Ordinance 87-2570 ORDINANCE NO. 87-2570 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING ARTICLE XIX OF THE MIAMI BEACH RELATED LAWS ENTITLED "APPEAL BY CITY FROM MUNICIPAL COURT TO CIRCUIT COURT" ; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Article XIX of the Related Laws of Miami Beach, which reads as follows: Aetiele MIX- Appeal by eity from Menieipal eeurt to eireuit eeuet- See.- 151.- eases whieh may be appealed- The Eity of Miami Beaeh; Florida; is hereby autherimed and empewered to take an appeal to the eireuit eeurt e€ Bade eeunty; Flerida; Prem any erder er iudgment of its munieipal eeurt- a- Quashing an affidavit; warrant et ether farm ef eharge ef vielatiens ef an erdinanee of said eity made against a defendant; b- Granting a new trial; e- Arresting iudgment; d- Based open a ruling of law adverse to the eity where the defendant was eenvieted and appeals €rem the j.udgment; e- Belding an erdinanee; er any pertien theree€; ef the eity of Miami Beaeh invalid et uneenstitutienal- See.- 153.- Manner of appeal; bend net regnired- Bxeept as otherwise hereinafter peev3ided; appeals may be taken by said eity in the manner previded by lava fer appeals by defendants eenrieted of any offense in munieipal eeurts of this state; provided; heweyer; that ne bend shall be required ef the eity- Bee.- 153.- Dime of appeal.- An appeal may be taken by said eity enly within twenty days a€ter the erder er iudgment appealed €rem is entered.- Bee.- 154.- Netiee of appeal; publieatien- A espy of the netiee ef appeal shall be served by any peliee ef€ieer e€ said eity open the defendant; if his plaee of residenee is known er if he is imprisoned in the eity er eeunty j.ai1; er; i€ net; en the eeunsel; if any; whe appeared €er him in the munieipal eeurt ef said eity; if the eeunsel resides et -1- praetlees his profession In Base &runty; Florida- If stteh net•€ee eannet be serves; after dee diligence; the ledge of said munlelpal eettet; upon pee€ theree€; may make an order €er the pt bl€eatlen of the netlee In such newspaper and for seeh time as he may deem peeper.- When the order for papl}eatien is eemplled with and proof thereof is filed with the elerk of the menlelpal eeert; the appeal beeemes pee€eeted; and the said elerk shall send a eertl€led eepy together with proof ef pttbl€eatlen thereof te the elreelt eeert €er Bade eeenty- See.- 155.- Appeal net to eperate as stay emeept as to erder granting new trial: An appeal by the eity of Miami Beach; Florida; shall In ne ease stay the operation of an order er lodgment In favor ef the defendant emeept when the appeal is from an order granting a new trial; In which event the menlelpal lodge er any elreult judge of Bade Eettnty may; In his dlseretlen; admit the defendant te ball as of Seer 1567 156.- Beelslen en appeal.- When the e4ty of Miami Beaeh; Florida; appeals from an order quashing the charge against the de€endant; er from an order granting a new trial or from an order arresting j.edgment; and any seek order is a€€irmed; the elreelt eeert shall dlreet that the municipal eeert preeeed te earry saeh order late a€€eet- If an order quashing the eharge against the defendant is reversed; the elreelt eeeet shall dlreet that the defendant be tried en said eharge- If an order granting a new trial is reversed; the elreelt eeert shall dlreet that the lodgment e€ eenv etlen shall be entered against the defendant.- When said elty appeals from a ruling en a question ef law adverse te said elty the elreelt eeert shall deelde the question of law raised en appeal; and may enter seeh order as It thinks proper a€€eeting the ease.- See.- 154- Rehearing- The elree}t eeert may order the rehearing of an appeal taken under this Aet- See.- 1587 Repeal of ern€lleting laws.- All laws and parts of laws In ern€llet herewith are hereby repealed.- See.- 159.- Separablllty- If any seetlen; sentenee; elaese er phrase of this Aet is Eat any reason held to be eneenstltetlenal; seeh deelslen shall net affeet the validity of the remaining portions of this Aet- -2- is hereby repealed in its entirety. SECTION 2. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after its adoption, on June 13 , 1987 . PASSED and ADOPTED this 3rd day of June , 1987 . VICE MAYOR Attest: CITY CLERK 1st Reading - May 20, 1987 2nd Reading - June 3, 1987 j 3 JKO/rg IORvi A PROVED LES AL DEP . By ,i. . _. Date -3- r *L. U N rti v Lc 4) H .� .H • A P O 0 N N H O �n (ti N W pa - N 14 CO 0 < H O H d H H Z w U C4 w Q) 4J 0 O U H H 4) Z U +) • H s~ 4) Z4 P H P aFr 3 o ' • -I H •,-1 ro (1) W +-) U 0.4 ( H 41 H s~ W s