: -7- .01 Any doors, communicating with the building, shall be approved self-closing, tight-fitting fire doors. .02 Walls, floor, and ceiling shall be tight and of not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction. ,03 It shall have an exit door which opens directly to the outer air or through a vestibule-tyre exit equip- ped with self-closing, tight-fitting doers. .04 Exterior openings, if present, shall not be under any fire escape or any open stairway. .05 All pipes piercing the interior walls, ceiling, or floor of such room shall be tightly sealed to the walls; ceiling, or floor through which they pass. .06 Emergency remote controls to stop the action of the refrigerant compressor shall be provided and located immediately outside the machinery- room. .07 Mechanical means shall be provided for ventilation. .08 Emergency remote controls for the mechanical means of ventilation shall be provided and located outside the machinery room. .38 MA`rUFACTUBER : is, for the purpose of this code, the com- pany or organization which evidences its responsibility by affixing its name or nationally registered trade-mark or trade name to the refrigeration equipment concerned. .39 I1ECHA`TICAL JOINT: for the Durpose of this cede, is a gas- tight joint, obtained by the joining of metal parts through a positive-holding mechanical construction. .40 NOIPCSITIVE DISPLACE= COMPRESSOR: is a compressor in which increase in vapor pressure is attained without changing the internal volume of the compression chamber. 1 .41 PIPING: means the pipe or tube mains for interconnecting the various parts of a refrigerating system. .42 PLENUM CHAMBER: is an air compartment maintained under negative or positive pressure and connected to one or more distributing duct. .43 POSITIVE DISPLACEI E_TT COMPRESSOR: is a compressor in which increase in vapor pressure is attained by changing the internal volume of the compression chamber. .44 PRESSURE-IIOSING ELEMENT: is any device or portion of the equipment used for the purpose of increasing the refrigerant vapor pressure. .45 PRESSURE-LIiITTI'M DEVICE: is a rressure-responsive mech- anism designed to automatically stop the operation of the pressure -imposing element at a predetermined pressure. .46 PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICE: is a pressure -actuated valve or rupture member designed to automatically relieve excessive pres- sure. .47 PRESSURE -RELIEF VALVE: is a pressure -actuated valve held closed by a spring or other means and designed to automatically relieve pressure in excess of its setting. .48 PRESSURE VESSEL: is any refrigerant -containing receptacle of a refrigerating system, other than evaporators, each separate section of which does not exceed 1/2 cubic foot of refrigerant - containing volume, expansion coils, compressors, controls, headers, pipe, and pipe fittings. .49 RECIPROCATIr COMPRESSOR: is a positive displacement com- pressor with a piston or pistons moving in a straight line but alternately in opposite directions. -9- .50 REFRIGERANT: is a substance used to produce refrigeration by its expansion or vaporization. .51 REFRIGERATI'?G : for the purpose of this code shall be synonymous with air conditioning. .52 REFRIGERATING SYSTEM: is a combination of interconnected refrigerant -containing parts constituting one closed refrigerant circuit in which a refrigerant is circulated for the purpose of extracting heat. .53 RE PA LLS: replacing or repairing parts which do not require the change of location, size or capacity of any major equipment. .54 RUPTURE IDLER: is a device that will automatically rup- ture at a predetermined pressure. .55 SEALED ABSORPTIM1 SYSTEM: is a unit system for Group 2 refrigerants only in which all refrigerant -containing parts are made permanently tight by welding or brazing against re- frigerant loss. .56 SELF-CONTAINED SYSTEM: is a complete factory -made and factory tested system in a suitable frame or enclosure which is fabricated and shipped in one or more sections and in which no refrigerant -containing parts are connected in the field ether than by companion or block valves. .57 SHALL: Where "shall" or "shall not" is used for a pro- vision specified, that provision is intended to be mandatory. .58 SHOULD: "Should" or "it is recommended" is used to in- dicate provisions which are not mandatory but which are pointed out here as recomnded good practice. -10- .59 SOLDERED JOINT: for the purpose of this code, is a gas- tight joint obtained by the joining of metal parts with metc.11ic mixtures or alloys which melt at temperatures 'below 1000 F and. above 400 F. .60 STOP VALVE: is a shut-off for controlling the flow of refrigerant. .61 TENA!T: as herein used, shall be construed as a person, firm, or corporation possessed with the legal right to occupy premises. .62 UNIT SYSTF'hi: is a self-contained system which has been assembled and tested prior to its installaticn and which is installed without connecting any refricTerant-containing parts. A unit system may include factory -assembled companion or block valves. .63 WELDED JOI T: for the purpose of this code, is a gas- tight joint, obtained by the joining of metal parts in the plastic or molten state. -11- 1 4.65.01 PERMITS REQUIRED 1+.65.02 PERMIT FEES 1+.65.03 PLANS AND SPECIFIC- .ATIONS 1 4.65.04 ENGINEER REQUIRED CHAPTER 6. ADNINISTRTIVE REGULATIONS Permits shall be obtained from the Building Department before the installation, alteration, or major repair of any refriger- ating or air-conditioning equipment. No permits shall be re- quired for repairs that do not require the change of location, size or capacity of any major equipment. Permit fees shall be as prescribed in Section of the Building Code, based on the following established values: Room air conditioners, less than 1/2 ton 150.00 Room air conditioners 1/2 ton or more but 200.00 not exceeding 1 ton Self contained units, without duct work 200.00 per ton and /or cooling towers Self contained units, with duct c•rork and for cooling powers 300.00 per ten Built up systems and others 300.00 per ton Plans shall be required with all permit applications for air- conditioning equipment connected to two (2) or more seperately occupied areas and/or where fifty (50) or more people are served. All space designed to accommorlat:> one hundred (100) or more people as permitted by Density Ordinance or other governing requirements must be prepared under supervision and seal of Registered Mechanical Engineer. 3+.65.05 INSPECTION All air conditioning and refrigerating installations, altera- NOTICE tions and major repairs shall 'oe subject to inspection and a written notice shall be given to the Chief Building Inspector by the Master Reirge'oator Fitter, firm or corporation doing such refrigerating wo:'k or having same done as soon a: 'Le work is ready for inspection. -12- 14.L.06 Inspection of Refrigerating work shall be made within forty - TIME FOR INSPEC- eight (48) hours, exc].usive of Saturday, Sunday and Holidays, TION after notice that tie sane is ready for inspection shall have been received by the Building Department on a written dupli- cate application blank furnished by the Building Department. 1+.65.07 INSPECTIONS Inspections are required to be made at the following stages of REQUIRED installation work: .01 After the major portion of the equipment has been set; .02 After the major portion of the duct work has been installed; .03 After the major portion of the piping has been installed; .04 Before concealing any work; .05 Before the final maximum test pressure is relieved from refrigerant -containing equipment and Piping; .06 During the final start up end /or running test; .07 Final inspection after all requirements of this Ccde have been complied with. 1+.65.08 Any work for which an application_ for inspection has been made, REINSPEC- TIONS which is found by the inspector to be in violation of this Code, incomplete or inaccessible for inspection, shall, in the dis- cretion of the inspector, require an application for reinspec- tion. A fee of two dollars 02.00) shall 'oe paid by the appli- cant for such re -inspection. -17- CHAPTER 66 BUILDING OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ]4+.6.01 For purposes of reguf_ating the installation of air-cenditicn- CLASSIFI- CATION ing systems, a"a bui7.dings are classified by occupancy as follows: .01 INSTITUTIC AL: shall apply to a building or portion rf a b'zilding in wh: ch persons are confined to receive medical, charitab" s, educatio. al, or other care or treatment, or in w':ich persons ar•3 held or detained by reason of public or civic duty, iacludinr among others, hospitals, asylums, sanitariums, police stations, jails, court houses