Ordinance 87-2545 ORDINANCE NO. 87-2545 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 26 OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CHARTER GOVERNING CODIFICATION OF ORDINANCES, PASSAGE OF ORDINANCES BY PETITION, AND RECALL OF COMMISSIONERS, BY DELETING THEREFROM ANTIQUATED PROVISIONS REGARDING POSTING ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, PUBLICATION OF THE CITY CODE, AND EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCES, ESTABLISHING A PROCEDURE FOR THE FILING OF PETITIONS , BY PROVIDING THAT INITIATIVE OR REFERENDUM PETITIONS SHALL BE FORWARDED BY THE CITY CLERK TO THE METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT FOR COMPLETION OF A CERTIFICATE AS TO THE PETITION' S SUFFICIENCY, SUCH CERTIFICATE TO BE SENT TO THE CITY CLERK AND A COPY SENT ON TO THE PETITION' S CIRCULATOR AND TO THE CITY COMMISSION, THAT WHEN INITIATIVE OR REFERENDUM PETITIONS ARE CERTIFIED AS INSUFFICIENT FOR LACK OF THE REQUIRED NUMBER OF SIGNATURES, SAID PETITION MAY BE AMENDED ONE TIME BY FILING WITH THE CITY CLERK SUPPLEMENTARY DOCUMENTS BEARING ADDITIONAL SIGNATURES WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS AFTER RECEIVING THE COPY OF THE CERTIFICATE OF METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT REGARDING THE PETITION'S INSUFFICIENCY, THAT WHEN PETITIONS ARE PRESENTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF REPEALING AN ORDINANCE, SAID ORDINANCE BE REPEALED BY THE CITY COMMISSION WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF THE PETITION'S SUFFICIENCY FROM THE METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT OR SAID ORDINANCE BE SUBMITTED FOR ELECTORATE APPROVAL, ESTABLISHING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SUCH ELECTIONS AS UPON THE CERTIFICATION OF ELECTION RESULTS, THAT IN CASES IN WHICH TWO (2) OR MORE MEASURES CONFLICT THE PROVISION WITH THE HIGHEST AFFIRMATIVE VOTE SHALL CONTROL, AND THAT STATE RECALL PROVISIONS CONTROL; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Section 26 of the Miami Beach City Charter shall be amended to read as follows: Section 26 . B4mtltatlen t pen grant.eng €ranehlses; e€€eetive elate e€ efdlnanees; eCodification of ordinances; passage of ordinances by petition of electorate; reeall e€ eemmlsslenets procedure for filing petitions. -1- A3: erdinanees of the eity e€ Miami Beaeh, after having been passed by the eity eommissien, shall be€ere beeeming a law, be posted in three eenspieueus plaees in the pity of Miami Beaeh, ene of whieh shall be at the eity Hall er at the deer ef the building used for pity Hall purpeses, far a peried of thirty days; provided, hewever, that nething herein eentained shall prevent t The city commission may at any time €next appointing some person or persons and authorizeing him or them to arrange, codify, add to and supplement the ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, and publishing such ordinances in an appropriate volume or volumes, which said ordinances when so published under the direction of the city commission, as aforesaid, shall become the laws of the City of Miami Beach upon its or their adoption by ordinance;. whieh said andinanee se passed; publishing and adopting said eity eerie, shall be pasted as het<einbe€ere pfevided, and in sueh event it shall net be neeessary to pest said eerie, eedi€ieatien, volume of velumes, but the pasting of the afdinanee adapting the sante shall be su€€ieient to make the erdinanee eentained in said eerie binding as the law of said eity: in the event, however, ef the publieatien of said eo e, as aforesaid, a su€€ieient number of eepies shall be published to furnish the munieipal