with cells, and similar occupancf .C2 PULIIC ASSTiBLY: shall appy to building or rortion of a cuilding in c'�.teh persons congregate for civic, political, educational., religious, soci7.l., or reccetional purposes; including among others, armo:•=.es, assembly rooms, auditoriums, ball rooms, ba-tf, houses, bus terminals, broadcasting studios, churches, colleges, court houses without cells, dance halls, department storas, exhibition halls, fraternity halls, libra- ries, lodge rooms, mortuary chapels, museums, passenger depots, schools, skatin1 rinks, subway stations, theators, and similar occupanci 3s. .03 RESIDE, 'IA ,: shall ap3 7 to a building or portion of a building in which sleeping accommodations are provided for more than two families, including among others, club houses, convents, dormitories, hotels, lodging houses, multiple storey apartments, studios, t.enement3, a .c similar occ soar_cies. 14.66.02 LOCATION IN BUILD - .04 C0i'1ERCIAL: shall apply to a building or portion of a building used for the transaction of business; for the rendering of professional services; for the supplying of food, drink, or other bodily needs and comforts; for manufacturing purposes or for the performance of work or labor (except as included under Industrial Occupancy) including among others, bake shops, fur storage, laboratories, loft buildings, markets, office buildings, professional buildings, restaurants, stores other than department stores, and simil.7r occupancies. .05 INDUST:.IAL : shall apply to a buildi _-.g or portion of a building used for manufacturing, processing, or storage of materials or pro(ucts, includin(i among others, chemical, food, candy and ice cream factories, plants, refineries, perishable occupancies. When occupied by ice making plants, meat packing food warehouses, and similar a single tenant, the entire build- ing shall be construed as Industrial. .06 NIL) OCCUPANCY: shall apply to a building occupied or used for different purposes in different areas within the same building. When the differing occupancies are completely sep- arated from eacl-other by solid partitions, floors and ceilings with all onen_ings protected by self-closing doors, the require- ments for each occupancy, so separated, shall apply individually. When not so separated the occupancy to which the most rigid reg.. ulations apply shall be effective for the entire building. All air conditioning and/or refrigerating equipment shall be installed in an css!ly accessible manner, 14.67.01 REFRIGER- ATING SYSTEM CHAPTER 67 REFRIGERATING SYSTEM CLASSIFICATIONS Refrigerating s, -stems as defined in Sub -section, aye sub -divided into classes descriptive of the method employ- ed for extracting heat, as follows: .01 DIRECT SYSTEM: 3.s one in which the evaporator is in direct oontact with thr, material or space refrigerated or is located in air -circulating passages cormunicating with such spaces. .02 IVDIRECT SYSTEM: is ov:e in which a liquid such as brine or water cooled by the refrigerant is circulated to the material or space refrigerated, or is used to cool air so circulated. In- direct systers are distinguished as to type or method of appli- cation as f o11 ;yrs : .01 Inci'rect Open Spray: is one in which a liquid, such as brine or water, cooled by aa evaporator located in an enclosure external tc a cooling chamber, is circulated to such cooling chamber and is sprayed therein. .02. Indirect Closed Surface: is one in which a liquid, such as brine or water, cooled by an evaporator located in an enclosure external to a cooling chamber, is circulated to and through such a cooling chamber in pipes or other closed circuits. ,03 Indirect Vented Closed Surface: is one in which a liquid, such a3 brine or water, cooled by an evaporator located in a vented enclosure external to a cooling chamber, is circu- lated to and through such cooling chamber in pipes or other closed circuits- .04 Double frdirect Vented Open Spray: is one in which a liquid such as brine or water, cooled by an evaporator located in a -16- 14.67.02 ILLUSTRA— TIVE DRAW— ING vented enclosure, is circulated throuth a closed circuit to a second enclosure where it cools another supply of a liquid, such as brine or water, and this liquid in turn is circulated to a cooling chamber and is sprayed therein. .03 DOUBLE (OR SECO1 DARY )REFRIGERAJI?T : is one in which an evaporative refrigerant is used in a secondary circuit. For the purpose of this code, each system enclosing a separate body of an evaporative refrigerant shall 'ce considered as a separate direct system. The direct and various indirect systems referred to above are illustrated in Figure 1. (Drawing) REFRIGERANT DIRECT SYSTQM BRINE oR WATE0. ioOLCo BY n'E FRIGF. RANT ERNE. OR WATER-.: OPEN SORA`( SYSTEM Pump E VAPORATOR BRINE OR WATER COOLED BY RE FR16ERANT 6RINt OR WATER Roe.np ORI NL OR WATER CooLf0 BY REFRIGERA,Ir BRINE O* WATER !V1173R4TO0. /8RINE ORLAY ATE �R VEHTRE FR D W �t REFRIGERANT 60.{Nt e4.4%%t1 00V9L 0'. IND tECT Vt'NTf l0 OP F N WATIR I 1 5PRA? sYsrfrt —pUMP pump p INO14EcT CLO !D 5URFacE 519T04 INDIRECT VLNTLO C1nstc SURFACE SYSTEM CoNPRLSSop_ coNofryS[R 0.lcEtVtQ —CooL.1146 CH AMDER. —17— • CHAPTER 68 REFRIGERA.]T GROUPING ]4.68.01 Refrigerants, as defined in Sub -section "J4.64.01.50 are, for GENERAL the purpose of this Code, sub -divided into groups as follows: .01 GROUP 1: Carbon dioxide CO2 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon -12' CC12F2 Dichloromethane (Carrene No. 1) (Methylene chloride) CH2CL2 Dichloromonofluororethane (Freon -21).. CHC12F Dichlorotetrafluorcethane (.Freon -114) C2C12F4 Monochlorodifluoromethane (Freon -22) CHC1F2 Trichloromonofluoromethane (Freon -11) (Carrene No. 2) CC13F Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Freon -113).. C2C13F3 .02 GROUP 2: Ammonia NE3 Dichloroethylene C2H2C12 Ethyl chloride C2H5C1 Methyl chloride CH3C1 Methyl formate HCOOCH3 Sulphur dioxide SO2 .03 GROUP 3: Butane C4Hlo ETHANE C2H6 Ethylene C2H4 Isobutane (CH3)3CH Propane C3H8 -lg- CHAPTER 69 SPECIAL REQUZ1EIFNTS FOR IHSTITL'TIC SAL, PUBLIC ASSE13LY, RESIDEPTIAL, AND COIRCIAL OCCUPANCIES 14.1.01 No refrigerating system shall be installed in or on a public GE=NERAL stairway, stair landing, entrance or exit; nor shall any enclosed stairway be used as a plenum chamber for any air-conditioning or ventilating system. No such system, or part thereof, shall restrict or project into the required width or any path of exit. Only Unit Systems containing not more than the quantity of Group 1 refriger9nt specified in Table I shall be permitted in public hallways or lobbies, except that in Residential and Commercial Occupancies. Sealed Absorption Systems containing not more than 3 pounds of Group 2 refrigerant may be installed. 14.69.02 Refrigerant piping shall not be carried through floors except PIPING THROUGH as follows: FLOORS .01 It may be carried from the basement to the first floor or from the top floor to a machinery penthouse or to the roof. .02 For the purpose of connecting to a condenser on the roof, it gray be carried through an approved, 'rigid and tight con- tinuous fire -resisting pipe duct or shaft having no openings on intermediate floors, or it may be carried on the outer wall of the building provided it is not located in an air shaft, closed court, or in other similar open spaces enclosed within the outer walls of the building. -19- .03 In systems containing Grcup 1 refrigerants, the refrigerant piping may also be carried through floors, intermediate between the first floor and the top floor, provided it is enclosed in an approved, rigid, and tight continuous fire -resisting pipe duct or shaft where it passes through any intermediate space. Where the refrigerating system serves an air conditioning system, the pining need not be enclosed where it passes through air conditioned spaces served by that system. The pipe duct or shaft shall be vented to the outside or to a space served by the air conditioning system. 