fudge, the eity attefney, and eaeh member of the eity eextmissian with a eepy thereof, and se many additienal eepies as the eity eefmissien may deem proper- Bnevided, that uUpon the presentation to the city commission of a petition or petitions signed by the qualified electors therein, in number equal to ten per cent of the registration asking for a submission to the electors of a measure fully set forth in said petition or petitions, being a measure that said body might itself adopt, it must either adopt such measure without alteration or submit the same to its electorate at the next succeeding city election occurring subsequent to sixty days after the filing of said petition or petitions. But, if said petition or petitions are signed by qualified electors in number equal to fifteen per cent of said registration, then such measure, if not so adopted by the said city commission, must be submitted to such electorate at a special election to be called within sixty days from the filing of such petition or petitions. -2- Initiative or referendum petitions shall be forwarded by the city clerk to the Metropolitan Dade County Elections Department for completion of a certificate as to the petition' s sufficiency; such certificate shall specify if it is insufficient, the particulars of insufficiency (when it is defective) , and a copy of this certificate shall be promptly sent to the city clerk. The city clerk shall then promptly forward the certificate on to the petition' s circulator , and shall also present the certificate to the city commission. An initiative or referendum petition certified as insufficient for lack of the required number of valid signatures may be amended one time; the circulator of the petition may do so by filing with the city clerk supplementary documents bearing additional signatures within ten (10) days after receiving the copy of the certificate of the Metropolitan Dade County Elections Department regarding the insufficiency of the petition. Any measure that the said city commission or the electorate of the city has authority to adopt, as herein provided, said city commission may submit to a vote of its constituent electors at a general or special election. Exeept as herein prevlded; ne penal erdlnanee er measure and ne erdlnanee er measure granting; making er aatherining any eentraet *exeept eentraets far lmprevements; the expenses wheree€ are defrayed by speelal leeal assessments and eentraets where the sabieet matter }nvelved is less than ene theasand dellars; passed by the said e}ty eemmiss}ea}; shall ge lnte effeet In less than fatty days after .its full passage; but erdlnanees and eentraets deelared by the elty eemmisslen to be neeessary fat the lmmedlate preservatlen ef the psblle peaee; health er sa€ety; passed by a majerlty vete ef the said eemm+sslen; and net ebllgating the elty for a longer perled of the than ene year; may ge lnte a€€eet at the will of the elty eeimisslen adepting the same- If wlthln said €erty days a petition or petitions signed by qualified electors of the city in number equal to ten per cent of said registration is filed with the city clerk asking that any penal ordinance er measure granting any €ranehlse er prlvllege; er faking er -3- authorizing any eontraet fexeept eentraets far improvements; the expenses wheree€ are defrayed by speeial leeal assessments and eentraets where the subjeet matter ineelved deer net exeeed ene theusand dellars; adopted by the city commission} be submitted to said electorate for repeal, then such ordinance er measure must either be repealed by the city commission within thirty days of the issuance of a certificate of a petition' s