14.69.03 .01 DIRECT SYSTEMS: The maximum quantity of a Group I refrig- GROUP I REFIIG- erant in a direct system shall be as specified in Table I, except ERANTS as may be otherwise specifically restricted herein. TABLE 1. Maximum Permissible Qun.ntities of Group 1 Refrigerants for Direct S; -stems Refrigerant name Maximum Quantity in lb per 1000 Chemical cu. ft. of humanly Formula occupied space* Carbon dioxide CO2 11 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon -12) CC12F2 31 Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride), (Carrene No. i) CH2C12 6 Dichloromonofluromethane (Freon -21) CHC13F 13 Dichlorotetrafluoromethane (Freon -114) C2012F4 h.4 Monochlorodifluoromethane (Freon -22) CHC1F2 22 Trichloromonofluoromethane (Freon -11) CC13F 35 Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Freon -113) C2C13F3 24 -20- *N S: a) When the refrigerant -containing parts of a system are located in one or more enclosed spaces, the cubical con- tent of the smallest enclosed humanly occupied space ether than the machinery room, shall be used to determine the permissible quantity of refrigerant in the system. b) When the evaporator is located in an air duct system, cub- ical content of the smallest humanly occupied enclosed space served by the air duct system shall be used to determine the permis- sible quantity of refrigerant in the system; however, if the air flow to any enclosed space served by the air duct system cannot be shut off or reduced below one-quarter of its maximum, the cubical contents of the entire space served by the air duct system may be used to determine the permissible quantity of refrigerant in the system. c) Volatile charge in a control shall not be considered as refrigerant. .01 Institutional Occupancies: Direct systems shall be limited to unit systems containing not more than 20 pounds of Group I refrigerant, except for kitchens, laboratories and mortuaries. .02 Institutional and Public Assembly: Direct expansion coils or evapor- ators used for air conditioning and located downstream from, and in proximity to, a heating coil, or located upstream within 18 inches of a heating coil, shall be fitted with relief device discharging to the outside of the building in an approved manner; except that such a relief device shall not be required on -21- unit or self-contained systems if t'_1r, irternal volume of the low side of the system which. may be shut off by valves, divided by the total weight of refrigerant in the system less the weight of refrigerant vapor contained in the other parts of the system at 110 F, exceeds the specific "volume of the refrigerant at critical conditions of temperature and pressure. (Note: the above exemption is also stated in formula forn below.) V1 shall be more than V sp Wl"~''J2 where V1 low side volume, cu. ft. V sp --_ specific volume at critical conditions of temperature and pressure, cu ft per lb total weight of refrigerant in system, ib W2 weight of refrigeraat vax•or (1b) at 110 F in V2, or Tv specific volume of refrigerant, in cu ft per lb, at 110 F, where V2 == total volume of system less V1 cu ft .02 INDIRECT SYSTr:S: Any system containing more than the quantity of a Group 1 refrigerant all- owed in Table 1 shall be of the indirect type :•rith all refri- gerant -containing parts, excepting parts mounted outside the building, installed in a machinery room used for no other pur- pose than for mechanical equipment. .03 MACHINERY MOMS: In Residential and Commercial Occupancies no open flare, or ap:aratus to produce an open flame shall be installed in a machinery room when any refrigerant other than carbon dioxide is used, unless flame is -22- 14.69.04 GROUP 2 REFRIG- ERANTS enclosed and vented to open air. In Institutional and Public Asse!::bly Occupancies, when more than 1 pound of a Group 1 refrigerant, other than carbon dioxide, is used in a system, any portion of which is in a room 'there there is any apparatus for producing an open flame, the restrictions of Group 2 shall apply, unless the flame producing apparatus is providedwith a hood and flue capable of removing the products of combustion to open air. .01 DIRECT SYST.rS: The maximum quantity of a Group 2 re- frigerant in a direct system shall be as specified in Table II except as nay be othertrise specifically restricted herein. Direct systems containing Group 2 refrig- erants shall not be used for air-conditioning for human comfort in Institutional, Public Assembly, or r^s!dertial Occupancies, and nay be used in Commercial Occupanices only when containing not more than 20 pounds of refrigerant. TABTE 2. Maximum Permissible Quantities of Group 2 Refrigerants for Direct Systa.ns* Maximum Type of pounds for various occupancies* refrigerating Institu- Public Resi- Comer - system tional Assembly dential cial Sealed Absorption Systems: a) In public hall- ways or lobbies 0 0 3 3 13) In other than public hallways or lobbies 0** 6 6 20 -23- Type of refrigerating system Institu- tional Maximum pounds for various occupancies Public Assembly Resi- dential C omer- cial Self -Contained or Unit Systems: a) In public hallways or lobbies 0 0 b) In other than public hallways or lobbies 0 0#* Other RefrigeratinF Systems in Machinery Room (See 0 0 Other Refrigerating Systems in Class T Machinery Room 500 1000 (See 0 0 6 20 300 600 No limit No limit Direct systems containing Group 2 refrigerants shall not be used for air conditioning for human comfort in Institutional, Public Assembly, and Resid- ential Occupancies and shall be so used in Commercial. Occupancies only r•rhen c.'ntaining not more than 20 pounds of refrigerant. Six pounds allowed when installed in kitchens, l_a.bor: tories, and mor- tuaries for applications other than air conditioning for human comfort. .02 INDIRECT SYSTEMS: The maximum quantity of a Group 2 refrigerant in an indirect system shall be as specified in Table III, except as may be otherwise speci- fically restricted herein. Any system using a Group 2 refriger- ant in excess of the quantities shown in Table II shall 'oe of an indirect type. TABLE 3. MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE QUA_?TITIES OF GROUP 2 REFRIGERANTS FOR IiTIRECT S1STET S Occupancy Institutional Public Assembly Residential Commercial Column 1 Machinery Rooms (See Max lb 0 0 Not more than 300 lb Not more than 600 lb Column 2 Class T Machinery Roos (See Max lb Not more £ha`n`300 ib — Not more than 1C00 lb No limit No limit --214-- 14.69.05 GROUP 3 REFRIG- ERANTS .01 Institutional and Public Assembly: Indirect systems shall be of the vented closed surface, or the double indirect vented open spray, type. .02 Residential and Commercial: Indirect systems shall be of the vented cosed s-irface,.double indirect vented open spray, or the primary circuit of double refrigerant, type. .03 Machinery Rooms: Indirect systeris using Group 2 re- frigerants shown in Column 1 of Table III shall have all refrig- erant containing parts, except parts mounted outside the building; installed in a machinery room, used for no ogler purpose than for mechanical equipment. Such systems using refrigerant in excess of the quantities in Column 1, but nos exceed those specified in Column 2, shall have all ref=•=.g;rant-containing parts installed in a Class T. machinery roc Where a mach- inery room is required to Louse a refrigerating system contain- ing any Group 2 refrigerant other than suipaur dioxide, no flame producing device, or surfaces heatec'..zyJove 800° F. will be permitted in such room, and all electrical equipment in the room shall conform to the requirements for high hazard locations of Part XI ETFCTRICAL of this Code. Group 3 refrigerants shall not be used in Institutional, Public Assembly, Residential, or Commercial Occupancies except in lab- oratories for Commercial Occupancies. In such laboratory in- stallations only unit systems containing not more than 6 pounds shall be used unless the number of persons does not exceed one person per 100 square feet of laboratory floor area, in which case the requirements for Industrial Occupancy shall apply. -25- CHAPTER 70 SPECI^.L REQUIRELENTS FCR INDUSTRIAL OCCUPANCIES 71.70.01 There shah be no restriction on the quantity or kind of re - GENERAL frigerant used in an Industrial Occupancy, except as follcu s: .01 MUEBER OF PERSONS: When the number of persons above the first floor exceeds one person per 100 square feet of floor area, the requirements of Commercial Occupancies shall apply unless that portion of the building containing more than one person per 100 square feet of floor area above the first floor, together with its entrances and exits, be cut off from the rest of the building by tight con- struction with self-closing, tight -fitting doors. -26- CHAPTER 71 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A.71.01 .01 FOUNDATIONS AND SUPPORTS: Foundations and supports for GENERAL PROVISIONS condensing units, or compressor units, shall be of substantial and non-combustible construction when more than 6 inches high. .02 PROTECTION OF MOVING PARTS: All moving parts of machinery shall be provided with safety guards in accordance with accepted safety standards. .03 WORK ROOM: Adequate space shall 'oe provided around conden- sing units or compressor units, for proper in- spection and servicing. .04 ILLUMINATION: Adequate electrical illumination shall be provided for prover inspection and servicing of condensing units, or compressor units. .05 ELECTUCAL INSTALLATION: All electrical equipment and wiring shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of Part XI of the Building Code. .06 GAS INSTALLATIONS: All gas burning equipment and gas piping shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of PART XII of the Building Code. .07 ROOF MOUNTED EQUIPMENT: All roof mounted equipment shall be securely anchored to suitable supporting members of the roof framing, and may be required to be provided with storm guys. All materials used to support such equipment shall be treated so as to prevent rotting or corrosion. Flashing shall be provided where required to prevent roof leaks. -27- 14.71.02 WATER SUPPLY AND DIS- CHARGE All water supply and discharge connections shall 'oe made in accordance with the provisions of PART XII of the Building Code. The following specific provisions shall apply. .01 All condensation waste lines shall discharge indirectly, or safe -waste, to the City sanitary sewer, or where avail- able to a City storm sewer. .02 Not more than 50 gallons per hour of waste water from water coo- ed compressors shall be discharged into the City sanitary sewer. .03 No over flow connection shall be made to any cooling tower mounted on the roof of a building. .04 Drain lines, or bleeder line connections, shall be in- stalled low point of .05 Cooling in condenser water circulating lines as near the the system as practicable. towers serving units of ten ton capacity or less, which serve individual building units, may waste indirectly, or safe -waste, into the City sanitary serer. .06 Cooling systems serving units of more than ten ton capacity shall be provided with bleeder lines discharging to a City storm sewer, or to a drainage well, or as may be otherwise app- roved by the Chief Building Inspector. Drain lines from such cooling systems shall be run to the ground floor level indepen- dent of any other drain lines, and shall discharge as provided above. .07 Where wells are used for cooling water, all such water wasted, shall be discharged into a drainage well. .08 No discharge line using City water shall be directly con- nected to a sewer or drainage system, but shall discharge over and above a trapped and vented plumbing fixture, or drain- age well. -28- • • 14.71.03 When the quantity of flammable refrigerant in any one refriger- OPEN FLANES ating system exceeds the amount given in Table 4 for each 1000 14.71.04 WITIDCW TYPE Ai,- CO'IDIT ION- ING UNITS 1 x+.71.05 FLAT IABLE REFRIGER- ANTS cubic feet of room volume in which the system or any part there- of is installed, then no flame -producing device or hot surface above 800 F. shall be permitted in such room and all electrical equipment in the room shall conform to the requirements of Hazardous Locations Class I of the latest edition of the National Electrical Code. There shall be no flame producing device in- stalled in any plenum chamber. All individual air conditioning units installed in walls or windows shall be securely anchored to the walls by approved methods. Where a portion of a glass window is used the portion to remain shall be replaced with ill plate glass where the area is greater than 1.5 square feet, and with 1/8" double thick glass where the area is 1.5 square feet or less. All glass shall be securely held in place with approved glass clips. Flammable refrigerants as listed in Table 4 shall not be used in any refrigerating system in excess of 1000 pounds, except by special approval of the Chief Building Inspector. -29- TABLE 4. MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE QUAINITITIES OF FLAMMABLE REFRIGERANTS Name Maximum quantity Chemical in ib per 1000 cu formula ft of room volume Butane 04H10 2 1/2 Ethane C2H6 2 1/2 Ethyl chloride C2H5C1 6 Ethylene C2H4 2 Isobutane (CH3)3CH 2 1/2 Methyl chloride CH3C1 10 Methyl formate HCOOCH3 7 Propane C3H8 2 1/2 14.71.06 The following special requirements shall apply to machinery MACHINERY RCOMS rooms: .01 Each refrigerating machinery room shall be provided with tight fitting door or doors and have no partitions or open- ings that will permit the passage of escaping refrigerant to other parts of the building. .02 Each refrigerating machinery room shall be provided with means for ventilation to the outer air. The ventilation shall consist of windows or doors opening to the outer air, of the size shown in Table 5, or of mechanical means capable of removing the air from the room in accordance *•rith Table 5. The amount of ventilation for refrigerant removal purposes shall be determined by the refrigerant content of the largest system in the machinery room. -33- .03 Mechanical ventilation, when used, shall consist of one or more power -driven exhaust fans, which shall 'oe capable of removing from the refrigerating machinery room the amount of air specified in Table 5. The inlet to the fan, or fans, or air duct connection shall be located near the refrigerating equip - rent. The outlet from the fan, or fans, or air duct connections shall terminate outside of the building in an approved manner. When air ducts are used either on the inlet or discharge side of the fan, or fans, they shall have an area not less than speci- fied in Table 5. Provision should be made for the inlet of air to replace that being exhausted. Mechanical Ventillation for Class T Machinery rooms shall operate continuously while the air conditioning machinery is in operation. Ventilation shall con- form to the requirement of Table 5. TABLE 5. MINIMUM AIR DUCT AREAS AND OPENINGS Weight of Mechanical Duct area, Open window refrigerant discharge sq ft or door in system, lb of air, cfm area, sq ft UP TO 20 150 1/4 4 50 250 1/3 6 100 400 1/2 10 150 550 2/3 12 1/2 200 680 2/3 14 250 800 1 15 300 900 1 17 400 1,100 1 1/4 20 500 1,275 1 1/4 22 600 1,450 1 1/2 24 700 1,630 1 1/2 26 800 1,800 2 28 -31- TABLE 5. cont'd Weight of refrigerant in system, lb Mechanical discharge of air, cfm Duct area, sq ft Open window or door area, sq ft UP TO 900 1,950 2 1,000 2,050 2 1,250 2,250 2 1/4 30 31 33 1,500 2,500 2 1/4 37 1,750 2,700 2 1/4 38 2,000 2,900 2 1/4 40 2,500 3,300 2 1/2 43 3,000 3,700 3 48 4,000 4,600 3 3/4 55 5,000 5,500 4 1/2 62 6,000 6,300 5 68 7,000 7,200 5 1/2 74 8,000 8,000 5 3/4 80 9,000 8,700 6 1/4 85 10,000 9,500 6 1/2 90 12,000 10,900 7 100 14,000 12,200 7 1/2 109 16,000 13,300 7 3/4 118 18,000 14,300 8 125 20,000 15,200 8 1/4 130 25,000 17,000 8 3/4 140 30,000 18,200 9 145 35,000 19,400 9 1/4 150 40,000 20,500 9 1/2 155 45,000 21,500 9 3/4 160 34.71.07 Ducts which are a part of an air-conditioning system for human AIR DUCT SYSTEMS comfort shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of PART VIII of the Building Ccde. 14.71.08 The following special requirements shall apply to the control NOISE CONTROL and regulation of noise nuisance from air-conditioning machinery: -32- .01 411 equipment, existing or hereafter installed, regardless or location, shall be maintained in good working order. Equipment so located that normal operating noises create a nui- sance to adjacent owners or occupants shall be provided with sound proofing, or sound absorbing baffles, or enclosures, as ap2roved, to insure maintainance of a reascnable noise level. .02 All equipment in outer walls, on roofs, or in other exposed locations, which are unduly noisy, and which cause valid complaints from adjoining property owners or occupants, may be required to be relocated, redesigned and/or enclosed in noise retarding materials as determined by qualified engineers and approved by the Chief Building Inspector. .03 Special consideration shall be given to the planning of all future installations to minimize the noise nuisance to ad- joining property owners or occupants, and the Chief Building Inspector shall have authority to reject or require the re -design, of any system which in his opinion would cause such a noise nuisance. -33- 14 .72.01 P]RAL 11+.72.02 ENCLOSURE OF SOFT COPPER TUBING 111.72.03 MINIMUM REQUIRE - MEETS FOR PIPING CHAPTER 72 REFRIGERANT PIPING Refrigerant piping, valves, fittings, and related parts used in the construction and installation of refrigerating systems shall conform to the American Standard Code for Pressure Piping. Rigid or flexible metal enclosures shall be provided for soft, annealed copper tubing used for refrigerant piping erected on the premises and containing other tla_z Group 1 refrigerants. No enclosures shall be required for connections between condensing unit and the nearest riser box, provided such connections do not exceed 6 feet in length. Specific minimum requirements for refr_gerant pipe and tubing shall be as follows: .01 Standard wall steel or wrought iron pipe may be used for design working pressures not e:ceeding 300 psig, provided