sufficiency by the Metropolitan Dade County Elections Department or be submitted to the electors for approval or rejection at the next succeeding city election occurring subsequent to sixty days after the filing of said petition or petitions, or at a special election called prior to such general election; and if sueh erdinanee et measure has net gene ince effeet be€ere the filing of sueh petition er petit€ens and sueh petitions er petitiens are signed by qualified eleeters of the eity in number eeftial to fifteen per eent ef said registration; then said erd€ranee er measure shall set ge inte e€€eet until and unless adapted at sueh eleetien; and ne erdinanee er measure enee se submitted shall be again se submitted exeept by a vete of the eity eemmissien er en a petitien signed by twenty-five pereent ef the said registration. If the majority of votes cast on an ordinance or measure, referred, as herein provided, to the electors of the city shall be in favor thereof, it shall; if net already in e€€eet; go into effect ten days after the e€€ieial eeunt shall be determined; upon certification of the election results, otherwise such ordinance or measure shall be repealed or rejected upon certification of the election results.Sueh repeal shall take e€€eet ten days after the e€€ieial eeunt shall be determined. If the provisions of two or more measures approved and adopted at the same election conflict, then the measure receiving the highest affirmative vote shall control. Any member of the commission may be recalled and removed therefrom by the electors of the city as herein provided by state law. Any twenty-five qualified eleeters of the eity may make and file with the eity elerk an affidavit -4- eental:nl•ng the name er names of the eamml•ssl•ener er eemml:ssl•aners where remeva] is sought and a statement e€ the grounds for removal- Phe e3erk shall thereupon prepare petit€en blanks Of sueh remeva} en printed farms whl•eh he shall: keep en hand.- The petition must be signed before the el-ty elerk er his deputy, at the E€ty Hall, and net elsewhere, by registered voters e€ the eity to the number e€ at least ten per eent e€ the number e€ a}eeters whe east their votes at the last preeed€ng general: e4ty a}eet4en, and to every suet signature shall be added the p}aee e€ resl•denee e€ the signer, giving the street number ar ether deserl•ptl•on su€€}e€ent to identify the pIaee- The reeaI} pet€t€en, to be of€eetl•ve, must be eemp}eted within thirty days after the filing e€ the affidavit: Ne persen shat} be eligible to sign mere than ene reeall a€€idav€ during any period e€ twelve months- After the eIerk is satisfied that the required number e€ registered voters have signed the petition, in aeeerdanee with the €erege€ng previsions, and after he shall have been notified that these originally filing the affidavit eens4der the petit€en su€€l:e€ent and are ready to have it submitted to the e}ty eemm}ss4en, said nett-€€eatl:en being in writing and signed by at least ten e€ the er€g€nal: twenty-five qualified eleeters who filed the affidavit, the eIerk shall submit the petition to the e}ty eemml•ss}en at its nemt regular meeting, tegether with his eertl•€€eate showing that the petition has been signed by the requisite number of registered voters: The eemm€ss€en shat} thereupen, within ten days e€ the reee4pt e€ the elerk's eert€€4eate, erder an eleetlen to be held net less than thirty days nor mere than €erty- €€ve days thereafter: Frau€deet; that if any ether munlelpal eleet4en is to eeeur within sixty days after the reee4pt e€ said eert€€}eate, the eemm}ss€en may in its d4seret4en provide for the holding e€ the removal eIeet€on en