lap welded, electric resistance welded, or seamless pipe is used for sizes 2 inches and larger, and extra strong wall pipe is used for liquid lines for sizes 1 1/2 inches and smaller conforming to American Standard B36.10-1939. .02 Standard iron pipe size copper and red brass (not less than 80 percent copper) pipe and tuning may be used and shall conform to the dimensions given in Tables II and IV of ASTM Specification B188 -47T. .03 Watertube size hard copper tuning used for refrigerant piping erected on the premises shall conform to ASTM Specification B88-48. Types K or L, for dimensions and speci- fications. Copper tuning 1/4 inch and 3/8 inch outside diameter having a minimum wall thickness of 0.025 inch and 0.030 inch, res- pectively, shall be considered as meeting the requirements for this copper tubing. .04 Soft annealed copper tubing used for refrigerant piping erected on the premises shall not be used in sizes larger than 7/8 inch outside diameter (3/4 inch nominal). It shall conform to ASTM Specification B68-47, and shall have wall thick- nesses not less than contained in ASTM Specification B88-48 for Type L. Copper tubing 1/4 inch and 3/8 inch outside diameter having a minimum wall thickness of 0.025 inch and 0.030 inch, respective17, shall be considered as meeting the requirements for this copper tubing. .05 Soldered joints on copper tubing used in refrigerating systems containing Group 2 or Group 3 refrigerants shall be made with solders or alloys having melting points not less than 1000 F. 14.72.04 Joints and all refrigerant-containing pa:2.ts of a refrigerating PIPING TIN AIR system located in an air duct of an air conditioning system for DUCTS human comfort shall be constructed to withstand, without leakage, a temperature of 1000 F. 14.72.05 Refrigerant pipe joints shall 'oe exposed to view for visual in- EXPOSED JOINTS spection, excepting when insulated or mechanically protected, or when located in the cabinet of a unit system, or installed outside the building, or in a tight pipe duct or shaft vented to the outer air. 14.72.06 .01 GEPERAL REQUIREMENTS: All systems containing more than STOP VALVES 50 pounds of a Group 1 refrigerant or 6 pounds of a Group 2 or 3 refrigerant, other than systems utilizing nonpositive displacement compressors, shall have stop valves installed as follors: -35. 14.72.07 LOCATION OF REFRI- GERATION PIPING • .01 Each inlet of each compressor, compressor unit, or condensing unit; .02 Each discharge outlet of eaer compressor, compressor unit, or condensing unit, and of each liquid receiver. .02 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: All systems containing 100 pounds or more of a refrigerant, other than systems utilizing nonpositive displacement compressors, shall have stop valves, in addition to those in, on each inlet of each liquid receiver and each branch liquid and suction line except that none shall 'oe required on the inlet of a receiver in a condensing unit nor on the inlet of a receiver which is an integral part of a condenser. .03 VALVE MOUNTING: Stop valves used with soft annealed copper tubing or hard drawn copper tubing 3/4 inch norin.,1 size or smaller shall be securely mounted, indepen- dent of tuning fastenin;,s or supports. • .04 VALVE MIMING: Stcn valves shall be suitably labeled if it is not obvious what they control. • Numbers may be used to label the valves provided a key to the numbers is located near the valves. .01 PIPING ESTRICTIONS: Refrigerant piping shall not be Placed in any elevator, dumbwaiter, or other shaft containing a moving object, or in any shaft which has openings to living quarters, or to main exitaays. Such piping shall not be placed in public hallways, lobbies or stair- ways, except that such refrigerant piping may pass across a public hallway if there are no joints in the section in the hallway, and provided non-ferrous tubing of 1 inch nominal -36- diameter or smaller shall be run through a rigid metal pipe. .02 PIPITX CLEARANCE: Refrigerant piping across any open spaces which is accessible to the public shall be not less than 7i feet above the floor of such space; and all such piping shall be so installed as to provide no interference with public passage. 14.72.01 GENERAL CHAPTER 73 DESIG::T A -TD C0NSTRUCTIO1T OF EQUIPPEET .01 Every part of a refrigerating system, with the exception of pressure gages and control _mechanisms, shall be designed, constructed and assembled to withstand a test pressure not less than the minimum refrigerant leak field test pressure specified in Table 6, without being stressed beyond one-third of the ul- timate strength of the material used. The minimum design work- ing pressure is established in terms of the field test pressure so that the minimum leak field test pressure, specified in Table 6, can be safely applied. Rules governing pressure relief valves, pressure limiting devices and other such devices shall be based on the design working pressure selected. .02 All materials used in the construction and installation of refrigerating systems shall be suitable for conveying the particular refrigerant to be used. Insofar as practicable, no material shall 'ae used that will deteriorate because of the refrigerant, or the oil, or the combination of both. It will be required that system be charged with the refrigerant for which it is designed and/or approved by the Chief Building Inspector, and that it will be operated in a manner which will prevent, or minimize corrosion .03 Aluminum, zinc or magnesium shall not be used in contact with methyl chloride in a refrigerating system, nor shall magnesium alloys be used in contact with any Freon refrigerant. 14.73.02 MINIMUM TEST PRESSURES 1+.73.03 PRESSURE- LINIITING DEVICES 1 4.73.04 GAGES Every refrigerant containing part of every syste-, including pressure gages and control mechLnisms, shall be tested and proved tight by the manufacturer at not less than the minimum refriger- ant leak field test pressure specified in Table 6. Equipment list as approved by a nationally recognized testing laboratory, and having a follow-up inspection_ service shall be deemed to meet the requireents of Sections 1 #.73.01 and 24,73.02. .01 Pressure -limiting devices shall be provided on all systems containing more than 20 pounds of refrigerant and operating above atmospheric pressure, and on all water cooled systems so constricted that the compressor or generator is capable of pro- ducing a pressure in excess of the test pressure; except ;rater cooled unit systems containing not more than 3 pounds of a Group 1 refrigerant, providing the system will safely relieve the re- frigerant in case of failure of the water supply or providing an overload device will stop the action of the compressor before the pressure exceeds one-fifth the ultimate strength of the system, .02 Pressure -limiting devices shall stop the action of the pressure -imposing element at a -pressure not nore than 90 percent of the pressure -relief device setting, or 90 percent of the refrigerant leak field test pressure actually applied, which- ever is lower. .03 Pressure-1i:iting devices shall be connected, with no intervening stop valves, between the pressure -imposing element and any stop valve on the disc':a.rge side. .01 Liquid level gage glasses, e:-cept those of the bull's-eye or reflex type, shall have automatic closing shut-off valves, and such glasses shall be adequately protected against injury. -39- • .02 The dials of pressure gages, when permanently installed on the high side of a refrigerating system, shall be graduated up to approximately double the operating pressure, but in no ct,se less than 1.2 times the design working pressure. ;4.73.05 Each separately sold condensing unit and each compressor or NAEE PLATES compressor unit sold for field assembly in refrigerating system shall carry a nameplate narked with the manufacturer's name, nationally registered trademark or trade name, identi- fication number, and the name of the refrigerant for which it is designed. -4a- 1'4.74.. 01 EXCEEDING 6 INCH DIAMETER CHAPTER a REFRIGERANT CONTAINING PRESSURE VESSELS Refrigerant containing pressure vessels, except those having a maximum allowable internal or external working pressure 15 psig or less, 6 inches rules of irrespective of size, or having an inside diameter of or less irrespective of pressure, shall comply with the Section VIII of the 1949 Edition of the ASEE Boiler Construction Code covering the requirements for the design, fabrication, and inspection during construction of unfired pres- sure vessels. .01 Unfired pressure vessels having a gross capacity of 5 cubic feet or less and designed for pressures not exceeding 250 nsig, and such vessels having a gross capacity of 12 cubic feet or less and designed for pressures exceeding 250 psig, are ex- empted from the inspection requirement of Paragraph U-65 of Sec- tion VIII of the 1949 edition of the ASZE Boiler Construction Code. However, such vessels shall otherwise comply with Section VIII of the 1949 Edition of the ASIS Boiler Construction Code including the required certification and stamping, but omitting the code symbol. These provisions apply to each vessel, and not toar assembly of vessels. .02 Except as specified in Section 14.74.02, unfired pressure vessels having a gross capacity of 5 cubic feet or less which are exempted from compliance with Paragraph U-65 of Sec- tion VIII of the 1949 edition of the ASNE Boiler Construction Code, shall be considered as meeting the requirements of this Section, provided that: -41- ].4.24.02 NOT EXCEED- ING 6 INCH D IANETER 14.74.03 3AFETY DEVICES .01 The details of design and construction otherwise uniform with the requirements of Section VIII of the 1949 edition of the ASiE Boiler Construction Code; .02 The materials of construction shall otherwise comply with the provisions of Section VIII of the 1949 edition of the ASME Boiler Construction Cede; .03 Welding operators and welding processes shall be qualified as provided for in Section VIII of the 1949 Edition of the ASI1E Boiler Construction Code; .04 Each vessel shall be tested and stamped in accordance with Paragraph U-77 (e) of Section VIII of the 1949 Edition of the ASIS Boiler Construction Code, with either pneu- matic or hydrostatic pressure; .05 The certification required in Section may be met by keeping a production series record of material used and tests made. Certification for individual vessels, where required, may be made by abstracting data from the series record by affidavit. Refrigerant containing pressure vessels not exceeding an in- side diameter of 6 inches, regardless of pressure, shall be listed either individually, or as part of refrigeration equipment, by a nationally recognized testing laboratory and having a follow- up inspection service; or if not so listed shall 'oe constructed in accordance with the provisions of Section All pressure vessels, regardless of size or pressure shall be equipped with safety devices conforming to the requirements of Chapter 74. -42- :4.74.04 STANDARD TESTS .01 HYDROSTATIC TESTS: Fusion welded pressure vessels shall be tested in accordance with the pro- visions of Section VIII of the 1949 edition of the ASIS Boiler Construction Code, except as pneumatic tests may be permitted. .02 PNEUi VATIC TESTS: Vessels for use in service which are not suitable for tests with testing liquid and/or which cannot be readily dried, and the parts of which have been previously tested by hydrostatic pressure to not less than 1 1/2 times the design working pressure of the vessel, may be given a pneumatic test as prescribed in Paragraph U-64 (f), Section VIII of the 1949 Edition of the ASNE Boiler Construction Code. CHAPTER a RELIEF DEVICES 14.75.01 Every refrigerating system shall be protected by a pressure - GENERAL PROVISIONS relief device unless so constructed that pressure due to fire conditions will be safely relieved by soldered joints, lead gaskets, fusible plugs, or other parts of the system. .01 No stop valve shall be located between any automatic pressure - relief device or fusible plug and the part er parts of the system protected thereby, except when the parallel relief de- vices mentioned in 14.75.01 are so arranged that only one can be rendered inoperative at a tine for testing or repair purposes. .02 All pressure -relief devices shall be connected nearly as practicable directly to the pressure vessel or other parts of the system protected thereby, above the liquid refrigerant level, and installed so that they are readily accessible for inspection and repair and so that they cannot be readily rendered inoperative. Fusible plugs may be located above or below the liquid refrigerant level. .03 The seats and discs of pressure -relief devices shall be constructed of suitable material to resist refrigerant corrosion or other chemical action caused by the refrigerant. Seats or discs of cast iron shall not be used. .04 The rated discharge capacity of a pressure -relief valve for a refrigerant -containing vessel, expressed in pounds of air per minute, shall 'oe determined at a pressure at the in- let of the relief valve equal to 110 percent of the valve setting in accordance ?•pith Paragraph UG -131, Section VIII of the 1950 Edition of the ASIE Boiler Construction Code. .05 The rated discharge capacity of a rupture member or fus- ible plug in pounds of air per minute shall be determined by the following formulas: 0 = 0.6 Pld2 or d = 1.29 P .� 1 where C = minimum required discharge capacity, in Ib of air per min d = minimum diameter of bore of fusible plug or internal diameter of inlet pipe to rupture member in inches For rupture members: P1 = bursting pressure, equal to design working pressure, except that for 13.7 the bursting pressure equals 1.20 times design working pressure, psig For fusible plugs: P1 = saturation pressure, corresponding to the stamped temperature melting point of the fusible plug or the critical pressure of the refrigerant used, whichever is smaller,psig .06 All pressure relief devices, not including fusible plugs,. shall be directly pressure actuated. .07 The size of discharge pipe from the pressure -relief device shall be not less than the size of the relief device outlet. The discharge from more than one relief device may be run into a common header, the area of which shall be not less than the sum of the areas of the pipes connected thereto. (1) .08 The length of discharge piping permitted to be installed on the outlet of a relief valve, rapture member, or fus- ible plug shall be determined as follows: 3 P d5/2 (2) C = or L 172-- 5 /2~ 5 r C2L d j 9P2 where C minimum required discharge capacity in lb or air per min d = internal diameter of pipe in in. L = length of discharge pipe in ft P = 0.25P1 (P1 is defined under Equation 1.) (See Table 7 for computations derived from the preceding formula). 14.75.02 Positive displacement compressors operating above 15 pounds per POSITIVE DISPLACE- square inch gage and having a displacement exceeding 50 cubic NENT COM- PRESSORS feet per minute, shall be equipped by the manufacturer with a pressure -relief device of adequate size and pressure setting to prevent rupture of the compressor, located between the compressor and stop valve on the discharge side. The discharge from such relief device may be vented to the atmosphere or into the low pressure side of the system. TABLE 7. LENGTH OF DISCHARGE PIPING FOR RELIEF VALVES OR RUPTURE I EP43ERS OF VA.RIOUS DISCHARGE CAPACITIES Equiv. length of Discharge capacity in lb of air per min (C) discharge Standard wall iron pipe sizes, in. pipe, ft. (L) 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 RELIEF DEVICE SET AT 25 PSIG (Pi) 50 0.81 1.6 2.9 5.9 8.7 16.3 25.3 43.8 75 0.67 1.4 2.4 4.9 7.2 13.3 20.9 35.8 100 0.58 1.2 2.1 4.2 6.2 11.5 18.0 30.9 150 0.47 0.95 1.7 3.4 5.0 9.4 14.6 25.3 200 0.41 0.8 1.5 2.9 4.4 8.1 12.6 21.8 300 0.33 0.67 1.2 2.4 3.6 6.6 10.5 17.9 RELIEF DEVICE SET AT 50 PSIG (Pi) 50 1.6 3.3 5.9 11.9 17.4 32.5 50.6 87.6 75 1.3 2.7 4.9 9.7 14.3 26.5 41.8 71.5 100 1.2 2.3 4.2 8.4 12.3 23.0 36.0 61.7 150 0.94 1.9 3.5 6.9 10.0 18.7 29.2 50.6 200 0.81 1.6 2.9 5.9 8.7 16.3 25.3 43.7 300 0.66 1.3 2.5 4.9 7.1 13.3 21.0 35.7 RELIEF DEVICE SET AT 75 PSIG (P1) 50 2.4 4.9 8.9 17.9 26.1 48.7 75.9 131.5 75 2.0 4.1 7.3 14.6 21.4 39.8 62.6 107.0 100 1.7 3.5 6.4 12.6 18.5 34.4 54.0 92.6 150 1.4 2.8 5.2 10.3 15.0 28.0 43.8 75.9 200 1.2 2.5 4.4 8.9 13.1 24.4 37.9 65.6 3`'0 0.9 2.0 3.7 7.3 10.7 19.9 31.5 53.5 RELIEF DEVICE SET AT 100 PSIG (Pi) 50 3.2 6.6 11.9 23.8 34.8 65.0 101.2 175.2 75 2.7 5.4 9.7 19.4 28.6 53.0 83.6 143.0 100 2.3 4.6 8.5 16.8 24.6 45.9 72.0 123.6 150 1.9 3.8 6.9 13.7 20.0 37.4 58.4 101.2 200 1.6 3.3 5.9 11.9 17.5 32.5 50.6 87.6 300 1.3 2.7 4.9 9.7 14.2 26.5 42.0 71.4 RELIEF DEVICE SET AT 150 PSIG (P1) 50 4.9 9.9 17.9 35.7 52.3 97.5 151.8 262.8 75 4.0 8.1 14.6 29.2 42.9 79.5 125.4 214.5 100 3.5 6.9 12.7 25.2 36.9 68.9 108.0 185.4 150 2.8 5.7 10.4 20.6 30.0 56.1 87.6 151.8 200 2.4 4.9 8.9 17.8 26.2 48.7 75.9 131.4 300 1.9 4.0 7.4 14.6 21.1 39.7 63.0 107.1 1 Equiv. length of Discharge capacity in ib of air per min (C) discharge Standard wall iron pipe sizes, in. piper ft (L) 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 RELIEF DEVICE SET AT 200 PSIG (P1) 50 6.5 13.2 23.8 47.6 69.7 130.0 202.4 350.4 75 5.3 10.8 19.4 38.9 57.2 106.0 167.2 286.0 100 4.6 9.2 16.9 33.6 49.2 91.8 144.0 247.2 150 3.8 7.6 13.8 27.4 40.0 74.8 