the date e€ sueh ether munle4pal e3eet4en- Unless the eemm4ss4ener er eemm}ss4eners whose remevaI is sought shall have resigned within ten days after the -5- eeee4pt by the eefxt€ss4ea ef the eIerkls eeet4€4eate; the €eem ef ballet at sueh eleetiea shall be as nearly as may be-: USha€l A be reealled4li sSha}} B be eeeal3ed?1 ete.7 the name ef the eemm}ss€anee ee eem 4ss4enees whose eeea€l 4s seaght beg .inserted }n p]aee ef A; By ete.7 and the ballet shall alse eenta4n the names of the eaad€dates to be eleeted €a p}aee of the eeim€ss€anee ee eemm4ss€epees eeea}}ed; as €ellewst "Eaad4dates Ear the plaee of Ay €€ eeealled; eaad€dates for the pIaee of B; }€ eeealled' ete.7 but the eextm+ss4enee ee eemxvss4enees whose eeeall €s seaght shall net themselves be eaad€dates apes sueh ballet: The name of any a}eetee of the e4ty shall be priiited as a EANB}BAPB FOR EOMMISSIONBR at sueh eeeall e]eet€en Ear the pIaee of the eeMm4ss€anee to be eeea€led when a pet4t4en 4n sttbstant4ally the €eei peev4ded €n seet4ea 3+2; Gemp4?ed General Laws ef R3eetda; 1924; shall be €€led n h€s behalf with the e4ty a}eek; and sueh pet4t4en shall have been s4gaed by at least twenty-€4ve registered voters in the mun€e€pallty and €4] ed w}th the e€ty eleek net less than twenty says be€ere sueh eeea}} eleet€en- €n ease a maj.ee4ty of these vet4ag fee and aga}nst the eeea�� of any eemm}ss}eaee shall vete 4n €avec of eeeall4ng sueh a€€4e4a1 he shall be thereby eemeved; and }n that event the eaad€date who eeee€vies the h€ghest number of vetes fee h€s plaee shall be e1eeted theeete fee the ba€anee of the ttnemp€red tees I€ the eemstiss€anee ee eerflm}ss€enees seught to be eemeved shall have res€gned w4th4n ten days a€tee the eeee}pt by the eem 4ss€en of the eleekls eeet4€€eate ee€eeeed to €n this seet4en above; the farm of ballet at the a}eet4en shall be the same; as nearly as may be; as the €eery €n use at a regular t un€e4paI a€eet€en- Should the eemr4ss4en €a41 ee refuse to order an e€eet€ea as here€a prey-idea w4th€a the tome eequ4eed; sueh a}eet€ea may be eedeeed by any state eeuet of general iae€sd€et€en- -6- SECTION 2. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after its adoption, on April 11 - , 1987 . PASSED and ADOPTED this 1st day of April , 1987. ide MAYOR Attest: 21/' CITY CLERK 1st Reading - March 18, 1987 2nd Reading - April 1, 1987 FORM APPROVED JKO/rg GAL DET ByL ,2 -- J Datea'g,2, -7- • • • , u) cn 0 1 u G bD fiJ o cu G ,J w 0 to U0 I 0 i I 4J x 0 � P I w 0 0 )4 a) a u u 0 •H P G 0 u P4-) 0 •r♦ a) 0 .0 .I-1 a 0 -0 •r1 u 0 X 0 r-I 0 .,X 0 P Uo U N +, u o U x-1 rl cd cn `L', r-1 u .0 9-1 a P .0 rl 1J U U H r-1 0 CJ •rl "d u ^•rl o a u r-I •rl •rl .L U U .0 0 .-. •rl •rl J 4-) 4-1 41 u O tJ w u a a) a1 •r1 cd r♦ 0 'd 0 .0 •rH .0 44 H a U +) w U .tJ 0 U cd w U w 0 u N u •H 4rl0 u , .0,-I + o .G U) u 4-) u u a P 0 +.t + ›, u •,-I 0 �, .1-1 c 0 o 0 o 0 a 0 X -0 3 1 Q W 03 3 P ca •rt as 0 ., ao 0 CU w Cd 4)� N •ter+ p 0 `� •.0 X >, 0 a) cn ca 0 aa)) cn P •� 0 a u oo •ri 4-t P 0 a PI w ^"d •rl W u ..E3 0 0 4-1 t-4 02 P, {J a .0 O N U) o U o 0 o w rl u tJ P L: E 0 0 •rl u aO •H -1-10 U) q U >, • l u 0 u a) ,-1 0 a1 IJ o o -H-I P o w H .0 0 a .1-' 0 -1 4-1 ao H 0 0 u ?, u a) 4-3 U) a w P a. 0 3 u .d .,..1 w ^ w cd w rt k, cn {J t.1 tf1y . o 4.1 a) 0 'b •rt o u 1J cd G .o •rl Ci) 0 21 4.3 0 ao AJ u m 4-1 "d �-+ u r♦ d"N tZ Q 4r1 r--I rt CO >~ .0 H u ,Z 0 u .C-.1 4J •rl 5 dJ � AJ 0 u) a) Q 0 rl 0 U rl w J, u a) a) 0 � a) c-i Z' I !a) 4J a) � RI •H .14 o 4.1 o 4-1 •r-1 o a E -0 O 0 a.{) CII P 0 -0 U -° cid E ° O 4 u u •c •H u ^ 00 .0 RS. a cd 4.r 1 4J P >-%0 •r' tJ o 0 rl OD �.i a.) 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