116.8 202.4 200 3.2 6:5 11.8 23.8 34.9 64.9 101.2 175.2 300 2.6 5.3 9.8 19.4 28.4 52.9 84 142.8 RELIEF DEVICE SET AT 250 PSIG (P1) 50 8.1 16.5 29.8 59.5 87.1 162.5 253.0 437.0 75 6.7 13.5 24.3 48.6 71.5 132.5 209.0 357.5 100 5.8 11.6 21.2 42.0 61.6 114.8 180.0 309.0 150 4.7 9.5 17.3 34.3 50.0 93.5 146.0 253.0 200 4.1 8.2 14.8 29.7 43.7 81.2 126.5 219.0 300 3.3 6.7 12.3 24.3 35.5 66.2 105.0 178.5 RELIEF DEVICE SET AT 300 PSIG (P1) 50 9.7 19.8 35.7 71.4 104.5 195.0 303.6 525.6 75 7.9 16.2 29.1 58.3 85.8 159.0 250.8 429.0 100 6.9 13.9 25.4 50.4 73.9 137.7 216.0 370.8 150 5.6 11.3 20.7 41.1 60.0 112.2 175.2 303.6 200 4.9 9.8 17.8 35.6 52.4 97.4 151.8 262.8 300 3.9 7.9 14.7 29.1 42.6 79.4 126.0 214.2 • 14.75.03 .01 BASIS OF RULES: The rules of this section are based PRESSURE VESSELS upon the rules, given in Paragraphs UG - 125 to UG -134, inclusive, of Section VIII of the 1950 Edition of the ASIE Boiler Construction Code, with such additional restrictions as are necessary for control of refrigerants. .02 CAPACITY EXCEEDING 5 CUBIC FEET: : Each pressure vessel containing liquid re- frigerant having an inside diameter exceeding 6 inches and a gross capacity exceeding 5 cubic feet, except as specified in Sub -section J4.75.03.04, and which can be shut off by valves from all other parts of a refrigerating system, shall be pro- tected by an approved pressure relief valve in paralled with a rupture member, or a second approved pressure relief valve. Each valve or rupture member shall be of sufficient capacity to prevent the pressure from rising morn than 10 percent above the design working pressure. In cases where large pressure vessels containing liquid refrigerant, except as specified in Sub -section, require the use of two or more pressure relief devices in parallel to obtain the capacity required under the provisions of Sub -section J4.7.03.05, the battery of pressure relief devices shall be considered as a unit. .03 CAPACITY 5 CUBIC J ET OR LESS: Each pressure vessel con- taining a liquid refrigerant and having a, gross capacity of 5 cubic feet or less, except as specified in Sub -section, and which can be shut off by valves from all other parts of a refrigerating system, shall be protected by a pressure -relief device, or fusible plug. This Shall not apply to vessels having an inside diameter of 6 inches f or less listed individually or as a part of refrigeration equi- pment by an approved nationally recognized testing laboratory having a follow-up inspection service. If a fusible plug, is used, the ultimate bursting pressure of the vessel so protected shall be at least 2 1/2 times the refrigerant saturation pressure, psig, corresponding to the stamped temperature on the fusible plug, or at least 2 1/2 times the critical pressure of the re- frigerant used, whichever is the smaller. A fusible plug is permitted only on the high side of a refrigerating system. .04 EVAPORATOR USE: Pressure vessels used as, or as part of, evaporators, which are insulated or in- stalled in an insulated space, and which can be shut off by valves from all other part- of a refrigerating system, shall not be required to comply with the provisions of Sub -sections and .05 RELIEF DEVICE CAPACITY: The minimum required rated dis- charge capacity of the pressure - relief device or fusible plug for a refrigerant -containing vessel shall be determined by the following formula: (3) C=fDL where C ., minimum required discharge capacity of the relief device in lb or air per min D .= outside diameter of the vessel in ft L = length of the vessel in ft f = factor dependent upon kind of refrigerant, as follows: -50- Kind of refrigerant Value of f Anmonia Freon -12 and Freon -22 All other refrigerants 0.5 1.6 1.0 .06 PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICE SETTING: All pressure relief devices shall be set to start to funtion at a pressure not to e;:ceed the design working pressure of the vessel as determined by the manufacturer and stamped on the vessel or system. .07 RUPTURE DEVICE S.ETTIHG : Rupture :embers used in lieu of, or in series with, a relief valve shall function at a pres:-ure not to exceed the design working pressure of the vessel, and the conditions of operation shall conform to the requirements of Section VIII of the 1950 edition of the ASNE Boiler Construction Code.. Rupture members used in parallel with pressure relief valves on refrigerant containing vessels shall function at a pressure not to exceed 20 percent above the design working pressure of the vessel. .08 MARKING OF RELIEF DEVICES: All pressure -relief valves for refrigerant -containing vessels shall 'ce set and sealed by the manufacturer. Each relief valve shall be narked by the manufacturer with the data reouired in Paragraph UG -129 (a) of Section VIII of the 1950 Edition of the ASI\E Boiler Construction Code. Each rupture member for refri- gerant -containing pressure vessels shall be marked with the —51— x+.75.04 DISCHARGE OF RELIEF DEVICES 11+.75.05 AMMONIA DISCHARGE 14. 2.06 SULPHUR DIOXIDE DISCHARGE information required in Paragraph UG -129 (d) of Section VIII of the 1950 Edition of the AS1E Boiler Construction Code. The discharge from all relief devices on systems containing more than 6 pounds of refrigerant, other than systems containing Group 1 refrigerants in quantities less than shown in Table 1,, shall 'oe to the outside of the building in an app- roved manner; pressure -relief devices may discharge into the low side of the system provided the relief devices are of a type not appreciably affected by back pressures and provided the low side of the system is equipped with relief devices vented to the outside of the building in an approved manner. Where ammonia is used, the discharge may be into a tank of water which shall be used for no purpose except ammonia absorption. At least 1 gallon of fresh water shall be ~provided for each pound of ammonia in the system. The water used shall be prevented from. freezing without the use of salt or chemicals. The tank shall 'oe. substantially constructed of not less than 1/8 inch or No. 11 U.S. gage iron or steel. Ido horizontal dimension of the tank shall be greater than one-half the height. The tank shall have hinged cover, or, if of the enclosed tyre, shall have a vent hole at the top. All pipe connections shall be through the top of the tank only. The discharge pipe fro:: the pressure -relief valves shall discharge the ammonia in the center of the tank near the bottom. Where sulphur dioxide is used, the discharge may be into a tank of absorptive brine which shell 'oe used for no purpose except suh phur dioxide absorption. There shall be 1 gallon of standard dich- romate brine ( 2 1/2 pounds sodium dichromate per gallon of water) for each pound of sulphur dioxide in the system. Brines made with -52- • • • caustic scda or soda ash may be used in place of sodium dich- romate, provided the quantity and strength give the equivalent sulphur dioxide absorbing power. The tank shall be substantially constructed of not less than 1/8 inch or No. 11 U. S. gage iron or steel. The tank shall have a hinged cover, or, if of the enclosed type, shall have a vent hole at the top. All pipe connections shall be through the top of the tank only. The discharge pipe from the pressure -relief valve shall discharge the sulphur dioxide in the center of the tank near the bottom. 53 OP • ]x+.76.01 GEkERAL CHAPTER 76 FIELD TESTS Every refrigerant—containing part of every system that is erected on the premises, except compressors,condensers, eva— porators, safety devices, pressure gages, and control mechanisms, that are factory tested, shall be tested and proved tight after complete installation, and before operation, at not less than the minimum refrigerant leak field test pressures shown in Table 6. .01 For refrigerants not listed in Table 6 the test pressure for the high pressure side shall be not less than the saturated vapor pressure of the refrigerant at 150 F. The test pressure for the low pressure side shall, be not less vapor pressure of the refrigerant at 110 F. the test pressure be less than 30 psig. .02 When a compressor is used as a booster to obtain a low pressure and discharges into the suction line of another system, the booster compressor is considered a part of the low side, and values listed under the low side column in Table 6 shall be used for both high and low side of the booster com— pressor proviced that a low pressure stage compressor of the positive disniacement type shall have a pressure relief valve. .03 In field testing systems using nonpositive displacement compressors, the entire system shall be considered for field test purposes as the low side pressure. than the saturated In no case shall TABLE 6. Minimum Refrigerant Leak Field Test Pressures Refrigerant name Minimum field refrigerant leak test pressures, psig High Low pres- pres- Chemical sure sure Formula side side Ammonia NH3 300 150 Butane C4H10 95 50 Carbon dioxide 002 1500 1000 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon -12) CC12F2 235 140 Dichloroethylene C2H2C12 30 30 Oichloromethane (Carrene No. 1) (Methylene chloride) CH2C12 30 30 ,'ichloromonofluoromethane ;peon -21) CHC 12F 70 40 D .chlorotetrafluoroethane :Freon -114) C2C12F4 50 50 f thane C2H6 1200 700 P,thyl chloride C2H5C1 60 50 - „iylene C2R/ 1600 1200 :isobutane (CH3)3CH 130 70 Methyl c'floride CH3C1 210 120 Methyl formate HC00CH3 50 50 Monochlordifluoromethane CHC1F2 300 150 (Freon -22) Propane C3Hg 300 150 Sulphur dioxide SO2 170 85 Trichloromonofluoromethane (Freon -11) CC13F 30 30 Tri chlorotrifluoroethane (Freon -113) C2C13F3 30 30 -55- 1 4.76.02 No oxygen or any combustible gas or combustible mixture of gases TESTI7G 'TEDIUM shall be used within the system for testing. 14.76.03 A dated declaration of test should be provided for all systems POST I NG OF TESTS containing 50 pounds or more of refrigerant where required 'oy Sub -section 14.75.01. The declaration should be mounted in a frame, protected by glass, and posted in the machinery room and should give the name of the refrigerant and the field refrige- rant leak test pressures applied to the high side and the low side of the system. The declaration of test should be signed by the installer and, if an inspector is present at the tests, he should also sign the declaration. When requested, copies of this declaration shall ce furnished to the enforcing authority. -56- et 1 • • CHAPTTA 77 GEPERAL REQUflEi Er?TS 14.77.01 .01 SIGNS REQUIRED: Each refrigerating system erected on the SIGNS premises shall be provided with an easily legible permanent sign securely attached and easily access- ible, indicating thereon the name and address of the installer, the kind and total number of pounds of refrigerant required in the system for normal operations, and the refrigerant leak field test pressure applied. .02 PETAL SIGNS RE'lUIRED: Systems containing more than 100 pounds of refrigerant shall be pro- vided with metal signs having letters not less than 1/2 inch in height designating the main shut-off valves to each vessel, main steam or electrical control, remote control switch, and pressure limiting device.. On all exposed high pressure and low pressure piping in each room where installed outside the machinery room, shall be signs, as specified above, with the name of the refri- gerant and the letters "HP" or "LP". .03 NEW SIGNS REQUIRED: When the kind of refrigerant is changed as provided in Section 111.77.03, a new sign shall be installed as required in Sub -sections and 11+.77.01.02, indicating that a substitution has been made, and providing the same information concerning the new refrigerant as was required for the original refrigerant.. 14.77.02 When refrigerant is added to a system, except a unit system CHARGING AND DIS- requiring less than 6 pounds of refrigerant, it shall be charged CHARGING SYSTEMS into the law pres=ure side of the system. Any point on the down- stream side of the main liquid line stop valve shall be considered -57- • 14.77.03 SUBSTITU- TION OF RE- RIGERANT as part of the low pressure side when operating with said stop valve in the closed position. Ho service container shall be left connected to a system except while charging or with- drawing refrigerant. Refrigerants withdrawn from refrigerating systems shall be transferred to approved containers only. No refrigerant shall be discharged to a sewer. Containers used for refrigerants withdrawn from a refrigerating system shall be carefully weighed each time they are used for this purpose, the containers shall not be filled in excess of the permissible filling weight for such containers and such refrigerants as are prescribed in the pertinent regulations of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Substitution of a different kind of refrigerant than that for which it was designed shall not be made in any system without approval of the Chief Building Inspector, the owner and/or user, and the manufacturer of the equipment. Due consideration shall be given to all safety requirements, including: .01 The effects of the substituted refrigerant on materials in the system; .02 The possibility of loading the receiver beyond 80 percent of its liquid capacity; .03 The liability of exceeding motor horsepower, design work- ing pressure, or any other element that would violate any of the provisions of this Code; .04 The proper size of refrigerant controls; .05 The effect on the operation and setting of safety devices; .06 The possible hazards created by mixture of the original and the substituted. refrigerant; .07 The restrictions placed on the substitute refrigerant by this Code. -58- • 14.77.04 RE FRIG'R.- ANT STOR- AGE 14.77.05 GAS I (ASKS 14.77.06 MAINTEN- ANCE OF SYSTEMS No refrigerant supply shall be stored other than in an approved machinery room. Storage in a machinery room of refrigerant in excess of that contained in the system, shall not exceed 20 percent of the system capacity, nor shall it exceed 300 pounds. i.Then refrigerant is so stored it shall be contained in only approved storage containers. One gas mask or helmet shall 'oe provided at a location con- venient to the machinery room when an amount of a Group 2 refrigerant between 100 and 1000 pounds, inclusive, is employed. If more than 1000 pounds of a Group 2 refrigerant are employed, at least two masks or helmets shall be provided. Only complete helmets or masks marked as approved by the Bureau of Mines of the United States Department of the Interior and suitable for the refrigerant employed shall be used and they shall be kept in a suitable cabinet immeciately outside the machinery room or other aprroved accessible location. Canisters or cartridges of helmets or masks shall be renewed i -(mediately after having been used or the seal broken and, if unused, must be renewed at least once every two years. The date of filling shall be marked thereon. All. refrigerating systems shall be maintained by the user in a clean condition, free from accumulations of oily dirt, waste, and other debris, and shall be kept readily accessible at all times. Pressure gages should be checked for accuracy prior to an air test and immediately after ever* occasion of unusually high pressure, either by comparison with master gages or by setting the pointer as determined by a dead weight pressure gage tester. - 59- * F • • • r w • • s 1+.77.07 It shall be the duty of the person in charge of the premises OPER[TION OF SYSTEM on which a refrigerating system containing more than 50 pounds of refrigerant is installed, to place a card conspicuously as near as practicable to the refrigerant compressor giving direc- tions for the oreration of the system, including precautions to be observed in case of a breakdown or leak as follows: .01 Instruction for shutting down the system in case of emer- gency; .02 The name, address, and day and night telephone numbers for obtaining service; .03 The name, address, and telephone number of the municipal inspection department having jurisdiction, and instructions to notify said department immediately in case of emergency. SECTION 2: That this ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its passage and posting as required by law. PASSED and ADOPTED this 25th day of March, A. D. 1953. ATTEST: City Clerk let reading - March 11, 1953 2nd reading - March 11, 1953 3rd reading - March 25, 1953 POSTED - March 26, 1953 - 61 - Mayor STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE: I, C. W. TOMLINSON, City Clerk in and for the City of Miami Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that Ordinance No. 1042, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2 OF ORDINANCE NC. 592 OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS THE 'MIAMI BEACH BUILDING CODE', BY ADDING THERETO, AT THE END THEREOF, AN ADDITIONAL PART TO BE KNOWN AS 'PART XIV'", having been passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, has been posted by me in three conspicuous places in the City of Miami Beach, one of which was at the dcor of the City Hall in said City on the 26th day of March, A. D. 1953, and that said Ordinance remained posted for a period of at least thirty days in accord- ance with the requirements of the City Charter of the said City of Miami Beach. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, on this the 6th day of May, A. D. 1953. City Clerk z H 0 0 i-1 ORDINANCE NO. Air Conditioning Ccde • es t 't \ t ti